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Ubi: NX will "recapture lapsed Wii players," Nintendo "addressing the family market"


all of my posts are my avatar
I wish Nintendo the very best of luck but I'm out until they bring their games to mobile or XB\PS, not paying top dollar for under performing tech just to play a handful of games.


Well, my NX hype just died. Nintendo hasn't learned a thing. At least it explains why JUst Dance is the only game they're making for it. Hopefully it shops with Pro controller at least and isn't ridiculously weak. At least 4x as powerful as Wii U so it can play Zelda at 1080p with 2-4x MSAA.


I am very interested in the NX, specially after seeing the new Zelda footage. I skipped the Wii U (the only Nintendo console I have never owned) and would be so happy if they include backwards compatability or remaster some of the popular Wii U games.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Well, my NX hype just died. Nintendo hasn't learned a thing. At least it explains why JUst Dance is the only game they're making for it. Hopefully it shops with Pro controller at least and isn't ridiculously weak. At least 4x as powerful as Wii U so it can play Zelda at 1080p with 2-4x MSAA.

Remember the rumor last year that Nintendo was looking for a super cheap console that played on TV and handheld? That's not giving you 2-4x MSAA.


Wait so you're telling they didn't understand that the wii was garbage and its success was a fluke ?

It's doomed, they will NEVER be that relevant ever again...
Willing to bet money this doesn't happen, recapture people who bought into a fad?

Dream on Ubisoft.

I agree insofar as it's an incredibly unrealistic prediction in the current market, but it's ultimately up to first parties to determine how third parties perceive their platforms.

Abandoning the home console market doesn't necessarily mean they will go 3rd party.

They certainly won't go handheld-only, if 3DS' sales trends are any indication.


Does not surprise me in the slightest. Why wouldn't they try to recapture the glory days of the Wii? If they think they have something that will attract families again, then that it absolutely what they will try to do.

I honestly don't know what people expected. They are a family entertainment company, and always have been. The idea that they would put out a device that primarily aims to capture the hardcore audience is quixotic at best.


Remember the rumor last year that Nintendo was looking for a super cheap console that played on TV and handheld? That's not giving you 2-4x MSAA.

I'm not on the hybrid train yet, and I don't think that a hybrid would make sense as a family-focused console either. Assuming a console, making something that can play a Wii U game at that level is easy at a $250 price point with modern chips. I'm not sure which specific rumor you're talking about though, and thus don't know why I should believe that said rumor is 100% true.


I honestly don't know what people expected. They are a family entertainment company, and always have been. The idea that they would put out a device that primarily aims to capture the hardcore audience is quixotic at best.

It'd be nice if they tried to do both, like the PS2 did.


I wish Nintendo the very best of luck but I'm out until they bring their games to mobile or XB\PS, not paying top dollar for under performing tech just to play a handful of games.

Here we go again...people asking for Nintendo to go 3rd party...

They should make this a bannable offense by now.


I honestly don't know what people expected. They are a family entertainment company, and always have been. The idea that they would put out a device that primarily aims to capture the hardcore audience is quixotic at best.

Blame Miyamoto for specifically saying that they realized that the casual audience is unreliable. Also, some of us would hope that they'd learn from their mistakes and at leastr offer a balance instead of trying to go after the Wii audience again. If this true, it's gonna be a historical flop. The Wii audience doesn't need anything except phones and tablets now. I'll be shocked if it's still in production by the end of 2019 if this is really the direction they're taking.
There's likely a lot more to the story here, as I recall Kimishima saying that going after the Wii market was a mistake. I'm not passing any judgement until I see the thing for myself. I'm assuming September will be the month they start talking about the system, as that's when they've held console reveal events in the past.

Also, think of it this way. A lot of lapsed Wii owners either stopped playing on a console or went over to Playstation and Xbox. Both groups are a difficult get, but I feel like the mobile market is a bit harder. They're less likely to play games on anything other than their phones. They're looking for something that's quick and portable. They want something they can play on the bus or train, or during their lunch break.

