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The Apple iPad | The Official Thread

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elitehebrew said:
I just wanted to express how i felt about it. I'm not so caught up on having the newest gadgets and just don't really see the appeal. People complain about being broke but they will be damned if they don't have the newest phone or ipod...Just kinda lame to me.

Maybe I just have a different view on where my money should go. (EX. Travel, Future, and fun with friends)

I usually skip threads which feature subjects that don't interest me.

Maybe I just have a different view on where my valuable time should go. (EX. not going out of my way to piss on people's different interests)
elitehebrew said:
haha I'm glad the Internet will always have "people like you" to brighten my day. Seriously though was no lecture just my 2 cents.
brb, going to tell everyone in the PS3 threads that they're wasting their money and time on stupid things.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
brb, going to tell everyone in the PS3 threads that they're wasting their money and time on stupid things.

Can I have your avatar when you get permed?

Just kidding. No way I'd get rid of my Ray avatar.


Will buy if it runs full web apps and not the mobile versions (Gmail and Google Docs basically) and if the keyboard attachment is $50 or less.


elitehebrew said:
What is the purpose of this thing? I read all its abilities on their website, but to me its just a waste of money and not just a waste of money but a piece of shit. It looks very susceptible to damage and sure you can get a bunch of shit to protect it but its just a laptop with out the keyboard built on. I mean sure if your a millionaire and just wanna wast money on stupid shit sure.....but i don't see how it could enhance your life.
Different people have different reasons of course. For some people its comics, I don't care about comics (unless Bill Watterson comes back), but I'd like a e-reader and reading from LCD doesn't bother me. I'm always bringing my laptop to the kitchen with some food recipe, and an (encased) tablet sounds like a better way to go about it. There is going to be a really good Chinese language learning app on this thing, that will double as a Chinese e-reader with pop-up Chinese-to-English translations, as well as the best Chinese->English dictionary app, that can recognize handwritten Chinese characters. So those are just 3 things I see about it that will enhance my life personally, and I think it is different for everybody.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
brb, going to tell everyone in the PS3 threads that they're wasting their money and time on stupid things.

I'm talking more on the lines of something coming out that just really doesn't enhance anything its just something new that people want. Game systems I understand expensive but put out usually in 5 year increments and up the level up visuals/sound hopefully haha. The Ipad does nothing new or insanely different than the 12,000 gadgets 99% of people have already. They just buy it b/c its new. I don't even know why i posted here in the first place b/c its obvious this thread would only have people who were going to buy it. Guess I'm at the wrong place to gripe about it.

Pristine_Condition said:
I usually skip threads which feature subjects that don't interest me.

Maybe I just have a different view on where my valuable time should go. (EX. not going out of my way to piss on people's different interests)

I didn't go out of my way to piss on it...although I guess this wasn't a place to complain about it. Just wondering the appeal or if there was something amazing about it besides the average tech specs from the apple website.

numble said:
Different people have different reasons of course. For some people its comics, I don't care about comics (unless Bill Watterson comes back), but I'd like a e-reader and reading from LCD doesn't bother me. I'm always bringing my laptop to the kitchen with some food recipe, and an (encased) tablet sounds like a better way to go about it. There is going to be a really good Chinese language learning app on this thing, that will double as a Chinese e-reader with pop-up Chinese-to-English translations, as well as the best Chinese->English dictionary app, that can recognize handwritten Chinese characters. So those are just 3 things I see about it that will enhance my life personally, and I think it is different for everybody.

And thats cool...those were the kinda things I wanted to hear...I was hoping there was more use you could get from it...than just basic stuff you get from other electronics you already have.


aswedc said:
Will buy if it runs full web apps and not the mobile versions (Gmail and Google Docs basically) and if the keyboard attachment is $50 or less.
I think the official keyboard attachment is over $50. I'm sure Logitech or somebody will offer something much more reasonable.
aswedc said:
Will buy if it runs full web apps and not the mobile versions (Gmail and Google Docs basically) and if the keyboard attachment is $50 or less.

