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Reuters: North Korea missile launch lands near Japan waters, alarms Tokyo

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North Korea missile launch lands near Japan waters, alarms Tokyo

North Korea launched a ballistic missile on Wednesday that landed in or near Japanese-controlled waters for the first time, the latest in a series of launches by the isolated country in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions.

The main body of the missile landed in Japan's economic exclusion zone, a Japanese defence official said, escalating regional tensions that were already high after a series of missile launches this year and the decision by the United States to place a sophisticated anti-missile system in South Korea.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe described the launch as a "grave threat" to Japan and said Tokyo "strongly protested". Japan also said its self-defence force would remain on alert in case of further launches.

A U.S. State Department spokesman condemned the launch, and said it would "only increase the international community's resolve to counter" North Korea's actions.

The U.S. Strategic Command said it had detected two missiles, one of which it said exploded immediately after launch.

The missile that landed in the Sea of Japan was launched at about 7:50 a.m. Seoul time (2250 GMT Tuesday) from a region in South Hwanghae province to the southwest of North Korea's capital, Pyongyang, South Korea's Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement.

The launch showed North Korea's ambition to "directly and broadly attack neighbouring countries and target several places in the Republic of Korea such as ports and airfields", the South Korean office said, referring to South Korea by its official title.

The missile appeared to be a Rodong-type medium-range missile that flew about 1,000 km (620 miles), it said.


The United States will begin large-scale annual drills with its ally South Korea later this month that it bills as defensive in nature and not provocative. North Korea typically protests against the drills, which it says are a rehearsal for invasion.

"The North Koreans seem to have been timing their recent short-range and medium-range missile tests to the weeks ahead of U.S.-South Korean joint exercises," said Joshua Pollack, editor of the U.S.-based Nonproliferation Review.

"If the allies can exercise their armed forces, so can the North," he said.

On July 19, North Korea fired three ballistic missiles that flew between 500 km and 600 km (300-360 miles) into the sea off its east coast.

The North later said the launches were part of an exercise simulating preemptive strikes against South Korean ports and airfields used by the U.S. military.

The latest launches follow an agreement last month between South Korea and the United States to deploy an advanced Terminal High Altitude Area Defence anti-missile system in the South.

North Korea had threatened a "physical response" against the deployment decision.

The North came under the latest round of U.N. Security Council sanctions in March after its fourth nuclear test in January and the launch of a long-range rocket the following month.

Tensions have been high on the Korean peninsula since the January nuclear test. The two Koreas remain technically at war under a truce that ended fighting in the 1950-53 Korean War
This guy is serious.

There's a nice bar graph at the link that shows the types of missile ranges and their potential targets.


If they have missiles why can't they use them ?

I don't think people have an issue with them using them for defensive reasons, but they keep launching them to launch them. It's like someone buying firecrackers for fun but throwing them near people.


I don't think people have an issue with them using them for defensive reasons, but they keep launching them to launch them. It's like someone buying firecrackers for fun but throwing them near people.



I don't think people have an issue with them using them for defensive reasons, but they keep launching them to launch them. It's like someone buying firecrackers for fun but throwing them near people.
That went over your head like a missile.
Let's just destroy North Korea already. Enough is enough.

A lot of good, brainwashed but good, people live there.

It's such a weird situation. It would be easy to take out NK government but you would then be responsible for building back up the nation.

The expand my thought: the weird situation is that families may have been faking their loyalty to NK for decades but how can you explain to a child that they need to pretend to do something. You don't. They grow up idolizing their leadership. They are limited in the information they receive from the rest of the world. These people should not be wiped out. They deserve better.


The U.S. Strategic Command said it had detected two missiles, one of which it said exploded immediately after launch.


NK always manages to fuck these things up, i'm surprised they were able to launch 1 of them

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Seriously, why doesn't the US or Japan just invade NK?
Don't give me that 'China would intervene' shit.
Let's just destroy North Korea already. Enough is enough.

Yep, lets kill 25 million people because of a missile fired into the water. Great idea. Let me guess, when you see those news article like "Man kills neighbour over barking dog" you go "Good on him!"?


