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Wii U Speculation Thread The Third: Casting Dreams in The Castle of Miyamoto


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
They could get away with it if they tied the two games together somehow, no?
If it was somehow the same game, then they could do a buy one, get the other free through digital download. It would be a great way to get people connecting their 3DS/Wii-U online, a great start for digital retail game downloads, and a good way to promote 3DS/Wii-U connectivity from the beginning. A Mario that could be played on the big TV, on the couch, and on the go (in 3D).

Most likely won't happen, but it's my dream for SSB Wii-U/3DS.
They did just repeat the same basic mistake with the PSV, didn't they?

Still, I agree that Sony will look long and hard and not make the stupider* decision.

* "Stupider? Pah! This thread's as lousy as it is brilliant!"

Well but Sony is in kind of a tight spot. Cutting edge (or at least in console terms) is kind of their thing. They built their whole PR about Power=Creativity=Entertainment so if they're going for me too hardware they lose that argument. I can't see Sony changing up their PR narrative, when they've spent 2 generations educating a fanbase to believe that only power will bring new entertainment.
You can see a shift with Microsoft. They spent the last two years emphasising that they are delivering new entertainment through Kinect. Not through higher specs, but through a new UI. And judging from their phoenix like ascent, this formula has actually made their stake in the console space a lot stronger.

Remember that this PR is aimed at the crowd that will buy a machine at launch or during its first years. As much as people talk about casual gamers etc, it's the core fanbase that shows up during launch time, and it's those people that you have to convince with your narrative.

Microsoft seems to do all they can to get both sides under one hood. Judging from their sales, they actually might be successfull.
But what will Sony do? When it comes to blockbuster series, they merely play second fiddle to Microsofts offerings, and note that I'm not talking about quality, but merely mindshare and profits. Will they be happy with occupying 3rd place next gen again, but at least fullfill their PR promises of Power=New Entertainment?

Mind you, I think that Nintendo in particular will have the hardest time next gen. They just make the switch to HD development, while both MS and Sony had a whole generation to get used to the new budgets, tech and human requirements. Let alone the online structure.
I said it times and times before, Nintendo hosts some of the most talented persons in this industry, but I still think that they will have the uphill battle next gen, and not just because they might have the weakest console, or might be cut off from future 3rd party support.


10 sounds practical, ASSUMING they wait for 3D stacking tech.

We're at about .25 TFLOPS, 2.5 is a good round number I guess. Wii U will at least be 1 TFLOP.

I'd say closer to 2 is your practical ceiling, but what do I know. 3D stacking is pretty far away. That I do know.

What happened? Last time, rumours were about microsoft doing some more modest jump.
What's going on if we can't trust leaks anymore?

No, from what I heard Microsoft has changed their mind about a certain chip supplier and that would tie into ShockingAlberto's rumours about a recent change of heart (their original targets were pretty modest, if we go by last year's xbox next rumours). It would also delay their system past 2012 for certain. However, "batshit insane" doesn't necessarily mean ">10x leap" or whatever other meaningless quantifiers you guys want to use to describe leaps.

If I were to take a guess, it would just be more in line with what Sony was targeting.
There is no way they will launch two Mario games this year. No way in hell.

They'd better if they're serious about not repeating the mistakes of the 3DS and having a complete launch. Pikmin 3 at launch would be awesome but it's not going to help with momentum. A NSMB isn't as intensive as an epic Metroid or Zelda adventure, they already showed the demo almost a year ago so if they're really in "desperate Nintendo mode" it should be attainable, it's not like it's a whole new engine, it's a sequel to a 2009 2D platformer. Don't understand why this seems like a crazy expectation all of a sudden.


The problem is MS, Sony and certain idiot mega-third parties endlessly trying to reach weak sub levels of either benchmark could potentially kill the industry as discussed many times before.

No it's not going to kill the industry, it's going to result into consolidation and restructuring of the industry. This is an economic matter.

