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Senators Murray and Alexander Announce Deal On Restoring Obamacare Subsidies


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
But the voters were supposed to blame democrats when the health care industry entirely collapsed! Trump was in the clear!
2 years would probably be a godsend to the GOP. Wouldn't have to worry about trying to repeal and replace for the 2018 midterms.
I'm baffled that anybody could be supporting Trump at this point...Especially when two opposing politcial party has to work together to undue what the President has done.

Also proud to be a Washingtonian Murray!


Well, yeah, this shit would sabotage the ACA and hike rates right before midterms. Of course everyone's against it.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I was listening to conservative radio on XM this morning and they were blasting Trump's decision....without saying his name. They know many of their base depends on ACA and they are not about to let it die as much as Trump wants it to. There definitely was a sense of trying to distance themselves from Trump. How this all plays out in 2018 is going to be interesting.

Didn't the Dems go through a similar exercise after Obama was elected or am I remembering wrong?


So what even was the point by Trump. Guy has no clue. Cratering hospital stocks and insurance stocks just to end up with it reversed. They really need to come together to challenge this idiot. His voters are really morons for thinking everything he does is for their benefit.
So what even was the point by Trump. Guy has no clue. Cratering hospital stocks and insurance stocks just to end up with it reversed. They really need to come together to challenge this idiot. His voters are really morons for thinking everything he does is for their benefit.

Because a black/democratic president did it plain and simple. These idiots are literally having to redo what was already law simply because


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Well, to be honest the GOP never thought they'd get Trump... no one really did. So they never had to have a real Healthcare Reform bill written. They figured that had at least 4 more years to come up with something as they kept winning house and senate seats with repealing the ACA as their platform.

They knew what everyone on the left knew, that words don't mean anything.. but that repealing the ACA would actually hurt their voters and they'd lose seats.

The biggest issue is that the GOP has a huge base that's just Anti-Government. So any form of government funded health goes against what their base believes in. The private solution is expensive.. and there's nothing to control what the private sector charges with government bailout funds. Which means government controlling health care.

They've rhetoric'd themselves into quite a corner.


Aren't rates still going to go up astronomically for coverage next year?

Rates are already filed for 2018 coverage and plans will be for sale during the healthcare.gov OEP soon, irrespective of whatever Trump did with the CSR's.

Even if Trump didn't make those payments to Insurance companies, the rates for the exchanges are already locked for 2018.


1) Will the House take it up?
2) Will it have veto-proof majorities?

The article didn't address either of these.

It seems like Trump is in support of it
The president acknowledged at a White House press conference Tuesday that the senators have been working on a deal to stabilize health care markets.

"This is a short-term deal," said Mr. Trump, who halted the insurers' payments last week, but has said he wants a bipartisan deal to continue them temporarily.

My guess is if Trump supports it, and moderate republicans support it, it will get enough votes in the house to pass.
Trump f-ed up everything by gloating about this "killing Obamacare". He's put the Republican party in the incredible position of being force to help save the very thing they've been trying 8 years to kill.

...because unlike Trump they actually understand that the ACA failing actually means dead bodies being piled up at their doors.
This article goes into some more detail:


One Senate aide said the plan would also restore just over $100 million in funding for Obamacare outreach.
An Alexander aide told CNN that Republicans would get a provision they wanted, a major change in how states measure the affordability of insurance under their waiver requests. This would allow states a lot more flexibility, but that final language was still being ironed out.
The deal would make it easier for states to obtain waivers to customize the Affordable Care Act rules to their needs. Alaska and Minnesota, for instance, have received permission to use federal funds for reinsurance programs that reduce premiums. States have complained that applying for waivers is a long and complicated process.
I certainly don't want people's rates going up but I don't like the GOP being able to pretend they are helping people when all of their plans so far would have caused the same problem and rate increases.


aka andydumi
2 years would probably be a godsend to the GOP. Wouldn't have to worry about trying to repeal and replace for the 2018 midterms.


