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Square Enix president to be replaced in June


How about the give us a good FF that can rival Dragon Quest instead of the crap we've been getting since X?
season 2 starz GIF by Blunt Talk

This ship has sailed and sunk 10 years ago I’m afraid.

(But you may get a good AA JRPG once in a while)


The guy made blunders but the company is in a better place than the disaster he took over 10 years ago. I have been very pleased with the amount of quality AA games they have been releasing lately. I hope that continues.

I know people criticise him over the NFT stuff but that may have also been to keep the board happy.(which if so, will continue with the new guy). Overall, I think he only really pledged to spend 30 million chasing the NFT garbage. They likely wasted far more on Forspoken.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Current SE up to now has been delivering so many bangers that change is slightly scary to me.

Look at the shit they green lit that many would’ve thought we’d never see:

Octopath 1&2
Bravely default 1&2
Front mission remasters
FF7 remakes
FF14 expansions
Triangle strategy
Tactics ogre remaster
Valkyrie profile game
Valkyrie profile remaster
Star ocean new game/s
Dio field chronicle
Chrono cross remaster
Saga frontier remaster
Babylons fall
Dragon quest games on games

The list goes on and on. Square portfolio year after year has some stinkers and some winners. You can’t say they aren’t trying on a AA and a AAA front while still taking care of core consumers.

Compared to the ps3 era and a lot of ps4, the last few years have been wonderful .


If anyone thinks the new guy who came from an ad firm and is super into metaverse is going to better, I got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

For all his faults, at least the current (soon to be gone) CEO drove SE to produce and release quite a few titles, including remasters of old catalogue, 2.5 D titles, AA titles and so on, so had a good mix.

Yes, SE f-d up with Western studios and sold them way too cheaply, but still all in all he wasn't doing too bad for us, gamers. New dude is there to please shareholders, the "true" customers.
Hopefully this president is smart enough to bring their games to every platform.

Drop all focus on nfts/metaverse.

& Doesn't blame crystal dynamics/eidos for their failings.
SquareEnix to my knowledge actually does bring quite a bit of their games to other platforms especially the Switch. One problem is Switch isn’t powerful enough to port some of SE’s games and XBOX gets less support because Japanese games don’t sell well on the XBOX. That’s one reason they heavily favor the PlayStation. Sure, Sony gets exclusive deals, but SE games are most successful on there.


Just for once I would love it if one of those companies released a statement that doesn't sound like a carefully manufactured corporate word salad.


Trash company that is only alive because of handouts from Sony.
What's FFXIV, one of the most popular MMO's got to do with Sony? Their games would sell just the same and probably more if they went multiplatform releasing the likes of FFVIIR, FFXVI, DQ etc simultaneously on PS, XBX, PC.

Sony moneyhats their games because they have a core and dedicated audience of around 3-5mil and IPs such as these and KH helped make Playstation as popular as it is today.

If you want to see real trash companies, look no further than EA, Ubisoft, Activision and few other Western publishers who have seemingly given up and produce nothing but microtransaction gambling sims and shooters. Or the likes of Rockstar, who can only muster up the strength or take the risk to produce one game a decade.

Then there's Microsofts game studio, such as for Halo, Gears and others that are just awful and completely lack imagination.
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SquareEnix to my knowledge actually does bring quite a bit of their games to other platforms especially the Switch. One problem is Switch isn’t powerful enough to port some of SE’s games and XBOX gets less support because Japanese games don’t sell well on the XBOX. That’s one reason they heavily favor the PlayStation. Sure, Sony gets exclusive deals, but SE games are most successful on there.
I know they bring games to Xbox. :)
I had to import ff10, 12, WOF from the USA. (I still need to import DQ11S, but I don't want the cover with french on)
It's just questionable what games they choose to port and not port.
We got Diofield Chronicles what I would imagine would sell way less than any FF title, Diofield was excellent though and probably one of their better titles in many many years imo.


Being smart is actually improving the quality of their games, not sure how an ok to average lineup of games last year being released on more platforms is changing that.
I agree with this sentiment too, star ocean really rubbed me the wrong way, it seemed like a fun PS2 era jrpg.

It wasn't a looker at all, but it ran like 💩

No idea if performance has since been ironed out, but even vrr couldn't save that game, it was absymal.
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Square Enix really need to stop with the exclusive games crap. They are a multiplatform company.

Exclusive games from multiplatform developers only benefit the platform holder.
And stop using their (patent pending) "Lucky Draw" system for platform picking?
Sometimes it's as random as it can get, it's like they write the name of platforms/storefronts in little papers, put them in a bag, throw a die on the table and then pick the same number of papers from the bagas the die shows and say "our next game will release only on these platforms/stores!"
(just looking at the platforms of octopath traveler 1&2, final fantasy pixel remaster, etc proves this).


Moderated wildly
Square Is dying, and it hurts to see. They've made some really bad decisions.

Hopefully, if it would bring them back to greatness, Sony does buy them.



Hopefully this means the ethics commity and Forspoken's board of writers gets the axe.


Current SE up to now has been delivering so many bangers that change is slightly scary to me.

