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Shadows of the Damned - |OT| of Demons and Girlfriends from Hell


So exactly what's the consensus on this?
I've shoved it to the rear of my backlog queue on account of still clearing out the additional modes on RE4 HD and not wanting it to be compared unfavourably, plus GoW3 is also in my TPS backlog and i'm quite keen to wrap up that trilogy


Junior Member
So exactly what's the consensus on this?
I've shoved it to the rear of my backlog queue on account of still clearing out the additional modes on RE4 HD and not wanting it to be compared unfavourably, plus GoW3 is also in my TPS backlog and i'm quite keen to wrap up that trilogy

General consensus is that it's 2011s sleeper hit (along with Child of Eden). I originally rented it but loved it so much I had to purchase it. Aside from the over the shoulder aiming, it's not that similar to RE4 so I doubt you'd make the comparisons. Great game all round, except for a few very different sections.

It can be finished in around 4-6 hours so I'd say move it to the top of your pile.


General consensus is that it's 2011s sleeper hit (along with Child of Eden). I originally rented it but loved it so much I had to purchase it. Aside from the over the shoulder aiming, it's not that similar to RE4 so I doubt you'd make the comparisons. Great game all round, except for a few very different sections.

It can be finished in around 4-6 hours so I'd say move it to the top of your pile.

Funnily enough CoE is in the same back log - probably time to crack on


Bumping up this thread because I just finished the game and more people really need to check it out. A very creative and often times funny game. I found it does get a bit repetitive near the end however the controls are perfect and the gameplay is fun (except for the 'other' section of the game)

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
quick question about difficulty

is this a game where Normal = Easy, and Hard = Normal?

Sort of. It's probably worth playing on Normal to avoid ridiculous difficulty spikes.
Sort of. It's probably worth playing on Normal to avoid ridiculous difficulty spikes.

Is it the type of game where you can change difficulty midway through?

I don't really know what to expect. I played Vanquish on hard and like the RE4 difficulty. If the mechanics are as tight as those two, I don't mind smashing my face against a wall if I see a few cracks.
Hard is really not difficult, even for a first playthrough. Nothing like Vanquish. Only tough times are the last two bosses. And you can't change difficulty midway through.
Hard is really not difficult, even for a first playthrough. Nothing like Vanquish. Only tough times are the last two bosses. And you can't change difficulty midway through.

I did the hardest difficulty available on my first playthrough and it was incredibly easy. The only reason I had trouble with the last bosses were because of glitches, and that last last boss is so damn poorly designed.
My girlfriend got me this for Christmas and I just started it tonight. Really enjoying it so far!

Definitely feels like a mix between Resi 4 and... well, something else. The humour is really cheesy but it's made me laugh a lot. I really dig it.

I've just finished Act 2 and so far my only complaint is the awful screen tearing. It can be really distracting.

Can't wait to crack on more with it tomorrow.


Just finished this game, and I loved it a lot. Best 3rd person shooter since Dead Space for sure... except that god damned final boss. Holy shit was that horrible.
The problem was those god damned enemies she crapped out. They're so slow they always lagged behind, hanging on the edge of the darkness. So you had to turn your back to the boss and hope to god she didn't shoot you while you weren't looking, all the while these assholes duck back into the darkness whenever you shoot them with the light shot. You also can't ignore them because they're so fast. And who the fuck decided that getting hit here would spin you camera around sometimes? Or is that a glitch? holy fuck that was harrowing, and I had an almost completely upgraded (damage/reload/capacity) Dentist. Also the next to last boss was just incredibly boring and waaaay too long. I can't believe they put these horrible bosses right at the end to sour my impression of the whole game.
Finally finished this yesterday. Overall it was a good game, but there were some definite issues. The moment to moment shooting gameplay is really fun. The guns feel great, the weapons look great, the melee attacks feel great, the "quick time" spinning back elbow when an enemy gets on your blindside is SO good, the environmental art is spectacular, the writing is hilarious, the enemies are great and fun to fight, the music is amazing, and the game as a whole is completely insane. In many ways, the regular combat part of the game feels like where RE5 should've went.

