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Sessions instructs Justice Dept. to Review police reform agreements

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Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered Justice Department officials to review reform agreements with troubled police forces nationwide, saying it was necessary to ensure these pacts do not work against the Trump administration's goals of promoting officer safety and morale while fighting violent crime.

In a two-page memo released Monday, Sessions said agreements reached previously between the department's civil rights division and local police departments — a key legacy of the Obama administration — will be subject to review by his two top deputies, throwing into question whether all of the agreements will stay in place.

The memo was released not long before the department's civil rights lawyers asked a federal judge to postpone until at least the end of June a hearing on a sweeping police reform agreement, known as a consent decree, with the Baltimore police department that was announced just days before President Trump took office.

”The Attorney General and the new leadership in the Department are actively developing strategies to support the thousands of law enforcement agencies across the country that seek to prevent crime and protect the public," Justice officials said in their filing. ”The Department is working to ensure that those initiatives effectively dovetail with robust enforcement of federal laws designed to preserve and protect civil rights."

Sessions fears short-term spike in crime 'is not a blip, but it's the start of a dangerous trend' Embed Share Play Video1:58
Attorney General Jeff Sessions told a group of law enforcement officers in St. Louis that he fears crime rates in the United States could rise significantly on March 31. (Reuters)
Sessions has often criticized the effectiveness of consent decrees and has vowed in recent speeches to more strongly support law enforcement.

Since 2009, the Justice Department opened 25 investigations into law enforcement agencies and has been enforcing 14 consent decrees, along with some other agreements. Civil rights advocates fear that Sessions's memo could particularly imperil the status of agreements that have yet to be finalized, such as a pending agreement with the Chicago Police Department.

”This is terrifying," said Jonathan Smith, executive director of the Washington Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, who spent five years as the department's chief of special litigation, overseeing investigations into 23 police departments such as New Orleans, Cleveland and Ferguson, Mo. ”This raises the question of whether, under the current attorney general, the Department of Justice is going to walk away from its obligation to ensure that law enforcement across the country is following the Constitution."

The Baltimore agreement, reached after Freddie Gray died in April 2015 following an injury in police custody, calls for changes including training officers on how to resolve conflicts without force.The Justice Department asked for 90 additional days to assess whether the agreement fits with the ”directives of the President and the Attorney General,"according to the filing Monday evening in U.S District Court of the District of Maryland. U.S. District Judge James K. Bredar had scheduled the public hearing for Thursday.
Link to memo

Basically what is going on here is that the Justice Department under Sessions wants to destroy the very little bit of progress made with the last administration of ensuring that civil rights for minorities are protected in cities like Baltimore and Chicago. Make no mistake this "review" is to simply make the agreements go away.


Trying to find new and inventive ways to murder black people and calling it a "review".

Attorney General Jeff Sessions everybody.


Who was that one black politician that was defending Sessions' character and stating he wasn't a racist during his confirmation hearings?

I truly hope that guy feels like a fucking fool at this moment. But since he's a Black conservative budding up to the Trump administration, I doubt it.


I'm willing to bet that Sessions and the rest of these fuckers are actually Apostles and the nuclear football is a behelit in disguise, waiting for the necessary sacrifices to amass.


Who was that one black politician that was defending Sessions' character and stating he wasn't a racist during his confirmation hearings?

I truly hope that guy feels like a fucking fool at this moment. But since he's a Black conservative budding up to the Trump administration, I doubt it.


Who was that one black politician that was defending Sessions' character and stating he wasn't a racist during his confirmation hearings?

I truly hope that guy feels like a fucking fool at this moment. But since he's a Black conservative budding up to the Trump administration, I doubt it.

Ah yes, the one calling the left intolerant because they were labelling him an Uncle Tom on social media


Who was that one black politician that was defending Sessions' character and stating he wasn't a racist during his confirmation hearings?

I truly hope that guy feels like a fucking fool at this moment. But since he's a Black conservative budding up to the Trump administration, I doubt it.

Tim Scott?


We were so close to some actual progress because of the federal guidelines and reform the Justice Dept was about to force down onto these police departments.

Shit man. The little tiny shit Obama made happen here is disappearing.


New agreement: police shooting quotas. Federal funds will be withheld if they don't kill at least 20 unarmed minority suspects per year.


Got it, it was Tim Scott. He's one of the few Black republicans, and went leaps and bounds trying to explain he wasn't a bigot.


And yes, he did in fact use the intolerant left defense.

”I just wish that my friends who call themselves liberals would want tolerance for all Americans, including conservative Americans," Scott said.

This guy is such a fucking fool, god damn sell out.


Who was that one black politician that was defending Sessions' character and stating he wasn't a racist during his confirmation hearings?

I truly hope that guy feels like a fucking fool at this moment. But since he's a Black conservative budding up to the Trump administration, I doubt it.

William Smith?

Sessions definitely would've engaged in some lynchings in earlier times.

He doesnt seem like the type to get his hands dirty like that. But he'd 110% be one of the hundreds of Southern politicians that opposed anti-lynching laws with the argument that White mob rule kept "niggers in their place" and maintained social order.
I imagine that same strand of thinking is what's behind his push to weaken police reforms.


Unconfirmed Member
Who was that one black politician that was defending Sessions' character and stating he wasn't a racist during his confirmation hearings?

I truly hope that guy feels like a fucking fool at this moment. But since he's a Black conservative budding up to the Trump administration, I doubt it.

This guy?



Goddamn. I just remembered that Sessions lied during his confirmation hearing! This fuck lied about meeting with Russians during the campaign, and still "can't remember" what they discussed.

There truly is too much smoke to keep up with.
This guy?
There was also a Black US federal marshal that testified on behalf of Sessions.
That man in your picture was embarrassing to watch though. He blissfully reminisced about eating burgers and ice cream with Sessions, like he was the office pet.

Dude Abides

This is the most Trump thing ever. The number of people who both care about and oppose police misconduct and are also open to voting for Trump is probably in the double digits.
New police guidelines on dealing with an armed suspect; "If they'er white, keep it light. If they're brown, shoot them down."


Disgusting, yet not surprising, that Sessions doesn't want the federal government to force local law enforcement to follow the Constitution.
I'm willing to bet that Sessions and the rest of these fuckers are actually Apostles and the nuclear football is a behelit in disguise, waiting for the necessary sacrifices to amass.

Well, a lot of these people almost certainly think they talk to God so...
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