The era of 500 retail games released in a single month is going to end. We're heading towards an era of consolidation, with fewer and better retail releases. And before anyone say that this is a sad thing (something that, in a way, could hold some truth), should look at how many people (even core gamers) are interested and willing to buy games that aren't supposed to be AAA (stupid term) releases. In this day and age, with games like Gears of War, Uncharted, GTA, God of War, Skyrim etc. monopolizing the interest of almost every gamer, most of the non-AAA retail games, just don't sell anymore.

Smaller developers, who are not able to create huge productions, will find shelter in both the casual and the core market through iOS, Android and services like Steam and XBLA.

Nintendo can't change that, all they can do, is choose where they belong in the new reality.


They could get away with it if they tied the two games together somehow, no?

I'm not convinced it would be a good idea..as it's more likely people will just buy one or the other....and they'd be more likely to buy the version for the system they already own. I think it would limit the games power to push Wii U hardware sales if we had a New Super Mario Bros on 2 platforms at the same time.

I'd like to see a new Mario franchise at launch. Personally I'd love to see Retro (or someone else) have a Mario FPS ready for launch.

It would be quite unique to have an online FPS that could be played by all ages...using paintball guns as well as shells, bananas, squid ink launchers,fireballs,F.L.U.D.D. and various other Mario power-ups as weapons. It would really stand out in the current FPS market.


They'd better if they're serious about not repeating the mistakes of the 3DS and having a complete launch. Pikmin 3 at launch would be awesome but it's not going to help with momentum. A NSMB isn't as intensive as an epic Metroid or Zelda adventure, they already showed the demo almost a year ago so if they're really in "desperate Nintendo mode" it should be attainable, it's not like it's a whole new engine, it's a sequel to a 2009 2D platformer. Don't understand why this seems like a crazy expectation all of a sudden.

Pretty much.

Wii U needs Mario more than 3DS does, honestly. I think they could pull it off. Mii will reuse NSMB Wii assets, while the new 3DS Mario will have a totally different art style.

Or, they could just drop the Super Mario Universe bomb =)
From Ars Technica:

Does it matter if the Wii U only has "current generation" hardware power?
By Kyle Orland | Published 42 minutes ago


Believe it or not, we'll probably look back on graphics like these in ten years and wonder why we thought they ever looked good.

Technically, Nintendo's Wii U will launch the "next generation" of video game consoles when it hits stores later this year. But as far as pure hardware power, the upcoming system might be better grouped with the current generation of high-definition consoles like the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. At least that's what Darksiders 2 director Marvin Donald said in a video interview with Nordic site Game Reactor.

"We'll have a few new features for sure, but I think visually, for the most part, it'll be pretty much the same," Donald said of the Wii U version of Darksiders 2, which is being planned as a launch title for the system. "So far the hardware's been on par with what we have with the current generation, so, based on what I understand, the resolution, textures, polygon counts and all that stuff, we're not going to being doing anything to up-rez the game, but we'll take advantage of the controller for sure."

Donald's statement runs counter to that of Sterne Agee analyst Arvind Bhatia, who said when the Wii U was first unveiled at last year's E3 that he understood it "will have 50 percent more processing power compared to the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360." But it does match up with a rumored set of hardware specs for the system that leaked last December, which described a system that was "very similar" to the Xbox 360 from a hardware perspective.

Simply matching the graphical and processing power of systems that are over half-a-decade old would seem to be a risky move for Nintendo, given that improved performance over the status quo is usually the key selling point for any new console, trumping the lineup of launch software. The key exception to this rule, of course, has been Nintendo's own Wii, a severely underpowered system that rode its low price and unique motion-sensing controller to years of sales dominance. It looks like Nintendo is pursuing a similar strategy with the Wii U, counting on the appeal of its touch-screen-equipped mega-controller to sell the system rather than fancy graphical upgrades. Going with "current gen" hardware will also likely keep down Nintendo's production costs, and therefore the system's price, although a lot depends on just how much the gaming giant is paying to produce those tablet controllers.

There probably isn't much downside to this strategy in the near term. Both Microsoft and Sony have indicated they're in no great rush to release follow ups to their current systems, meaning the Wii U will be competing directly with the Xbox 360 and PS3 for at least a year, if not longer. This head start, if combined with a low price, could make the Wii U seem relatively more appealing coming out of the gate, and give Nintendo a chance to establish a foothold in the world of high-definition gaming.

