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Rumor: Mass Effect 4 details leak through survey



Unconfirmed Member
it looks a fancier than in the trilogy, so I would say a couple of decades; which is nothing on a galactic scale. If there was a hundreds+ years difference it would look almost silly, it would imply that technology didnt improve that much.

Wormhole would be kind of a cop-out since they could work both ways, unless it's a conviently one-way-only wormhole ;P So yeah, either Ark/Seedships, or a one-time only 'shoot us to Andromeda' device. They could push the Voyager angle (weird energy wave / natural phenomonon and Woops we're suddenly in a different galaxy) but that would be lame.

Having multiple arks would be a kinda predictable plottwist, but if the survey is to be believed the Krogan's have their own colony ships, but they could originate from the same ark of course. I would like a Battlestar Galactica approach, with some form of a mother fleet with the various species, would make for some fun politics. Altough that could also work if the new Ark is just a sort of Citadel.
I love all of this.
Yeah, we had this discussion when the PAX leak came out. A lot of these surveys, private fan events, etc, are less about shaping the course of the game in significant ways and more about fine tuning marketing. Obviously yes at any point in development shit can be cut and changed, and stuff like this has SOME impact, but it's mostly for marketing focus. A way for marketing to work out what will mostly likely grab attention. That's why it's kinda weirdly organised, not as straight forward and categorised as my summary, as essentially each paragraph is a marketing bullet point.

Ahh... so it's more about "this game has all these features (already): which one is the best feature point to put on the back of the box/ in every trailer?"

It makes sense. Which feature (already present) resonates with the broadest spectrum of potential buyers and alienates the smallest spectrum of existing fans?

Which feature will make us more hypothetical monies :\


What is the purpouse of it anyway? Never bothered me at all.

This is one of the complaints I've never understood. People talked it up as a MAJOR issue. Complaints about how ME2/ME3 was noticeably "split" between combat and non-combat areas (unlike ME1) are a little more understandable, but holstering in particular? Specifically that? Can't understand how that's some kind of huge deal or major issue that warrants the numerous complaints.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
I loved to holster my guns too.... it truly annoyed the crap out of me in ME3.

It was at least my #4 or #5 biggest complaint.

I'm being serious.


This is one of the complaints I've never understood. People talked it up as a MAJOR issue. Complaints about how ME2/ME3 was noticeably "split" between combat and non-combat areas (unlike ME1) are a little more understandable, but holstering in particular? Specifically that? Can't understand how that's some kind of huge deal or major issue that warrants the numerous complaints.

It'd be a bigger issue if it slowed your movements. But AFAIK, it didn't.


I genuinely believe this is going to be the Ark:



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
People like a sense of control over their avatar and how it interacts with the game world. It wasn't a huge problem for Mass Effect 3 because the game was so heavily combat focused you didn't really have time to put the gun away. But it would have sucked major balls for something like Mass Effect 1's open world, and was a little frustrating on Mass Effect 3's more desolate side missions.

But yeah, it's just a sense of control, illusion of agency, helping with immersion. If I'm really getting into my character, crash land on an uncharted world, and jump out of the Mako, I don't want to be stuck with my gun permanently out. It looks weird and feels unnatural. I want to holster it and immerse myself in the stillness of my environment. Like, "Okay, now I'm an explorer/adventurer. Shooting comes later." To me these moments would be weird with my gun out just like it would be weird having your gun permanently out as you explore Mass Effect 3's Citadel.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I hope we'll be able to holster our weapons once again.

Honestly, even if i want it back too, in ME2 i barely holstered since there's combat everywhere. What's the point of holstering if you're going to use your weapon again in less than 10 seconds? It wasn't a huge deal in ME3 for me.
People like a sense of control over their avatar and how it interacts with the game world. It wasn't a huge problem for Mass Effect 3 because the game was so heavily combat focused you didn't really have time to put the gun away. But it would have sucked major balls for something like Mass Effect 1's open world, and was a little frustrating on Mass Effect 3's more desolate side missions.

