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Winter 2014 Anime |OT| I've got to find a dandy guy who killed my dad in the space

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The difference being that the characters in KLK are at least past puberty.

True. Still, I dislike the silliness of KLK outfits.

I will watch... not a lot.

Space Dandy. I just hope for a decent comedy, I feel if we hope for something great we will be disappointed.
Noragami. I will give it the 3-eps rule.

Maaayybe Buddy Complex if recieves positive impressions.

And I will continue Silver Spoon and HxH.
I guess my watch list will be (assuming its picked up over here).

New EngDubs Premiere
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Link Joker
Future Card Buddyfight

Buddy Complex
Nobunaga the Fool
Z/X Ignition
Mahou Sensou

Continuing: Gundam Build Fighters, Kingdom 2, Phi Brain Puzzle of God 3, Yowamushi Pedal, Toriko, Hunter x Hunter, Tokyo Ravens, Saint Seiya Omega, Naruto Shippuden, Nagi no Asukara, Samurai Flamenco, Kill la Kill, Strike the Blood, Ace of Diamond, Log Horizon, One Piece, Magi The Kingdom of Magic.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Buddy Complex has a killer logo and okay mech design. I have a feeling it's going to be totally awful, though.

Not seeing anything on the list this season that I have any interest in other than Space Dandy. Thank god Gundam Build Fighters and Samurai Flamenco are still going.
Toonami on Cartoon Network is pretty much the only place you can find anime on American television, except for Pokemon I suppose. There's places online that stream anime, such as Crunchyroll and Hulu, but if you want English dubs Toonami or Funimation's website are pretty much your two choices.

Well theres viz's Neon Alley site which has english dubs only of many of vizs new and old anime and even their partners such as aniplex for the TTGL dub, Madoka Magica, Magi, BLue Exorcist and it is available on consoles and online. Sentai still has The Anime Network site, and dubs pop up online on hulu too.
Hanamaru Kindergarten 07






Love ain't easy


This seems like the worst season in a long time.

Speaking honestly, compared to the last two seasons I have to agree. There was a lot of hype shows these last two seasons and this season one of the only things I'm picking up is Robot Girls Z. Sort of a drought, here.

If we can't even depend on you then surely this thread has turned into a den of tomatoes and oranges already.

You can always depend on me to be undependable.


The due process by which the de facto Anime of the Year as elected by NeoGAF Official Forums is as follows:

All who wish to participate in the general voting will have the opportunity to fill out an extensive voter registration form detailing the anime they've watched in the past five years, their general tastes, their primary fetishes, their dislikes, their family history, medical history, and marital status, among other things. This information will be collated and used to segregate registered voters into nine forum districts, making an effort to group voters of similar profiles together.

Meanwhile, an Elector class consisting of nine regular AnimeGAF posters will be assembled. Any posters who have A) collected at least 100 posts in every AnimeGAF thread comprising the current season and last, B) have not registered as a member of the general voting class, and C) Has not been an elector in any of the past five Anime of the Year election sessions, can declare themselves eligible for Elector status. Each voting district will be responsible for filling one of the nine Elector Seats. Those who have declared themselves eligible may select which of the nine seats to campaign for, and must convince the voters representing that seat to vote for them. After a period of 14 days, each voting district selects their top three Elector candidates, with the top spot getting three votes, the second spot getting two votes, and the third getting one. The votes are collected together and the winner of each vote gains an Elector Seat.

After this, all nine voting districts are collected together as one representative Voting Class for the rest of the process. The Electors are now tasked with selecting which eligible candidates for Anime of the Year will be put to a final vote. The process is presided over by an impartial third party, known as the "Judge" and designated by moderators, who neither declared eligibility for an Elector Seat nor registered as a member of the voting districts. The electors select which candidates are put to a final vote by going through each candidate, discussing among themselves whether it should be worthy of the vote. After deliberations, each Elector votes Yay or Nay for that specific candidate. The candidate requires a 2/3rds majority (6 of 9 Electors voting Yay) to be considered for the final vote. Each candidate is discussed and deliberated in this fashion until all candidates have been considered. There is no limit to the number of shows that may be put to the final vote.

