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UK plans age verification for porn websites from 2018


Gold Member
Credit card info

Fuck right off. Plus alot of people have debit cards at 15+ so this hardly stops them

The war on porn is so strange. Anytime the government tries to stop something, it just increases
It is important though... I just don't have a good answer besides parental controls which a lot of parents are lazy about.


What would be better is forcing ISPs to provide their customers with information and the means to block websites at a local level.

The routers that come with your internet package should have an easy to set up blocking function that any parent can have subscribe to a list. They already have something of the sort but the information is not there.

The problem is that the majority of parents are clueless as to how things work and they are worried about what their kids are doing online, the government should be seeking ways to inform parents and enable them to better control their child's internet use.


What would be better is forcing ISPs to provide their customers with information and the means to block websites at a local level.

The routers that come with your internet package should have an easy to set up blocking function that any parent can have subscribe to a list. They already have something of the sort but the information is not there.

The problem is that the majority of parents are clueless as to how things work and they are worried about what their kids are doing online, the government should be seeking ways to inform parents enable them to better parent their child's internet use.

In the UK you already have to 'opt into' age restricted content when you sign up for internet and also again when you set up a router (provided by your ISP).


In the UK you already have to 'opt into' age restricted content when you sign up for internet and also again when you set up a router (provided by your ISP).

I had completely forgotten about that... I had to tick yes to porn when I signed up last year. That said, just because an adult wants to watch porn it doesn't mean they want their kids to. Local level blocking and information would "solve" that.
Stupid and flawed for so many reasons.

1. Not everyone has a credit card, discrimination right there (debit can be used by under 18s).

2. Stop porn on the web? Have they seen how much of it there is.

3. Attempts to block streaming TV sites via ISP like this have failed without VPN usage etc even being involved. This will fail too.

4. Will just make porn spread in private, drive kids to seek less safe methods in accessing it. Do they wants kids seeking porn stashes in the woods again?

5. Who the hell didn't have either a parent or friends parent with old vhs porn movies when younger. Kids being exposed to porn in nothing new.

6. You already got to opt in to see porn with an ISP, so people have already made their choices. If the issue is with mobile internet, just make those an opt in.
I had completely forgotten about that... I had to tick yes to porn when I signed up last year. That said, just because an adult wants to watch porn it doesn't mean they want their kids to. Local level blocking and information would "solve" that.

Routers have options now to restrict content by device. Can whitelist an adults laptop for example while blocking the child's.
This from a woman who cracks them out in PMQ.


Jeez is she watching porn or stroking out?


I discovered porn on primary school lol and i am sure alot of others do the same these days. It's just a normal part of boys growin up i think girls search it later average age wise compared to boys tho.

Anyway why try and hide it? Our dads etc probably got their hands on playboys or porn video's when they were young. So if they can't find it on the internet they will do so somewere else and as a kid i was smart enough to go around age restrictions or blocks. That would probably also count for kids nowadays.

It's just a part of growing up nothing wrong with it tbh. So UK why? It's not gonna help.


It is important though... I just don't have a good answer besides parental controls which a lot of parents are lazy about.

Proper sex education, perhaps? My one and only lesson on the subject was woeful and if I didn't already have responsible parents I would probably still be thinking that porn is like real life. We had a whole driving safety seminar when most of us couldn't drive but got fuck all for something near everyone goes through.


Maturity, bitches.
If you ask "do you think we should do something about kids looking at porn" most will say yes.

If you ask "do you want the government to say which sites we're allowed to visit with likely the world's worst word filter" I doubt many would be nodding their heads.

That's the problem with most polls. They always phrased to get the answer they want.


Plenty of ways to see porn these days that don't involve going to actual porn sites. Do a couple of searches on twitter and you can find tons of stuff. Same with tumblr. Porn blogs everywhere. Good luck roping that stuff in lol.


Isn't Pornhub supporting this? Very strange. They seem to think this is good for their business because UK users will only visit one site because they can't be bothered to sign up for multiple sites.

Of course, it's more likely the mainstream sites will be forced to do it whilst other sites that have better content anyway will give no fucks.


Very few people will say no because they don't want to be seen as a pervert.

Porn still has that image problem. It's also why noone will vote against this when it's in the commons.