Seriously, why doesn't the US or Japan just invade NK?
Don't give me that 'China would intervene' shit.

Those missiles that went near Japan would go into Tokyo and US bases in S. Korea and Japan. The artillery aimed at Seoul would kill lots of civilians (although it would not be "level the city" as some believe). Such an invasion would lead to a lot of dead South Koreans, Japanese, and Americans, not to mention the incredible number of innocent North Koreans killed.


Seriously, why doesn't the US or Japan just invade NK?
Don't give me that 'China would intervene' shit.

Remember Iraq? That went well didn't it?

Now imagine invading a country with 25M people, all brainwashed by a totalitarian regime and prepared to fight to the last men. On top of that, that country probably has nukes.

Can you imagine the clusterfuck? South Korea would probably disappear in a nuclear cloud, Japan economy would tank and the all region would be destabilized.

The country isn't pretty right now but there isn't much anyone can do about it, only an inside coup could possible lead to a better future for the country, but they are so closed and we know so little about their military leader that if such a coup did occur we wouldn't know immediately if it was bad or good.


Those missiles that went into Toyko bay would go into Tokyo and US bases in S. Korea and Japan. The artillery aimed at Seoul would kill lots of civilians (although it would not be "level the city" as some believe). Such an invasion would lead to a lot of dead South Koreans, Japanese, and Americans, not to mention the incredible number of innocent North Koreans killed.

They didn't did end up Tokyo Bay. They landed in Japan's 200 mile economic exclusion zone. Stop spreading misinformation.


So what happens when eventually they fire a missile that hits Japan and kills people? I feel like at some point that's going to happen with all this stuff as NK pushes their missiles further and further. They'll never be anywhere in reach of the USA, but Japan is a real issue in the future.


Since the US can't do anything to NK military-wise without risking Seoul, I can't see them going to war even if NK hits Japan with a missile at some point, which is not good.


So what happens when eventually they fire a missile that hits Japan and kills people? I feel like at some point that's going to happen with all this stuff.


Since the US can't do anything to NK military-wise without risking Seoul, I can't see them going to war even if NK hits Japan with a missile at some point, which is not good.

If NK actually fired a missile and hit SK or Japan, then NK probably gets invaded.
Remember Iraq? That went well didn't it?

Now imagine invading a country with 25M people, all brainwashed by a totalitarian regime and prepared to fight to the last men. On top of that, that country probably has nukes.

Can you imagine the clusterfuck? South Korea would probably disappear in a nuclear cloud, Japan economy would tank and the all region would be destabilized.

The country isn't pretty right now but there isn't much anyone can do about it, only an inside coup could possible lead to a better future for the country, but they are so closed and we know so little about their military leader that if such a coup did occur we wouldn't know immediately if it was bad or good.

even if south korea didn't get flattened in some terrible invasion, i don't think they would want to deal with the north korean refugees. nor do china. nor does anyone really.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
For all the people responding about its people, look I get it. Honestly I hate war, but this is an unstable regime that is looking closer and closer to have weapons that could severely impact everyone else was well. It would be a concentrated effort to minimize damage. People are dying there regardless.


For all the people responding about its people, look I get it. Honestly I hate war, but this is an unstable regime that is looking closer and closer to have weapons that could severely impact everyone else was well. It would be a concentrated effort to minimize damage. People are dying there regardless.
You can ignore the DRPK citizens and realize the loss of life in the South and in Japan would be intolerably high.


"The North Koreans seem to have been timing their recent short-range and medium-range missile tests to the weeks ahead of U.S.-South Korean joint exercises," said Joshua Pollack, editor of the U.S.-based Nonproliferation Review.
They do that like every year, right? Or pretty much every time there's a joint-exercise.

Just wanted to point that out. Please continue to consume your Scaremongering News dose.
Seriously, why doesn't the US or Japan just invade NK?
Don't give me that 'China would intervene' shit.

  • For one, we want to remain on somewhat friendly terms with China because the global economy depends on it.
  • For two, Japan isn't invading shit without being replaced by a Japan-with-a-goatee from the mirror universe(where they presumably won the war).
  • For three, neither China nor South Korea want to deal with an enormous refugee crisis.


