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Rumors: Nintendo Revolution, Tekken 5, and More...


I don't expect a full blown Zelda adventure on Revolution until 2007 at the soonest. so either late 2007 or sometime in 2008 for Zelda Revolution, if we're counting on a late 2005 release of Zelda Gamecube.


Nintendo needs desperately to create new franchises. I'm becoming bored to hear they're planning another Mario, Zelda, Smash Brothers, etc.

I love Mario and Zelda, but I would love to play something more mature in the next generation.

Nintendo needs a revolution to reinvent itself.
bobafett said:
Nintendo needs desperately to create new franchises. I'm becoming bored to hear they're planning another Mario, Zelda, Smash Brothers, etc.

I love Mario and Zelda, but I would love to play something more mature in the next generation.

Nintendo needs a revolution to reinvent itself.

you had me until you use the word mature.

I agree with the need for new franchises. They've proven they can make the games. Now they need to expand their gaming universe with more characters.

ps if you haven't noticed.. they have sat up and noticed the whole mature thing. The revolution has already begun. mario got tats and link has grown up.


TheGreenGiant said:
you had me until you use the word mature.

I agree with the need for new franchises. They've proven they can make the games. Now they need to expand their gaming universe with more characters.

ps if you haven't noticed.. they have sat up and noticed the whole mature thing. The revolution has already begun. mario got tats and link has grown up.

Well, I mean by mature games with new ideas, environments, themes, stories. GTA and MGS are good examples of mature games wtihout being cheesy.

I do not want to rule the mushroom kingdom once again if you know what I mean.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
From Article:

Note to Nintendo, put a DVD player and a hard drive in the console. If Microsoft takes their hard drive out of the Xbox next as rumored, this will leave the door open for the big "N" to put some numbers on the board. Nintendo has hinted that it won't be able to make its next generation console backward compatible, but it will continue to support the GameCube with new first party game releases.

yes.. cause Nintendo really wants to be like how Xbox was this generation.. what with all the millions it lost Microsoft and all. PUT A HARDDRIVE IN. LETS LOSE MONEY.
Personally just give me Mario 128 at launch and I'll be happy. If Nintendo can quickly follow up with Smash Bros 3 then I'll wet myself.


the problem i see with them launching with all their biggest franchises is that, well, if all the killer titles are launched there and then, they've got nothing else for release when others are coming out with their killer titles...

of course they could have other secret projects, but as this gen has seen, i doubt they've got anything else to lure a decent amount of buyers.

doubt they would be doing this in the first place, though.
Hitman said:
yes.. cause Nintendo really wants to be like how Xbox was this generation.. what with all the millions it lost Microsoft and all. PUT A HARDDRIVE IN. LETS LOSE MONEY.

I had thought that it was confirmed by Iwata that the Revolution would incorporate a built-in hard drive?


bobafett said:
Nintendo needs desperately to create new franchises. I'm becoming bored to hear they're planning another Mario, Zelda, Smash Brothers, etc.

I love Mario and Zelda, but I would love to play something more mature in the next generation.

Nintendo needs a revolution to reinvent itself.


This will be their 5th console. It's time to invite some new franchises because it's becoming tiring seeing the same 'ol stuff. Mario/Zelda/ and the rest are fine, but, it's time for something new...and I don't mean a side-project like Custom Robo, I'm talking about new platformers that don't feature Mario and have completely different gameplay mechanics or new action/adventure games that don't feature Zelda style gameplay.


Will start substantiating his hate
Hitman said:
yes.. cause Nintendo really wants to be like how Xbox was this generation.. what with all the millions it lost Microsoft and all. PUT A HARDDRIVE IN. LETS LOSE MONEY.


Insertia said:

This will be their 5th console. It's time to invite some new franchises because it's becoming tiring seeing the same 'ol stuff. Mario/Zelda/ and the rest are fine, but, it's time for something new...and I don't mean a side-project like Custom Robo, I'm talking about new platformers that don't feature Mario and have completely different gameplay mechanics or new action/adventure games that don't feature Zelda style gameplay.

So what about Pikmin? Animal Crossing? Cubivore? Wario Ware? Luigi's Mansion?

Guess those were old stuff.


If Revolution launches with Mario 128 and SSB3 I will be happy.


That rumor is indeed absurd and Nintendo should NOT do a zelda overkill.

After Zelda 2005 It should take a good 2.5-3 years to come out with the next home console zelda (I expect a DS four swords tough).

