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why is there no Lord of The Rings RPG Game ?

middle earth game by CD Project Red

I'd love for one to be released eventually. The Lego game was pretty cool in it having a semi open world you could explore from one end to the other somewhat openly. You don't gain experience, but you do gain items that let you progress in different ways later on. Lego The Hobbit is the same, but improved.


Yea I would kill for a high budget LOTR RPG. I still remember the first Battle for Middle Earth on PC. I loved it so much at the time, not sure if it will hold up at all today. And of course, loved the movie games that came out a long time ago on GC. Huge MMO fan but I could never get into LOTRO and since its gone FTP I think?


CDPR uses the massive profits from Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk when it launches to acquire the LotR license and make a huge RPG in the same vein as TW3. Everybody is happy.


There were, they were just terrible. Both the GBA game and the SNES games were trash. The Third Age was so pointlessly linear with a fake Fellowship following the actual Fellowship. It wasn't until the Two Towers EA game that they were able to capitalize on the movie license with an action game.
Personally, I think the difficulty with the Lord of the Rings universe is that it's so closed. Tolkien laid out in very explicit terms almost exactly what happens in the series until Sauron's defeat when everything stops being interesting. Unless you're dealing with one of the rings of power you basically aren't doing anything of particular note in the universe and all of them are basically accounted for. It just doesn't lend itself to telling interesting stories outside of what Tolkien already established unless you start going really out of bounds and getting super fanfic-y.

Limitless potential for sequels too. 'These people shadowed the Fellowship and helped from behind the scenes!'

'In the sequel these people who shadowed the shadowers helped from behind the scenes'

That's the problem with creating new original stories in Middle Earth in a nutshell.


Lord of the Rings Online is the closest we've got.

And it has the most amazing version of The Shire ever put on a game. Really a fanboy's dream.

Other than that, EA gave it a try and couldn't make anything worthwhile with it. Now WB has it and it doesn't seem to be interested in anything of the sort. It's truly a shame.

Lord of the Rings: Online is still going. I play it almost every day still.

The 10th Anniversary Celebration is coming up! (April 24th)

I have too many Tolkien-nerd things to say... overload. I need to calm down...

Also, I want a game where I play as a Hobbit and I get to own/run a little farm and tend to it as the seasons pass.

But let's be honest, folks: what we all really want is an original story taking place pre-Quest for Erebor with the freedom of traversal and the emphasis on nature found in BotW
If you want to just explore Middle Earth and delve into some of the more obscure stuff like exploring the ruins of Annuminas on the shores of Lake Evendim, it's a great game. There is a lot of Tolkien fanservice including achievements for finding all of the Fellowship's camp sites.

Plus you can go hang out with Tom Bombadil.

The Moria expansion is also really cool. It's fucking HUUUUGE.
Because so many things have already either riffed on or outright stolen LOTR stuff for decades that the actual LOTR universe seems lame and unoriginal as hell if you didn't get into it at an early age.


Tolkienesque fantasy, both thematically and visually, bores me to tears now

It's been done to death, so while I can't answer OPs question, I'm glad LOTR mania has died down in recent years


OP, I know you said no online but you REALLY should try LOTR Online to see what you want to see. There is no other equal when it comes to being able to play in the realized world.

If you have a deep love for the lore you can ignore the outdated graphics.

That said, maybe with the success of Mordor, and if the sequel also does well, we'll get more LOTR games?


Wait seriously? Can't lie, that makes me worried. I'm actually working on a game, 2d, that's battle system is inspired quite heavily by FF12.

Capcom has a patent on the 4 button (L, M, H, S) system used in Marvel, which is why Skullgirls used a 6 button setup instead.