There's also the issue that most people don't understand the ramifications of what they're being asked. If they're asked if they support age verification for adult sites, it sounds like a no brainer to say yes. I dare say that a lot of their opinions would change if it's demonstrated how much of a nightmare what's been proposed could be. It doesn't help that despite being potentially the most grotesque intrusion into UK freedom of expression, not to mention privacy, in decades, the media (TV especially) seems incredibly reluctant to give this issue any airtime.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Filesharing sites will become even more popular, streaming is convenient but you can download the same exact scene in better quality almost as easily, and you know those sites won't give a fuck about this new law.
I understand why we are talking about this subject, but it is frustrating how little most people seem to understand about the parental controls that already exist in the majority of devices kids are using. The info is readily available and easy to find so it must be a case of the messaging being poor. If more people knew of the safeguards that already exist, there might be fewer people feeling the need for more government intervention.

Of course there is also an element of laziness that needs to be addressed. Parents need to step up and take some responsibility here too, rather than point the finger at others when they catch their little darlings jerking to DP.
Fucking useless government. Nice priorities you've got there. Cut and destroy real protections and safety nets while you try and force this puritanical nonsense down our throats. And these are the kind of people brexiteers want to give more power to.
Considering we're already in a country where inherent prudishness to sex means a shit education on it - this move is just bizarre. As already pointed out you can have sex at 16, although many start earlier, but can't watch sex until you're 18? You can also join the army and get married at 16 but can't vote. Idiocy.

Many in the thread like to concentrate on this 16 year old thing but the 18 year requirement is obviously down to the credit card age and the government has limited options.

Instead of going straight to the 16 year old now can't watch porn angle, are you fine with an 8 or 10 year old accessing these free porn sites with millions of videos? The opt in or out doesn't really work if one can just choose but if most here are fine with 8-10 year old seeing this stuff then nothing needs to be done then.


I'd rather put my credit card info in to buy a VPN subscription so I can avoid this and a lot of other BS

Many in the thread like to concentrate on this 16 year old thing but the 18 year requirement is obviously down to the credit card age and the government has limited options.

Instead of going straight to the 16 year old now can't watch porn angle, are you fine with an 8 or 10 year old accessing these free porn sites with millions of videos? The opt in or out doesn't really work if one can just choose but if most here are fine with 8-10 year old seeing this stuff then nothing needs to be done then.
That's on the parent, not on the government. There are plenty of parental control options out there to stop your 8 year old going on porn.


Many in the thread like to concentrate on this 16 year old thing but the 18 year requirement is obviously down to the credit card age and the government has limited options.

Instead of going straight to the 16 year old now can't watch porn angle, are you fine with an 8 or 10 year old accessing these free porn sites with millions of videos? The opt in or out doesn't really work if one can just choose but if most here are fine with 8-10 year old seeing this stuff then nothing needs to be done then.
what 8-10 year old is using the Internet unsupervised? At the very least, use the parental control options available to keep kids away from content they shouldn't see.
Lol, like this will stop young boys from finding porn.

If anything I see this as a good thing, kids today have it too easy imo, back in my day we had to earn it, none of this secret/incognito tabs bullshit

VHS tapes and magazines was like gold and precious gems, you had to mine that stuff and store it in a secure secret location


I'd imagine we'll just see the tube sites have a ton of different domains to get round this.

May's crusade against the internet/porn is weird


Chili Con Carnage!
The Tory party has this weird obsession with kids seeing porn online, no idea where it comes from, I imagine they've got a poll somewhere telling them it's a popular policy area, maybe it is with the kind of backwards thinking people who are voting for them at the moment.


Thought you guys shipped off all the puritans. Guess I was wrong.

Incredibly archaic Puritan thought is often tied closely to religion, but the UK is actually further swaying to non-religious

The number of people who say they have no religion is escalating and significantly outweighs the Christian population in England and Wales, according to new analysis.

The proportion of the population who identify in NatCen's British Social Attitudes survey as having no religion, referred to as ”nones", reached 48.5% in 2014, outnumbering the 43.8% who define themselves as Christian – Anglicans, Catholics and other denominations. In 2011 the BSA survey found 46% identified as having no religion. The 2011 census gave a much lower figure of 25%, but phrased the question differently.