There's a slim chance the keyboard could come in that cheap, since the standard wired keyboard for Macs is $49...but I wouldn't hold my breath, since it doubles as a dock. I'd rather use a bluetooth keyboard anyway.

EDIT: iLounge is guessing $70.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
elitehebrew said:
I'm talking more on the lines of something coming out that just really doesn't enhance anything its just something new that people want. Game systems I understand expensive but put out usually in 5 year increments and up the level up visuals/sound hopefully haha. The Ipad does nothing new or insanely different than the 12,000 gadgets 99% of people have already. They just buy it b/c its new. I don't even know why i posted here in the first place b/c its obvious this thread would only have people who were going to buy it. Guess I'm at the wrong place to gripe about it.
You can gripe about it in here all you want, but your arguments can be applied to pretty much any consumer electronic on the market.
numble said:
There is going to be a really good Chinese language learning app on this thing, that will double as a Chinese e-reader with pop-up Chinese-to-English translations,

There is? What's it called?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
This thing is a waste of money with no purpose. Just a big iphone.

I'm getting the 64g wifi only model.
RubxQub said:
You can gripe about it in here all you want, but your arguments can be applied to pretty much any consumer electronic on the market.

Yeah i guess it could be applied to a lot of things on the market. Guess i have more simplistic needs or desires than most haha.


LiveFromKyoto said:
There is? What's it called?
Pleco. It's already out for iPhone. The Document Reader and the Flashcards (which is not out for iPhone yet, but is supposed to use a spaced-repetition system like Anki), is what I like about the learning parts.
elitehebrew said:
Yeah i guess it could be applied to a lot of things on the market. Guess i have more simplistic needs or desires than most haha.

I will say there are a few things I am looking towards using it for. One is just chilling on the couch and surfing the web. Yes I have an iPhone but I have a feeling this will be more enjoyable. I also will be using this as a book reader. I also am hoping that Apple comes out with a subscription model for TV shows through iTunes and if so this will be a great device for it. Hopefully Air Video Server is available on it. The way it works on the iPhone is it allows you to stream any movie from your PC to your phone and it converts it on the fly which is amazing.
commish said:
i gotta ask... if you are so against this "piece of shit", then why come into the official thread and post?

I am not him but I would say that he phrased his original post in a wrong way. Maybe he was just trying to see if there were uses for the iPad that he hadn't yet thought of.
commish said:
i gotta ask... if you are so against this "piece of shit", then why come into the official thread and post?

haha. Well if you read my posts I was saying that I thought it probably wasn't a good idea for me to post in here. But I also came here to see what other hidden uses this thing could have which some people have provided. I'm not against it just trying to think of a justification for it. If I don't find one I'm not going to picket in front of Apple HQ and plot its demise.
I don't need one of these, to be honest it doesn't perform any function my MBP already does reasonably comfortably, but I may end up buying one anyway just for the increased portability and form factor. Maybe.


glad to see the official thread off to such a rousing start :lol

I’m waiting for either a price drop on the 3G model or a decent deal on a refurb model, even if it’s wifi only.

seeing more elaborate 3rd party apps after launch will probably get me more enthusiastic about the whole thing. there’s definitely huge potential for the iPad, but I can’t personally justify buying one if I only use it for browsing on the couch. gotta reign in that gadget budget.


The iPad is just a shrunken-down iMat. Whatever.

16GB 3G, day one. (I'm getting the cheapest 3G model this year, so I can give it a test run and probably get v2 in 2011.)



ChangeWave today released additional data from the survey, showing Apple poised to take the top spot among e-reader purchasers over the next 90 days, with 40% of purchasers in the survey planning to opt for an iPad. Amazon's Kindle holds the second spot in the survey at 28%, with Barnes and Noble's Nook placing third at only 6%.

In short, while the iPad launch is likely to strengthen overall e-Reader demand, the survey suggests Amazon and its competitors could well find themselves relegated to playing catch-up within just a few quarters if they don't preemptively move quickly to upgrade their own e-Readers.

