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Twitch vs Speedrun Community Drama (update: Twitch officially responds)


The fact its a fursona is only vaguely related. What started the whole thing was a joke that you have to get insider Horror's pants for an emote (the emote in question got through solely because it was his boyfriend's). And apparently Horror doesn't take too kindly to accusations of cronyism.

I think the word you're looking for is nepotism, not cronyism. And the joke was made because of a sentiment held by plenty of people, "It is inappropriate that this guy puts up a LITERALLY PORN PICTURE, especially after deleting somebody's emoticons for "copyright claims." Literally every account of this story starts this way, including Duke Bilgewater's.

That is how the whole drama started. It escalated very quickly and now it's shown a very real problem with Twitch's admins, but the initial outrage was so stupid. Sentiments afterwards like this http://i.imgur.com/SUGOe8a.jpg are equally stupid.

Also, Horror claims he was asleep at the time of Duke's banning. We shouldn't take his word for it, but that's something.

you really are willing to dig yourself deeper, aren't you

and no, whatever bullshit excuse they pedaled out for the initial removal isn't taken seriously by anyone

What? This may just be the shallowest, most inconsequential hole I've ever dug myself into. The emoticons were removed because of a copyright claim. This happens all the time on Twitch. It also has very little to do with the rest of the drama, which I'm not saying is okay.

So I don't even know what your fucking deal is, gee whiz.


My respect level for twitch was at like level 5 a few weeks ago. PS4 came out and I'm like "DAAAAMN shit is tight yo", brought it up to maybe level 12ish. Now it turns out it's run by a bunch of pre-pubescent people who are trying to drop beast-porn sitewide? WHAAAT? And then banning everyone who calls them out on it? That's no way to run a business, son. Back down to level -1,000 now.

Not quite right in how you perceived the events.
My respect level for twitch was at like level 5 a few weeks ago. PS4 came out and I'm like "DAAAAMN shit is tight yo", brought it up to maybe level 12ish. Now it turns out it's run by a bunch of pre-pubescent people who are trying to drop beast-porn sitewide? WHAAAT? And then banning everyone who calls them out on it? That's no way to run a business, son. Back down to level -1,000 now.

something about this post is just absolutely hilarious


Frankly I detest AGDQ. From the people to the super biased people in charge, the shady SDA/SRL people. Being EXTREMELY Biased towards what games get picked for AGDQ and all. It's downright stupid. But the event has become as bad as the chat in that channel.

I honestly don't know what you're talking about. The fact of the matter is that Mike Uyama is the head organizer of the AGDQ events and he does the scheduling; he ultimately decides who get in and who don't. In the end, the most popular streamers/speedrunners and the most popular games are going to get picked, as the goal of the event is to raise money for charity. As much as they would like to include less popular streamers, it isn't beneficial to the goal.

Furthermore, as already stated, for all the games that don't get picked there is a short explanation for why it didn't get in, and from what I've read they're usually well-motivated. There will always be compromises, because there are a ton of people who want to run at AGDQ, a lot of games that people want played, but there aren't enough slots for them all. The fact that what you want to watch at AGDQ is KingDime who has ~650 followers on twitch probably says a bit about what you like to watch, and I'm sorry to say that opinion isn't shared by many, as evident by his follower count.

I'd love for you to share more about these "shady" SDA/SRL people who are "EXTREMELY biased" and have somehow ruined AGDQ. The event generates more and more money every year, the viewer base gets larger and larger and the speedrunners seem to be enjoying themselves. I don't see what the problem is.


What the hell did I just read (I just saw the list of events on reddit)?

I didn't think the world of Twitch before, but my opinion just got far worse. This isn't some fansite. This is a site that obviously makes a lot of money (based on what some top streamers apparently get from ads/subs) and is about to get a whole lot bigger with PS4/Xbone built in streaming support. To have people that represent your company acting this way is embarrassing to say the least.

What the hell did I just read (I just saw the list of events on reddit)?

I didn't think the world of Twitch before, but my opinion just got far worse. This isn't some fansite. This is a site that obviously makes a lot of money (based on what some top streamers apparently get from ads/subs) and is about to get a whole lot bigger with PS4/Xbone built in streaming support. To have people that represent your company acting this way is embarrassing to say the least.


That's what happens when your company's leaders have no management skills. Or PR skills. Or any skills, really.


Jared (Twitch CM) posted earlier in the thread that they are taking this seriously and working on a resolution behind the scenes.

Jared also stated all the problems EU people have with twitch is down to their ISP and nothing to do with twitch, which was a fallacy due to the news coming out that twitch's EU servers are not capable of holding the load yet twitch didn't have the funds/desire to address it.

They pass the blame until it goes away or is put up with. Someone stating it will be taken seriously is not a sign that its true. They will most likely slap Horror on the wrist and give back the banned channels. Werster brought in big numbers in viewers and twitch wants that ad money.

That's what happens when your company's leaders have no management skills. Or PR skills. Or any skills, really.

Holy hell, this blows my goddamn mind.
Why are they all acting like children?
It's a fucking streaming site. Mods need to have some fucking dignity and stop abusing their e-peen powers.

What I hate the most?
Getting Reddit mods to delete threads.
That's just being stupid.
You know, and the easiest solution would've been so simple too, defused the situation, and in a week's time, the issue would've been blown over.