Findings from the Scottish Social Attitudes survey show 52% of people say they are not religious, compared with 40% in 1999 when the survey began.

The proportion who say they belong to the Church of Scotland has fallen from 35% in 1999 to just 20%.

Other religious groups, including Roman Catholic (15%) and other Christian (11%) have remained steady.

The number of non-Christians has remained at 2%.

The research, published by ScotCen Social Research, also reveals attendance at religious services is at the lowest level recorded since 1999.


Bonus: "British people more likely to believe in ghosts than a Creator" https://yougov.co.uk/news/2016/03/26/o-we-of-little-faith/

From those that still identify as religious, there will be a lot of "cultural" Catholics/Christians as well. Where they do not attend Church, don't read/study the bible and don't care about some of the more silly requests. No doubt they just call themselves/identify as because it's what their parents/family called them. Partly explaining minds changing on LGBT in the UK ~ http://www.brin.ac.uk/figures/attitudes-towards-gay-rights/

The tldr being the UK government is not responding here to some iron-grip UK wide Puritan movement consensus from the people, it's a power play move by May and the Conservatives to further their obsession with surveillance/control.
What's the point in passing legislation that can't even be enforced? Like kids are too stupid to look at pictures of dicks if they really want to.

Jokes on them though. These kids that are being deprived of watching people fuck are going to be pushed towards starting their own lucrative Patreons.

"Needs a credit card? Aw shucks, guess I'll just have to learn how to draw my own dicks."


For some reason I was always had the impression that the Uk was very “relaxed” when it came to sex and nudity, so much so that that you basically allowed soft core porn on public TV.
Incredibly archaic Puritan thought is often tied closely to religion, but the UK is actually further swaying to non-religious



Bonus: "British people more likely to believe in ghosts than a Creator" https://yougov.co.uk/news/2016/03/26/o-we-of-little-faith/

From those that still identify as religious, there will be a lot of "cultural" Catholics/Christians as well. Where they do not attend Church, don't read/study the bible and don't care about some of the more silly requests. No doubt they just call themselves/identify as because it's what their parents/family called them. Partly explaining minds changing on LGBT in the UK ~ http://www.brin.ac.uk/figures/attitudes-towards-gay-rights/

The tldr being the UK government is not responding here to some iron-grip UK wide Puritan movement consensus from the people, it's a power play move by May and the Conservatives to further their obsession with surveillance/control.

Leave it to the UK to somehow get less religious but more puritanical and conservative. Maybe there is a smaller correlation between religion and conservatism afterall


Leave it to the UK to somehow get less religious but more puritanical and conservative. Maybe there is a smaller correlation between religion and conservatism afterall

Our Government is probably acting more dogmatic than a lot of our followers of faith/religion are! A decent number these days just want the right and ability to personally practice their beliefs, without that meaning the Government being moral busy bodies on their behalf. Hence how we can see improvements year on year with the Christian and Catholic followers being more reasonable and accepting of LGBT. The UK is largely moving in a direction of caring less about what people want to do in their bedrooms and more about valuing people for who they are.

Conservative views can go hand in hand with religious views, but as above, May and Co aren't doing things like this because they believe they are the Pope/Vatican of the UK. Or some religious overlords who need to protect the children! It's just about self-projection, power and control. There's plenty of activist groups and people/educators in positions of knowledge spelling it out for them how you help social issues around pornographic material. The answer(s) is rarely a full-scale war on the internet at a Government/court level to try and restrict/manage and control. If they want to spend money on something control related then they can subsidise all ISPs into providing some premium parental software free of charge. I mean, most ISPs come with software/router parental features as it is. Then, of course, pour more money into education and mental health. The later for helping people who do end up with relationship/sex related issues through adolescence.

But nah, let's roll out this overreaching internet porn bill that has more clauses and infractions listed than what's in the whole of the old testament.
Its hilarious because the same right wing nutters that support stuff like this hate(d) the idea of a 'nanny state' in so many respects but stuff like this and internet privacy? Nah, fuck that.

I'm eagerly hoping for that moment of realisation to collectively hit the angry Daily Mail readers, reading the rag in their stupidly over preened gardens.

"... By eck, Maureen... It's all fucked!"
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