But the bad: The movement controls weren't nearly as tight as they should've been. Garcia often felt like he was on ice skates when turning a corner while sprinting. It just didn't feel great controlling him. Unfortunate considering how good Vanquish feels. Also, anytime they changed how you play the game like
the Big Boner, and 2d sections
it was pretty bad. Not hard, not fun, just meh and boring. The final 2 bosses were also kinda rough. The next to last was boring, and the last was just janky.

And last but not least: No new game+ or Mercenaries style survival mode. What a major screwup. Talk about easy ways to increase replay value in a style of game that's PERFECT for those modes. Ugh, makes no sense.

Overall, good game. Could've been really special, but it was fun while it lasted. The should've added more level shifting/moving puzzles, more exploration, and more normal combat situations.
This game is really tedious on hard. I don't know if normal is the same, but this boss fight has been going on for 20 minutes and it's incredibly boring. Every boss fight has been the same way. Shoot gem for many minutes. Gem breaks. Repeat two more times.

It's just time consuming. I wonder if this is what you all meant when you said difficulty spikes. It's not a matter of if I'm skillful enough to pass this. It's whether or not I have the will to continue. I kinda just want to stop, but I enjoy the game when it isn't me passing out picking away at an incredibly dull boss fight.
Wow. Chapter 4 is awful.

Shitty turret section and THREE 2D side scrolling sections, which includes the boss? Terrible choice. It's a shame the game didn't feel confident in keeping you interested with the usual game mechanics that they felt the need to use out of place and badly implemented gimmicks like that.

I hope chapter 5 ends on a high, because that just wasn't fun.
You guys weren't kidding about Hard being easy. It was pretty effortless. Alright game, though.

reading some other thoughts, people seem down on the big boner part. It wasn't that bad once I realized the aiming sensitivity was actually based on turning sensitivity and not the normal aiming sensitivity. I kept turning at max speed so at first it was unwieldy; lowered, it was pretty simple to take them out.
Finished it. Last chapter was pretty bad too.

The first three chapters were good when the game was dialogue heavy and relying on its wit and charm. In the last two chapters you had the horrible side scroller gimmick and an emphasis on killing lots of enemies. Despite it feeling somewhat like Resi 4, the combat wasn't nearly as good, and thus I got bored of it.

Glad I played it for everything pre-chapter 4, but everything from 4 onwards was mediocre to bad.


Wow. Chapter 4 is awful.

Shitty turret section and THREE 2D side scrolling sections, which includes the boss? Terrible choice. It's a shame the game didn't feel confident in keeping you interested with the usual game mechanics that they felt the need to use out of place and badly implemented gimmicks like that.

I hope chapter 5 ends on a high, because that just wasn't fun.

Seriously, I just completed Chapter 4 and couldn't believe that the game had you fight the boss they've been teasing since the beginning in 2D. That was so terrible, but otherwise the game has been quite fun.
Finished it. Last chapter was pretty bad too.

The first three chapters were good when the game was dialogue heavy and relying on its wit and charm. In the last two chapters you had the horrible side scroller gimmick and an emphasis on killing lots of enemies. Despite it feeling somewhat like Resi 4, the combat wasn't nearly as good, and thus I got bored of it.

Glad I played it for everything pre-chapter 4, but everything from 4 onwards was mediocre to bad.

I totally agree with this, except for that one part with the freaky ass flowers. That was one of my favorite moments from the last year.

The game is at its best when you dont have to deal with its clunky ass combat and can instead focus on everything else.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Game was pretty awesome, just finished it 5 minutes ago. I have some issues with it:

- Normal was pretty hard for me.
- The controls were unresponsive at a number of times. Slightly buggy too though.
- Loads of texture pop-ins every time you load the game.

Otherwise, the game was fun.
Wow. Chapter 4 is awful.

Shitty turret section and THREE 2D side scrolling sections, which includes the boss? Terrible choice. It's a shame the game didn't feel confident in keeping you interested with the usual game mechanics that they felt the need to use out of place and badly implemented gimmicks like that.

I hope chapter 5 ends on a high, because that just wasn't fun.

Yes, I hate it so much. How many boner jokes can we fit into one chapter?

Anyway, I recently platinumed the game which means I got to experience it three different times. Each difficulty seemed the same as the other except bosses take a lot more hits and red gems are very expensive on hard. Overall the game is good, but not great. I encountered several glitches along the way including several that allowed me to collect more red gems. The humor is funny at times, and insufferable too which doesn't help with the inability to skip cutscenes. No, Suda, I don't want to watch that fucking big boner cutscene every time I screw up trying to aim in this crummy mini-game. However, above all else, is the soundtrack. It's fantastic and on par with some of his great work from Silent Hill.

