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ScrewAttack's Top 10 Franchises That Need To Die


Not a bad list, but I wouldn't necessarily put Halo in there until we see how Halo 4 ends up. They just don't seem to understand "Madden" though, and that's coming from someone who hasn't actually bought one since PS1 times. A shame to see KH's on there, I don't want to see it die until a proper HD-console version hits and finishes off the series for good, but all those knock-offs can diaf I guess. Speaking of knock-offs, anything with Mario in it that's not actually a legit Mario game should be on there too.
As soon as he stopped appearing in the games they should have ended it and called it something else.

Nobody is going to buy a Chris Collinsworth NFL game or a Mike Tirico NFL game.

...I'd probably buy a Ron Jaworski NFL game though.

I know, I know, the name really doesn't mean anything nowadays.
Madden should stay Madden. When he was inducted into the Hall of Fame, a lot of articles noted that he was pretty much more well known for being associated with the videogame than anything he did in his coaching & broadcasting career.


I don't think any series needs to die. What they really need are new teams and fresh eyes/ideas to be infused into them. Madden is a perfect example. That team and their formula are as dormant as you can get. They should destroy and rebuild.


I don't get what they were going for at the Call of Duty part.

We're they serious? "It's popular so it's the cool thing to hate."? "TROLOLOLOLOLOLO"

What was the message? "It needs to die." or "Suck it haters!"?

They were taking shots at the hipsters who hate cod just because it's successful. They included it as that's the way to shut those people up. I agree even if how they said it was obnoxious and cringeworthy.


Whoooooo Boy...


10. Angry Birds

9. Dynasty Warriors

8. Lego Series

7. Call of Duty

6. Dragon Ball Z


4. Kingdom Hearts

3. Madden

2. Final Fantasy

1. Halo

They had me till number one...



Is it wrong that I agree with all of 'em? I don't care about any of those franchises.

Well, except Final Fantasy.. I still believe they will make a good FF game someday.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
"If Halo is on here, I'm gonna..."



Appropriate response.

Seriously? Die? How about just be reinvented a bit (i.e. Halo 4).

Where are Mario, Mario Tennis, Mario Party, Mario Galaxy, Mario Golf, Mario & Luigi, New Super Mario Bros, Mario Sunshine, Mario Paper, Mario 3D, Mario meets Angry Birds, and Mario 2: Electric Bugaloo?


Is it wrong that I agree with all of 'em? I don't care about any of those franchises.

Well, except Final Fantasy.. I still believe they will make a good FF game someday.

why does not caring about something mean it should die/disappear/whatever? i don't care about some of these franchises but it's not like i think they should go away.

Appropriate response.

Seriously? Die? How about just be reinvented a bit (i.e. Halo 4).
Mario & Luigi,Mario Paper,



why does not caring about something mean it should die/disappear/whatever? i don't care about some of these franchises but it's not like i think they should go away.

Because those franchises are for [disparaging term for a group that doesn't share my tastes]. Can't you see that they're killing the industry by [liking things that I don't like]?


Gold Member
I don't play it, but why Madden? I understand the whole annual game, but that game alone IS american football genre for sports gaming. There is simply nothing to replace it with.
This is just stupid. I won't even click the list to see their reasoning. Wishing any game that somebody else enjoys be "gone" is just the epitome of idiocy.



Why Halo?

I can understand maybe wanting to see some of these franchises take an extended break, but who in their right mind wants to see them killed?!

Screw Attack can go screw itself.
This is just stupid. I won't even click the list to see their reasoning. Wishing any game that somebody else enjoys be "gone" is just the epitome of idiocy.


Why are you considering Screw Attack gaming journalists? They're a bunch of unfunny fanboys who make really bad lists.


Appropriate response.

Seriously? Die? How about just be reinvented a bit (i.e. Halo 4).

Where are Mario, Mario Tennis, Mario Party, Mario Galaxy, Mario Golf, Mario & Luigi, New Super Mario Bros, Mario Sunshine, Mario Paper, Mario 3D, Mario meets Angry Birds, and Mario 2: Electric Bugaloo?

Most of those games you listed are very different. Hell most of them span different genres. And practically all of them are great games.

And I also don't see why Halo should be the first in the list. Most games in the series are great imo. They are of a higher caliber then COD. Hell I think it's the best console exclusive FPS series there is.
I'm not that big a fan of the series. But I don't understand the hate it gets. Unlike COD it was still a series that put gameplay first.


I don't know exactly what was the criteria they used for the list.

I can understand the oversaturation of a certain franchise, however... If that's the case, I could name a few Nintendo franchises that have been released over the years with minimal improvements. And any one of 'em would've been a perfect fit for the list.

Now, if they are including licensed games based on TV and cartoons they would more spots, because 10 spots is not enough for the garbage that has been released in recent times.

And not just Dragon Ball...


G***n S**n*bi
The madden licensing thing always pisses me off. I don't play football games and still wouldn't if other companies got to use real NFL teams in their games again, so it doesn't affect me personally.

But still there is just something.. so... wrong about that licensing deal. It is just wrong...
Halo shouldn't be on the list at all.

It's like asking to kill off Mario or Zelda.

Halo is Xbox.

It really isn't. While it's a very major franchise it's certainly not going to make or break the 360 or the next xbox like the first one did due to entirely different circumstances. Nintendo relies heavily on their first party games, more so than the other big 2, due to lack of quality 3rd party support in comparison.
Nobody is going to buy a Chris Collinsworth NFL game or a Mike Tirico NFL game.

...I'd probably buy a Ron Jaworski NFL game though.

I know, I know, the name really doesn't mean anything nowadays.

NHL, NBA, Fifa, and MLB games sell just fine.

They were taking shots at the hipsters who hate cod just because it's successful. They included it as that's the way to shut those people up. I agree even if how they said it was obnoxious and cringeworthy.

If they were hipsters they would be playing the Atari 2600 or NES.

Why Halo?

I can understand maybe wanting to see some of these franchises take an extended break, but who in their right mind wants to see them killed?!

Screw Attack can go screw itself.

Even the team who created it knew it was time to move on.
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