But the low-powered hardware strategy starts to look a little riskier in the long run, after Sony and Microsoft will have released what are almost sure to be much more powerful systems on their own terms. Sure, Nintendo can brag about versions of Darksiders 2 and Assassin's Creed III coming to the Wii U this year, but things might be different in a few years, when developers start finding that the Wii U just can't manage decent ports of games designed for its more powerful console competition (not to mention high-end PCs, which will undoubtedly be making the next generation of consoles look downright outdated in the years to come). To see just how bad it could be, look at how many big-name publishers have simply refused to port some of their biggest multiplatform games to the Wii in recent years, simply because the outdated hardware couldn't do them justice.

Then again, it's possible that the Wii U won't suffer as much as the Wii on this score. As we get closer and closer to true photorealism in games, we may be entering a period of diminishing returns for new hardware, where the graphical and gameplay leaps that can be achieved by a new system keep getting narrower and narrower. Sure, Epic's aspirational Samaritan demo looks a bit better than the best games on the market today, but does it really look so much better that it will compel consumers to shell out hundreds of dollars for a new console? The fact that Microsoft and Sony are holding off in releasing their own improved systems suggests the market might not be itching to pay for slightly improved graphics—at least not yet.

Nintendo is obviously taking a calculated risk here, after being driven to move first by a quickly cratering market for Wii hardware and software. If it can strike the perfect balance between novelty, low price and hardware that's "good enough" to have lasting appeal, the strategy might pay off. But it's definitely going to be a tough needle to thread.

They'd better if they're serious about not repeating the mistakes of the 3DS and having a complete launch. Pikmin 3 at launch would be awesome but it's not going to help with momentum. A NSMB isn't as intensive as an epic Metroid or Zelda adventure, they already showed the demo almost a year ago so if they're really in "desperate Nintendo mode" it should be attainable, it's not like it's a whole new engine, it's a sequel to a 2009 2D platformer. Don't understand why this seems like a crazy expectation all of a sudden.

I think the argument against NSMB Mii at launch is less about Nintendo's internal resources and more about cannibalized sales (both for 3rd party titles and the Mario games themselves).
The era of 500 retail games released in a single month is going to end. We're heading towards an era of consolidation, with fewer and better retail releases.

I'd substitute "fewer and higher-end retail releases". More costly to develop most certainly does not mean better. Unless we really want to admit how much we love "Bomberman: Act Zero" and "New! Bionic Commando". ;D

It would be quite unique to have an online FPS that could be played by all ages...using paintball guns as well as shells, bananas, squid ink launchers,fireballs,F.L.U.D.D. and various other Mario power-ups as weapons. It would really stand out in the current FPS market.

... :O

First-person water-jet attack? Ice-ball attack that freezes enemies? Blue "dickmove" shell that zeroes in on the first place guy? I'm pretty weak in the knees when it comes to inventive weapons in a first-person shooter, especially since it feels as if this gen has been relatively lacking in imagination for that department.

Wii U needs Mario more than 3DS does, honestly. I think they could pull it off. Mii will reuse NSMB Wii assets, while the new 3DS Mario will have a totally different art style.

Only problem is that they explicitly stated that they'd release a 2D Mario for 3DS for this holiday season.

I still would like someone to press them on the specs the next e3 in the interview sections....

"box checked" and "most powerful system ever released" are pretty much all they'll get out of Reggie.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Somebody forgot to tell Kyle Orland from Ars that the new gen of consoles will be running the exact same crop of middleware for the first couple of years, whereas 'publisher refusing to put their titles on the Wii' had to do with deeply incompatible pipelines. But hey, whatever gives sites hits.


I find it hard to believe that ARS, of all sites, would do the "Wii never received ports so Wii U isn't going to either" (edit: beaten thoroughly by Blu)

The simple reality of the situation is that the Wii U won't receive as many ports because of publishers, not because of hardware power. Unless we've all been lead astray with our various sources and visual evidence, the Wii U is using, at the very least, a DX10/OGL4.1 part which will allow porting from the DX11 hardware in the upcoming Sony and MS consoles. Sure ram/texture resolution/etc would be a constraint but that's why scaling exists.