Also of interest is ChangeWave's data from customers who already own an e-reader, 27% of whom would have purchased an iPad had it been available when they made their purchase. 45% of purchasers would still have purchased their current e-reader, while 30% registered as undecided.
LovingSteam said:
Maybe I will request a title change to "The Apple iPad | The official thread of even Shogmaster purchased one! when you actually do purchase it lol.
Oh shit! The ball's in my court
and eBay's
A thread title that keeps it simple for once. I like.

Sadly it's looking like I'll have to hold off on getting the iPad for a little bit now. Do to some unforseen stuff that's happening it's probably going to have me hold off for a few months to possibly Christmas. Then I'm not sure if I should wait a little longer for the rev. 2. :lol

And I know this is a more generic question but since I'm curious because of the iPad I'll leave it here. Anyone know if it's possible to create an App that only my family could use? Or at the very least myself?

That Penguin video is sort of what I was looking into for apps I wanted to build. Sadly I still can't find any tutorials on how to build a book stand-alone app. I don't want to build an ebook that works for existing apps like Stanza.


elitehebrew said:
haha. Well if you read my posts I was saying that I thought it probably wasn't a good idea for me to post in here. But I also came here to see what other hidden uses this thing could have which some people have provided. I'm not against it just trying to think of a justification for it. If I don't find one I'm not going to picket in front of Apple HQ and plot its demise.
To be fair, I may be the very person you're talking about.

I don't need one. I'm not sure how or if it will enhance my life (it certainly not as clear cut as the iPhone was). I want to get one because it's new. I'm not rich, but I don't complain abouT being broke either.

It looks like a fun device, so I want to try it.
mrkgoo said:
To be fair, I may be the very person you're talking about.

I don't need one. I'm not sure how or if it will enhance my life (it certainly not as clear cut as the iPhone was). I want to get one because it's new. I'm not rich, but I don't complain abouT being broke either.

It looks like a fun device, so I want to try it.

That is the one factor that I would worry about if I were Apple. The iPod was revolutionary in how you store and listen to music. The iPhone was revolutionary in having an all in one device that is also a phone, thereby the person has it on them all of the time. Both products were on the go. The iPad? I just don't see how it continues the trend of being revolutionary and thereby having the general public swan over it. But look at me, I want one lol.
Anticitizen One said:
Will I be able to watch movies from "Netflix Watch Instantly" on the ipad?

There has been a lot of talk of Netflix coming out with an app for the iPhone and iPad. I would venture to guess you will.


Anticitizen One said:
Will I be able to watch movies from "Netflix Watch Instantly" on the ipad?
Unless Apple decides to support Silverlight not natively. If Netflix makes an app for the device then would be an option. None has been released as of yet.
I wouldn't criticized the people who are buying the iPad.

However, I own an iTouch and a MacAir, and I just can't see how the iPad really adds anything new to my entertainment/media needs. My MacAir is already extremely light and portable and has full capabilities of a laptop. And then I have an iTouch for more pocket portable media needs.

I'm not hating on the people who are buying the iPad. I'm just curious what you guys plan to use it for if you already own an iPhone/iTouch and a laptop. The only thing I can think of for me is a eBook reader. I couldn't use it as another Netbook because the iPad's browser can't even run Flash.

What are you guys planning to use the iPad for? That comic on the iPad looked awesome.


The Chosen One said:
I wouldn't criticized the people who are buying the iPad.

However, I own an iTouch and a MacAir, and I just can't see how the iPad really adds anything new to my entertainment/media needs. My MacAir is already extremely light and portable and has full capabilities of a laptop. And then I have an iTouch for more pocket portable media needs.

I'm not hating on the people who are buying the iPad. I'm just curious what you guys plan to use it for if you already own an iPhone/iTouch and a laptop. The only thing I can think of for me is a eBook reader. I couldn't use it as another Netbook because the iPad's browser can't even run Flash.

What are you guys planning to use the iPad for? That comic on the iPad looked awesome.

E-book reader, web browser(I don't care about Flash), comics, Pages and Numbers, and I'm expecting some amazing games that take full advantage of the large screen. That's $500 worth of usage for me right there.

What I'm looking forward to the most is offloading some of the tasks I normally use my Macbook for to a (IMO) superior form factor and interface.
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