They didn't did end up Tokyo Bay. They landed in Japan's 200 mile economic exclusion zone. Stop spreading misinformation.

My mistake for the wrong detail, which I will correct, but the brunt of my post is still relevant. If they wanted to hit Japan they certainly could.


They barely hit the water.

I'm not sure what you mean.

They were not aiming to hit Japan. The goal of their missile launches is to rile people up and intimidate.

If they were invaded they would launch missiles with the goal of actually hitting targets. They're mostly inept compared to South Korea, Japan or the US, but even Iraq in Desert Storm in the 90s was able to hit some targets. North Korea today is more advanced than that and would hit several targets. Missile defense would certainly help, but it's hardly something that people should rely on too heavily as its never been proven in such a scenario. My point is that an attack on North Korea would leave many Japanese dead. South Korea would obviously be at greater risk from conventional artillery.
The missiles are an easy target for modern anti-missile systems around North Korea. There are two problems: Soul is in range of conventional artillery and the brainwashed population in North Korea.


Hahahah one of the missiles exploded instantly?


NK keeps being the small dog that never stops barking.


The missiles are an easy target for modern anti-missile systems around North Korea. There are two problems: Soul is in range of conventional artillery and the brainwashed population in North Korea.


Three Primary Factors

Range – Only about 1/3 of Seoul is presently in range from artillery along a DMZ trace. The northern reaches of Seoul within artillery range have much lower population densities than Seoul proper;
Numbers – Even though KPA has a tremendous number of artillery pieces, only a certain number are emplaced to range Seoul. KPA can’t emplace every weapon near Seoul or the rest of North Korea’s expansive border would be unguarded and even more vulnerable. Moreover, an artillery tube immediately reveals its location as soon as it fires. Therefore only about two-thirds of artillery will open fire at a time. The rest are trying to remain hidden;
Protection – Artillery shelters for twenty million people exist in the greater Seoul metropolitan area. After the initial surprise has worn off, there simply won’t be large numbers of exposed people. Even during the initial attack the vast majority of people will either be at work, at home, or in transit. Few people will be standing in the middle of an open field with no protection whatsoever available anywhere nearby.

Three Secondary Factors

Dud rate – the only numbers available—to the DPRK as well as the rest of the world—indicate a dud rate of twenty-five percent. It’s like immediately taking every fourth artillery tube away.
Counter-battery fires – shortly after the KPA artillery begins firing, and the political decision has been made, South Korean artillery, Air Forces, and others will begin destroying artillery at a historical rate of 1% per hour. South Korea has had approximately 50 years to figure out where North Korean artillery tubes are emplaced using every sense available to man and machine.
Logistics – in order to move south from the DMZ trace and place the rest of Seoul at risk, KPA must expose approximately 2,500 thin-skinned vehicles each day along three well-defined transportation corridors. Otherwise, KPA grinds to an almost immediate halt without a way to transport fuel, ammunition and spare parts needed to continue moving south. Alternatively, KPA can scavenge from ROK fuel stores and depots if they have not been previously destroyed.



This would be a rebuttal to the argument that Seoul would be "wiped out", but it's not a rebuttal to the argument that North Korea could inflict damage against Seoul and that the effects would not be pretty.

The goal for the US, Japan, and South Korea should be to keep a level head where we don't downplay the threat, but also don't exaggerate it. Their technology is relatively poor and unreliable, but the idea that an invasion (even if China did not intervene or assist the North at all) would be easy or painless is nonsense. Invasion is not a palatable option, which is why there has been a 60 year standoff.

It's easy for people far from North Korea to minimize the impact that a North Korea at war could have on Japan or South Korea, but I suspect people would be a bit more sober about the potential damage North Korea could inflict if they lived in the area.


even if south korea didn't get flattened in some terrible invasion, i don't think they would want to deal with the north korean refugees. nor do china. nor does anyone really.

This is very important. No one wants to pick up the tab that comes with bringing NK to modernity. And I don't blame them tbh.
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