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Rumour: Dead Space 4 Cancelled Following Poor DS3 Sales [EA: "Patently False"]

Yeah reboot this shit with automatic platforming, cinematic set-pieces, XP/collecting useless crap to level up so you can buy useless upgrades, optional horror sidequests and a visceral/emotional story.

This whole "X game didn't do good sales wise, let's scrap this" logic when they don't even bother to find the reasons behind this is so fucked up...and people still think a Mirror's Edge 2 by this EA is a good idea.

Honestly, I'd rather see Mirror's Edge get a chance and get a sequel that turns out to be awful than not get one at all. At least we'd stop pining for more Mirror's Edge. :p


Any chance that another company can buy the series? I am sure some wouldn't mind picking it up and doing everything right, ditching the co-op and microtransactions.

I feel bad for everybody who lost their jobs.


Standard EA. If it doesn't sell more than 3-5 million axe it.

God Damn it EA.

If Dead Space 4 has been axed I guess there goes my hopes for a Mirrors Edge 2 ;----;

Oh, don't worry, ME2 is being made. They'll just turn it into a shooter, forget why people liked the game in the first place and then kill it.
Agreed. There were things about Dead Space 3 that absolutely rubbed me the wrong way, but I still found the majority of the experience very enjoyable.

Visceral is an amazingly talented team. I really hope they don't get gutted.

Even Dead Space 1 still looks great visually. Their art direction was always amazing. Sound design as well.


Not just EA, but publishers are doing this to themselves with series fatigue.

Is there data to support the notion that the third entry in series (not named CoD) will take a dip in sales regardless of how it reviewed?


Haven't played it yet but DS1 was easily one of my favorites this gen. Doesn't help from what I have heard DS3 has a sort of cliffhanger. Seriously devs if there is even an inkling of not being able to do a sequel don't bait at the end.


Dammit, I liked the Dead Space series :(
I'll make it a very conscious choice from now on not to buy anything even remotely connected to EA. Stick to your stupid COD, Fifa and other crap games EA and just leave gamers alone.


Thanks Pierce. After ruining Inspector Spacetime, you ruined another series. Congratulations.

I love DS1 and 2, but now have no incentive to buy third game - after playing the demo, that was sealed.
I will wait for price drop. I am sorry for them and damn you EA.


Junior Member
EA continues determined to kill every series it has.
Tough games environment got you down? Don't worry Billy, well just make less games.It's best for you.

Such ass hats. Missing on Wii u, changed up the formula. I think they wanted to kill the game. Thankfully, there's zombiu. I hope the sales justify a sequel.
I'm enjoying Dead Space 3 a lot. Personally I think the end product is solid, but the marketing... man... it did nothing to show people who already liked the series that the game was still pretty much the same as Dead Space 2. They spent the whole time trying to make it look like something aimed at other people that hadn't bought into the series.


Just saw this on Twitter.

Sad that another series has gone down the drain :( Dead Space 1 and 2 were fantastic, but had no interest in DS3 :( Sad to see.

Honestly I don't think it's sad at all. Dead Space had a good run, with some excellent games. I don't need them to keep making them until the end of time.


I guess it's anecdotal, but I just noticed that the game dropped 20€ (70 to 50 on PS3/360) at French retailer Fnac, which almost never happens for such big releases and could indeed be a sign of very disappointing sales.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Oh dear, I disagree with so much in this thread.

Dead Space 3 isn't that big of a departure for the series, its certainly not the "betrayalton" that some people are making out. The first half of the game actually resembles DS1 more than most of DS2.

DS3 is actually less linear than its predecessors, the addition of side-missions are a good thing and the scavenger bots actually give you a reason to backtrack.

On the whole it balances Co-op and solo play campaigns far better than say RE5; its less extraneous an added feature than DS2's multiplayer.

The micro-transaction aspect is a little intrusive, but can be ignored completely. Its more horse armour/pay-to-cheat than pay-to-win thankfully.

Bottom line on quality: DS3 is not a bad game. Maybe its not as good as its predecessors but... fucking hell that's hardly an unprecedented thing to happen! Sequels showing diminishing returns... shocker.

Similarly, franchises do tend to change as they go on. Ones that don't tend to get bitched at for being stagnant, even when their quality remains high (*cough* God Of War). The fact that DS has moved towards a more mainstream-actiony bent is neither unexpected nor problematic in itself.

In truth, fans have more trouble moving on than the mainstream audience. Had DS3 remained a pure survival horror title it wouldn't have sold any better most likely, so blaming EA for wrecking the franchise is a bit dumb. DS fundamental problem is that shooting necromorphs sells less well than shooting soldiers/terrorists.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
And EA claims another victim. Dead Space series would never sell 5 million copies and attracting new audience wouldn't help because its genre isn't suited for this.

EA stick to your mass market titles. Activision dropped all pretense at least.

And yes, I won't buy a single game from you.
On one hand I'm sad to see the franchise outright killed, but with the direction they were taking the series it was probably for the best


And EA claims another victim. Dead Space series would never sell 5 million copies and attracting new audience wouldn't help because its genre isn't suited for this.

EA stick to your mass market titles. Activision dropped all pretense at least.

And yes, I won't buy a single game from you.

