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PS3 Home Official Thread

kitch9 said:
How do you enable voice chat? Texting is a pain in the ass.....

You cant talk in public spaces. Just buy one of these

or these


aka andydumi
TTP said:
I hope it never does. It would be a mess IMO.

The forum rumblings are that it will be an allow/disallow thing. For example: allow for all friends or clubmates or friends of friends, disallow for strangers on a proximity level like before.

So that way you can walk around with friends and talk but strangers cant hear you, and you cant hear them.

Not a bad idea if true. It would also cut down dramatically on bandwidth and lag.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
AndyD said:
The forum rumblings are that it will be an allow/disallow thing. For example: allow for all friends or clubmates or friends of friends, disallow for strangers on a proximity level like before.

So that way you can walk around with friends and talk but strangers cant hear you, and you cant hear them.

Not a bad idea if true. It would also cut down dramatically on bandwidth and lag.

Ah, that would be fine.


So there are 11 fragments left until the puzzle is solved. We get a few each week most of the time... so taking that into account.. won't this be solved approximately around the time e3 hits? =O


Do you guys actually buy all the outfits and other crap in Home?
It's pretty silly to have to pay so much for virtual clothing, especially in a BETA version (STILL) of Home.

Oh well, guess that's the age (microtransaction/DLC) we live in these days.


There's still some free stuff. The R2 t-shirt that's free is pretty awesome. I don't buy any clothes/items, to answer your question. I really like the Xi game though. :D


y'all should be ashamed
Click said:
Do you guys actually buy all the outfits and other crap in Home?
It's pretty silly to have to pay so much for virtual clothing, especially in a BETA version (STILL) of Home.

Oh well, guess that's the age (microtransaction/DLC) we live in these days.
It will always be a "beta" version, like GMail. It's mainly just an easier way around a lot of the issues people might be experiencing with Home.


Lost all credibility.
Click said:
Do you guys actually buy all the outfits and other crap in Home?
It's pretty silly to have to pay so much for virtual clothing, especially in a BETA version (STILL) of Home.

Oh well, guess that's the age (microtransaction/DLC) we live in these days.
http://www.gog.com/ is in "beta" too despite charging for items. That really doesn't mean much.


Click said:
Do you guys actually buy all the outfits and other crap in Home?
It's pretty silly to have to pay so much for virtual clothing, especially in a BETA version (STILL) of Home.

Oh well, guess that's the age (microtransaction/DLC) we live in these days.

I dropped $.50 on that brown table, so that I had something to put all of my RE5 trophies on.

I actually don't mind the pricing for most of the shit they sell because it is all optional and some games do give you stuff for free. Speaking of which, free Patapon shirts on Thursday!!!
Click said:
Do you guys actually buy all the outfits and other crap in Home?
It's pretty silly to have to pay so much for virtual clothing, especially in a BETA version (STILL) of Home.

Oh well, guess that's the age (microtransaction/DLC) we live in these days.

I did (some clothes) and I felt a hint of shame after the purchase, but if you visit home often $1-2 is a small price to pay for not having to wear the same outfit as everyone else.


Click said:
Do you guys actually buy all the outfits and other crap in Home?
It's pretty silly to have to pay so much for virtual clothing, especially in a BETA version (STILL) of Home.

Oh well, guess that's the age (microtransaction/DLC) we live in these days.

The Beta tag means nothing.
I've spent about 12 dollars in total? Probably closer to 15 in total.


hide your water-based mammals
Checked out the EA Sports space today and came away really impressed. I wanted to try that racing game but there were no kiosks open. Can't wait to see what they do with the golf area. And I love that you can see over the race track from the balcony.
Anyone's Home acting...slow?

It seems like every time they add something, the performance gets worse. When I'm in home now, my game will chug sometimes. Not 4-5 frames chugging, but it's just not as smooth as it once was. Is this to be expected as they keep expanding, or is there a way to smooth things out through a setting or something? I really think it hinders the enjoyability.


CartridgeBlower said:
Anyone's Home acting...slow?

It seems like every time they add something, the performance gets worse. When I'm in home now, my game will chug sometimes. Not 4-5 frames chugging, but it's just not as smooth as it once was. Is this to be expected as they keep expanding, or is there a way to smooth things out through a setting or something? I really think it hinders the enjoyability.

I've never had Home work at a smooth and consistent framerate, it chugs almost all the time for me.


CartridgeBlower said:
Anyone's Home acting...slow?

It seems like every time they add something, the performance gets worse. When I'm in home now, my game will chug sometimes. Not 4-5 frames chugging, but it's just not as smooth as it once was. Is this to be expected as they keep expanding, or is there a way to smooth things out through a setting or something? I really think it hinders the enjoyability.

Only thing that chugs for me is the godfather space at start up, but its fine after all loaded.

Oni Jazar

edgefusion said:
I've never had Home work at a smooth and consistent framerate, it chugs almost all the time for me.