Fuck LotR give me a War of the Jewels RPG. Let's get to the shit that matters

Because so many things have already either riffed on or outright stolen LOTR stuff for decades that the actual LOTR universe seems lame and unoriginal as hell if you didn't get into it at an early age.
That's because the good shit is in the backstory of LotR


I have a unique relationship with LOTR Vol. 1 for the SNES. I'd almost put it into the so-bad-it's-good category. There's this strange mix of wonderfully memorable graphics and sound with some of the worst, most confusing copy-pasted level design I've ever seen. I hate how much I love it.
LOTRO is a really great MMO in the sense that it's probably the best of the WoW clones

sort of the second gen of MMOs, where if we think of the first gen where progression was based on grinding on action (UO-SWG skill repetition; EQ-DAOC-FF11 mob camp repitition), then second gen is where progression is based on achievements (or mostly quests a la WoW, LOTRO, WAR, FF14, etc)

game was probably the only other MMO made that could compete with the world art direction of WoW... The Shire in particular was beautifully crafted.

and it probably has had the best 'role play content' in a MMO. it took some lessons from Anarchy Online or SWG's bars and cantinas, and I guess... UO and WoW's role play items

I think it was the first MMO to let people have a 'cosmetic armor set' over top of there actual 'stats armor set' too.... did AC2 do that? I think LOTRO may have been the first.

which was well because the game got so much more 'role play/flavour' equipment than most other MMOs, and to boot it had a pretty social/role play heavy community... best social/role play community in a MMO imo, and I've played on decent amount of official and unofficial RP servers before (though not a lot cuz I usually went PK/PvP for my 'main' games).

either way the community and socializing, role playing, etc in LOTRO was really great and especially welcoming, natural... in-character wasn't all that strict or forced, people just naturally would hangout and socialize and talk quite a lot of game content (so not heavily IC but not OOC per se either). just, a lot of camaraderie and socializing about content/questing, fitting for LOTR, actually.


Lord of the Rings: Online is still going. I play it almost every day still.

The 10th Anniversary Celebration is coming up! (April 24th)


I played a lot, up until the Rohan expansion launch. I remember buying one of the special Rohan packs with the unique mount and a (red?) cosmetic set, but stopped playing shortly after.

I don't even remember my account/character names or my password. Might even be somoene else is playing it at this point, LOL. Turbine were affected with a leak some years ago iirc.
As I am playing through Horizon, I can't help but think how well suited Guerrila Games would be to making a Middle Earth game.

Sprawling open world Middle-Earth recreated in Decima engine.
Expanded combat system.
Wide range of creatures to kill and hunt. Trolls, wargs, orcs, dragons, balrogs etc. Each with their own strengths and weaknesses.
Wait seriously? Can't lie, that makes me worried. I'm actually working on a game, 2d, that's battle system is inspired quite heavily by FF12.

I wouldn't be too worried. That LOTR game imitating the FFX battle system didn't seem to get any trouble, and there are games like Grandia or some South Park RPG that used ATB-like battle systems. As long as you don't literally name your battle system Active Dimension Battle like in FFXII I'm sure you're fine.


Did not know that Turbine no longer did LotRO. News to me. I played that game four years, but eventually it became way too grindy. Every MMO is a hamster wheel, but they stopped even trying to hide it. They also forgot what made the early years so good: raids cared about roles, not classes. It didn't matter where your crowd control came from, only that you had some. Moria started to lose sight of this, then it was completely abandoned with Mirkwood and into Volume 3.

The thing that set it apart from all the other games was that somehow they got the actual book license. They could use anything in the four main books, including the appendices if they were careful. Most every other game had the movie license, so they were stuck with much fewer options.


LOTRO was awesome but is pretty dated now. Its 10 this year. At release it was a great alternative to WoW.

If Shadow of Mordor 2 does well and they make a third game my hope would be that it expands even bigger and gives us a massive open world to play in.

Oh man, memories. That was my first crpg. I remember seeing an ad for it in some game mag back in the day. I think I was about 10, hadn't read the books yet (not even The Hobbit). My grandmother made me a deal that if I read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, she'd buy it for me. I did my part and she came through. I won on both accounts.
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