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Rottenwatch: AVATAR (82%)

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CURRENT RT RATING: 84% FRESH based on 200+ reviews.
Trailers: http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/avatar/

Starring: Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez

Directed by: James Cameron (The Terminator, Aliens, The Abyss, Terminator 2 and Titanic)

Official Webite: http://www.avatarmovie.com/

Preview JAMES HORNER'S Score (BEWARE SPOILER TRACK TITLES): http://www.avatarscore.com/

Avatar is the story of an ex-Marine who finds himself thrust into hostilities on an alien planet filled with exotic life forms. As an Avatar, a human mind in an alien body, he finds himself torn... Avatar is the story of an ex-Marine who finds himself thrust into hostilities on an alien planet filled with exotic life forms. As an Avatar, a human mind in an alien body, he finds himself torn between two worlds, in a desperate fight for his own survival and that of the indigenous people.

INTERNATIONAL RELEASE DATES (Domestic release 18th December): http://microsites2.foxinternational.com/ww/avatar/release_dates.html

PLEASE MARK ALL SPOILERS. Nobody is going to stop you from discussing spoilers in this thread. Just please be courteous to everybody else in the thread and mark them with spoiler tags.
TEXT [ /spoiler]


Roger Ebert http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20091211/REVIEWS/912119998
Watching "Avatar," I felt sort of the same as when I saw "Star Wars" in 1977. That was another movie I walked into with uncertain expectations. James Cameron's film has been the subject of relentlessly dubious advance buzz, just as his "Titanic" was. Once again, he has silenced the doubters by simply delivering an extraordinary film. There is still at least one man in Hollywood who knows how to spend $250 million, or was it $300 million, wisely.

Cameron promised he'd unveil the next generation of 3-D in "Avatar." I'm a notorious skeptic about this process, a needless distraction from the perfect realism of movies in 2-D. Cameron's iteration is the best I've seen -- and more importantly, one of the most carefully-employed. The film never uses 3-D simply because it has it, and doesn't promiscuously violate the fourth wall. He also seems quite aware of 3-D's weakness for dimming the picture, and even with a film set largely in interiors and a rain forest, there's sufficient light. I saw the film in 3-D on a good screen at the AMC River East and was impressed. I might be awesome in True IMAX. Good luck in getting a ticket before February.

It takes a hell of a lot of nerve for a man to stand up at the Oscarcast and proclaim himself King of the World. James Cameron just got re-elected.

The Hollywood Reporter: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/film-reviews/avatar-film-review-1004052868.story
A dozen years later, James Cameron has proven his point: He is king of the world.

As commander-in-chief of an army of visual-effects technicians, creature designers, motion-capture mavens, stunt performers, dancers, actors and music and sound magicians, he brings science-fiction movies into the 21st century with the jaw-dropping wonder that is "Avatar." And he did it almost from scratch.

Mauro Fiore's cinematography is dazzling as it melts all the visual elements into a science-fiction whole. You believe in Pandora. Rick Carter and Robert Stromberg's design brings Cameron's screenplay to life with disarming ease.

James Horner's score never intrudes but subtlety eggs the action on while the editing attributed to Cameron, Stephen Rivkin and John Refoua maintains a breathless pace that exhilarates rather than fatigues. Not a minute is wasted; there is no down time.
The only question is: How will Cameron ever top this?

EMPIRE: http://www.empireonline.com/reviews/reviewcomplete.asp?FID=133552
Avatar is unequivocally, completely, 100% the film that has been percolating in James Cameron’s head for the last fourteen years. It is not, in all probability, the film that you had in yours when you first heard that the man who directed Aliens and The Terminator was returning to sci-fi with a movie so ambitious that he had to build the technology to make it happen. If you can let go of your version and embrace Cameron’s – if you’re not, in other words, one of those splenetic internet fanboy types who’ve apparently made their minds up about Avatar before seeing it – then Avatar is a hugely rewarding experience: rich, soulful and exciting in the way that only comes from seeing a master artist at work.

