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Indie Games [February] Now Voting - Post 808!

I played Zero, it's a simple game but different from what says in the OP it's not an endless bullet hell there is an end boss. As I already said the game is simple, you control a Zero aircraft and must survive the waves of enemies and as the standard in these games you have a small hitbox the O, the only clue you have to when the wave is finishing is in the sound, as you destroy enemies the taiko sound playing starts to get faster until it stops and the next enemy wave start.

The game is short, and I ended finishing it with 101 deaths.
Hmm...what I read about it described it as endless. Never reached the end boss


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
What ever happened to Cube World? It ever shape up or are the developers still stalling?

The dev did post something last month, didnt he? Apparently he is picking up development again.
Awesome NEO Scavenger update
includes non-hostile NPC interactions, dynamic factions, armor, and new creature sprites. There are now two violent gangs roaming the map, DMC guards patrolling the sprawl, and looters caught in the middle. What's more, all of them are "strangers" until they do something that identifies them as friend or foe.


You guys ever have the issue where you just can't decide what to play? I'm staring at my library and nothing's really appealing to me

Definitely know what you mean. What I started doing recently, is saying 'eff it', picking a game and then sticking with it until I'm done. Works best with games that have some sort of ending, but you can always come up with your own finish line if necessary (I know you like your sandbox titles).

If nothing is appealing, I just do something else (read, watch a movie).

In other news, I finished Jazzpunk? That might have happened.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...

Magnetized is decent, but nothing overly special. I had fun playing around with the first 50 levels because they kept adding features over the levels, but not enough to keep me hooked now.
Basically feels like the flash browser game it is.

Olympia Rising is surprisingly fun, but I have issues controlling it with the keyboard as it requires a lot of precision high speed movement. Definitely going to try the full version once its out, but the free version is certainly worth a try. I am also really surprised at how deep the game and its possibilities are. double jumping, wall jumping, magic, melee attacks, fly via magic meter, and an interesting combo system that rewards good play by giving more coins.

Especially the combo system is really smart and satisfying if you manage to pull off some combos.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
The devs removed it temporarily

Thanks. I dropped it from the OP then. If they put it up again, we'll include it in one of the next threads.

Did you try Olympia Rising? Seems like your cup of tea.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...

Simian.Interface is short but kinda cute. Its technically a puzzle game but very easy. The gameplay basically only revolves around moving blocks into the correct position by moving the mouse, but the the levels are visually engaging, wacky and its short enough, so that you can easily go through it in one 20 minute sitting. Nothing that I will put in my GOTY list 2014, but it was a cute diversion.
Thanks. I dropped it from the OP then. If they put it up again, we'll include it in one of the next threads.

Did you try Olympia Rising? Seems like your cup of tea.
Actually I did. Was going to post impressions later or tomorrow. But now that I played it, I'm disappointed that the KS isn't doing that well, because it was pretty fun

I'd probably back it if February wasn't already jam packed with games I've been anticipating. I already narrowed the campaigns I'll be supporting down to Galactic Princess, Darkest Dungeon, and Path of Shadows and then I won't be backing anything else for a while


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Whoah at Twin Paradox, first-person sci-fi adventure thing. Not sure if this was just a short machinima short film or an actual game, but really cool if you're into Another World/The Swapper.

Not a game unfortunately:

The game is not in development at the moment. This is only a proof of concept video.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...

MiniFlake. Not a particularly nicely playable roguelike. It has a super low resolution that I wasnt able to change, and the, lets call them distinct", graphics dont help in identifying what you are doing either. If the items have stats, I didnt find them and the UI and overall movement is SUPER clunky with not enough feedback for the player on basically... anything. There are a million of interesting roguelikes, this one rides on style but I cant really find the substance.

Sooo, I'll try getting some impressions on the rest of the games I am interested in during the weekend, which includes:

Magicians and Looters
The Floor is Jelly
Ultimate Space Commando
Void Destroyer

If anyone is interested in my impressions on any of these, let me know so I can start with that in case I dont get to/buy all of them.
This got some really good impressions from IndieStatik. It sounds like the best kind of horror, subtle creeping tension through atmosphere and tone rather than jump scares. Said to only be about an hour long.

Serena - Free (PC, Mac, Linux)


This short point-and-click adventure is the result of a massive collaborative effort between dozens of fans and designers of adventure games. Rallying to support the venerable genre and its passionate community, these developers have brought together a grim and highly detailed horror story in what is the largest, possibly even the first, game project of its kind.


I would have really liked to see Olympia Rising make it. I wanted to play it with a controller. Maybe they'll try again... but I hope it still comes out.
Sooo, I'll try getting some impressions on the rest of the games I am interested in during the weekend, which includes:

Magicians and Looters
The Floor is Jelly
Ultimate Space Commando
Void Destroyer

If anyone is interested in my impressions on any of these, let me know so I can start with that in case I dont get to/buy all of them.