Look at the shit they green lit that many would’ve thought we’d never see:

Octopath 1&2
Bravely default 1&2
Front mission remasters
FF7 remakes
FF14 expansions
Triangle strategy
Tactics ogre remaster
Valkyrie profile game
Valkyrie profile remaster
Star ocean new game/s
Dio field chronicle
Chrono cross remaster
Saga frontier remaster
Babylons fall
Dragon quest games on games

The list goes on and on. Square portfolio year after year has some stinkers and some winners. You can’t say they aren’t trying on a AA and a AAA front while still taking care of core consumers.

Compared to the ps3 era and a lot of ps4, the last few years have been wonderful .

Will Smith Yes GIF by Bad Boys For Life

Agreed, I’d be lying if I say I love all of their output of this gen and last, but they’ve definitely made some enjoyable titles. Yes, their golden age for me like many was the PS1/PS2 era, but I don’t need every game to be an absolute banger. I absolutely loved Dragon Quest XI and FF VII Remake, but then I play recently Star Ocean 6, and yeah it’s “only” pretty good, but I’m not mad about that, I still had fun. And I enjoyed Forspoken despite it having a few bumps, despite tons of people who didn’t even play the game assuring me and everyone that we would hate it. And while I have a few reservations about a few choices with FF XVI, I’m still really looking forward to it. I also want to check out Octopath Traveler 2 as while the first game wasn‘t for me as I’m not into turn based with only one party member, hearing that the second game will have a party to control for most of the game is a big improvement for me.

Hell, I don’t really fuck with MMOs, but I’ll still recognize that FF XIV is probably up there with No Man’s Sky as the best redemption arc for a game in terms of the initial version being terrible but then being vastly improved over time.


Many of those games only got Xbox ports years after their original launches though. I doubt that's the level of commitment Xbox fans want.
I agree, day and date would genuinely be really nice.

It just seems really questionable what titles they choose to put on Xbox and not on Xbox.
I agree, day and date would genuinely be really nice.

It just seems really questionable what titles they choose to put on Xbox and not on Xbox.
For whatever reason, Square games just don't do as well on Xbox as they do on PlayStation, Switch and even PC. Most tow the line of being profitable to port or not, so it ends up being hit and miss, which likely only further distances them from that audience.

Even when they deem a game profitable on the platform, it's not a big enough number, and Sony or Nintendo can easily afford to pay for the exclusivity.


For whatever reason, Square games just don't do as well on Xbox as they do on PlayStation, Switch and even PC. Most tow the line of being profitable to port or not, so it ends up being hit and miss, which likely only further distances them from that audience.

Even when they deem a game profitable on the platform, it's not a big enough number, and Sony or Nintendo can easily afford to pay for the exclusivity.
Surely you agree the games they choose to port to xbox over their bigger titles is questionable?

I'm happy stuff like Diofield Chronicles came to Xbox, as it was such a genuine surprise for myself.
Surely you agree the games they choose to port to xbox over their bigger titles is questionable?

I'm happy stuff like Diofield Chronicles came to Xbox, as it was such a genuine surprise for myself.
Well, there's no doubt the big stuff like Final Fantasy XVI and FFVII Remake were a result of a check from Sony.

But, SE does make strange decisions. For example, putting Octopath Traveler on Xbox and not PlayStation only to put Octopath Traveler 2 on PlayStation and not Xbox.
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Well, there's no doubt the big stuff like Final Fantasy XVI and FFVII Remake were a result of a check from Sony.

But, SE does make strange decisions. For example, putting Octopath Traveler on Xbox and not PlayStation only to put Octopath Traveler 2 on PlayStation and not Xbox.
It's pretty baffling.
You would think Triangle Strategy & Live A Live would come to playstation as well.
But only switch & Pc with triangle. 🤷‍♂️

Same with various other titles and platform choices.


Actually, it’s in this order profitwise

Bandai Namco
Capcom - Konami
Koei Tecmo
Square Enix
How the fuck is Konami number 2 with Capcom?! Mobile games?

Tho Koei Tecmo is a head scratcher too.
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How the fuck is Konami number 2 with Capcom?! Mobile games?

Tho Koei Tecmo is a head scratcher too.
Unironically yes (with some japan only low budget switch games, one in which recently sold 4M+ copies in Japan), in addition to Yu-Gi-Oh cashcow

As for Koei Tecmo, you should thank Omega Force’s Dynasty Warriors engine as they receive shit-tons of IP Licenses reskins of it, partnering with many other publishers for it, including Nintendo being their biggest.
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Well, there's no doubt the big stuff like Final Fantasy XVI and FFVII Remake were a result of a check from Sony.

But, SE does make strange decisions. For example, putting Octopath Traveler on Xbox and not PlayStation only to put Octopath Traveler 2 on PlayStation and not Xbox.
The explanation for that is that MS paid for the OT port to be on Gamepass.
It's pretty baffling.
You would think Triangle Strategy & Live A Live would come to playstation as well.
But only switch & Pc with triangle. 🤷‍♂️

Same with various other titles and platform choices.
For TS and LaL it depends what terms were in the contracts signed with Nintendo


The explanation for that is that MS paid for the OT port to be on Gamepass.

For TS and LaL it depends what terms were in the contracts signed with Nintendo
Haven't liked the trailer actually, ff is supposed to look way better, their faces look like animated at the level of life is strange and other low detailed 3d object games, it's like paperwork painted objects, they really s and serve no purpose.
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