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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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I got around watching Aura Battler Dunbine recently, and finished my run yesterday night.

I was honestly pretty disappointed with it after all the good things I heard. The initial pitch is very interesting, but it quickly starts to drag pretty badly. It's still okay-ish during the first half, and the mid-series when Show gets the Billbine, shit goes down and they all
get sent to Upper Earth
is pretty good. But then it gets absolutely terrible. It feels like nothing significant happens during the second half, it's just an endless repeat of good guys trying to mess with the baddies but failing, or the reverse, and it bored me to death. There were a few good episodes in there (notably the one with
the nuclear warhead in Poland)
but overall it felt like NOTHING was being achieved at all by either side, the story was completely stalling. Some nonsensical, terrible and most of all NEVERENDING side-plots made me furious, most notably
Bern going all HURR I'M A BLACK KNIGHT and Rimle trying to escape and failing during the ENTIRE run of the series.

Then the last two episode suddenly went turbo and Tomino as fuck. It was a pretty good conclusion to the mess these series was, actually. I like to think that
they were all, or at least most of them, sent back to Byston Well to live a new life.


To be quite honest, I think I liked Wings of Rean better.
/famous last words

LOL I try watching this, and give up after 2 minute.
Its ugly as sin.


Poet Centuriate
To Heart 3

Spooky, occult shit in my slice of life romance show? Yeah okay.

So basically an introduction episode for another girl. Is there a name (ala yandere or whatever) for really weird and quiet girls? Cause this chick is fucking weird, son.

God, this English dub is getting kinda...sketch in parts. Weird voices, WAY too quiet characters, constant dialogue repetition (though I don't know if this is also an issue for the Japanese version). The last two episodes were okay enough, hopefully this is just a stupid fucking episode and we can move on and forget about it and this weird spooky rich chick. Horrible character.

Let's...just please forget about this episode.


The Light of El Cantare
I like how some people in the Attack on Titan thread are construing everyone's complaints as being upset over a lack of action/gore :lol

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I like how some people in the Attack on Titan thread are construing everyone's complaints as being upset over a lack of action/gore :lol
Well, that show was a lot cooler when it was about giant people eating small people and not...
Sometimes I really worry about Corvy-kun's well being. BUt he seems to be taking all this horrible anime like a champ.

I think he hit rock bottom with Code Geass R2. Now with Sword Art Online, he seems to be looking for ways to drill through rock bottom.

You know, I should have posted my impressions of Madoka and Code Geass here when I was watching them. I thought back then that this thread was for the impressions of newer anime.

Ah...I remember how I felt when I watched episode 3 of Madoka.

Me: THIS is the episode everyone's banging on about? I really don't see what the big deal i-
Me: Oh there it is. ...Seriously what the hell?
Space Bros 62

Once Amanti said it would be someone both Mutta and Hibito cared about, I was afraid it would be Apo. Thankfully, that doesn't seem to be the case unless this obvious foreshadowing is a red herring.
Wait, this has a catgirl in it? dammit.

First of all, that may or may not be a guy.

Second, it is NOT how you expect a catgirl to act. Not once is he/she portrayed as cute but rather incredibly creepy. He/she is one of the most terrifying characters in the series, and by extension, the genre itself.


Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack pt. 1

I cannot believe this massive time skip. I mean, between ZZ and CCA, there's just so much that isn't explained here. What's Judau up to? What's Kamile up to? Who gives a damn about Amuro? He's been running away from doing anything cool for a good 100 episodes now. Also, suddenly Char is alive again. Suddenly he's back with the Zeon. It's a lot to just take in.

Wow, Mirai is pretty hot for a lady who has to be like, 50 now. Oh jeez, Bright Noa is STILL doing this? Dude needed to retire a long, long time ago. I wonder if he and Mirai are actually still married at this point. Bright's spent his entire life raising other people's kids. Quess' hair looks so dumb. Anaheim Electronics has got to be the biggest bunch of war profiteers ever.