Lemma is pretty cool if you need that Mirror's Edge fix. I want to check out Void Destroyer, so impressions of that would be appreciated. More_Badass is right now playing XenoRaptor, and has given impressions of The Floor Is Jelly, which I need to play.
My game Love came out on Steam today. It's the proudest I've ever been of something I've done. I gave out a ton of Desura keys before, and if you got one of those, go here and redeem a key.

I'm sad to find that it's not actually in the "new releases" section because it's in early access. So until it's out of there, discoverability is going to be preeeetty low.
Sooo, I'll try getting some impressions on the rest of the games I am interested in during the weekend, which includes:

Magicians and Looters
The Floor is Jelly
Ultimate Space Commando
Void Destroyer

If anyone is interested in my impressions on any of these, let me know so I can start with that in case I dont get to/buy all of them.
Lemma - I'd wait till the KS before trying this one. The dev will be releasing a new build then. The current Alpha is fun but early and not representative of the many changes and improvements the dev has made since.

The Floor is Jelly - Fun charming game with a fantastic artistic style, I'd recommend checking it out

XenoRaptor - Loving this, but try the demo first of course. If you enjoy games like AAC, you'll probably like this. Not very structured yet in terms of campaign, stat tracking, etc., but the core gameplay is pretty much all there and very solid

Zero - Already shared my thoughts on this

Zenzizenzic - Awesome visual experience, and a promising game. Nice amount of content for a beta too

Haven't played these:
Magicians and Looters - Opinions seems very split on this game
Ultimate Space Commando
Void Destroyer
Zygote - 2014 (PC, Mac, Linux)


Zygote is a First Person Adventure Game, influenced by the FPS/RPG/Sci-Fi genres and Surrealism movement.
The player discovers an emerging war and must support the Kinship resistance against the advancing Patogens. By exploring the world and it’s characters, the player discovers the rationale for their existence to ultimately answer the question “Why am I here?”.

The Last Disbeliever - PC, Linux


The Last Disbeliever is a satrical, art-driven and slow-paced First Person Adventure/Shooter/Action game. The Last Disbeliever tells the story of an ATF Special Agent Sebastian Arise who was sent to track down a suspicious cargo delivered by a US illegal firearms dealer. It brings him into a closed village in Eastern Europe which is ruled by a ruthless religious cannibalistic cult.

Expand - PC, Mac, Linux


Expand is a conceptual video game that takes the player on a journey through a labyrinth in circular space. Players must avoid getting squashed as the labyrinth twists, stretches and expands itself in ways that create interesting and hypnotic visual aesthetics. As the player progresses through the labyrinth they encounter abstract metaphors accompanied with a dynamic soundtrack to captivate and challenge the player’s perception and ideas.

Previously Mentioned



If anyone here has a Vita, Llamasoft's TxK, which is coming out on Feb 11 I think, is absolutely amazing. A treat for the eyes, ears and hands all at once. It's Tempest, shined and buffed to modern standards with plenty of innovations, and is one of the best shooters I've ever played. The aesthetic too is this neon vector look that manages to be both gaudy and stylish at once.

Here are a couple of gameplay vids from YouTube, because I think you have to see it to appreciate what I'm talking about:



My god. Just finished a playthrough of TRIHAYWRFYH and it was amazing. The atmosphere, the voices, just everything. I've always loved games like Dear Esther, and this is a clear winner.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
The Rapture Is Here And You Will Be Forcibly Removed From Your Home

Which is funky because someone absolutely loathed it earlier. The stupid browser version didnt work for me, was there a dl version somewhere?

Bullet hell shmup. Got through it with 2 deaths, and I absolutely love, love, love the art style and the way parts/letters of the ships split off. I have no clue why the game has the tagline "There is no victory", because you can obviously win, but maybe it refers to something along the lines of "there is no true victory in war because people still died".
Anyway, really unfortunate that its so short, but I LOVE the style. Someone make this a full game please.

Lemma is pretty cool if you need that Mirror's Edge fix. I want to check out Void Destroyer, so impressions of that would be appreciated. More_Badass is right now playing XenoRaptor, and has given impressions of The Floor Is Jelly, which I need to play.

I'll check out Void Destroyer tonight then.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
There have been quite a few parkour/3D platforming games on the Indie spotlight lately, but this one still deserves a shoutout. The world its set in and the weird landscapes you are traversing makes it feel rather... out there and really interesting to look at. I hope they are going totally wild with these floating islands later on because they really look rather impressive. Gameplay wise, the game works with the occasional mistimed jump or jump that seems a little bit too hard, but the controls all work and the traversal elements are well thought out. One caveat I have is the reliance on "energy" powerups that recharge your energy and you die if you havent picked one up in a long time. Considering you can save the game at any checkpoint, that seems a bit redundant and just heightens the frustration level a bit. However, I do understand why they are in the game. They created their levels quite interestingly, which usually allow for multiple paths vertically and horizontally, and spreading out these glowing orbs gives a) a sense of direction and b) incentives to check out other routes. I'd still prefer just "exploring" the levels though without any time pressure.