Not Madden, FIFA, Battlefield, NFS, Burnout, Mirror's Edge 2? EA has too many damn titles for me to boycott.
it was always going to happen. You gotta give EA props for making a third. It should have died at DS1 but they made 2 sequels.

DeadSpace just didn't light the world on fire.

No hate here.

FUCK U EA! You're the one ruining the franchise with unrealistic expectations and shitty microtransactions.



A shame, but not unexpected. DS3 was a good game, but it was just more of the same in the end and people are just done with it I guess.


"EA also advised Visceral that Dead Space 3 needed to appeal to a wider audience than the series' previous two titles, our source added, and the studio was reportedly told to focus on action over horror in an effort to make the game feel more like BioWare's Mass Effect."

This is the problem right here.First EA executives shat on the core premise of the series and then when it did not result in good sales then they axe the series.Also it seems that EA wants to become like Activision with a focus on few games with blockbuster sales and axing of all series that are not able to break into this sales group even though the sales and fan following may be decent.I hope this rumour doesn't pan out as I loved the first two DS and even though I skipped DS3 I was hoping that a DS4 would go back to the basics .

The problem right there was that publishers try to milk IPs for all they're worth till the public gets sick of them. I loved the first Dead Space, I was slightly less excited for Dead Space 2 and I lost most of my interest for Dead Space 3 because after 20-25 hours of horror survival in space, I've had my fill and I don't need any more.

EA should have put Dead Space on hold for a couple of years and then reintroduce the franchise in 2015-16 when fans are hungry again for a new Dead Space story. But now franchise fatigue has set in, sales are down and the series is dead.


I really wish video game publishers would concentrate on making new IPs and not milking series past number 3....ironicGAF said.


A victory for gamers with how the series was going. Another mass market failure by EA, maybe they'll learn this time that their garbage doesn't always sell, that people don't necessarily want to play the same shooter in every single game.


I'm part of the problem. No interest in DS3, when I loved 1 and 2. I'm just tired of playing the same shit over and over. I didn't bother looking at crysis 3, tomb raider...I don't even care about bioshock or gears judgment.

I'll probably only buy stick of truth and GTA before next gen hits.
EA's sales expectations for DS3 were ridiculous from the get-go. Heads should be rolling somewhere else over this, higher up the food chain at EA; not Visceral.


I honestly don't understand the hate for DS3, I don't think it's any more action-y than DS2, and I didn't even notice the option for microtransactions. The game was a blast from start to finish, and it's a shame more people don't seem to like it. Anyway, while I'd love to see more Dead Space games, at least we got a trilogy of amazing games, as well as a few spin-offs(only played Extraction, which was great), a lot more than most franchises get.


Don't put your games on Steam EA? Alright. Like Cliffy said, I'll not give you my money. I really wanted Dead Space 3, but not gonna touch Origin or microtransactions like that. Go fuck yourself EA.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I understand why people want mirror's edge 2, but I don't see why EA would make that. Dice is on a tight schedule making battlefield and the road scenery for the next need for speed game. Much too busy to make another catastrobomb. Sorry.
No doubt the people at EA responsible for the shitty changes with the Dead Space formula will be canned as well.

And all this Mirror's Edge 2 talk scares me. As much as I may dream about that game, as long as it's coming from EA I'm going to be disappointed.


EA's sales expectations for DS3 were ridiculous from the get-go. Heads should be rolling somewhere else over this, higher up the food chain at EA; not Visceral.
Who do you think sold EA on the franchise in the first place?

But I do agree that the people who green-lit these games in the first place probably shouldn't 'be in that position any longer.


this rumor sort reads like a "reasons to hate EA" checklist...it sort of don't believe

other than DS3 underperforming

EA is the company responsible for killing some of the most talented dev studios in the history of gaming. Looking Glass and Westwood come to mind. I'm guessing Bioware is on the bubble. The company is straight up insane.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Not Madden, FIFA, Battlefield, NFS, Burnout, Mirror's Edge 2? EA has too many damn titles for me to boycott.

yeah, all these. BF3 was a dissapointment (I tried to love it), ME2 will be a disgrace judging from Mass Effect 3 and Dragon's Age 2 and I didn't like the first game anyway even though I have finished it because I'm stubborn. I don't care about their sport and racing titles.

Everything EA does nowadays has this shitty flavour of mass market. There was some brief time when they tried to do quality titles (2007-2010) but this brought only losses as usual.

EA is the company responsible for killing some of the most talented dev studios in the history of gaming. Looking Glass and Westwood come to mind. I'm guessing Bioware is on the bubble. The company is straight up insane.



Simcity seems on its way too.

EA will probably live on BF ,Fifa and Madden next gen.

I will celebrate that failure even more. I wanted to buy a new, big SimCity game. I had money ready and all they had to do was make a new game....and they EA'd it. Always online DRM disguised as "it's a multiplayer/social game (with loads of F2P microtransactions!)", nevermind that no one wanted a social SimCity game to begin with. So here's me being social and telling them to fuck off once again.
Oh, don't worry, ME2 is being made. They'll just turn it into a shooter, forget why people liked the game in the first place and then kill it.

I can envision no scenario where EA and DICE wouldn't ruin Mirror's Edge 2. I'm still skeptical that it's even being worked on with any seriousness.

Maybe for next-gen consoles. Perhaps it has a game style that wouldn't sell no matter what.
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