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PS+ : December Edition Thread | Our wallet may not cry but our backlogs will


Oh God, dat Vanquish. Seriously the best third-person shooter ever, feels like a 3D Contra when played right. No jungle stages, though. :( Oh, and Arkham City and LIMBO are cool too, I guess (I have them both on PC already). Would have preferred MK on PS3 as well, but eh, you can't have everything.

SCEE are killing it without even trying. Pity my PS3 YLOD'd on me yesterday. *sigh*


I havent been following playstation plus much but decided to give it a go with the 3 month subscription at 10 euro. I'm currently downloading Crysis 2, Bulletstorm and All 4 One and i have backed up all my saves (wish i did a backup of all my saves when my previous ps3 died though).

Is it only me thinking that playstation plus offers some seriously good value for money? The only thing that i'm not too sure about is that, at least with limited time subscriptions, you need to finish a game in a certain time. There's no way i'm going to finish all those games in 3 months.

It's a bit the same as going to a library to lend books. You need to finish them in x amount of weeks. I don't know why but i prefer to buy books and finish them at my own pace, i guess. But that shouldn't be an issue when you purchase year long subscriptions.

But yes, seems to offer good value for money. Though in all honesty, Crysis 2, Bulletstorm and All 4 One are games that i wouldn't have bought, at least not full price.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
It's amazing how some people still have nothing but disdain for the service...

*raises hand* Give me the option of keeping a game for 75% otherwise PSRS is a weaker Gamefly, even with the (crap) store discounts.


I havent been following playstation plus much but decided to give it a go with the 3 month subscription at 10 euro. I'm currently downloading Crysis 2, Bulletstorm and All 4 One and i have backed up all my saves (wish i did a backup of all my saves when my previous ps3 died though).

Is it only me thinking that playstation plus offers some seriously good value for money? The only thing that i'm not too sure about is that, at least with limited time subscriptions, you need to finish a game in a certain time. There's no way i'm going to finish all those games in 3 months.

It's a bit the same as going to a library to lend books. You need to finish them in x amount of weeks. I don't know why but i prefer to buy books and finish them at my own pace, i guess. But that shouldn't be an issue when you purchase year long subscriptions.

But yes, seems to offer good value for money. Though in all honesty, Crysis 2, Bulletstorm and All 4 One are games that i wouldn't have bought, at least not full price.

Not really.

If you subscribe back again, you can play them again with more games added to the list


Sony sent me a 30 days trial to try out crysis 2 and I almost didn't used it when I realised it needed CC information. Changed my mind an went to download Crysis 2 and the games collection is really awesome, next month B:AC and vanquish?

I'm gonna subscrive at least three months. Well played Sony, well played.


Is it only me thinking that playstation plus offers some seriously good value for money? The only thing that i'm not too sure about is that, at least with limited time subscriptions, you need to finish a game in a certain time. There's no way i'm going to finish all those games in 3 months.

It's a bit the same as going to a library to lend books. You need to finish them in x amount of weeks. I don't know why but i prefer to buy books and finish them at my own pace, i guess. But that shouldn't be an issue when you purchase year long subscriptions.

But yes, seems to offer good value for money. Though in all honesty, Crysis 2, Bulletstorm and All 4 One are games that i wouldn't have bought, at least not full price.

It is excellent value for money. For anyone who just likes games and is on a budget then PS+ is a great buy.

I think part of what makes publishers like it is that by the time most games get offered there they are probably not selling at retail. So offering it free on plus will drive more people to try it and possibly buy DLC or a sequel game that they otherwise might not have bothered with.

The publisher hasn't lost any income because by that point nobody was buying the game new when there are a million used copies out there.

I've got loads of games free that I might never play like Crysis 2, but I've also got plenty that I played a lot, discounts off games I wanted anyway, and games added to Plus that I previously owned retail and so just traded in.

On top of that I like the cloud saves, the auto patching and the auto firmware downloads that you get on the service.

Some people complain that when you sub ends you don't have that content any more which is true enough. But that is no different from Netflix or any other subscription service.

But if they keep giving out games like they are why would I cancel the subscription in the first place? This month I got Uncharted and Gravity Rush which I owned retail, and next month I'm getting Batman AC which I also owned retail. Trading those three in got me £41 but I know if I want to go back and play them I still have that option with Plus.

The only thing we don't know is how much profit Sony actually make on the service. Now that isn't really our direct concern as customers but if they aren't making money on it after paying pubs to put games on it, then the service will eventually die and the revenue not created can't be used to offer the hardware at a discount or invest in new studios and games. MS on the other hand are making pure bank with Live so they have that option.

Personally I think every console they sell now should include a 3 month Plus subscription. The problem when the PS4 comes out is how do they go about it. Offer free games at launch or just wait 8-10 months like they have with the Vita. Of course Gaikai will almost certainly be part of the Plus service by that point too.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
I'm an American living in the EU. I have a US PS+ account. How can I get an EU PS+ account? Make a new PSN account but activate EU PS+ on it? I suppose I couldn't tie my one account to both EU and US?


I'm an American living in the EU. I have a US PS+ account. How can I get an EU PS+ account? Make a new PSN account but activate EU PS+ on it? I suppose I couldn't tie my one account to both EU and US?