A good Nintendo Launch would be Mario Next, Smash Bros 3, Pilotwings and a Retro game for adult content. Replace any of the last four games I mentiones with a new franchise and it works also.


I don't expect all those titles at launch. All you really need is an absolutely killer game, so that many is over kill. I won't have problem if throught the first year those games where strategically released.

I think Mario is nearly certain for launch. The way I interpert Miyamoto's comments on Mario 128 is that they are definately looking at that as a launch title, but they are leaving the option open for a GC release if neccesary. I think sales performance, software release schedule for 2005, and the final time table for next-gen hardware will be the last word on where the new Mario ends up.

Personally, I would just give up on that idea and save the game for the next gen. Considering that Miyamoto is pretty much the director on the project I wouldn't want to squander that oppurtunity on a late release that could go nowhere. Shoot, considering when the new Zelda is going to release even that might be pushing it. At this point in the current gen Nintendo would do better push out new ideas and series that could built upon for the next gen, much like Pikmin seems to be growing into something really solid.


Queen of Denmark
A good Nintendo Launch would be Mario Next, Smash Bros 3, Pilotwings and a Retro game for adult content. Replace any of the last four games I mentiones with a new franchise and it works also.
I agree.

Another possible negative of a "carpet bomb" launch: third party offerings would be completely swallowed up, renewing the problem of Nintendo games crushing third party games, thus justifying less third party support. If there's anything that will eventually kill Nintendo in the console market, it's lack of third parties, so I would think they'd want to do whatever possible to fix that (lending their franchises out is a good start), like trying to highlight a really solid third-party game at the Revolution's launch in addition to the new Mario and whatever else, starting the notion from day one that Nintendo's machine is a good one to get for third-party games AS WELL AS Nintendo games. That's something that's really killing the GameCube now; even third-party games that ARE available on the GameCube are sometimes assumed not to exist by the casual gamer (I can't tell you how many times people have argued with me that no, I didn't play Splinter Cell on my GameCube, because only the Xbox and PS2 have it). Nintendo needs to fix that line of thinking, and doing it right from launch day is the best way to do that.


The question would be:

What 3rd party games would be good for revolution's launch?

For GC Star Wars did wonders, but we can guess this time Factor 5 will have their hands full...
I expect a Monkey Ball title (hopefully being able to use whatever revolutionary feature the console has assuming it has to do with the interface).
Could Capcom come up with anything? A Megaman Battle game could work.
If I could choose tough, I would want a Castlevania from Konami (tough we know that aint happening) and a Tales game from Namco for RPG starving japanese would do wonders saleswise for the system there.
All the other shovelware from multiconsole thidparties is expected also.


I think all their talk about 3rd party co projects will go a long towards what you're talking about, human. My dream launch would be one killer style game (the next Mario looks to be that main canidate) and dozen or more solid titles evenly distrubted between purely 3rd party titles (Maybe a new V.Joe from Capcom, Money Ball or Sonic from Sega), 3rd party co projects like Pilotwings and Mario Party, and 1st party titles like the next Pikmin or possibly Mario Kart (we should've had a Mario Kart first thing this gen IMO). That would get the job done and send a pretty clear message to developers and consumers alike.

edit: forgot about Namco. Nintendo should talk to them about another RPG or a getting another Donkey Konga style game to add to the list multiplayer games at launch.


Queen of Denmark
I'd be down with both Megaman and V. Joe, as both of you suggested -- they each seem to be good fits with Nintendo, and I'm sure both would sell reasonably well. I'd like to see Namco do either an RPG or a really good realistic racer, either of which would fill another genre gap nicely. Also, Factor 5 may be on to next-gen development, but who says they're not developing for the Revolution? Star Wars and Nintendo have historically been an excellent combination saleswise (from the SNES Star Wars games to the incredibly successful Rogue Squadron/Leader/Whatever line), and Factor 5/LucasArts must realize that.

Unreasonable dream: A Square-Enix game at launch. 99% not going to happen, I know, but talk about giving the system some rocket fuel in Japan!


Yeah, if they get the 3rd parties right it may turn out A LOT better for N next time.

I believe that that may be their strongest advantage come launch: Nintendo should have the biggest titles from the three systems to lure consumers that have other brands to their camp, and the truth is if anyone can accomplish that is Nintendo. They SHOULD make sure their lineup is as drastically better from everything else as Mario 64 was back then, but also reassure consumers with 3rd party support. And you are right: I wouldn't rule out Sonic, or even a bit after launch, since the timing would be right and it could work really well.