But yeah, it's just a sense of control, illusion of agency, helping with immersion. If I'm really getting into my character, crash land on an uncharted world, and jump out of the Mako, I don't want to be stuck with my gun permanently out. It looks weird and feels unnatural. I want to holster it and immerse myself in the stillness of my environment. Like, "Okay, now I'm an explorer/adventurer. Shooting comes later." To me these moments would be weird with my gun out just like it would be weird having your gun permanently out as you explore Mass Effect 3's Citadel.
Well said.
This is one of the complaints I've never understood. People talked it up as a MAJOR issue. Complaints about how ME2/ME3 was noticeably "split" between combat and non-combat areas (unlike ME1) are a little more understandable, but holstering in particular? Specifically that? Can't understand how that's some kind of huge deal or major issue that warrants the numerous complaints.
It's all about immersion in non-hostile environments. Imagine, in real life, randomly coming to a cafe with a holstered gun. Now if you're in a place without many guns that may sound weird already, but now imagine randomly coming to a cafe with a gun ready to shoot. If you have both images engraved into your mind enough, it just feels weird to not holster it.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Ahh... so it's more about "this game has all these features (already): which one is the best feature point to put on the back of the box/ in every trailer?"

It makes sense. Which feature (already present) resonates with the broadest spectrum of potential buyers and alienates the smallest spectrum of existing fans?

Which feature will make us more hypothetical monies :\

Yeah pretty much. I've worked in market research and stuff like this is about prying the public's mind pre-advertising and marketing to see what jumps out to them, things they notice more on a subconscious level, and ideas they consciously find more attractive. I'd wager everything on that survey is in the game.


It's all about immersion in non-hostile environments. Imagine, in real life, randomly coming to a cafe with a holstered gun. Now if you're in a place without many guns that may sound weird already, but now imagine randomly coming to a cafe with a gun ready to shoot. If you have both images engraved into your mind enough, it just feels weird to not holster it.

ME2 and ME3 don't really have situations like that. Situations in which you wouldn't have your gun out, it's a non-combat area anyway, and your gun is not out.

I understand the "issue" (and EC's explanation obviously makes sense), but I'll never understand that amount people played it up as something huge/major. People mentioning it seems reasonable. People having it at/near the top of their list of complaints is just odd to me.

Nevertheless, there's probably little reason to worry with regard to ME4. With a shift more in the direction of ME1, I'd be very surprised if holstering is out.
Nevertheless, there's probably little reason to worry with regard to ME4. With a shift more in the direction of ME1, I'd be very surprised if holstering is out.

DA3 has holstering so this is a non-issue in Frostbite 3. I mean we shouldn't even be discussing it ever [again].


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
but I'll never understand that amount people played it up as something huge/major.

Symbolically I think it was also a sign of the series further regressing in areas original fans really loved: agency, openness, and freedom of play. It was a prime complaint going from ME1 to ME2: lack of large open terrain, true open exploration, weak uncharted worlds, emphasis on narrative through dialogue and cutscenes over visuals and immersion, more linear levels, less loot, no weapon mods, smaller character stat sheet, etc. Irrespective of how well (or not so well) each of these changes worked, and how good the games are by themselves, there's been a though culture of design regression surrounding the series.

So for a lot of militant ME1 fans who grew attached to the series primarily for those moments of landing on barren worlds, no weapon drawn, helmet on, looking up at dual suns setting on the horizon, a sense of emptiness, nothingness, and the scale of space...ME2 was a step backwards by stripping these features down or away, and something like "you cannot holster your weapon" in ME3 is indicative of further regression. Taking away more things, streamlining the "levels" and progress of the game, even more linear, etc.

Everyone knows how much I love all three games, but I wont lie: I prefer the hub mission structure of ME1 over the sequels, even if the latter still provide incredible moments. ME1 did a wonderful job of blending the sense that you're in a settlement talking to people, then exploring, traversing a lot of terrain, then combat on a mission, etc without loading screens or the game suddenly going "YOU ARE IN A LEVEL NOW". The transition between gameplay states was very cohesive and seamless. Holstering helped that.

EDIT: But yeah, really; going by the E3 tech footage, the PAX leak, and now this. I cant see you landing on uncharted worlds, getting out of the Mako on foot, and not being able to holster.


Neo Member
it's most like we will call it mass effect inquisition they take the core of dragon age inqusition and tranfert it to mass effect univers ( we know cassey hudson was impress by what dragon age devs do ) . i think it will be a war table and like dragon age mid open world
it's most like we will call it mass effect inquisition they take the core of dragon age inqusition and tranfert it to mass effect univers ( we know cassey hudson was impress by what dragon age devs do ) . i think it will be a war table and like dragon age mid open world

No problem with that. I just want more Mass Effect.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
When the PAX info leaked, the entire forum post and replies were nuked too.


Purple Drazi
The last couple of pages have reminded me why Mass Effect isn't just my favorite game series, it's also my favorite game fandom: we've got Star Trek, Stargate, and Battlestar Galactica references prepped for everything BioWare does.

On-topic, I agree with the poster who brought up the concept art of the Citadel-esque location in thinking that it'll be the Ark. It carried us to Andromeda one way or the other and upon our arrival it opened up into a sprawling hub from which all the ships from all the races will coordinate and boldly go.

