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Paradox Interactive intends to go public this year


is there any benefit to be publicly traded except for the influx of money? I'm not an economist but to me it seems the system only serves to create bad incentives.
I gave them a thumb up. Sorry.

I don't mind as long as the PC versions don't start getting suspiciously simplified or something for a future version to run on iPhone.

But I have my doubts about how smooth it would be at speed 5 lol.

They've been talking about getting into mobile for several years now, they just couldn't decide on a strategy of how to do it.

I'd prefer turn based versions of their franchises for Phones / tablets tbh. Much more friendly to the mobile experience I would argue. And I want their mainline entries to get touch screen support for windows.
Wester's an entrepreneur. It's not so much cashing out as it is wanting his business to be more than it currently is. If you read interviews he's got a vision and their PDS titles have a innovative community driven model that's almost unique across the industry.

I have nothing but disdain for console games in general but I can't fault him for wanting to push his business further.

One thing to keep in mind about public companies is that if you have enough growth and enough vision generally leave you alone. IPO'ing also gives you a LOT of access to capital that you otherwise would only get via much shittier channels. It's not all bad until your growth stagnates and investors give you three to six months before they start demanding your company's assets be parceled out to the highest bidder.
One thing to keep in mind about public companies is that if you have enough growth and enough vision generally leave you alone.

I'm sure that's also what ActiVision and Electronic Arts founders said to themselves and their employees, back when they were artist-led game studios. It just doesn't work that way, because shareholders want high returns for new companies. That kind of constant drumbeat of growth doesn't generally come from releasing niche games and a community-driven model. It won't come from mobile titles, either, unless they get lucky with Clash of Clans style games. They'd probably switch their focus to mobile to meet investor expectations. I can't imagine their historical customer base being happy with that scenario.


So ends the dynasty, before it even had a chance to begin.

Damn... can't we hold onto anything before it falls off the tree?


A lot of comments are alluding to the fact this will lead the company to be directed by the external shareholders. An IPO doesn't necessarily mean a listing of all the shares. They could list less than 25% and keep the remaining 75% for the current owners.

Facebook did a similar IPO. Zuckerburg is still majority shareholder (30% roughly)

Daffy Duck

Arent they the Europa Universalis and Crusader kings devs?

Loved the King Arthur series. Hate there DLC policies.

I was going to buy Europa Universalis 4 (after watching my friend play it on hiw YT channel) but I couldn't get my head around what the hell the DLC was all about and the pricing of the DLC was pretty hilarious so I thought screw that.
I was going to buy Europa Universalis 4 (after watching my friend play it on hiw YT channel) but I couldn't get my head around what the hell the DLC was all about and the pricing of the DLC was pretty hilarious so I thought screw that.
I pretty much see it as a subscription service. $15 every 6 months or so for new features and continued support.

DLC is all optional btw, no need to get it. The patches bring new features already, so you can just buy the vanilla game and play that.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Well if Stellaris is as good as it seems to be, that will be one hell of a peak before the fall.


1. I don't like this. Going Public in my opinion is usually good in short term but not in the long term.

2. I might invest some money...
I was going to buy Europa Universalis 4 (after watching my friend play it on hiw YT channel) but I couldn't get my head around what the hell the DLC was all about and the pricing of the DLC was pretty hilarious so I thought screw that.

I pretty much see it as a subscription service. $15 every 6 months or so for new features and continued support.

DLC is all optional btw, no need to get it. The patches bring new features already, so you can just buy the vanilla game and play that.

Pretty much. The game is totally functional without any of the DLC. Typically speaking the DLC adds in big new ideas on how to play the game. As an example, in CK2 there was a whole DLC just for Pagan characters (The Old Blood), and a DLC just for Muslim characters (Sword of Islam). You can totally have a great, full experience with the raw CK2 though, with all the Christian leaders.

The other category of DLC you'll find is all cosmetic stuff. Different graphics for various units and new music tracks, mainly.

On topic, I really don't like the idea of them going public because the last thing I want is for visionaries like these to be beholden to shareholders at every turn.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I spend hundreds upon hundreds of hours on their grand strategy games so I'm fine with being nickled and dimed for DLC. I always felt like I was just supporting a niche genre made by a small studio.

Now I'm just imagining some wealthy shareholder looking at Victoria 2 and saying "It's a map. How is that fun?"



Yeah I feel like if there had to be a "last one" that'd be my choice. Just make the workshop available forever on Steam and mods will keep all three going forever!


I was going to buy Europa Universalis 4 (after watching my friend play it on hiw YT channel) but I couldn't get my head around what the hell the DLC was all about and the pricing of the DLC was pretty hilarious so I thought screw that.

You don't need any DLC, Paradox games are complex enough as they are, get DLCs when you're ready for more.
I'm sure that's also what ActiVision and Electronic Arts founders said to themselves and their employees, back when they were artist-led game studios. It just doesn't work that way, because shareholders want high returns for new companies.

EA bankrolled a large chunk of the first golden age of PC gaming as a public company. That was a very long time ago but they did it to grow in the market niche that they had established for themselves and build their brand. I don't think a public Paradox will have changed all that much from that idea of taking what you are good at and building on it.

The revenue demands and market behavior of a large megacorp are different than a small or midcap company. They aren't going to be throwing tens of millions of dollars at escape from dangerous places AAA console garbage, a market they have no expertise on and that doesn't engage their core audience at all (and that's a big stinker even more the companies who are good at it).



Hope we are wrong and the investment its not substantial enough to change them. Who could think that a good news like them buying the White Wolf rights could become a bad news.
I would be interested to see Paradox create a console version of Hearts of Iron on console, similar to Firaxis creating Civilization Revolution last gen. Civ Rev was a decent attempt to bring over such a PC centric franchise to the consoles and I really enjoyed it. It didn't replace Civ4 but provided a nice "Civ Lite" experience when I was in the mood for a quick strategy game. If Paradox could do the same with HoI and EU that would be great. I hope that is what is meant by targeting consoles.

In the long run though I'm with the pessimists that see this as the beginning of the end of Paradox. Why make a complex historical PC strategy game when you can turn Hearts of Iron into a Clash of Clans clone on mobile?
he posted on the forums: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/update-on-recent-news.912586/

In an article today in the Swedish business news paper Dagens Industri, I was interviewed together with our Chairman of the Board Håkan Sjunnesson regarding "the state of the business". We talked about the company's excellent financial and operating performance in 2015 and discussed future strategies of the company including exploring conditions for a potential IPO in 2016. Here is a link to the article (in Swedish) http://digital.di.se/artikel/paradox-interactive-gar-till-borsen

From here on - until any further steps are taken in the process - we will communicate any corporate communication in Swedish to ensure we adhere to current laws and regulations. Communication around our games will remain the same as always. Game plans and game development will be business as usual.

We also want to clarify that the principal shareholders (like myself and long time owners Spiltan Investment) in Paradox will remain principal shareholders and that only a small part of the company is in question for any future plans.
We also want to clarify that the principal shareholders (like myself and long time owners Spiltan Investment) in Paradox will remain principal shareholders and that only a small part of the company is in question for any future plans.

Sounds good and should calm some of the panic in here ^^.
It sounds impossible without changing the design of the game. Paradox struggles with interfaces enough on M&KB.

Maybe they'll finally discover vectors during their research into tablet games, and we won't have terrible UIs that don't scale properly with res on the PC side, lol.
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