I was playing with one of the laptops at my work today (Core 2 Duo with an ATI 3650m) and it ran BF3 on low settings just fine.


What I like best about my previous post is that no one seems to disagree with the next xbox costing $499.99.

Well, lets just say both MS and Sony's next generation console cost at minimum, $100 more than WiiU. Would that have any effect over who 3rd parties go to?


Membero Americo
What I like best about my previous post is that no one seems to disagree with the next xbox costing $499.99.

Well, lets just say both MS and Sony's next generation console cost at minimum, $100 more than WiiU. Would that have any effect over who 3rd parties go to?

If this gen is any indication.

A big fat NO.


Only problem is that they explicitly stated that they'd release a 2D Mario for 3DS for this holiday season.

Yeah. They should probably delay it tbh. Try to push Luigi's Mansion or something this holiday. Releasing a new Mario would put a TON of focus on the 3DS, when there should be more focus on Wii U this year.

Not sure why they thought they needed another Mario on 3DS so quickly. NSMB was the only Mario on DS (besides SM64 I guess) for its entire life and sold like CRAZY through its entire life. At this rate, it looks like 3D Land will do the same.

Nevertheless, Wii U needs a Mario title to give it that initial momentum. NSMB Mii would be good. Super Mario Galaxy HD collection would be nice. Something.


Just wondering, are the chances of Wii U getting GTA V pretty high?

"Wii U is kind of a special case," said the GTA creator. "The way the player interacts with the device is very different than any other device out there. So if I were to make a game for the Wii U, it would have to be a unique game."

Even then, the GTA V engine is still compatible with the Wii U, says Rockstar. The issue isn't with the game's engine, but rather what seems to be Rockstar's desire to create a unique title centered on the Wii U's capabilities. That's good to know, because the last thing we need is a wacky Wii U port of what could be a great game on other consoles. If Rockstar wants to tinker around with the upcoming Nintendo console's hardware to deliver an intriguing and unique game, that's a much better idea than a port.
Yeah. They should probably delay it tbh. Try to push Luigi's Mansion or something this holiday. Releasing a new Mario would put a TON of focus on the 3DS, when there should be more focus on Wii U this year.
They definitely need to delay the 3DS game, we just got a new portable Mario game this year, releasing another portable game in the series the following year and possibly undercutting the launch momentum for their new home system? Now THAT'S crazy and a possibly cannabalizing move. NSMB could also be a good way to emphasize the tablet and multiplayer aspects of the system.

Nevertheless, Wii U needs a Mario title to give it that initial momentum. NSMB Mii would be good. Super Mario Galaxy HD collection would be nice. Something.

SMG HD collection with new levels, optional DLC and in a collectible metal case with art booklet, please.


nintendo really needs to encourage "boring" ports if the alternative is no port.

at least if you're not "using" the pad screen cleverly, then it should be easy to "mobilize" the game from the tv to the uscreen.

they need almost every ps360 game on u.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I see Mistborn Birthright got announced for Xbox 360, PS3, PC and Mac but not WiiU.

Is this because it's not coming to WiiU or is it due to NDA.

Do we have a list of multiplatform games that are WiiU bound.
Now that I'm playing Kid Icarus, I find myself a little disappointing that we won't get a non-Smash Sakurai game for another five or six years at least.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Smash, but clearly the guy knows what he's doing with singleplayer focuses.


"Wii U is kind of a special case," said the GTA creator. "The way the player interacts with the device is very different than any other device out there. So if I were to make a game for the Wii U, it would have to be a unique game."

If that's a real quote then you can forget GTAV on WiiU, Kojima said exactly the same thing so you can probably discount the game being on the console....unless Nintendo throws money at those developers it wont happen...


"Wii U is kind of a special case," said the GTA creator. "The way the player interacts with the device is very different than any other device out there. So if I were to make a game for the Wii U, it would have to be a unique game."

See.. when I hear language like that, my bullshit alarm starts to go-off. Where have I heard language like that before? Hmm..