Make an EU Account and activate it


I'm an American living in the EU. I have a US PS+ account. How can I get an EU PS+ account? Make a new PSN account but activate EU PS+ on it? I suppose I couldn't tie my one account to both EU and US?

Go left in the XMB, make a new profile.
Now to the right, in the PlayStation Network tab, make a new PSN account (pick UK).
That's the first step. You will need that profile on your console to access the EU Store and download EU games. You can however play every game with your own US profile.

As for buying Plus, that's a little tricky. Easiest is using your own credit card, see if it works. If it doesn't, head to Amazon.co.uk to buy a prepaid card:


Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Make an EU Account and activate it

Go left in the XMB, make a new profile.
Now to the right, in the PlayStation Network tab, make a new PSN account (pick UK).
That's the first step. You will need that profile on your console to access the EU Store and download EU games. You can however play every game with your own US profile.

As for buying Plus, that's a little tricky. Easiest is using your own credit card, see if it works. If it doesn't, head to Amazon.co.uk to buy a prepaid card:


Thanks, guys! I'm on it.


Junior Member
*raises hand* Give me the option of keeping a game for 75% otherwise PSRS is a weaker Gamefly, even with the (crap) store discounts.

You do know that all the instant collection (free) games you download stay with you until you lose the sub, and even when you do, you can resub and gain access to all the free PS+ games you've downloaded in the past for the duration of the subscription, right? Yes, even the ones that are no longer available for free on PS+ (no longer available meanning new subs and people who haven't 'purchased' them for free to add them to their download lists can't get them for free anymore).

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Do US users find out when games will be taken off the instant collection, like how there's a EU schedule? I can't play PS+ in the near future so I hope to activate my trial just before they take the games off.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Do US users find out when games will be taken off the instant collection, like how there's a EU schedule? I can't play PS+ in the near future so I hope to activate my trial just before they take the games off.
Sort of. Everything posted in the Expiring Soon section under the PS+ tab in the PS Store is usually removed on the next update so you can use that section as a 7 day warning. For example right now RE5 is listed under Expiring Soon so that will be removed on Tuesday and replaced with something else. It's nowhere near as useful as the full EU schedule, but its better than nothing.
Wow I haven't been on the PS Store in a long time, but I definitely don't remember it being this...jittery and laggy... Wtf man
Ps+, the gift that keeps giving!!!! ^_^

I already played B:AC and I've got the challenges left in Vanquish, but they're both great games for whoever hasn't played them yet.

Really excited for MK on the Vita too!!!

Currently playing Gravity Rush from last months Plus and I'm loving it. Great game.


So got PSN Plus because holy shit £8 for three months? Damn straight I'll play that game (I was going to go for it when it was 12)! Plus it's a good way of restocking all the XBLA games I'd be loosing once I sold it.

Edit; and, hey, when was I ever going to buy something like Bulletstorm?
I got a 30 day trial for PS Plus and now with the sale on 90 days I want to jump on that. Will they stack? Will I have 120 days of Plus or will it overwrite it and I will only get the 90 days I paid for?


PS+ is getting ridiculous... I don't have time to play all of these games + new releases! ;-;

<3 PS+ anyway


I got a 30 day trial for PS Plus and now with the sale on 90 days I want to jump on that. Will they stack? Will I have 120 days of Plus or will it overwrite it and I will only get the 90 days I paid for?

Goldrusher's right, there's nothing to worry about, it stacks - youll have 120 days of Plus.


I really want a fighting game for the PS3. WWE Superstars would be ACE. THQ- u know u is going outta business.


Gold Member
Arkham City & Limbo? This is fantastic.

I was considering buying Arkham City some time ago, so this is a pleasent surprise.

Wanted to play both games so this is awesome.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
This just keeps getting better. I don't think I even need to buy games anymore.

Heh, that's my plan. I'm just going to ride these games out unless there's something huge I can't wait for, like a Halo or something.


Oh God, dat Vanquish. Seriously the best third-person shooter ever, feels like a 3D Contra when played right. No jungle stages, though. :( Oh, and Arkham City and LIMBO are cool too, I guess (I have them both on PC already). Would have preferred MK on PS3 as well, but eh, you can't have everything.

SCEE are killing it without even trying. Pity my PS3 YLOD'd on me yesterday. *sigh*

There was a kinda half assed bush/grassy stage in vanquish.



I wish they were cycling things in and out better. Last month's free game is being replaced by this month's free game and everything else is the same ::shrugs::


I bought Arkham City on Black Friday for $10 and I have no idea where the receipt is...

It's times like this I'm glad SCEA will do a terrible job :p

Yup, would love to have Limbo, Batman and Vanquish, instead NA will get Haze and NBA 2K08

Confirmed above, Just SHIT, SHIT SHIT SHIT FU SCEA, FU.


Also, how the fuck have they still not switched to revealing all content at once? They did a vote, people wanted all content revealed together...so they ignored it and continue to reveal it piece by piece.


Not bad; Bioshock 2 is nice. And Infinite includes the first game; so Plus subscriber can have the "Bioshock Trilogy". :p

And now...to wait for whatever's announced for the rest of the month.


So EU is getting rid of the big 1st party games soon (Infamous 2, LBP2). What are they replacing them with?

It makes me wonder if SCEA plans to do the same? If they did I assume one of the games might be Motorstorm: Apocalypse (or atleast I hope it is).
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