Now, I've been mulling over how there could be such a developed state of disarray by the time we begin playing. That is to say, the survey mentions bands of outlaws and the like. Well, I'm of a few minds. The idea that sticks out to me the most is that at the start of the game the Ark has already reached its destination some 30-40 years prior, but precious little progress has been made on successfully exploring what lies beyond. This has caused intense political friction and many have decided that the Fleet (hello, BSG) can't succeed based on old values and worldviews and they've banded together to prey on colonists and explorers and the like. These roving bands have gradually established bases further and further out from Ground Zero, beyond what is officially mapped and reconned.

Early into the story the main character comes in contact with something that'll change the available technology considerably, and he/she is put in charge of a mission to go out there and discover. We'll be bumping into all sorts of ruffians who hadn't anticipated a specially-equipped ship flying overhead when they themselves spent months reaching their chosen bases of operations.

Just a random analysis of one little element of the lore.


This sounds like a pleasant mix of Dragon Age Inquisition style exploration and Mass Effect 1's planet roaming system. I'd love for the series to open up like that after narrowing down so much.


When the PAX info leaked, the entire forum post and replies were nuked too.

Was the PAX info different than this? Actually I don't wanna know. I'll try my best to skip all the news and trailers until the game comes out. I'll have blue balls by the time it comes out.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Was the PAX info different than this? Actually I don't wanna know. I'll try my best to skip all the news and trailers until the game comes out. I'll have blue balls by the time it comes out.

Honestly, it wasn't much. It was a private session for fans who won an invite, and according to the leak BioWare was coy about specifics and just discussed some vague stuff while showing some renders in Frostbite 3, then asked the group questions.

This is basically the entire summary:
- Opened with "What does N7 mean to you?"
- Asked if they'd like to see a sequel, prequel, or something different. Overwhelming majority said sequel.
- "Arrogant" race. Thin and skeletal. Glowing eyes. Necks that "frilled up from their chest".
- "Ancient, advanced, guardian" race. Like sci-fi stone golems with Tron-like glowing lines over their bodies and floating fragments/shards.
- Asari, Salarian, Human, and Krogam shown in Frostbite 3.
- Want to bring across the model variety of human models to other races, giving them more diverse bone structure.
- Showed a line-up of the series' main races, and asked fans to pick two if they had to get rid of them. Most picked Quarian and Krogan.
- Multiple human armour configurations shown. Asked which would be most iconic. Speculation: Marketing query, to work out what should be on the box.
- Multiple land vehicles shown.
- Focus is on characters and choices, but they want to bring back the focus on exploration and discovery.
- On the two species: "They looked very synthetic, give a typical rock golem the Tron Legacy makeover and you've got it. Reaper color scheme though. Kind of like Sylux from Metroid Bounty Hunters; slightly less robotic in appearance."
- On exploration: "They did say that exploration and story are very important and that one of their goals to strive for was "a stranger in a strange land like ME1" I think that's the way Mike Gamble worded it."
- On saves: "Also you reminded me of the thing about save customization. Mike did mention that they were looking into leaving a kind of debugging-like menu in the game for picking plot flags when making a save file so you can have the exact file you want without having to do another crazy long playthrough or going through a really limited motion comic."
- On armour: "So off topic, something else I remembered that was mentioned but not shown. They really want to do crazy customizable armor. Down to different pieces, colors, textures, materials, and whatnot."


- On armour: "So off topic, something else I remembered that was mentioned but not shown. They really want to do crazy customizable armor. Down to different pieces, colors, textures, materials, and whatnot."

I do hope they come up with a better inventory/whatever interface than what we saw in DA:I.


What is the purpouse of it anyway? Never bothered me at all.

Because I don't need to shoot every single minute I'm playing the game. Because video game mechanics can and should be more than shooting. Because I don't need to point my gun at every single thing around me. Because in a medium where 80% of big budget games revolve around shooting, I like when I get the chance to just play a human being walking around and not some gun-toting space marine who has to shoot everything in sight.

The fact that we were forced to walk around with the gun constantly pointing at things in ME3 showed the design priorities of Bioware. Shoot, shoot, shoot.

And finally it breaks "immersion" when your character is pointing their gun at everything, even the boxes she or he is opening or characters she/he is interacting with.

Sou Da

Because I don't need to shoot every single minute I'm playing the game. Because video game mechanics can and should be more than shooting. Because I don't need to point my gun at every single thing around me. Because in a medium where 80% of big budget games revolve around shooting, I like when I get the chance to just play a human being walking around and not some gun-toting space marine who has to shoot everything in sight.