Here's what Twitch should have done, in 2 steps:
1 - Unban the people who got banned.
2 - Apologize for the misunderstanding.

And we would be done now, there would be no drama, nothing. An optional third step would be to promise Horror being reprimanded (doesn't even have to be anything, really, just saying it would've been enough) and the furry emoticon being removed.


Reading the reddit post and its clear Twitch just continues its parade of "we are right, you are wrong".

So many bans.
I read this and thought of Shawn Elliot going, "oh... shit" like he used to all the time. RIP Brodeo, for this is the type of content they thrived on.


Holy hell, this blows my goddamn mind.
Why are they all acting like children?
It's a fucking streaming site. Mods need to have some fucking dignity and stop abusing their e-peen powers.

What I hate the most?
Getting Reddit mods to delete threads.
That's just being stupid.

Know whats really stupid? The fact that reddit admins were complying with twitch and closing posts.


You know, and the easiest solution would've been so simple too, defused the situation, and in a week's time, the issue would've been blown over.

Here's what Twitch should have done, in 2 steps:
1 - Unban the people who got banned.
2 - Apologize for the misunderstanding.

And we would be done now, there would be no drama, nothing. An optional third step would be to promise Horror being reprimanded (doesn't even have to be anything, really, just saying it would've been enough) and the furry emoticon being removed.
That would require certain amounts of common sense which appear to be none existent over there.
How exactly is it embarrassing for the people being banned?

Besides Wrestor and co., most bans were handed out because other streamers began to insult horror and twitch admins. Some harass his tweet account, some even doxx his ip. This matter is between horror and the speedrun community. Others just saying bs to gain viewers.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Twitch just showed their true colors.
Now I'm actually sad Own3d went under.

Own3d is the worst. they never paid ANY of their streamers. They own Destiny(prominent SC2 streamer) estimated $20-30k and even took his subscription money. Theres nothing worst than not paying your streamers
That would require certain amounts of common sense which appear to be none existent over there.

Well, yes, it was handled with incompetence, which is not something you'd expect from a multi-million company like Twitch. But once the cow's been milked, there's no squirting the cream back up her udder so here we are to see things through.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Spamming reddit/twitter, telling admins to go fuck themselves, etc., is not really a mature reaction.

GJ not getting the point.

The people more directly affected by the bans and stuff have handled it well from what I've seen, it's more the snowball effect showing immaturity(which will always occur on the internet).

Fury Sense

If Twitch remains stubborn, we'll have to appeal to their two biggest customers who should jump at the chance to please the community before the other.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Other... kin?
Like furries but extend the range to include all kinds of mythological stuff like fairies and elves and shit.

And yeah, if anything, the appearance of bronies have drawn fire away from furries (but not sonic fans who will always be hated with the utmost vitriol).
Like furries but extend the range to include all kinds of mythological stuff like fairies and elves and shit.

I thought otherkin were more like people who tried to become wolves or something, and were telling themselves stories about how they transformed and shit?


Like furries but extend the range to include all kinds of mythological stuff like fairies and elves and shit.

Oh crap...I think I'm one of those other ken things...


I thought otherkin were more like people who tried to become wolves or something, and were telling themselves stories about how they transformed and shit?

Oh, then I'm not one of those other ken things...thank goodness.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I thought otherkin were more like people who tried to become wolves or something, and were telling themselves stories about how they transformed and shit?
Subset of otherkin i think. Imagine the kind of furries who think they were a wolf or dragon or some shit in a past life, and then broaden the range of creatures to mythological ones.

(honestly i don't know, i'm just going off of wiki)
This is like school of internet stuff I don't want to know - and yet, I want to know, in text, what headmate is. So, can you explain? Thanks Tofunator.
ed: Those cute hats some streamers are wearing?

Basically, headmates are alternate personalities living in one's head. On Tumblr, users FOR SOME REASON tend to have "alternate personalities" which are just characters from tv shows/anime/whatever. Some social justice warriors on Tumblr use these to allow themselves to be considered a different ethnicity or sexuality. Needless to say, they probably aren't actually suffering a disorder and are most likely attempting some kind of wish fulfillment.


Like furries but extend the range to include all kinds of mythological stuff like fairies and elves and shit.

And yeah, if anything, the appearance of bronies have drawn fire away from furries (but not sonic fans who will always be hated with the utmost vitriol).


You can say I like sonic and argue it places.Same with pokemans.

Colored horses, not at all. You gotta go to special colored horse conventions, to be with people who like colored horse. You gotta arrange meetings for colored horse so you can be with people who like colored horse. You can like sanic and pokemans errywhere.

Its hard out there for people who like colored horse.


Basically, headmates are alternate personalities living in one's head. On Tumblr, users FOR SOME REASON tend to have "alternate personalities" which are just characters from tv shows/anime/whatever. Some social justice warriors on Tumblr use these to allow themselves to be considered a different ethnicity or sexuality. Needless to say, they probably aren't actually suffering a disorder and are most likely attempting some kind of wish fulfillment.

I see. Thanks, man.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

You can say I like sonic and argue it places.Same with pokemans.

Colored horses, not at all. You gotta go to special colored horse conventions, to be with people who like colored horse. You gotta arrange meetings for colored horse so you can be with people who like colored horse. You can like sanic and pokemans errywhere.

Its hard out there for people who like colored horse.

I'm not sure we're on the same page.

I am not talking about people who merely enjoy sonic games.
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