GAF's Bob Woodward
If they get the same level of support as they have now, but have it from *the start* I think it'll make a big difference.


For a Finer World
When talking about launch titles, I think having ONE killer app is more important than having a large lineup.

Halo. Mario 64.

And in the end, launch software matters very little. Consider PS2. I feel terrible having bigged up Fantavision - and until SSX came out, there really was nothing else worth playing.

So for revolution, I'd just really love to have:

1 brilliant Mario platformer
1 brilliant party game

And then a balanced schedule of 1 good title at least every 2 months.
Keio said:
And in the end, launch software matters very little. Consider PS2. I feel terrible having bigged up Fantavision - and until SSX came out, there really was nothing else worth playing.

How many companies do you think could get away with what Sony did with the PS2 launch? I'd say just Sony. You don't do unless you're confident in your fanbase, and I don't think anyone has a fanbase thats as loyal to them right now as Sony does.


Queen of Denmark
Keio said:
When talking about launch titles, I think having ONE killer app is more important than having a large lineup.

Halo. Mario 64.

And in the end, launch software matters very little. Consider PS2. I feel terrible having bigged up Fantavision - and until SSX came out, there really was nothing else worth playing.

So for revolution, I'd just really love to have:

1 brilliant Mario platformer
1 brilliant party game

And then a balanced schedule of 1 good title at least every 2 months.
Having one super-stand out title can be good, Keio, but you also run the risk of typecasting the system forever. Notice how now, the Xbox is stuffed full of FPS games, and the N64 was a platforming dumping ground.

Not to diminish the value of one really knockout game, of course, but it seems like it's also a good idea to have a couple of really good games in different genres, so that you have more of a chance of hitting multiple audiences, and not having your system be a one-genre pony (oversimplifying, obviously, since the Xbox and N64 certainly had other genres too, but hopefully you see my point) later on.


I think having a handful of titles at launch is important, but I definately agree that one killer title will would be key for a launch. This is what was missing from the GC. Rogue Squadron and Luigi's Mansion were essentially tech demos--they were missing many of the ingredients that made games like Mario 64 move hardware.


Queen of Denmark
ge-man said:
I think having a handful of titles at launch is important, but I definately agree that one killer title will would be key for a launch. This is what was missing from the GC. Rogue Squadron and Luigi's Mansion were essentially tech demos--they were missing many of the ingredients that made games like Mario 64 move hardware.
Very true. If you ask me, I think the GC still hasn't received a true system-seller along the lines of Halo, Mario 64, GTA3, etc.
Nintendo has hinted that it won't be able to make its next generation console backward compatible, but it will continue to support the GameCube with new first party game releases.

Is this right? I distinctly remember them saying (nintendo) that N5 (or whatev) would be backwards compatible...

Mario and Metroid for lauch that's what I say. Oh, and I love how people ALWAYS jump to conclusions with nintendo whereas the same people would give Sony and MS the benefit of the doubt. I think it's pretty much common knowledge that nintendo uses its established franchises to propel new types of gameplay. The word Revolution is therefore fitting if that turns out to be the case. Of course, we won't really know until we have more info on their games, like a title even. But I guess that's too much to ask...
Farore said:
Didn't Nintendo said that their next-gen machine would be backwards compatible with the GC? I remember reading it before the E3...

Phew, thank god. Finally a Nintendo console will have a library of games comparable to that of PS3 and XBOX2.


That's a pretty weak troll considering that Xbox2 is likely not to be backwards compatible. What library are you talking about?


For a Finer World
Having one super-stand out title can be good, but you also run the risk of typecasting the system forever. Notice how now, the Xbox is stuffed full of FPS games, and the N64 was a platforming dumping ground.

Excellent point.

Then again I guess that Xbox was always meant to be the console of choice for militarists & fps fans - more pc than its competitors. And Nintendo probably wanted to have platformers, although I'm shocked what crap got the "Nintendo seal of quality" :(

In terms of launch software, I believe that massmarket perception is key. The PS2 launch wasn't a success because of a loyal fanbase, but more because the device itself was made to look like a desirable piece of consumer electronics.

My guess is that the best next gen launch will be had by the console that makes a casual gamer feel that they would have something new. Better graphics or online won't be the key.
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