That said, fixing it piece by piece like this is what should have happened for the past 8 years since it was passed. Instead there was extreme obstruction, rather than working towards filling the gaps and inconsistencies.
So what's in this deal? Did the GOP basically just extort something out of the Dems by holding healthcare hostage?

No Trump extorted something out of the Republicans by eliminating payments unilaterally and it forced the Republicans to work with the Democrats to ensure that premiums in their states don't rise 30 percent (or more).

Sounds like they want to be able to streamline and route funds quicker and with less oversite to providers in wich state legislators have stock in that or their rich donor friends. That's what I'm reading between the lines they want to be able to bilk the government before they are willing to give their constituents healthcare. Fucking thiefs.


I certainly don't want people's rates going up but I don't like the GOP being able to pretend they are helping people when all of their plans so far would have caused the same problem and rate increases.

I hate them, but damn if they arent good at what they do. And they get everyone to fall for it everytime including dems. On top of that this doesnt even really stop the rate increases since that is up to the insurance companies. With a very short term, unreliable bandaid they are going to err on the side of protecting their income. There isnt a downside for them doing that because they get to blame everyone else for the rate hikes.

Dont like it? Heres a shitty bare bones plan that doesnt cover anything. Thanks Trump!


Sounds fine to me. My only problem is that Trump is going to claim that his blackmail led to this even though it was in the works for months (and he said he would not support it)

Don't understand the GOPs obsession with worthless catastrophic plans but whatever


If people started dying, perhaps it might make the GOP rethink their strategy, but Dems keep trying to make sure people don't die. Oh well.


Sounds like the GOP wants it to bleed out after the midterms and thus blame the dems if they get on board.

Don't think a party of normalized terrorism had a sudden strike of compassion, friends.


Posted in PoliGAF already but,

Trump used the moment to say "we're working on murdering health care via block grants but apparently I'm not allowed to do that yet, so you're getting another year or two" the idea that he forced a bipartisan agreement when we're literally back and square one is stupid as fuck when it looks like he just passed the buck and nothing more.

Like everything about what he did was so on the nose he basically wrote Midterm ads the moment he signed that EO for healthcare costs shooting to the moon.

Taking the ball and going home while hundreds of thousands languish isn't fucking negotiation, voters aren't that fucking stupid once they get slapped with premium increases it's game over.


Posted in PoliGAF already but,

Trump used the moment to say "we're working on murdering health care via block grants but apparently I'm not allowed to do that yet, so you're getting another year or two" the idea that he forced a bipartisan agreement when we're literally back and square one is stupid as fuck when it looks like he just passed the buck and nothing more.

Like everything about what he did was so on the nose he basically wrote Midterm ads the moment he signed that EO for healthcare costs shooting to the moon.

Taking the ball and going home while hundreds of thousands languish isn't fucking negotiation, voters aren't that fucking stupid once they get slapped with premium increases it's game over.
But if this passes then the catastrophic increases aren't a concern. And Trump will be able to sell this as win to the people who want to believe he's winning or never cared because it hasn't affected them personally. Unfortunately optics, not the reality, matters more.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
what is the catch and what did the dems capitulate on to do it. Come on, lets hear the deets. gotta hear those deets.

I don't ever like to hear the word bipartisan in a situation like this, cause it reminds me of the debt ceiling shit that went on for years when Obama was president


Yay we temporarily fixed a problem that wasn't a problem until the fucking President made it a problem.


what is the catch and what did the dems capitulate on to do it. Come on, lets hear the deets. gotta hear those deets.

I don't ever like to hear the word bipartisan in a situation like this, cause it reminds me of the debt ceiling shit that went on for years when Obama was president

Nothing really. There's gonna be some language in there that GOP legislators can say gives states extra "flexibility" in implementing health care plans, but since they must maintain the same coverage provisions as Obamacare exchange plans and cover pre-existing conditions, there won't much of a practical effect.

The thing to remember is that what Trump did does disproportionate damage to red states and GOP voters. This bill is an attempt at saving themselves from the wrath of their own voters in 2018.
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