The other group of Wii owners want more power and 3rd party games. This group doesn't want to feel like they're a generation behind, and missing out on games that their friends are playing. They also want an easy way to play with their friends, which the Wii U & Wii did not offer. This is also a hard group to go after, but that's mostly because there's a lot of brand loyalty and i'm-playing-on-whatever-my-friends-are-playing-on.

The term family market is a bit confusing, as there are several different demographics within a family. The idea of a family sitting at a couch playing a video game is alive, but it's not as common. I'd even say it was antiquated at this point. What family market could imply is that there's something for Bobby NeoGAF that wants the power, but also something for Momma GAF that wants to play something quick and simply. There was also that rumor a while back that said the OS was android based, and that some apps could potentially work on the system.

I wasn't on board with the whole hybrid system before, but this kind of leans towards that direction. Like anything else, it's all hearsay, but I'm intrigued at what they've got going on.
Maybe Nintendo wants to wait to talk about the potential of NX and third party lineup? I think it's obvious they want to avoid inflated expectations like what happened on Wii U where a bunch of devs who's games never came out on the system ever came out. Just Dance is simple, anything can run Just Dance, and regardless of your opinion on the series it blew up on Wii so there's no doubt Nintendo/Ubi Soft value that.
If anything I think Ubisoft might just be confident in Nintendo regaining a lot of the family market. The comments don't necessarily have anything to do with the console itself, just that they feel the NX will do well.

Nintendo has ALWAYS tried to go after families.


Ubisoft's comments seem to contradict what many of the people at Nintendo have been saying about the NX. None of this makes any sense when you put this into the context of what's been said by Nintendo.

I get the impression that many 3rd parties are still in the dark when it comes to Nintendo's philosophical approach to this console, which doesn't bode well because it suggests that perhaps there's a lack of communication there.


Blame Miyamoto for specifically saying that they realized that the casual audience is unreliable. Also, some of us would hope that they'd learn from their mistakes and at leastr offer a balance instead of trying to go after the Wii audience again. If this true, it's gonna be a historical flop.

Nintendo probably understand that whatever the NX is, it will get the Nintendo hardcore console users anyway (12 million) - no matter what gamers ask for.

Hence, the design has to find another 20-30 million users who are not WiiU players now, they either try to get some of the existing MS / Sony / PC crowd to defect, or go family casual. What would you do ?

Nintendo needs the family / kids / casual market through friendly gaming interface (Wii) or linking to mobile success (or both). It looks like thats what they are doing.


There's always a chance. Motion controls were never fully explored and there is no iPhone experience like Wii Sports.

There's also old school arcade style gamers who aren't being served by anybody in the market.


Nintendo probably understand that whatever the NX is, it will get the Nintendo hardcore console users anyway (12 million) - no matter what gamers ask for.

Hence, the design has to find another 20-30 million users who are not WiiU players now, they either try to get some of the existing MS / Sony / PC crowd to defect, or go family casual. What would you do ?

Nintendo needs the family / kids / casual market through friendly gaming interface (Wii) or linking to mobile success (or both). It looks like thats what they are doing.

I'd go with both audiences instead of alienating one. If going after casuals again is they're best option, they're wasting their time. That market is gone for godd, and nothing can get them back in a big way. They need a console that most people can enjoy with many different tastes. If that's not feasible, it's time to pack up. And you're wrong, they are not guaranteed 12 million sales at all. Wii U burned a lot of people, and they need to get those people back too. NX console will struggle to sell half of what Wii U did otherwise.


Blame Miyamoto for specifically saying that they realized that the casual audience is unreliable. Also, some of us would hope that they'd learn from their mistakes and at leastr offer a balance instead of trying to go after the Wii audience again. If this true, it's gonna be a historical flop. The Wii audience doesn't need anything except phones and tablets now. I'll be shocked if it's still in production by the end of 2019 if this is really the direction they're taking.

Nobody said they weren't offering a balance. You're making grand projections based one one off hand comment from Ubisoft. We have no idea what their entire approach is. I would expect them to focus on younger gamers and families, though, because that has been their business model for decades.


Nobody said they weren't offering a balance. You're making grand projections based one one off hand comment from Ubisoft. We have no idea what their entire approach is. I would expect them to focus on younger gamers and families, though, because that has been their business model for decades.