Very much looking forward to the next version that Badass mentioned before thats coming up with the Kickstarter.
I played Olympia Rising and I can say, based on the demo, it's pretty solid and it makes me feel sad their kickstarter isn't going to reach the amount needed. The main character is charming and the gameplay is compelling and hard, the controls respond very well but it took me some time to understand how some of the moves worked. Recommended.

I also played Joe X, it's a fun game but imo the controls aren't very intuitive. The main objective is beat the enemies, maintain combos and get a high score once the time end, to accomplish it you have a diverse move set and must alternate between it to not make repetitive combos.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I played Olympia Rising and I can say, based on the demo, it's pretty solid and it makes me feel sad their kickstarter isn't going to reach the amount needed. The main character is charming and the gameplay is compelling and hard, the controls respond very well but it took me some time to understand how some of the moves worked. Recommended.

Did anyone make a thread for it? Considering we all like it and the Kickstarter amount needed isnt impossibly out there, a little bit of attention might not be the worst thing. We could spam the thread with Messof gifs and our own impressions but I am out now for a few hours.

Badass maybe? I'll support the thread a bit with posting later if someone puts it up. Otherwise I'll make one.
Owww, for some reason I missed that one: looks fantastic! When is their kickstarter going to happen, so I can throw money at them?
Asked the devs a few days ago, "roughly February 19th"

Yeah, February is just insane with Kickstarters. Galactic Princess should still be happening this month, Darkest Dungeon this Monday, and a bunch others

Oh, and regarding Lemma, the dev has since removed the stamina meter, completely redid every level except the first two, added new enemies, and revamped the checkpoint system to be more fair
On the Strider discussion on Steam, there's a discussion going on about length and price. Since it's $15 and the campaign is reportedly 7-8 hours long

My response
I totally disagree. Length doesn't matter. The experience matters, the gameplay matters. Length is totally subjective. For example, some have said Gunpoint is only three hours long. But I get many more hours of gameplay out of the experience because I replay levels to ghost them or finish them as fast as possible or just play around with the Crosslink

The Swamper, Limbo, Journey, Shelter are short, but are they lesser experiences, less rewarding, because of that? If a game is only four hours long, but offers a thrilling gripping narrative or wonderful art or immersive atmosphere or deep gameplay, should a developer be constrained to a certain price because of length? The quality of the game always comes first and more often than not, a short game means a focused game, a lean experience without padding or bloat. As much as I enjoy 20 hour sprawling open world games, I'd take a short lean experience over one of those any day
What do you guys think?


On the Strider discussion on Steam, there's a discussion going on about length and price. Since it's $15 and the campaign is reportedly 7-8 hours long

My response

What do you guys think?

You make solid points. But like you said, it's all subjective. Like, I felt Jazzpunk was too short, but only because of how diverse it all felt. If they just padded it out it would have decreased the quality of what was offered.
On the Strider discussion on Steam, there's a discussion going on about length and price. Since it's $15 and the campaign is reportedly 7-8 hours long

My response

What do you guys think?

I usually prefer games that offer more replayability than short games with a linear story, but of course I can enjoy these games and in the end I don't make too much distinction in how spend my money, if I'm interested in the game I'll buy it unless I consider the price absurd like offering a 1.5 hours game for $40.
Skara: The Blade Remains - PC, PS4, XBox One


Skara aims to revolutionize gaming by taking a Versus Fighting concept and turning it into a Multiplayer battle arena experience. With never before seen character control and graphics powered by Unreal Engine 4, Skara promises to turn the Free to Play gaming world upside down.

Caromble! - 2014 (PC, Mac, Linux)


Take classic Breakout, add stunning 3D graphics and realtime physics. Season with a good pinch of new gameplay. Stir well and you get Caromble! Discover all game worlds, collect the shards, and don't forget to keep improving your high scores.

KEL: Reaper of Entropy - 2014


KEL: Reaper of Entropy gives you the chance to control (or at least try to) Kel the Skeleton and choose whether to terrorize or please the villagers. Or both for that matter. The game features unconventional gameplay, heinous methods of gaining victory and a non-existent variety of ways to customize your character. Plus an overdose of twisted humour as a bonus.

Heros of Space - PC


It's a game where you control a space ship and have to collect gold from asteroids and defend your ship against others.

Velocity 2X - 2014 (PS4, PS Vita)


Velocity 2X is the sci-fi platformer and shoot ‘em-up in one adventure, heading to PS Vita and PS4 in 2014!
This highly anticipated sequel to Velocity Ultra weaves together two classic game formats into one seamless adventure, featuring puzzle-platforming action alongside award-winning top-down shoot ‘em-up gameplay!

Wind Fortress - ???? (Browser)


A web browser RPG with a strong scenario, a deep universe and the chance to create your own adventure for others to play.


Trucker Sexologist
On the Strider discussion on Steam, there's a discussion going on about length and price. Since it's $15 and the campaign is reportedly 7-8 hours long

My response

What do you guys think?
7-8 hours is actually on the longish side for a $15 game. I have no idea why people would complain about it.
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