The fact that we were forced to walk around with the gun constantly pointing at things in ME3 showed the design priorities of Bioware. Shoot, shoot, shoot.

And finally it breaks "immersion" when your character is pointing their gun at everything, even the boxes she or he is opening or characters she/he is interacting with.

That's stretching it in my opinion.


Just a guess, but we're going to be competing with the Khet for resources and Remnant artifacts and then *plot twist* it turns out the Remnants aren't gone after all and they're mad as hell too!
If ME(4) has the "exploration" of ME1 but with the attention-to-detail and "uniqueness" of ME2/3 then it would fix all my problems with ME1's exploration. After playing ME1 a few times it blew my mind to randomly land on a snowy planet. Not so much the third or fourth time.


Neo Member
Normally I would chalk this sort of thing up as bullshit, but some things stood out to me like a sore thumb making me think this is the real deal.

Number 1 - It's professionally written and not fan-fictiony.

Number 2 - These surveys are actually quite common in the games industry and do happen.

Number 3 (and probably the biggest evidence) - Dragon Age Inquisition leaked in the same exact way, right before its official announcement, that all ended up true. See:

Update: Here's a cleaner and better summary by EatChildren.

Original post:
As you can see, the Dragon Age Inquisition survey was taken by individuals that had leaked it in the same exact way. With that, this popped up on Reddit in the same manner:

Looks pretty much on par with a studio's writing and summation of a game from a marketing team. What do you guys think?

Hmm, setting the game in an entirely new galaxy, a least 100 years post ME3 would be a great way to get away from Mass Effect 1-3's setting.

If true, I am super excited, but I do kinda want to swing by Earth and walk on the Moon again....


Neo Member
You'll play the part of an inexperienced explorer, just trying to keep your head above water in the cosmic ocean alongside a ragtag band of misfits, until one day you stumble across a mysterious artefact that TRANSFORMS YOUR ENTIRE LIFE AS YOU KNOW IT AND WILL LEAD TO YOU BECOMING INTERGALACTIC TURBO-PRESIDENT LEADING A MIGHTY ARMY OF A TRILLION SOULS, BOTH LIVING AND LONG-DEAD, IN ONE FINAL BATTLE TO DETERMINE THE TRUE RULER OF THE ELEVENTH DIMENSION!

Change a few words and you just described Saints Row 4....
I hope there's some combat when you explore or some engaging encounters( like dynamic weather/hositle environment). Otherwise it can get boring, especially if there is hardly anything or just miscellaneous stuff( picking up flowers or trinkets does not interest me, exploring places like dungeons do) thrown about, and I hope going to places isn't to long or way too often. It can be seen as a chore. I often like doing things in Dragon's Dogma, but if its like Dayz then nope.

I like the idea of the planets in ME1, but there was absolutely nothing to them and completely barren. It was fun for a bit, but after a few playthroughs it just become a chore.
Andromeda is my most pressing worry folks. If they don't give a believable explanation the whole story will, in my eyes if no one else, be off to a shaky start. Andromeda is soooooooooooooooooooo far away. Like the start of ME2 and ME3 -
dead then alive for 'reasons'
oh um in an archive on Mars is a thing
- which in both cases made me roll my eyes and thereby undermine any story they go on to tell. Some people have no problem with that kind of thing which is fine but the start of a games story is critically important I think.

As for Holster tech - do the DAI thing of running around with it in and then combat out.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Andromeda is my most pressing worry folks. If they don't give a believable explanation the whole story will, in my eyes if no one else, be off to a shaky start. Andromeda is soooooooooooooooooooo far away.
Well, what explanation can you think of that you'd find satisfying?


Purple Drazi
I do to now. Pity the entire TV series is now considered non-canon since they decided to reboot the movie.

To be blunt, as a longtime fan of the television franchise... who cares what Devlin and Emmerich and MGM wind up saying, we'll always have 17(!) seasons of an incredible franchise. No second movie, third movie, ninth movie can come close to that. Sure, those guys invented the formula, but Wright, Mallozzi, Cooper, Glassner, Binder... those guys perfected it.
Well, what explanation can you think of that you'd find satisfying?

I'm not writing it lol If its a hidden long distance relay that ta da can do massive jumps and um we never mentioned them before - is the kind of thing I am fearing is all. They can write whatever they like of course but if its magic or retcon tech I may roll my eyes :D If its a down and dirty 2000 year journey and getting there was a real hard task then that would be satisfying I think. Andromeda is so far away that it can't be just a sentence in the intro.
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