Let’s address the Big Question first: to use the key phrase so often used in connection with the movie, is it a game-changer? Yes, and no would be the cop-out answer, but it’s also the truth. Avatar employs technology necessary to render its largely computer-generated, 3D world that will give directors, including but not limited to Cameron, one heck of a sandbox to play in over the next few years. That’s how the game has changed off screen.

On it, it may not be a game-changer, but no director to date has built a world of this scale, ambition and complexity before, and Avatar – much as the arrival of Raymond van Barneveld forced Phil ‘The Power’ Taylor to up his game – will have those directors scrambling to keep up with Cameron. Avatar is an astonishing feast for the eyes and ears, with shots and sequences that boggle the mind

It’s been twelve years since Titanic, but the King of the World has returned with a flawed but fantastic tour de force that, taken on its merits as a film, especially in two dimensions, warrants four stars. However, if you can wrap a pair of 3D glasses round your peepers, this becomes a transcendent, full-on five-star experience that's the closest we'll ever come to setting foot on a strange new world. Just don’t leave it so long next time, eh, Jim?

Drudge Report
London --- Just left the 'World Premiere' of "Avatar," and while the standing ovation the film received at its conclusion is probably just the requisite politeness; I can report that this is another rare example where the quality of the movie does indeed exceed the hype and "Avatar" will most certainly be among the 10 'Best Picture' nominees for the Oscars; and James Cameron will also be a Best Director nominee. I think it is also possible that actress Zoe Saldana, who has the most challenging of roles in the film, may rack up an additional acting nomination as well.

The movie may owe more than a few plot points to the story of Pocahontas, and there may be some grousing at a fairly heavy-handed treatment of corporate greed and our
lack of American energy independence
; but the key question, is Cameron able to deliver a movie that packs the entertainment value and emotional punch of 'Titanic.' The clear answer is 'Yes.' The Oscars will not ignore this film.

AVATAR avatar bet: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=18412796&postcount=163 Get ready to see PD enjoy eating his crow so much he wears it on his face for an entire year.

Pasting from another page in this thread so I don't have to keep repeating myself:
I've seen 3D movies in all types and I can tell you it breaks down like this:

IMAX (true imax that is) has unparalleled sound and scope - best way for seeing it the first time. The projector in true imax isn't digital so there is some very slight ghosting in intense scenes, in this print of the film I found it barely noticable. Most comfortable glasses out of all of them (despite being the cheapest).

LieMAX (fake imax, digital projector) - Sound is much better than Real D, Image fidelity I found to be better than Real D and obviously true IMAX. The glasses are bulkier than Real D, but are also much taller in the frame.

Real D have slightly more comfortable glasses than LieMAX, but fails to recreate the same sound quality. I didn't find the digital projection at Real D as good as LieMAX, but it was still crisp (and better than true IMAX). Screens can vary in size, yet are never bigger than LieMAX to my knowledge).

Dolby 3D is the shittiest of the bunch.

I have no experience with 'Xpand 3D', but from what I've heard from people in this thread it sounds average.

Well film-going GAF, we're finally here! This movie has been a long time coming and we've seen expectations rise, drop as well as quite a few members pull a complete 180 in terms of their anticipation.

The first screenings will be taking place in the next 24 hours around the world (Official Premiere in London) and the reviews will be hitting shortly after.

There is a lot riding on this film in terms of the Hollywood film industry at large. This film could literally make or break 3D. It could also big either a big stepping stone or an absolute tragedy in regards to studios taking risks on unlicensed properties.

For me, the new technology and means of shooting that Cameron has developed is just gravy on top of the real reason anybody should be excited for this film. My hype has always been driven by the fact that this is Cameron doing what he does best - creating a visceral, engaging film experience (that is sci-fi laden to boot). You could say that there are stakes to that end as well, as if we are ever to get the high-budget, R rated, post-apocalyptic sci-fi (again, what he does best) Battle Angel in the future (from FOX of all studios), AVATAR needs to be a huge success.