It chugs very often for me. There was supposed to be a patch with lots of minor improvements weeks ago but it has been delayed.


By popular demand, we have brought the Siren: Blood Curse space over from Japan (this space will appear in the European region at a later date)

The Ward of Despair is the Saiga Hospital stage from this PSN downloadable game, recreated as a mini-game for Home, and playable with up to 5 players. Everyone is tasked with objectives that must be completed within the 5 minute time limit. If a Shibito, or zombie, catches you, it’s game over. Also, if you can’t complete the game before the time limit runs out, it’s game over for everyone. Successful completion of all objectives presents the player(s) with reward items in the form of some super creepy costumes.
Very nice


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
peetfeet said:
Same shit as usual :(
Well its not their fault that Europe has many countries with different languages and laws.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
So where is my Resistance 2 game space and game launch ?
I dont think its Insomniac fault ... who makes those spaces ? SCEE,SCEA,SCEJ ?
Time to bug 'someone' about the R2 game space and game launch....


Fersis said:
Well its not their fault that Europe has many countries with different languages and laws.

And how many months has it been since Siren space first appeared in Japan? They don't need to release in 2 dozen languages, EA sports space has shown that.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
peetfeet said:
And how many months has it been since Siren space first appeared in Japan? They don't need to release in 2 dozen languages, EA sports space has shown that.

This is Sony we are talking about. They localize the hell out of everything before releasing stuff in Europe.


The stage set is pretty awesome. You can operate the cameras and make you own movies. Set lighting, etc... How do you record them though?
Dante said:
The stage set is pretty awesome. You can operate the cameras and make you own movies. Set lighting, etc... How do you record them though?

"Combined with 12 props that come with the space to decorate the set, you’ll have access to the tools necessary to create your own film when hooked up to a video capture system."


Siren Home space coming to US is awesome news, though. Can't wait to try it out.


Fersis said:
So where is my Resistance 2 game space and game launch ?
I dont think its Insomniac fault ... who makes those spaces ? SCEE,SCEA,SCEJ ?
Time to bug 'someone' about the R2 game space and game launch....

There is a Resistance Home space, just no game launching.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Revolutionary said:
"Combined with 12 props that come with the space to decorate the set, you’ll have access to the tools necessary to create your own film when hooked up to a video capture system."


That's pretty terrible. Surely they could have set up even a rudimentary recording system.
Why does this piece of shit still not have Game Launching? All these petty idiotic distractions in between while the entire FUCKING POINT of the service remains completely untouched? I'm not even convinced theyre working on it anymore.


GAF's Bob Woodward
SecretBonusPoint said:
Why does this piece of shit still not have Game Launching? All these petty idiotic distractions in between while the entire FUCKING POINT of the service remains completely untouched? I'm not even convinced theyre working on it anymore.

I posted a comment to this effect on the blog.

Content updates are fine and dandy, but it seems like the whole fracking vision of the thing is being swept under the carpet in the hope nobody notices.

When I first saw the headline for an "enormous" Home update, just content wasn't what I had in mind.

It's not encouraging either when their response to a query about game launching was to say that "given that it's been patched into one of the hottest games of the year so far, SFIV, I'd say it's coming along quite well ;)" .. that seems like they just don't get it, at all.
I mean it doesnt even make sense for SF4 either. What you go into Home, find a random person and then drag them into SF4 to have 1 fight? Yeah gee whizz, I could have done that in the random matchmaking lobby or whatever 10 minutes ago.

But for actual god damn Sony First Party stuff like Resistance, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet and other big multiplayer games where it would make sense, nothing. What does that suggest to other developers? "Don't bother."

The concept of Home to me was this hub world where you could distract yourself for a bit, meet up with either a group of friends or people recruiting for an online guild/team and all launch into the game from there. Where is it? Why isn't this the priority? Game Launching is it, the big app that PSN needs. If you could stand in Home and say "hey everyone, come and play with me in this LBP level!!" and launch into it with them, or "Lets form a Killzone squad and go and shoot bullets into people" and jump in with a 8 man squad or whatever, Home gets vindicated.

Instead I'm looking at some awful shit machinima in Home thing which is for only people with video capture cards and advanced editing software. What. the. fuck? Nevermind that people with this equipment already could just make something in real life or with character models that dont look like hipster douchebags all the while, but the fact that Mainichi Issyo ( in my opinion something far greater than Home could ever be and I really wish it was globally translated ) had Youtube recording months and months ago just blows my mind.

I am dreading whatever segment of Sony's E3 will be dedicated to Home. Its going to be stupid and missing the point entirely.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
gofreak said:
[...] that seems like they just don't get it, at all.

That's the problem with Sony these days, I am becoming convinced that too much of the decision makers/management is stuck on the old days and keeps up an attitude of "we will do it at our own pace, it is us that decides what matters to consumers and not otherwise"... which would be dangerous but fine if they HAD a vision they were working on, if they had a plan.