Is this where Char finally earns his famous ephebophilia? Cuz so far he's shown like, no interest in anyone. Hahaha, is the Nu Gundam specifically designed so Amuro can have this girl sit in his lap while he pilots? Hahaha. Still, I'm not sure if I like this more than the Zeta, but it looks better than the hulk that was the ZZ.

X Billion years later, Lalah Soon is still haunting the fuck out of Amuro and Char. I mean jeez. Oh man, Quess is the worst. Like, I'm not even a third of the way into this movie and this girl is just the worst. "AMURO IS A NEWTYPE AND I LOOOOOOOOOVE HIM." Guh, she's Beltachika Jr.

Wow, Cameron. There's a side character I didn't expect to see again. UUUUUUUUUH. Char has just dropped a mother loving asteroid onto the Earth, and you're now selling him THE BIGGEST ASTEROID SHORT OF THE MOON, equipped with its own nuclear engine that was fast enough to get it from the Asteroid Belt to the Earth Sphere in a few months? Are you guys just dumb or actively on Char's side?

Yeah, Earth is polluted by people so I'm going to destroy and pollute the Earth. HOooooookay. A logical decision this most definitely is. Fucking Quess. One stupid action just extended this entire film by another hour and a half. Ugh. LOL AMERICA ZAKU LOL.

So like, I'm MEANT to hate Quess, right? Cuz she walks a fine line between being a brat and being a bitch. It's sort of awkward seeing Char with Zeon, considering how much he hated Zeon in MSG, and how he spent Zeta as their enemy. I guess people love him though because they don't know that. Quess' Zeon hairstyle is much better.

Wait, why are people seeing Char in a relationship with Quess when he's got a pretty obvious one with Nanai? I mean, I get that his relationship with Rekkua was pretty tepid, but then, considering how she turned out to be the worst woman in the entire series, that's only fair. Char's definitely banging this Nanai lady, though. Oh, even she's jealous of Quess? Uuuuuuuuuuuuh.

No, Quess, you did not know "ALL" of that. Nobody knew that the Zabi family assassinated Zeon Deikun. This is the first time that that has been publicly announced in the UC timeline, unless Char's been saying it during the gap before the movie. Cuz if everyone had known that the Zabis were murderers Haman never would've been able to use
the fake Mineva
to such great advantage.

Hahaha, Char just said "WE'RE DROPPING A GIANT METEOR ONTO EARTH" and Quess is all "But I thought they were disarming?" Oh golly, did you not think about this even once, kiddo? That people tell lies in war? Especially people like Char Aznable, who murdered his best friend and has betrayed everyone he's ever worked for?

Took over an hour for someone to smack Quess, but it was worth it.


The Light of El Cantare
Well, that show was a lot cooler when it was about giant people eating small people and not...

That gif needs crazy eyes, MANGA ACTION LINES, and WORDS in all caps to properly represent the Attack on Titan experience.

oh, and it would have to be a jpg instead of a gif.
Outlaw Star 1

Through the night is a really good OP song and I hope it stays there for all of the episodes. Really catchy when it played and kind of pumped me up. Which worked well considering the huge space fight scenes starting off and then continuing on. If it cant really keep up that type of action (I hope it wasn't some silly tease and the anime never returns to space fight, explosions, beams, and the usual high speed weapons that smoke trails zips and zags, I will be disappoint), then it could really be quite memorable. Gene has an easy to like character design, excellent hair color and personality, and has surrounded himself with a really memorable secondary character. Jim's comments make me laugh too and hes quite nice.
Hilda was much better as Rachel. Didnt make sense to become one eyed.
Will keep watching.
First of all, that may or may not be a guy.

Second, it is NOT how you expect a catgirl to act. Not once is he/she portrayed as cute but rather incredibly creepy. He/she is one of the most terrifying characters in the series, and by extension, the genre itself.

Suddenly Hunter X Hunter sounds pretty intriguing.


