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Shooter kills 9 people in Munich before killing himself

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Why the fuck can a theatre prop be converted to a working one by a random nutter. This really shouldn't be possible, dammit.

Also, press going after "the darknet" and of course, killerspiele. Gah.

Apparently there are illegal businesses buying defused firearms and making them usable again. The perpetrator might've gotten his weapon from one of these.

It makes me angry that the whole "mobbing in school" thing is not talked about a lot in the news/newspaper in Germany. They rather jump at games again..

This. Also, no conversation about the fake facebook account as far as I can tell - this should really be a thing though, to show children how easy it is to imitate one's identity on the internet.

I would put the Wuerzburg axe incident a few days ago in a similar category, although ISIS claimed it for themselves the guy seemed to have psychological issues.

Also the german wings tragedy.
It makes me angry that the whole "mobbing in school" thing is not talked about a lot in the news/newspaper in Germany. They rather jump at games again..

As someone who was abused in school it's unbelievable how the whole topic is ignored.

mobbing in school is an old phenomenon and is in any society. Is there a known cure to this? I dont think so. kids can be cruel.

I agree that the "OMG ISIS.. oh wait no ties to ISIS.. okay then GAMES..." mechanism is getting really old
Makes you (myself) look like an idiot for telling AfD supporters his name was David. Shit like this promotes AfD and Lügenpresse bullshit.

I think the AfD just called themselves out by connecting the shootings to ISIS and refugees before the identity of the killer was clear. Currently they are bellow 10% in the polls (which is still way to high) so a 10% drop from two-three months ago.
Sounds like your typical 4channer.

the follow up question should be "why didnt you report him to the police"


We'd all be a lot better off if we stopped overanalysing every detail of these mass shooting, pushed them down the headlines, and stopped letting them have such an effect on us.


It makes me angry that the whole "mobbing in school" thing is not talked about a lot in the news/newspaper in Germany. They rather jump at games again..
Fear sells. It's that simple. Why be boring and constructive, when you can rake in the money by being loud and flashy. Fuckery all around.


It makes me angry that the whole "mobbing in school" thing is not talked about a lot in the news/newspaper in Germany. They rather jump at games again..

As someone who was abused in school it's unbelievable how the whole topic is ignored.

That's because there isn't a lot of evidence that bullying at school has much to do with mass murders according to the (often ignored) experts that understand this area better than anyone else.


That's because there isn't a lot of evidence that bullying at school has much to do with mass murders according to the (often ignored) experts that understand this area better than anyone else.

Agreed. Of course, there is a correlation between bullying/outsider status and mass murders, but it's just that - a correlation, not a cause. The same can be said about violent video games though - there's only a correlation. And, speaking from personal experience, not everyone who gets bullied becomes a murderer - there are a lot of factors that play into the shaping of the psyche, but someone without a stable social network outside of school? I can see them becoming unhinged and, as a result, violent.

Are you talking about this article?


Cause I see nothing wrong with that. They basically just talk to his Counter Strike friends and it does give a deeper insight in what kind of person that guy was.

Yeah. The article is actually pretty good - though one can ask "Marco", why he and the perpetrator's other online peers didn't attempt to alert the authorities. If someone in my circle would say and do the things that are described in the article, I'd grab the chat transcripts and call the police.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Makes you (myself) look like an idiot for telling AfD supporters his name was David. Shit like this promotes AfD and Lügenpresse bullshit.

I agree, it is stupid. It just makes it look like the press indirectly acknowledges that the shooter's ethnicity is relevant to the event, when this is not the case. It should never be wrong to just report the facts and never be acceptable to avoid them. It really annoys me to see how much of the commentary in the press and on social media is shaped by the anxiety of what the far-right might do or think, instead of just ignoring the morons, sticking to the facts, and drawing untainted conclusions about tragic events that are important in their own right. There is really no need to turn oneself into the slave of the far-right. People who cannot rationally interpret those facts will bend reality to their needs anyway, regardless of what others say.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Yeah. The article is actually pretty good - though one can ask "Marco", why he and the perpetrator's other online peers didn't attempt to alert the authorities. If someone in my circle would say and do the things that are described in the article, I'd grab the chat transcripts and call the police.

Yeah you could, though actually asking him in an interview would be kinda fucked up. Because whether that's your intent or not, it's kinda blaming this kid for what happened, at least partially.
Why the fuck can a theatre prop be converted to a working one by a random nutter. This really shouldn't be possible, dammit.

Also, press going after "the darknet" and of course, killerspiele. Gah.

German spec blank guns can't ever be converted because the authorities approve each one and put a 'PTB' stamp on them. He must have got it from Eastern Europe where the laws are far more lax.
Maybe it's already been mentioned, but the BBC article is also now referencing that he played FPS games. It even had a subheading of "Video Games", despite there only being one line in the article referring to the subject.


I read the article before and this stood out for me too. I appreciate what the games contains but I'd think bullying, mental condition, society problems and a trip to Winnenden are more telling than a youngster who happened to play Counter Strike. 100s of millions play these type of games, I don't think they turn kids or young adults.