Just like with Online... they started talking about it when PS2 was being launched, but they treated it as yet another thing they can just keep working on in their R&D labs until they feel like it is time to finally bring it to market... that there is no rush to go from design to marketable implementation... then Xbox came and Sony was caught with their pants down and yet (thanks to the success they were experiencing with PS2) they stayed the course and PSN started out a lot of years later only barely matching Xbox 1's LIVE feature-set (at the start PSN was very very crudely implemented).

Look at the video store... a content production and distribution company is beaten to the finish line as far as delivering an online video content distribution store by a Software company/OS maker (and to this day Sony still has to launch their Video store in Europe!).

Looking at the infrared enhanced peripheral for motion sensing... I am not going to be surprised if MS gets it out to the market much earlier than Sony and if Sony's actual product is going to launch considerably later on and seem less refined/more of a work in progress...

Again, Sony with Richard Marks's group working for several years and countless patents (and they did work with infrared cameras prototypes too IIRC) could be beaten to the punch by MS which simply contracted an external vendor with a sub-$100 peripheral (that was an estimation by the company developing such solution quite a while ago and the price, combined with higher than projected volumes, could be much lower as far as MSRP goes...)...

I do not get it with Home... supposedly all the delays and the major restructuring were performed to make the game related functionality work and then focus on the rest... still, besides added content, I am not seeing incredible work done on either of the two sides of the Home experience.


GAF's Bob Woodward
With Home..I think they seriously lacked the ability to see the useful essence of it, and to focus on that.

They seem to be focussing on everything but.

Meanwhile Microsoft seemingly saw the 'useful' essence of it, and has started providing that within the NXE, and probably will continue to flesh it out, and have it 'done' long before Sony, if Sony ever does at this point.

It's a distinct lack of authoritative vision. They need someone with the vision and the power to go in and basically dictate what's going to be done with it, and have it done. Home looks like something that started out as the product of someone's or some small group's vision, but ended up being chopped apart by different interests within SCE, who seemingly had NO appreciation for the relevance of the original core vision to the system and the 'sharing' of your system with friends et al.

I'd really love to know what they did during the period of delay. Cos it seems like if anything the product shrunk in scope during that time. Was it the victim of an axe job from further up? Did SCEJ just not grasp the relevance? Was funding pulled? Are the Home team just lazy? I hate to ask questions like that, particularly that last one, but this seriously begs those questions.

It is very much a pity. I don't know if it's necessarily something that permeates throughout all of SCE to such a degree, but Home seems to embody the worst of it. Worse still, there seems to be no acknowledgement of how far it's fallen short of that original vision, no signal of intent with regard to even getting there eventually. Universal game launching? 'Here, have some SFIV!' ... WTF?

I wouldn't be surprised if for Phil Harrison, for example, this was like watching a car crash in slow motion (whatever Home went through internally at SCE)..and that it didn't exactly hurt his decision to leave SCE. He had the clout to make sure it got 'air time' at conferences, but unfortunately, perhaps even he did not have the clout to see the vision through unmolested. Fucking hell though..Kaz Hirai surely should have..and he took charge of it personally IIRC? Or maybe he's the one who just didn't get it?


Woot! I'll pile onto the Home-bashing...

Home is just SCE's lame attempt at being Second World, serving as a (bad) marketing tool for whatever products they want to promote at the time, and trying to extract $$ from people with their virtual items and clothing. Yeah, spending $5 on retarded virtual clothing was exactly what we wanted, Sony.

I hardly ever log into Home because to me, it's just a waste of time and serves no purpose.
It has great potential and the original vision of what it was supposed to be was a good concept. Too bad SCE is taking forever to implement what Home was originally created for: a place where groups of people can meet so they can chat and socialize for a bit BEFORE THEY JOIN A GAME TOGETHER.

I really don't get it. Why can't SCE task one of the various development teams they have with making Home something actually mean something and actually work properly? Why the fuck is it taking so damn long to implement the game-launching feature? Why the fuck does it cost .50 - $2+ for 1 piece of virtual clothing?
Click said:
Do you guys actually buy all the outfits and other crap in Home?
It's pretty silly to have to pay so much for virtual clothing, especially in a BETA version (STILL) of Home.

Oh well, guess that's the age (microtransaction/DLC) we live in these days.

i buy all the street fighter stuff, and i rarely ever get on home. im just a street fighter whore. same if they realease any final fantasy or metal gear stuff. ill buy all that shit too....


Click said:
I really don't get it. Why can't SCE task one of the various development teams they have with making Home something actually mean something and actually work properly? Why the fuck is it taking so damn long to implement the game-launching feature? Why the fuck does it cost .50 - $2+ for 1 piece of virtual clothing?

And why give you all the tools for making a movie in Home and then not bother putting any 'film' in your camera to record?!........what a waste of time.
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