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Virtua Fighter 5 - Spring 2007 - PS3 exclusive

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LuCkymoON said:
If anything the industry will move towards a cable/sat setup(which is bad too), microsoft and sony would both loves this. I think over all consumers will stop this from happening. I guess we'll see in 2010 who's right. =)

Who knows what will happen, regardless, the way it is now is definitely not the best way to do it, and I can only speculate as to what will happen. I doubt we'll be seeing a consortium/forum situation any time soon, as much as I think there are benefits to the consumer and industry -- We have 3 companies running the industry that are rather notorious for being protective of their platform and not wanting to play nice with others... I'm not sure we could have picked 3 worse companies in that respect =p I doubt they'll want to give up what they have to make life better for the industry/consumer.

Interesting topic, but in the end it's likely not much more than a pipedream.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
it's amazing the sort of discussion that VF exclusivity can produce.
Personally I plan to get an Xbox 360 + Shadowrun + Gears of War + Viva Pinata this fall, and a PS3 + VF5 + Tekken 6 next summer (and hopefully import FF13 in fall 2007 if the "region free" rumors actually turn true, you have to know that FF12 was delayed because half the team started to work on FF13...). I've been playing mostly PC games in the meantime...

I just don't think PS3's launch titles will match 360's fall lineup. This year is your main chance to get a 360 if you want to be a dual console owner, if you pick up PS3 AND a 360 next year that's a $800 hit just for the consoles, my wife would freaking hang me.

I had heard from very reliable sources that VF5 was coming to 360 next summer so this is a bit of a surprise, shrewd move on Sony's part to nab the timed exclusive for this. It might still make Fall 2007 on 360, but by that time we will be in a deluge of gaming goodness on both consoles and VF5 will probably be the last thing on our minds.
CountZeroInt said:
I had heard from very reliable sources that VF5 was coming to 360 next summer so this is a bit of a surprise, shrewd move on Sony's part to nab the timed exclusive for this. It might still make Fall 2007 on 360, but by that time we will be in a deluge of gaming goodness on both consoles and VF5 will probably be the last thing on our minds.

If by timed exclusive you mean the same way DOA4 is a timed exclusive.

Mr Furious said:
get a 360 AND PS3 :lol

or just get a PS3.
Paradoxal_Utopia said:
That goes both ways. If you don't mind owning all consoles, then why would it matter to you if a game was exclusive to a certain one?

Well, in the past generation (I owned all three consoles from launch), there were times that I didn't like certain exclusives because it locked the game to a platform that had lesser graphics, a shitty controller and/or a shitty online environment. This isn't a factor with all games but some games definitely get compromised by getting stuck on the wrong platform. Just because I owned all three systems didn't make me ambivalent as to what titles belonged where.


Banstick Emeritus
Beowolf said:
*chokes on cashews* :lol


proposition said:
'Hardcore fighting fans' wouldn't touch online play with a 10-foot pole. Even scant miliseconds of lag can mess up your game.

The real fans are at the arcades, playing as God intended ;)


Lord Error

Insane For Sony
CountZeroInt said:
I had heard from very reliable sources that VF5 was coming to 360 next summer so this is a bit of a surprise, shrewd move on Sony's part to nab the timed exclusive for this.
I can already see this never ending, like it never ended for VF4 (or some other games the other way around for that matter, line Ninja Gaiden)


awesome news that vf5 will be on a console this gen. though, it was a no-brainer that exclusivity would be on PS3.
Paradoxal_Utopia said:
That goes both ways. If you don't mind owning all consoles, then why would it matter to you if a game was exclusive to a certain one? As long as your convincing people who like the exclusivity to purchase all the consoles, you should also convince those who DONT want exclusivity to purchase them. Exclusive releases will be what differentiates the ps3 and the 360- nothing else really matters. I for one know for a fact I will never buy and support BOTH these consoles- its just excessive. And as long as I decide on one, I'll naturally be happy the more games are released for it and the more exclusives it secures.

Its also a fact that multiplatform releases suffer in the visual department, and do NOT take advantage of the individual strengths of the systems. They will always tend to be watered down to facilitate this.

When I was talking about VF5 and questioning why it isn't a multiplatform release, it has to do with my questioning of Sega's top brass and why they would bother to make it exclusive when they weren't given an incentive to do so. I'll be charitable and say that Sega knows what they are doing and that they are getting some kind of deal for this. If they aren't, they have no business sense.

The game is done and all they are doing is bringing a game that runs on considerably less capable arcade hardware to systems that should handle the game with the greatest of ease. The graphics don't have to be majorly improved as it looks fine as is. The game will not push the capabilities of either the PS3 or the X360. There's no logical reason to assume that it could suffer visually in the transition. If it does, it's going to be only because Sega's conversion teams were inept or their management inept in rushing them out too early.
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