As I mentioned earlier, the game is good, but definitely flawed. Probably not something I'll go back to, but I will revisit the soundtrack.
I was listening to older episodes of the Bombcast at work, and they started talking about Shadows of the Damned... The pangs of guilt struck, and I decided, "screw it, let's order this thing." I'd been waiting for a $20 sale, but $25 is close enough!

This game is amazing. I am absolutely loving the writing, the characters, and the music. It's all just clicking with me, and it just keeps going. The combat is surprisingly more high tension than I imagined it would be. It's not perfect, but it feels like Mikami tweaked it enough to make it an improvement over RE4.

Yamaoka hit it out of the park with the audio. Goodness, it's like a more modern interpretation of SH1's soundtrack at times.

I just finished up Act 2, and I'm at the very start of Act 3. I think the only major complaints I've got up to this point would be that the boss fights last too long, and the environment stuff can be annoying as heck. The bosses just take too much damage to go down, and it feels like they over stay their welcome because of it. The environment problems have only really happened when I dodge and end up on top of crates. They start shaking Garcia all weird, and my aim turns to garbage. Makes some situations really tedious when they shouldn't be. : \

Other than that, though, I'm loving this game. Christopher is awesome, by the way, haha

This game is INCREDIBLE. Oh man, I just finished up Chapter 3!
Everything about this chapter... so great. The Evil Dead homages, Mr. X, Stinky Crow, and just YES! This is scratching me right where I itched. It's hitting that perfect arc that RE4 had the first time I played it, as well: combat can get pretty rough, but I get through by the skin of my teeth, recoop a little, and then go right back in.

My only gripe I have with the controls right now is that I'm not wild about the slight ramp up it takes for the aiming to move at the top speed when you push it, and I keep accidentally rolling when I want to do a 180 turn. The latter is definitely my fault, but I'm just so used to pressing "back+b" from RE4. The aiming stuff I've gotten used to, but it would be much appreciated if it were a constant rate the entire time.

But yeah, minor complaints in the grand scheme of the game. I'm having a blast with it, and I can't wait to see what lies ahead in chapter 4. : )



This game is INCREDIBLE. Oh man, I just finished up Chapter 3!
Everything about this chapter... so great. The Evil Dead homages, Mr. X, Stinky Crow, and just YES! This is scratching me right where I itched. It's hitting that perfect arc that RE4 had the first time I played it, as well: combat can get pretty rough, but I get through by the skin of my teeth, recoop a little, and then go right back in.

My only gripe I have with the controls right now is that I'm not wild about the slight ramp up it takes for the aiming to move at the top speed when you push it, and I keep accidentally rolling when I want to do a 180 turn. The latter is definitely my fault, but I'm just so used to pressing "back+b" from RE4. The aiming stuff I've gotten used to, but it would be much appreciated if it were a constant rate the entire time.

But yeah, minor complaints in the grand scheme of the game. I'm having a blast with it, and I can't wait to see what lies ahead in chapter 4. : )

Glad you like it. SoTD was top 3 for me last year, fell in love with everything about it. Spent damn near $50 just to import the soundtrack too!
This was a fantastic game. The ending was surprisingly solid.
And Johnson's
rap... oh man, hahahah

However... BOOOOOO
No New game +? Come on! : (

I'll probably replay this again at some point, but I'm more than satisfied at the moment. Really glad I finally got off my butt and bought this.


No New game +? Come on! : (

This was an awesome game, one of my favs of 2011, but don't you agree that there were so many gaming "amenities" missing from this game?

*No new game+
*No stackable achievements for difficulties (you have to play easy and medium and hard)
*No mission select

I find myself unable to NOT compare this game to Bayonetta. On a basic level the game play in both games is fucking superb. But Bayonetta is a complete package. It has an incredible level of polish - there are so many extras on top of the core game. There is a jukebox mode; you can listen to all your favourite tunes. It has new game+, stackable achievements, etc...
Those were the exact three things I felt were missing. I'm glad I'm not the only one finding that lacking, but I probably won't mind it when I get around to replaying it some time.


