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What genre should Naughty Dog tackle next?

To undertake a different gaming genre might also require a large power shift in the company as it seems the major players in ND are very content to keep making character/story driven action adventure games.

But back to the original topic regarding ND doing a different thematic genre, I would actually like a scifi or cyberpunk game from them but please, I don't need another lore where there's some all powerful mystical ancient race that threatens the galaxy.

I'd go for cyberpunk or Sci fi but I mainly agree with the premise that they need to play to their strengths. Given their track record they'll probably think of something fresh. I still hate zombie/post apocalyptic games particularly those set in the same old US settings but they managed to make me think The Last of Us is one of the best games ever made. They make the best third person, story driven games around and that's what they should keep refining. Open world rpgs are a dime a dozen nowadays and great studios like Rockstar or Bethesda service those genres anyway.

My two cents on the setting - 60s mafia game with the same polish and storytelling finesse they've brought to Uncharted and the The Last of Us. Not open world but third person and plenty of flexibility like they did in TLOU. More than anything I want to see what they'd do with such impressive material for inspiration from movies and TV.


If they go new IP, Id love to see Savage Starlight, and Id love to see it turn out like a cross between Firefly and Mass Effect.

If they make a Last of Us sequel, I hope they go the True Detective route and pick a new cast.


Seems like Rockstar's wheelhouse to me

They should try taking another shot at the "Noire" IP with one of their internal studios.

I'm hoping for this as well. I would absolutely love a New York Noire set in the late 40s. With what they could do with GTAV on last gen consoles, and as good as something like AC: Unity looks now, a N.Y. Noire three or four years down the line would be mind-blowing...

Got ya. Hmm. What about ancient Rome/Greece?

That would be awesome as well. Something else I had thought of while I was in one of those threads about having more women protagonists in games was a game made by ND set in Poland during the outbreak of WW2. You would play a Jewish woman whose husband is killed and she flees into the countryside with her children and a group of survivors. Some mechanics could carry over from TLOU such as stealth, which would be a major part of the game as her and the other survivors would be heavily outgunned. Part of the idea being that unlike many shooters or action games, where the player is the agressor, always moving forward, here you are the hunted, on the retreat, only fighting when you absolutely have to, whether against the German soldiers or other civilians who would turn you over to the Nazis because they don't want to be caught aiding you. Hunting animals and gathering food would also play a role. The game would be similar to:


I know Naughty Dog could really bring the characters to life and do an amazing job with the rest of it as well.


I would love a thriller.

Thinking something with a style similar to Bourne Ultimatum or Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

Something hard sci-fi would be awesome too.


Naughty Dog obviously loves to offer that sense of making you feel like you're "playing a movie" and I certainly want to see that design philosophy carry forward. I honestly wish they would do a Marital Arts epic in the style of a "Crouching tiger, Hidden Dragon."

No to Savage Starlight though. Would rather them do a new Space Opera. I don't like the idea of universes existing within themselves.
I think they'll kill off Uncharted after this one, continue with TLOU and introduce a new ip that uses online more, like Dark Souls style.
I'd like to see them try the puzzle genre. A lot of their games have light puzzle segments that always makes me want to do a little bit more. Something akin to Catherine, in that half of the gameplay is a puzzle game, and the other is cinematics, interacting with characters, etc. Obviously a different story and style, but I think they could pull off a similarly interesting puzzle game with that approach.


Neo Member

I wish naughty dog would do for blade runner what uncharted did for Indiana Jones and make a cinematic neo noir detective video game.


Would love an open world/sci fi/futuristic setting attempt from ND!

Give me sci-fi/fantasy with RPG elements.

Third-person RPG space-opera shooter and exploration shit,

I would like to see a science fiction game from them. Like... not just Uncharted in space, or Last of Us in space or something, but I would like to see them tackle some more alien environments or some cool spaceships.

A blade runner-esque game

e: the person who said Space Ranger/ Bounty Hunter/ GotG, YES. This needs to happen.

Since ND has hinted at their interest in scifi, yeah they should try it. Something future noir-ish.

I'd go for cyberpunk or Sci fi...

I wish naughty dog would do for blade runner what uncharted did for Indiana Jones and make a cinematic neo noir detective video game.
You guys, CD Projekt Red is already covering the cyberpunk thing.
Actually, I'd really like them to make another karting game very similar to CTR. I'd want the same handling model and awesome track design, as well as online multiplayer and online battle modes.

Daxter and Clank Karting. Please ND.

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN

I wish naughty dog would do for blade runner what uncharted did for Indiana Jones and make a cinematic neo noir detective video game.

Either this, or a 1930's private detective game would be amazing. I would like to see them break free of the third person cover shooter gameplay and make something a little less linear.
They'll do whatever is popular or trends well, and they'll do a fancier version of that. It's what they've always done and I see no reason why they'd change.
Naughty Dog's whole schtick is doing heavily linear, cinematic games

My favorite genre of cinema... is martial arts movies.

So they should make something that is basically Uncharted x Sleeping Dogs.
That way I won't have to worry about heir C-List shooting

Alternately, they could make a superhero game, since that's all the rage in movies but there's never been a superhero game with a good story. Infamous 2 comes close, but I don't really consider someone a real superhero unless they have a flashy, impractical costume.
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