So, what cinema are you guys seeing AVATAR in? IMAX? Real-D or vomit-inducing Dolby 3D? Are you seeing it on a digital projector?

I recently went to a LieMAX (fitted with a brand spanking new digital projector) and can honestly say that I will definitely give the film another watch there. The picture is crisp and vibrant and there was no ghosting whatsoever. The only downside is that it is not nearly as encompassing (read: involving) as IMAX. There are many people who are saying they don't like 3D because it removes the aesthetic sense of the frame. Well they are completely right, and Cameron has said again recently that he is trying to make people forget the borders of the screen.

Less than 6 days for me. I know Plainview will be seeing it hours from now. Lucky barstool. :D

I will be updating the OP with review quotes and scores as they become available.
I'll also come back and update with a breakdown of the differences between IMAX 3D, Real D and Dolby 3D, as well as the differences that come with digital projection.


The king is back.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
So are we spacing out the letters now?
I feel kind of bad because my friend who is coming has to rush from work and I'm going to be picking up the tickets there. He finishes work at 4:20 and the session starts at 5 and its roughly a 30min drive from the IMAX (which he has never been to and will have to find). I feel bad because if he's not there at 5, my phone goes off and I go inside (and pray the girl at the counter can mind his ticket for him).
all i know is i'll be seeing it. i better be wowed by this 3D. i'm sure i will.

i just hope this blizzard dies off before next friday.


Scullibundo said:
I feel kind of bad because my friend who is coming has to rush from work and I'm going to be picking up the tickets there. He finishes work at 4:20 and the session starts at 5 and its roughly a 30min drive from the IMAX (which he has never been to and will have to find). I feel bad because if he's not there at 5, my phone goes off and I go inside (and pray the girl at the counter can mind his ticket for him).

Wow. Avatar. Serious business! :lol

I've done the same thing before.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
There's something incredibly lame and stupid about making an official-type thread and not having a title that is picked up in thread title searches.


Dan said:
There's something incredibly lame and stupid about making an official-type thread and not having a title that is picked up in thread title searches.

Maybe that's his intention. After the reviews actually come out, it might be better for everyone to forget about this thread.... :eek:
Dan said:
There's something incredibly lame and stupid about making an official-type thread and not having a title that is picked up in thread title searches.


Sorry, didn't even think of that. Will it come up if I edit the title within the OP (even though it won't show the change on the thread list?)


Scullibundo said:
Sorry, didn't even think of that. Will it come up if I edit the title within the OP (even though it won't show the change on the thread list?)

No, I don't think so. I can change it though.


Unconfirmed Member
Scullibundo said:
I feel kind of bad because my friend who is coming has to rush from work and I'm going to be picking up the tickets there. He finishes work at 4:20 and the session starts at 5 and its roughly a 30min drive from the IMAX (which he has never been to and will have to find). I feel bad because if he's not there at 5, my phone goes off and I go inside (and pray the girl at the counter can mind his ticket for him).

It's going to blow his fucking mind seeing the screen for the first time and then Avatar being projected on it just a few moments later.

And for the benefit of Scullibundo, or anyone who doesn't read the other thread...
I won't go into any specifics, but it sounds like a lot has been cut to make the 161 minute version. Some major plot points described in earlier interviews appear to have been modified or removed entirely. The positive out of this is that there should be a great Special Edition coming down the line, but I'm worried that Cameron's vision has been compromised because of commercial concerns.
Then again, maybe the shorter cut is tighter and the editing was just what the film needed. We'll see.
Krev said:
It's going to blow his fucking mind seeing the screen for the first time and then Avatar being projected on it just a few moments later.

And for the benefit of Scullibundo, or anyone who doesn't read the other thread...
I won't go into any specifics, but it sounds like a lot has been cut to make the 161 minute version. Some major plot points described in earlier interviews appear to have been modified or removed entirely. The positive out of this is that there should be a great Special Edition coming down the line, but I'm worried that Cameron's vision has been compromised because of commercial concerns.
Then again, maybe the shorter cut is tighter and the editing was just what the film needed. We'll see.