It's a failed model. It needs to change.


Not really gonna trust anything Ubisoft says on the system. Plus I would assume, Kimishima would try to make his first Console as President would impress. They probably held back at E3 just to see what the other companies would announce.


It's a failed model. It needs to change.

It's not a failed model. Kids and families are paying video games more than ever, they just have to find a way to recapture them. They need a change in approach, and their business shift seems to indicate an understanding of that. They have started new initiatives like getting into mobile, making films, and pushing forward with NX, and it's all part of the same strategy of finding ways to leverage their IP and create synergy between their products.


They're in an even worse position to try to take on Sony/MS directly, though.

They're not really in position for either, and I honestly disagree because the casual audience has zero interest in a console period and nothing can change that. Winning back lapsed Nintendo fans with new IPs and the hope that it'll snowball into long-term growth and a better position vs. Sony and MS is their best bet. Anything else has no chance of success whatsoever.

It's not a failed model. Kids and families are paying video games more than ever, they just have to find a way to recapture them. They need a change in approach, and their business shift seems to indicate an understanding of that. They have started new initiatives like getting into mobile, making films, and pushing forward with NX, and it's all part of the same strategy of finding ways to leverage their IP and create synergy between their products.

They're playing them because they already have something to play them on. The only way to go after that audience is to go all-in on mobile. Gaming hardware will never reach them no matter what.



There is so much salt in this Thread. Goodness, I have enough sodium to last a several life times.

What definition of "casual" are you guys working with?
They're not really in position for either, and I honestly disagree because the casual audience has zero interest in a console period and nothing can change that. Winning back lapsed Nintendo fans with new IPs and the hope that it'll snowball into long-term growth and a better position vs. Sony and MS is their best bet. Anything else has no chance of success whatsoever.

Core AAA gaming is a massively expensive market to compete in, where Nintendo has, at best, strained relations with the key third parties, and literally no existing first-party IP with meaningful demographic appeal.

Family/kids gaming is at least friendlier to a broader range of budgets, and they at least have relevant IP there.

From my perspective, the point of maintaining the casual/kids/family focus is less about competing directly with mobile (why would they, given their actual mobile support?) than about pursuing whatever middle ground is left in between the mobile and Sony/MS ends of the market.

Agent X

Gold Member
I see some people here who are concerned that the NX might have motion controls, and therefore this "isn't for me". The truth is that virtually every major video gaming platform over the last few years has offered some sort of motion control component. All of the major home consoles have wands and/or cameras. You've got tilting and touching in the 3DS, Vita, and every major iOS/Android phone on the market. VR gear also heavily features motion, in the headsets as well as many of the handheld controllers.

Motion controls might not have been emphasized as much as it was during the Wii's heyday, but it's never entirely disappeared, either. For example, the PS4 offers at least three different forms of motion controls, with the DualShock 4 (tilting and touch pad), PS Camera, and PS Move. Developers can choose to implement any, all, or none of those motion control options in their games. No one complains that the PS4 has all these motion control options, because developers just use them as they see fit.

With that in mind, I fully expect that NX will offer some sort of motion control component(s) (just like every other major platform), and I would actually be disappointed if it didn't have motion controls.

Chasing the casual market is going to be a huge mistake for them.

For Nintendo, or for Ubisoft?

If you're talking about Ubisoft, you have to keep in mind that they've produced Just Dance games on every major game console over the last few years. Although Just Dance started as Wii games, they also saw releases on PS3 and Xbox 360 after the introduction of Move and Kinect. They've also been on PS4 and Xbox One since those systems were released. I don't think it's a stretch to expect this game on the NX--again, I'd be more shocked and disappointed if it wasn't there.

If you're talking about Nintendo, well, we'll just have to wait and see where it fits into their larger strategy. I think it's good to address the family market out of the gate, especially if they can hit an affordable price point. They just have to make sure they have something to offer to other segments of the market (such as hardcore gamers) as well.
I'm taking this with a grain of salt.

I've accepted we likely won't know fuck all about the NX until Nintendo unveil it. All reliable ITKs have hinted at it being decently powerful.
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