Are you talking about this article?


Cause I see nothing wrong with that. They basically just talk to his Counter Strike friends and it does give a deeper insight in what kind of person that guy was.

It's some small details that just show their bias again. Like the other poster said, they called it Gewaltspiele again.
Bolding the parts about the Counterstrike group and where he apparently played alone at midnight also makes no sense at all except when they think it is so bad that he did.
How about bolding that he called himself Amokläufer or about his hate speech instead?

Also, this is just a preview for their Spiegel TV special. I am sure there will be some bullshit.
The quality of SPON has been bullshit for quite some time. Sadly, I am used to their layout and really need to start reading something else.


Unbelievable, this lunatic killed 9 people and you people are trying to blame the educational system and pulling the "minority" card out?

I wonder how would you react if someone close to you was killed like this. Approach the shooter, pat them in the back and tell them "oh its ok you were bullied so it's understandable".

I'm at a loss of words.

I'm at a loss for words how you think anyone is trying to absolve him of his guilt?
Not really reading subtleties here are you.


There's been a development.

Today, on Sunday, July 24th 2016, Police arrested a 16 year old boy of Afghan origin who was friends with the shooter from the friday incident. He already contacted the police on friday to make a statement about his relationship with the shooter. However, investigation showed that his statements were contradictory and he's been arrested and indicted with charges of failure to report about a planned crime (§ 138 StGB).

Source: Munich Police
Well, guess the only good thing is that video games are not as much in the focus like back after Winnenden in 2009 (when they there treated as one of the two major causes for the shooting together with guns not being properly stored). Still get brought up plenty, especially in state TV news broadcasts, particularly concerning Counter Strike (Source). Love how they recycle old CS 1.6 footage for that, that was already outdated 7 years ago.

Depending how much the politicians focus on the topic we might be in for some major censorship of games again. Right now there seems to be more focus on illegal guns from the Darknet "that everyone can buy", but how much more attention is paid to "killer games" rather than mobbing in schools (which is barely mentioned if at all) is troubling.


Well, guess the only good thing is that video games are not as much in the focus like back after Winnenden in 2009 (when they there treated as one of the two major causes for the shooting together with guns not being properly stored). Still get brought up plenty, especially in state TV news broadcasts, particularly concerning Counter Strike (Source). Love how they recycle old CS 1.6 footage for that, that was already outdated 7 years ago.

Depending how much the politicians focus on the topic we might be in for some major censorship of games again. Right now there seems to be more focus on illegal guns from the Darknet "that everyone can buy", but how much more attention is paid to "killer games" rather than mobbing in schools (which is barely mentioned if at all) is troubling.

I'd rather have censored video games than "censored" daily life through "patriot acts" and bullshit like that.
A mindlessly scared public cutting down liberties in order to gain some (although only perceived) security surely is way worse than no blood in shooter X.
The fact that this garbage was the #1 upvoted post on the r/worldnews thread before any details surfaced is honestly pretty telling:


r/worldnews is basically a slightly more moderate liveleak comment section at this point.


Gold Member
It makes me angry that the whole "mobbing in school" thing is not talked about a lot in the news/newspaper in Germany. They rather jump at games again..

As someone who was abused in school it's unbelievable how the whole topic is ignored.
It's because most people are extremely stupid - and when stupid people want politicians to take action, you get something like this. It's simply far easier to put additional restrictions and banns for videogames into place than tackle the actuals source of the problem, which is school mobbing and making kids outcast. Politicians know this very well but as long as such measures like banns work for them, they're going the easy route naturally.
I guess the AfD will then just forget about this shooting and focus on the other "terror attacks".
A terror attack by a right wing nut doesn't fit their agenda right now.


BREAKING: German broadcaster reports explosion near a migration office in #Zirndorf, near #Nuremberg - @reuters

No injuries reported so far.


Police possibly showing that internet stuff is not exactly their forte: they had to be told about the shooters' fifteen year old online forum buddy in Freiburg by a third party.

NP: dpa refers to them as whistleblower, admittedly that would explain the timing difference.
Otherwise, it's a high profile/high priority case, and if a random(?) guy on the net can connect the dots faster than a supposedly trained professional, it wouldn't make them look terribly reliable.

TL;DR aka I'm too lazy to click on the link:

Fellow-minded fifteen year old Internet acquaintance of the Munich shooter
Posted self-incriminating stuff, chatted extensively with shooter, but no complicity in shooting
Had been preparing for months
Owned bullets/magazines, knifes/daggers, but no gun
Also chemicals and a plan to create explosives
Finally, a copy of the escape floor plan of his own school

Got busted by a guy on the net, raided by police, taken into custody and forwarded to a psych ward.
Is cooperative, admits to wanting to go on a rampage, but later deciding against it.
Will be charged with possession of weapons, but concrete plot to raid school may be harder to prove.

At least this guy will receive the help he needs before he drags others down with him. Gotta count your blessings, I guess.
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