I've read this on some forums (and thankyou for not going into specifics), but until we know those screenings officially took place, I'm still putting it down to rumour.


Wow, if the theatrical is compromised because of IMAX nonsense, that's really unfortunate. It'll also mean that for all the shit Cameron talks about the film being ZOMG 3D, the definitive version will end up being the home video version in 2D. They could put a 3D version on the blu-ray too, but it would be pointless for years since a huge percentage of people will not have 3DTVs anytime in the near future, nor would it be economical to get one when HDTVs are only a very recent upgrade.
duckroll said:
Wow, if the theatrical is compromised because of IMAX nonsense, that's really unfortunate. It'll also mean that for all the shit Cameron talks about the film being ZOMG 3D, the definitive version will end up being the home video version in 2D. They could put a 3D version on the blu-ray too, but it would be pointless for years since a huge percentage of people will not have 3DTVs anytime in the near future, nor would it be economical to get one when HDTVs are only a very recent upgrade.

Yeah if it turns out being true, I'll end up being pretty disappointed. There had better be a director's cut if that is the case.

Karma Kramer said:
Fucking epic, awesome thread Sculli
Heh, thanks. I actually tried to keep the OP pretty simple and streamlined because I've seen too many Rottenwatch threads cluttered with tonnes of gifs etc.


Scullibundo said:
Yeah if it turns out being true, I'll end up being pretty disappointed. There had better be a director's cut if that is the case.

A director's cut theatrical release you mean? Because if the 3D version is really how Cameron wants the film to be seen, then I think he owes it to the audience to release a complete version of that in a way which the masses can actually see it in.
duckroll said:
A director's cut theatrical release you mean? Because if the 3D version is really how Cameron wants the film to be seen, then I think he owes it to the audience to release a complete version of that in a way which the masses can actually see it in.

That would be ideal, but I don't see it happening. It wasn't too long ago that Cameron said there would be no director's cut, because he shot the film with IMAX runtime in mind, so that the theatrical would be the final cut he intended. So it will be a matter of wait and see. I believe many months ago it was already announced that AVATAR would get a late March/early April release on blu which is a nice quick turnaround.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
hamchan said:
Yeah don't know if I'll be watching in 3D, that stuff gives me headaches.

I'm okay if I take some ibuprofen beforehand, so when I do go I'll see it in 3d, but I'm not too impressed by the technology so far.
Steven Spielberg gave the film "two thumbs up" and apparently "flipped out", after seeing it last friday. I know he is banking on the mo-capture technology, but that is pretty comforting hearing him put solid praise behind the sure to be film of the year (imo).
Karma Kramer said:
Steven Spielberg gave the film "two thumbs up" and apparently "flipped out", after seeing it last friday. I know he is banking on the mo-capture technology, but that is pretty comforting hearing him put solid praise behind the sure to be film of the year (imo).


I love Stevie, but the man goes wild for anything. He has admitted himself to be the worst critic because he loves absolutely everything. I'm betting on this film being great, but Spielberg is not the man to listen to in terms of the entertainment value of a film. I did however take his enthusiasm for the shooting technology itself years back as a sign that it would be something very, very special.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Scullibundo said:

Sorry, didn't even think of that. Will it come up if I edit the title within the OP (even though it won't show the change on the thread list?)
duckroll said:
No, I don't think so. I can change it though.
Thanks :D
Yesterday I hyped the movie to my friends: omg, it's Cameron! Aliens, Terminator 2 AND IT'S 3D - are you kidding me, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! We need to go see it.
They agreed and I was about to book the tickets. Then they suddenly decided to watch the trailer and I was like: no fuck that, it's Cameron man!
Now I'll have to go alone. Fuck the blue aliens....


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Scullibundo said:
What type of 3D setup has your theatre got?

Last one I went to, umm, standard digital 3d presentation w/ polarized glasses, I suppose? Non-imax. Haven't tried the 3d at my local theater since they seem to blow as far as technical aspects go (they failed at the midnight opening of inglourious, sound went to basically 16kbps mp3 level in the final act and damn near ruined the movie, among other issues).
EviLore said:
Last one I went to, umm, standard digital 3d presentation w/ polarized glasses, I suppose? Non-imax.

