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Volition won't back down to negative feedback on Saints Row reboot trailer - says its just a shock reaction



That's a winning strategy right there.
From a supposedly large and experienced developer, this behaviour is astonishing.

Did the PR department fall into the hands of a Twitter warrior with danger hair concealing an abnormally smooth brain? Is this a stunt where they pretend they are as vapid and unsufferable as the characters from the trailer?

This is the way I would expect a tiny indie studio led by a self-absorbed dickhead to behave, not someone developing an AAA game.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
You look at it wrong....
Of all views people voicing they are unhappy is 0.03%
Probably, but in that case, they have statistically way bigger chance of crash and burn with such stats. But maybe it can have a good gameplay or something, I don't know. I don't expect that, to be honest.


Probably, but in that case, they have statistically way bigger chance of crash and burn with such stats. But maybe it can have a good gameplay or something, I don't know. I don't expect that, to be honest.
if you say so ...i only see another case of internet disproportional noise vs importance
Well it's not that it's just few people hating it:

Saints Row Reboot - Reveal Trailer | gamescom 2021 - YouTube

Saints Row - Announce Trailer - YouTube

I don't think I have ever seen such backlash from announcement trailer....and that it's a beautiful thing.

Pffff.... hahahahahaha i did not even know they where rebooting it, as always (as in modern games) its full of self inserts by the designers and what not. they all look like a bunch of nerds, go make movies instead you incompetent fucks. its obivous they have no passion for games and would rather make a movie

In 2-3 years the whole market will crash
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Well it's not that it's just few people hating it:

Saints Row Reboot - Reveal Trailer | gamescom 2021 - YouTube

Saints Row - Announce Trailer - YouTube

I don't think I have ever seen such backlash from announcement trailer....and that it's a beautiful thing.

Oh yeah, I know it's more than usual. I'm saying studios should NEVER respond to randoms on Twitter regardless of how bad the backlash is. Either ignore it or put out a real statement. It just looks super desperate having some guy on damage control working through a bunch of Tweets to essentially say "sorry don't care" each time.


Good for them.

I have no interest in what I have seen, but if this is the game the Devs want to make then they should go through with it regardless of the negativity.


it looks shit, but its one thing to have a laugh and another to get so angry about video games, its weird

just play something else friends
Problem is so many games are going this woke direction, i mean this is Saints fucking Row we are talking about here.
I really fear for GTA 6. I'd like to think that the sheer size of Rockstar would be enough for them to stick to the GTA formular.


Good for them.

I have no interest in what I have seen, but if this is the game the Devs want to make then they should go through with it regardless of the negativity.
You know several people have now commented something like this.

Yet the interview stated that they did design by committee about what was *bad* in earlier Saint's Row titles.

How, for the love of god, is that *creative* or *doing their own thing*?

I don't understand how shitting on a series and its fans is something to be admired.
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I personally don’t think it looks like Fortnite. Fortnite looks better. The characters they showed are a far cry from any type of gangster or criminal outlaw. Who wants to play as dopey clowns who don’t want to pay back their schools loans. I’m laughing at the business marketing group that came up with this at Violition. I guess there is some data that said this was a good idea?


Did you play the Saints Row games, in paticular the first 2 games?. I'm just wondering.
No. But why would that matter ? my remarks so far can apply to any license not this one in particular.
When a license change and i don't like it anymore (halo, resident evil are first to come to mind) i can say i don't like it when a thread appear but i will not make a tantrum or a vendatta on the internet for it to change / not being right or acceptable
That happen a lot....look at comics/film where reboot happen too...are the characters make by different autors what they were a decade, two decade or more ago ? no. Time change , content changes with them....if i don't like the content anymore there are enough of them to find something else.
Also to me the overreaction is complete when the reaction is definitive and binary over a cinematic trailer....
Maybe society need to develop new curses to help people to love things without becoming fanatic of them.