Hmmm just gotta make a correction. It's been awhile since I played Bayonetta but now that I think of it I don't think there were any stackable achievements, but that's because hard had to be unlocked by playing normal, and the last difficulty had to be unlocked by playing hard.


Just made it past the "shooter" part. Is this where the game goes downhill? Cause it's been a fantastic ride so far!

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Ugh. Picked this up on XBL Games on Demand for $30, and I am feeling big regrets.

As a fan of the collaborative team, I expected better. The writing is juvenile, even compared to Bulletstorm. The gameplay ranges from decent to extremely poor(horrible turret sequence, chase sequences, and extremely linear pacing with very redundant light/dark gimmicks). The shooting is fine, but the bosses are trite and rarely creative. Garcia is awful, Johnson has a few funny lines, the villain forgettable.

The more I play, the more I wish XBL had a rental service. Each new level has progressively gotten worse and worse. I just reached the 'library' and hear that is one of the better sequences in the game, so I am hopeful, but after the Big Boner segment I lost all motivation to press on. I'll clear it out, but I want my money back. :(


Finished this last night. Fantastic ride! Loved most of it except the 2d sections, which were still fun. Wish the game was longer and had more variety though. Still easily worth the $20 I paid for it.
I haven't been able to find that song anywhere... the one from the main menu. Apparently it's not on the OST. I've actually found one video of it but its a cam so it sounds pretty bad =/

Does anyone know where to find it?!


Junior Member
Finished Shadows of the Damned was only around 9 hours long.

Great game, the gameplay was very good.
Shooting and aiming felt just right, It reminded me of RE4 in some ways.
I enjoyed the humor and banter between Garcia & Johnson.
Nice soundtrack as well, makes the game quite atmospheric.
I'd give the game an 8/10 overall.

Chitown B

Started playing this again. It's funny and a neat concept. The controls suck though, for sure. Anyone else play this recently? I bought it two years ago and played for a minute and then put it down. Going back through my backlog to finish old 360 games to move on to X1 gen.


Started playing this again. It's funny and a neat concept. The controls suck though, for sure. Anyone else play this recently? I bought it two years ago and played for a minute and then put it down. Going back through my backlog to finish old 360 games to move on to X1 gen.

Ill romp through it every few months. One of my first Plats. I fuckin love everything about it, especially the soundtrack. Yamaoka is a musical genius.

I still stand by my opinion that SOTD is like the Big Trouble In Little China of video games.


Ill romp through it every few months. One of my first Plats. I fuckin love everything about it, especially the soundtrack. Yamaoka is a musical genius.

I still stand by my opinion that SOTD is like the Big Trouble In Little China of video games.

I can dig it. Absolutely adore the game as well. I'm hoping beyond hope we get a PC version or something but since EA published it probably not ='(

Chitown B

beat it on Legion Hunter (Hard). Some of the stuff was annoying but mostly it was a fun romp. Whoever thought to put unskippable cutscenes AFTER save points is an idiot.


So exactly what's the consensus on this?
I've shoved it to the rear of my backlog queue on account of still clearing out the additional modes on RE4 HD and not wanting it to be compared unfavourably, plus GoW3 is also in my TPS backlog and i'm quite keen to wrap up that trilogy

I was in the same boat as you, had it on the Gamefly queue and it happened to show up one day. It's going to take me entirely too long to Platinum it due to starting real life (work) and temporarily being away from my consoles, but I've enjoyed my time with it. I would go so far as to call it a budget game - but a fun one at that.

One nitpick is that the difficulty trophy/achievements don't stack, but if you don't care about that, have fun!


Game was extremely funny and different from your typical TPS. Such a shame the game bombed. I actually made my friend play it for the first time and recorded it as a Lets Play. Here's the link to the first ep in case anyone's interested https://youtube.com/watch?v=LeGBGUPJI2I

I'll try to give it a watch later today.
Really hope this game can get re-released on Steam somehow, the performance issues in the PS360 ver. were totally unneeded.


I'll try to give it a watch later today.
Really hope this game can get re-released on Steam somehow, the performance issues in the PS360 ver. were totally unneeded.

Cool! The game needs all the exposure it can get so a Steam re-release will be awesome. Garcia and Johnson are too good to be wasted.
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