The final vote proceeds as follows: The Voting Class is given a list of the chosen Anime of the Year candidates from which they must select five. Each member of the Voting Class can distribute 15 votes between these five shows. No show can receive more than six votes and all five must be given at least one vote. A member of the Voting Class may choose to abstain from the vote altogether. Upon completion, the votes are tallied together and the results are used to form the composition of the Selection Lottery.

The Selection Lottery proceeds as follows: Each candidate is designated by a random label (whether numbers, letters, or whatever else) by the Judge. It is unknown which candidate is represented by which label. Each candidate has a number of paper slips put into a hat. The number of slips is determined by the candidate's weighted vote results in comparison to the other candidates (so if show A gets 10000 votes, show B gets 5000 votes, and show C gets 2000 votes, they should get 10 slips, 5, slips, and 2 slips in the hat respectively). The Voting Class and Electors will in effect know the weight of each candidate, but not specifically what that candidate is. When all slips have been placed into the hat, the Judge randomly pulls out a number of slips equal to (number of candidates remaining * 2) + 1. So three candidates would lead to seven slips being pulled. Five candidates is 11, etc. Each slip pulled out representing a candidate is one vote for that candidate. When all slips are pulled, the candidate(s) with the lowest amount of votes pulled is eliminated from the Lottery. The weight of the eliminated candidates is redistributed among the remaining candidates, the paper slips are redistributed into the hat based on the new weights, and the Lottery is conducted again. These steps are repeated until only one candidate remains.

After the Lottery is conducted and only one candidate remains, the Voting Class will be called upon to ratify the Lottery, each member giving a Yay or Nay vote. A 60% majority of Yay votes is required to ratify the lottery. The use of anonymous labels is to ensure that the ratification is only to verify that the Lottery was conducted fairly and to eliminate possible outlier results if the Voting Class determines it so. If the ratification fails, then the entire Lottery is conducted from the very start with all candidates available again, after which ratification is attempted again.

Once the Lottery is ratified, the winning candidate is revealed to the Voting Class and the Electors. From here the Electors are given the opportunity to veto the final result. If all nine Electors decide on a single non-winning candidate that they feel should win instead, they can unanimously declare this candidate the winner instead. If the Electors successfully put forth a veto in this fashion, then the Voting Class will have one last opportunity to overturn the veto, each member giving a Yay or Nay vote. If 75% of Yay votes is achieved then the veto is overturned and the original winning candidate of the Selection Lottery is reinstated as the winner.

After all of the above is resolved, the winning candidate is officially put forth as the Anime of the Year as selected by NeoGAF Official Forums...... after which duckroll retains the right to unilaterally replace the winner with his own choice, no questions asked!

This really didn't much time at all, I swear! Really! Stop looking at me like that :(


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Looking forward to Silver Spoon S2. First season was pretty awesome.

Also can't wait to watch some more Chuu2. And looking forward to that :SDBurton show.

Ace of the Diamond is great you guys should watch it.

Exciting Winter Season all in all. Might be the most excited I've been for anime in years.
KirbYayoi 1,109
cajunator 1,053
CorvoSol 871
Theonik 607
R_thanatos 530

My highest score ..partially because many days were so slow ...

Cajun finally lost .. but only because he wasn't there... We would probabaly have reach the goal for the last thread if he was still with us .

Anyway ..Subscribed.
Just saw Zetsumetsu Kigu Shoujo: Amazing Twins

Veeeery interesting start to a show and premise! Looking good!

Last night I saw Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku ... outside of having to pause every 2 secs to read the subs (they speak so damn fast in this anime ... it's like the word pacing of Scandal o_O; ) I loved it! Soo damn random ... I wonder if this is Japan's version of the Randum Cartoon wave we have here.