Do you know if it was Dolby 3D or Real D?





Also, which movie did you see if you don't mind my asking?
Scullibundo said:

I love Stevie, but the man goes wild for anything. He has admitted himself to be the worst critic because he loves absolutely everything. I'm betting on this film being great, but Spielberg is not the man to listen to in terms of the entertainment value of a film. I did however take his enthusiasm for the shooting technology itself years back as a sign that it would be something very, very special.

True, but with other very positive early impressions coming in, and just the fact Cameron is behind this, I would be absolutely shocked if this didn't end up as my favorite film of this year. Spielberg's enthusiasm just kind of solidifies my feelings that we are in for a real treat next week.

I know most in here already know this, but it didn't really sink in until sometime earlier tonight for me. This movie is going to kick ass. It is absolutely going to rape my eyeballs. Please quote me if you think I am wrong. Cause at this moment, there is no way I can see this film being anything but genius.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Scullibundo said:
Do you know if it was Dolby 3D or Real D?




Also, which movie did you see if you don't mind my asking?

I don't recall vividly, but definitely not the dolby 3d glasses. The movie was Up.


EviLore said:
I'm okay if I take some ibuprofen beforehand, so when I do go I'll see it in 3d, but I'm not too impressed by the technology so far.

same here. And I've actually seen 3D movies on the latest, greatest technology...

My biggest hope for AVATAR, because I'm not really hyped on it, is that it'll show me why 3D is important for movies. It's hard to imagine what it could do to prove that, but I can't wait to see.


Unconfirmed Member
Scullibundo said:
That would be ideal, but I don't see it happening.

If the film is a big success, I could see a limited release of the digital 3D director's cut in a year or so.
I wouldn't be surprised if an extended version ends up playing in IMAX digital. Since they only show Hollywood product that's been upscaled for traditional IMAX, they end up with large gaps in their schedule and have in the past brought back old films to fill these up (like they did with Star Trek in September). They're far more likely to program something like a director's cut rerelease than ordinary multiplexes, and unlike 70mm IMAX they could handle the runtime.

Scullibundo said:
I believe many months ago it was already announced that AVATAR would get a late March/early April release on blu which is a nice quick turnaround.
That was just rumour. I'm pretty sure the wait is going to be much longer than that, especially if it takes off.
Krev said:
That was just rumour. I'm pretty sure the wait is going to be much longer than that, especially if it takes off.

It was a rumour, but I believe it was a rumour propogated by a Panasonic exec. The blu release was going to be a part and parcel of their own 3D line debut.


Amir0x said:
My biggest hope for AVATAR, because I'm not really hyped on it, is that it'll show me why 3D is important for movies. It's hard to imagine what it could do to prove that, but I can't wait to see.

Prepare for disappointmenton.

Personally I'm just expecting a kick-ass action movie.


Unconfirmed Member
Scullibundo said:
It was a rumour, but I believe it was a rumour propogated by a Panasonic exec. The blu release was going to be a part and parcel of their own 3D line debut.
Still, it was never a big announcement. It was more like 'Avatar will possibly be out as early as easter'.

If this does turn out to be the case, I imagine it will be 3D Blu-Ray only, since that's a niche market that it's beneficial for all involved parties to boost. I think Fox will want to wait much longer to release the 2D version on video. The 3D version could potentially play for months and they'll want to drag as much B.O. out of it as they possibly can.


well not really...yet
If there is indeed an extended edition of the movie, I hope we get a Blu-Ray release equal to the LOTR extended DVDs

Then again, this is Fox so I doubt it :(


How Sculli doesn't have a tag with all of his Avatar passion/over enthusiasm is beyond me. I've never seen such effort go unrewarded and someone so enthused. And this is coming from someone who had their dick on the table when about to see There Will be Blood.

Hope this movie does well. I'll go see it on opening weekend and its because of Sculli.
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