Just watched the trailer, hoped the entire time that it's somehow satire, but nope... damn. The new Saints look like quirky hipster millenials who have "they/them" in their Twitter bios.
This is my biggest issue with the game so far. And that final shot of the "boss" looking directly at the viewer, it annoys me so much, I want to punch that cunt right in the face. Such a generic "cool" character for SJWs these days.


They don't want to make art. They want to make money.
Even if it's the case they can do it (or not) as they see fit.
Maybe they consider the small core fanbase is not worth the attention, wouldn't be the first time and license do massive change and fail (sucess exists too)


The trailer is the worst kind of bland. Unimaginative, uninventive, uninteresting. What is anyone supposed to be excited about?

Gameplay or not, they've killed themselves by tying the Saints Row name to this, and they're actively antagonising their own fanbase now. The people who like Saints Row won't touch it, and the folks its made for won't notice it. This thing is DOA.


Well, that is what fucking happens when companies continue to use CGI trailers for their damn reveal of a game rather than be new or a sequel. STOP FUCKING PUTTING OUT CGI TRAILER!!!!!!! -- FOR FUCK SAKE, MAYBE PEOPLE WOULD NOT HAVE THAT SHORT OF REACTION IF YOU SHOW AT LEAST A 1 MIN GAMEPLAY TO ENSURE THAT THE GAME IS GOING TO BE GOOD OR BAD. -- That really irritates me so much


It does look very Fortnite-y to me but I'll wait to judge the finished product. That being said, I do prefer it when action games are on the more serious and/or realistic side. Young adults with student loans just doesn't do it for me. They can be homosexual, or people of color, that's all cool. But I just want the vibe to be serious.

I've seen many people on the internet say "oh, its because they're black isn't it?" which I think is not fair at all and such a cop-out conclusion. San Andreas is an amazing game, for example, and nobody has ever cared that CJ is black. Hell, as a white person, I wouldn't even want CJ to be white.
Oh, these kind of people will never admit this as this would highlight the false reality based on lies and deception they are living in.


The people they are trying to relate to do not buy games, they spend all day on twitter doing their activist bullshit.... which is mostly just posing.

Go to 15 seconds here and the girl posing like she is actually doing something to help people... 'performance activism' is exactly correct.

unhinged narcissists.


I feel like this is following in the trend of Star Wars, He man and others where they take a popular franchise then change the thigns about it people want and like and then tell you you don't know what you like and then they'll inevitably call the backlash hate.

It's also looks like the overly done everything is colorful hip and wacky style that's been owning open world games for the last few years. IT reminds me of disney channel shows.
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The reactions remind of when Sucker Punch announced the redesign of Cole for inFamous 2. “They gave him hair! WTF is this hipster bullshit?!?”

I guess for girl wearing big glasses and the other one having shorter hair makes it hipster and woke??! Like IDK I feel like that’s just what people in their 20s look like now. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


Between the "haters gonna hate" and other replies, I don't think there's a worse way they could have handled this. Not really seeing the benefit in antagonizing potential customers and making juvenile comebacks, but I suspect Volition feels perfectly justified in doing so.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Welp now they can expect the battering ram.

Would have been a better decision to NOT respond to the criticism.

I don't like what I've seen so far, but I support devs making what they want.
My advice to not apologize goes both ways really. They might as well just make it clear that this is what they want to make, and people can choose to skip the game if they hate it.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
lol.. jesus.. people crying over a developer of a game series featuring dildo weapons and a series of missions where you spray feces on houses jokingly being rude online.

Some of you need to stop taking games so seriously.


Well, at least we all know they admit they're woke people judging by the twitter cringe answers.

But being commited to a poop doesn't make a poop less poop. It only shows how stupid one can be.

I mean, spitting in the hand it feeds you? Yeah, totally gonna work.


I don't like the new cast but I hate way more the old cast of arrogant uneducated low life criminals. (would maybe like arrogant uneducated criminals of other universes, but in real life I am just tired of them)
It is an improvement for me
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