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World of Warcraft |OT7| Feel the hatred of 10,000 Murlocs


For this expansion they should go full on Metroid. Fire up the expansion, playing like nornal, then BOOM you get knocked out, wake up level 1 with no gear in Northshire Abbey and you have to quest through Vanilla content to get all your gear and abilities back.


I love how it's always like people use a naming generator for these expansion names: _____ of _____, _____ of the _____, etc.


I love how it's always like people use a naming generator for these expansion names: _____ of _____, _____ of the _____, etc.

World of Warcraft
Wrath of the Lich King
Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor


Wings of Liberty
Heart of the Swarm
Legacy of the Void

It keeps happening

Lord of Destruction
Reaper of Souls
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
Heroes of the Storm

I told you about the stairs bro


World of Warcraft
Wrath of the Lich King
Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor


Wings of Liberty
Heart of the Swarm
Legacy of the Void

It keeps happening

Lord of Destruction
Reaper of Souls
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
Heroes of the Storm

I told you about the stairs bro

Daaaaamn seeing it all written like that is pretty funny.

Suprised they didn't go with "Crusade of Burning" and "Catacylsm of Azeroth"


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
That does not seem like an upward career move, but what the fuck do I know.


The changes to the Warlock demon models is odd.

Just randomly updated a handful of them, and I don't even know why the fuck they did what they did to the Voidlord.


Also looking at google images, they had improved Felhounds and Infernals but didn't implement them. The improved Felhound is way different then the old one, but I think it looks really cool.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
New Voidlord eyes are broken, they don't align with the model right when looked at head-on so you don't see them.

The new infernal and felhound are awesome though, yeah. No idea why they didn't swap to those for the warlock pets as well.
People were mad about the felhound for some reason. After that Blizz claimed that the new Felhounds and the old ones aren't the same type of demons, but completely different from one another, hence why the old model stayed.

Doesn't make any sense to me. Loved the new ones.


Have anyone of you guys replaced their demons at the trainer? I did that with my Imp. Not the others.

Kept mine since the beginning.

My good ol Faahrum


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I've done it a couple of times, yeah.


man Mo'arg for the horde? rofl

Ethereal should be neutral imo, two neutral races aint a bad thing, one fat, one skinny


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
man Mo'arg for the horde? rofl

Ethereal should be neutral imo, two neutral races aint a bad thing, one fat, one skinny

Ethereal as neutral wouldn't be a lore stretch at all either, as there are already multiple factions of them that don't always get along.

What does it do? Just give you a new pet with a different name?

Yeah, it's just a pet (random) rename with a lore shoe-horn. You aren't renaming the demon (as it has its own name, fuck you mortal) so you just pay to hook up with a new demon.


Back in Cata, I raided the guild bank for like 2k gold just to get the best imp. I got Piptip. I love my piptip.


Might put Stables back in my Garrison. Flying round Tanaan and mining without dismounting? Sounds like a dream.


May I ask, are Garrisons optional? I feel like it's gonna be something the game makes me deal with sooner or later.

They're not really optional, at least not initially.

You can probably skip out on micromanaging followers, but you need a Garrison to do the Garrison Campaign Quests, which are pretty cool.

Also need it to get to Tanaan through the Shipyard.


That does not seem like an upward career move, but what the fuck do I know.

There could be a lot of factors. Maybe he feels he can get along better with that community since it's smaller and potentially more manageable, maybe they're paying him more, maybe he just doesn't want to work with Blizzard anymore after being there so long and seeing so many internal changes.

Not a fan of Wildstar or anything but there's probably some valid reasons why he went over there.


I really hope for a new race if there is a new class. I have all the races I want from the content lineup. I have 5 blood elfs(yes favorite race), an undead, panderan, night elf. goblin, worgen and troll.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
But....but... South Seas is pretty big no? I guess having controllable ships with little islands would work, I guess.

That I could get behind. Boat mounts and island zones.

Except then they'd have to remove flying for that to work, and we all know how that ended.


Vash'jir also just slogged on. They might as well have given you one quest when you entered, "Kill 1000 Naga", and it would have been the same.


The flooded Shimmering Isles zone with the boat and underwater area was fun, so I don't mind more of that.

Most of my characters are female Belfs, and I doubt that is going to change anytime soon, but I am pretty interested in what new races they will add, even though any of the more exotic races will probably end up sucking because you have to slap ugly ass armor on them.
I can't speak on account of underwater zones, though I'm curious as to what was so terrible about Vashj'ir?

Mainly the quests were dull despite how gorgeous the zone was, and ontop of that combat was hell for melee, dealing with a z axis and all. As ranged I didn't mind it one bit.

My problem is that I faction changed and lost my portals to it a while back. Thus I don't have a way to get back to Vashj'ir unless I've been missing something.
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