First of all, that may or may not be a guy.

Second, it is NOT how you expect a catgirl to act. Not once is he/she portrayed as cute but rather incredibly creepy. He/she is one of the most terrifying characters in the series, and by extension, the genre itself.

cosmicblizzard with the blanket statement yet again.

You really need to lay off the hyperbole, man. You can build a show up without resorting to comparisons with all works from the dawn of time.
Date A Live 12

Aw man!!! The season's over already?! This was one of my top shows. That was actually... not half bad for a season finale. Better siscon than Oreimo, that's for sure.

I'm really glad that they had that moment with Tohka at the end. She's just too cute, even when jealous.

Date A Live receives a score of
1.3 Sword Art Onlines
0.7 The World God Only Knows's

Tohka = Yoshino > Kotori >>>>> Origami = Kurumi
cosmicblizzard with the blanket statement yet again.

You really need to lay off the hyperbole, man. You can build a show up without resorting to comparisons with all works from the dawn of time.

HxH fans can back me up on this. Villains in that series are goddamn crazy, and the Chimera Ants are worse than most of them. There's really nothing comparable in modern shounen jump. Togashi actually had to self-censor some of the shit they do.
Space Bros 62

Once Amanti said it would be someone both Mutta and Hibito cared about, I was afraid it would be Apo. Thankfully, that doesn't seem to be the case unless this obvious foreshadowing is a red herring.

I hope it's Apo instead of
because I could stomach that, and it would mean it wasn't an actual character that anything happened to.

cosmicblizzard with the blanket statement yet again.

You really need to lay off the hyperbole, man. You can build a show up without resorting to comparisons with all works from the dawn of time.

Hyperbole isn't really required with Hunter x Hunter. It's legitimately the best shounen manga out there.


Sometimes I really worry about Corvy-kun's well being. BUt he seems to be taking all this horrible anime like a champ.

Sometimes I like to watch bad things and complain about them for the fun of it. Some of you may have seen that my brother and I are currently playing through Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. The best part of playing that game is knowing he doesn't know that Sonic and Elise are going to kiss. God, I can't wait.

I think he's building up antibodies to them.

Watching bad things has some bonus effects. My enjoyment of Valvrave was seriously down for awhile and I couldn't get why people were enjoying it. Then I watched Code Geass R2. Now Valvrave is the best show of the season and I eagerly anticipate each episode.

Its the only way to survive what he's putting himself through.

I watch good things, though, too. In addition to my beloved Full Metal Panic! I've found such magic shows as The Big O, G Gundam, GaoGaiGar and Eureka Seven because Anime GAF directed me, too, and on one occasion told me not to be such a bitch about things and just man up and watch it.

I've come to realize that a lot of AnimeGAF is masochistic when it comes to watching anime. And I don't think they'd have it any other way.

I found out today that my younger brother has never seen Evangelion. Like, ever. He's not a fan of anime at all, but I really, really need to make him watch it. He has trouble following plots anyway, so his reaction to the last two episodes and End of Evangelion are gonna be amazing.

I think he hit rock bottom with Code Geass R2. Now with Sword Art Online, he seems to be looking for ways to drill through rock bottom.

Code Geass R2 changed my life. It made me rethink my tiers of mecha to include a "So Bad it is Amazing" tier just for it and Valvrave.

I think everyone has their limits but it takes a lot to get there.

My limits are Gundam 00 and Rah Xephon. Specifically Rah Xephon, which has the odious distinction of being the only show so awful I quit halfway through. Gundam 00 revolted me so much in S2 I almost quit, but then I made a deal with the devil to let me rewatch FMP! if I finished the series.


Poet Centuriate
To Heart 4

Another "introduce a potential rival girl" episode, but this is a lot better than that piece of shit last episode. Much better character (w/ Ash Ketchum's English VA!), much better subject, so much better presentation. I don't know what the fuck they were doing with that last episode.

That little MMA fight was pretty well done.
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