Log Horizon

PLLEASE lil girl, will you just nut up and tell your group that this aint GW2, you can't just zerk out and expect to win. Yall fuckers gotta play yo roles! Cause this side story is getting annoying and we all know she's gonna be the strategist of the group anyway.


Meh. Given I have 5 shows carrying on from last season I still think I'm going to have heaps to watch. The new stuff is pretty romance and I guess comedy biased and away from action that people not seem to care about most.

So I still think I'll be starting with 20 shows like I did last season.


Turn-A Gundam
I threw a question out to my Twitter timeline asking which of the UC Gundam shows I hadn't seen I should take on for my x-mas viewing project. Figured I'd get a bunch of people saying 08th Mobile Team. Instead, I got one person saying Turn-A. I'm pretty sure they were just being cute. I watched it anyway.

Honestly speaking, the show is about equal parts awful and amazing. I love it conceptually, and I love a lot of the ideas it has, but Tomino really can't direct this sort of material. A lot of the way he ends up handling things hasn't really evolved beyond the childrens robot shows he started at Sunrise with, and his idea of making matters more mature seems to be simply make a load of events happen off-screen without so much as hinting at them beyond a single line of dialogue way after the fact, or simply dropping it in the recap. There's a handful of episodes where everything comes together, but normally those will be promptly followed by some goofy light-hearted episode which doesn't really follow on properly. Mostly, it'll just comes across as stilted and awkward.

Mercifully, it at least wasn't a completely incoherent mess like Brain Powerd (though, unlike in BP, in the case of Turn-A, Kanno's score is used so sparingly and mixed so low under the hamfisted dialogue that it may as well not even be there), but Tomino's style doesn't quite work in the shows favour in quite the same way as it did in Overman King Gainer.

That said, I kinda loved this, eccentricities and all (and by eccentricities, it borders on Kawamori at times, if never going full-on Mountain), and I have real trouble figuring out why, given that so much of the execution - from the animation, the way it handles dialogue, the Team-Rocket-esque villains - is actually frequently pretty awful.

Also, Lily Borjarno is Best Girl. Also also,
poor Sochie ;_;


Still without luck
I guess my watch list will be (assuming its picked up over here).

New EngDubs Premiere
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Link Joker
Future Card Buddyfight

Buddy Complex
Nobunaga the Fool
Z/X Ignition
Mahou Sensou

Continuing: Gundam Build Fighters, Kingdom 2, Phi Brain Puzzle of God 3, Yowamushi Pedal, Toriko, Hunter x Hunter, Tokyo Ravens, Saint Seiya Omega, Naruto Shippuden, Nagi no Asukara, Samurai Flamenco, Kill la Kill, Strike the Blood, Ace of Diamond, Log Horizon, One Piece, Magi The Kingdom of Magic.[

How do you have time for all these???


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Tonight is the night I finally start Yamato 2199.

Maybe its called Yamato 2199 because thats the year I will finally get around to watching it.


How do you have time for all these???

Well for me who watched lots last season it came to me not sleeping till late so I could fit in an hour a day average during the week. So thats more less 15 shows a week just there. Though it meant way less game playing time.


Right Stuf and Sentai announce a upgrade program for certain titles.

Section23 Films has announced a special upgrade offer for owners of Maria Holic Complete Collection, Maria Holic Alive Complete Collection, Mayo Chiki! Complete Collection, Nyan Koi! Complete Collection and Special A (SA) Complete Collection for those wishing a version with an English dub.

To take advantage of these offers, download and print the appropriate forms and send in the required materials: DVDs, cases, and payment. Complete instructions can be found on the form itself.


The news here is that Mayo Chiki is getting a bluray release with a dub.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Tonight is the night I finally start Yamato 2199.

Maybe its called Yamato 2199 because thats the year I will finally get around to watching it.
They call it that because that's what it costs to buy all the discs.


Maturity, bitches.
I should have just waited to ask about the AotY rules next year when there was a chance one wouldn't get accused of elitism. Oh well, I'll just add the rule that each listing has to end with the Devenagari letter ya.
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