They definitely need to delay the 3DS game, we just got a new portable Mario game this year, releasing another portable game in the series the following year and possibly undercutting the launch momentum for their new home system? Now THAT'S crazy and a possibly cannabalizing move. NSMB could also be a good way to emphasize the tablet and multiplayer aspects of the system.
Though, it wouldn't be the first time:
New Super Mario Bros.: November 2009
Super Mario Galaxy 2: May 2010
Super Mario All-Stars 25th Anniversary Edition: October 2010

Out of those, one was a sequel and one was "a few SNES games together".. But that didn't stopped New from outselling those 2 games and the first Mario Galaxy.

As long as the games are different enough, people just will get both; or get the one they just prefer; since some prefer the strictly 2D ones.

If that's a real quote then you can forget GTAV on WiiU, Kojima said exactly the same thing so you can probably discount the game being on the console....unless Nintendo throws money at those developers it wont happen...
Fake quote. :p
But based on other similar ones.

But still, no GTA wouldn't mean no Rockstar on Wii U; after all..the Wii got Manhunt 2, Bully and Table Tennis..along the Carnival Games (which were a huge success to them).


Membero Americo
"Wii U is kind of a special case," said the GTA creator. "The way the player interacts with the device is very different than any other device out there. So if I were to make a game for the Wii U, it would have to be a unique game."

Good God, this is almost Kojima from a few weeks ago word to word.

Nintendo will never win.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
What is shocking to me is that you can make a system that is more capable than 360/ps3 without breaking a sweat. Nintendo is going out of their way to make an average system. With just a little more investment and foresight they could be set for a decade :/ Even if they want to save money they could do what they did with Gamecube. Invest now and recycle the hardware for the next system after the Wii U.

Cheap bastards lol


If that's a real quote then you can forget GTAV on WiiU, Kojima said exactly the same thing so you can probably discount the game being on the console....unless Nintendo throws money at those developers it wont happen...

See.. when I hear language like that, my bullshit alarm starts to go-off. Where have I heard language like that before? Hmm..

Good God, this is almost Kojima from a few weeks ago word to word.

Nintendo will never win.

Joke post/quote????



Fake quote. :p
But based on other similar ones.

But still, no GTA wouldn't mean no Rockstar on Wii U; after all..the Wii got Manhunt 2, Bully and Table Tennis..along the Carnival Games (which were a huge success to them).

Yup. Those are what I call the "consolation prize" games.

"Sorry, Nintendo.. you didn't win the $50,000 Grand Prize - but you do get a hot tub. Pretty nice, eh?"
Though, it wouldn't be the first time:
New Super Mario Bros.: November 2009
Super Mario Galaxy 2: May 2010
Super Mario All-Stars 25th Anniversary Edition: October 2010

Out of those, one was a sequel and one was "a few SNES games together".. But that didn't stopped New from outselling those 2 games and the first Mario Galaxy.

As long as the games are different enough, people just will get both; or get the one they just prefer; since some prefer the strictly 2D ones.

True, thanks for the reminder.

Man, NSMB Wii in fall 2009 and then SMG 2 the following summer, that was an incredible year to be a Mario fan.


What is shocking to me is that you can make a system that is more capable than 360/ps3 without breaking a sweat. Nintendo is going out of their way to make an average system. With just a little more investment and foresight they could be set for a decade :/ Even if they want to save money they could do what they did with Gamecube. Invest now and recycle the hardware for the next system after the Wii U.

Cheap bastards lol

yes, YESSS, i'll be sure to buy the Doc Holidaystationbox this holiday. This console is gonna wipe the floor with ALL the competition. i'm sure it'll be nice and expensive, just like u would want it huh?


Now that I'm playing Kid Icarus, I find myself a little disappointing that we won't get a non-Smash Sakurai game for another five or six years at least.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Smash, but clearly the guy knows what he's doing with singleplayer focuses.

WOAH lets not get crazy here.

New Smash in 2015 at the very latest.

edit: ah, misread. NON-Smash game. I'd like to see a new non-Smash game from Sakurai as well, but Smash will keep us busy for those 5 or 6 years =)
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