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List of new ID@Xbox Developers. First games in certification.

Well we know Strike Suit Zero was announced for a march release, so we can assume that is in cert right now. We also know Nutjitsu and Worms were playable as of a month ago since Phil tweeted about playing them...so those are likely the first games in cert ATM.

Edit: also noticed ID@XBOX is a sponsor for the Indie Mix at GDC this year, so I expect a lot or announcements to come from devs around that time.


Ok, I've gotta get back to work, I threw on some details for the spreadsheet and I've sent out about a dozen tweets to the dev houses to see if they'll be making any specific XB1 announcements in light of the press release this morning.


That's a nice list. MS really has some catching up to do concerning indie games compared to Sony, but seems like they'll deliver.
The only two I see on that list that I know is Larian Studios and Behemoth.

Larian are god tier if you like quirky fantasy titles, their games are normally rough around the edges but are very unique and funny.

Behemoth made Alien Hominoid and Castle Crashes if I recall, AH was a super tough 2D action game and Castle Crashers was a 1-4 side scrolling beat em up in a fantasy setting (one of the best party games I ever played).

If Larian bring out Divinity Original Sin for the X1 I sure hope they do a PS4 port. I haven't paid for the early access on Steam yet and I might hold of if it's PS4 bound.


butthurt Heat fan
I'm kinda hoping that Raw Thrills jumps on the ID@Xbox bandwagon, so they can do their own ports of H2Overdrive and Fast and the Furious Super Cars.


If Raw Thrills wants to develop on Xbox One via ID@XBox, I will personally fly to Chicago to hand-deliver the dev kits to Eugene Jarvis! My first game industry job 1000 years ago was interviewing Eugene and some other Williams legends for the bonus material for an emulation classic pack and then writing a dumb Director video player app for it. We had like three hours of amazing unreleased footage I am trying to track down; Eugene gave me permission to post it if I can find it.

(Also, we've sent kits to 200 studios.)
If Raw Thrills wants to develop on Xbox One via ID@XBox, I will personally fly to Chicago to hand-deliver the dev kits to Eugene Jarvis! My first game industry job 1000 years ago was interviewing Eugene and some other Williams legends for the bonus material for an emulation classic pack and then writing a dumb Director video player app for it. We had like three hours of amazing unreleased footage I am trying to track down; Eugene gave me permission to post it if I can find it.

(Also, we've sent kits to 200 studios.)

Quick, someone get a hold of Raw Thrills or Eugene Jarvis and let him know.... it's good to see the enthusiasm.


While that list is great and good for the future, it seems that Devs are still unsure about if they can publish or not.

Crunching Kolas said:
It had hoped to launch on Xbox One in the summer, but Tomaszewsk now fears that Microsoft will block sale of the game if it appears on PS Vita first. The team also hopes to launch MouseCraft on PS4 at some point.

He told the site, “To be honest, I haven’t done anything with our Xbox dev kits. Just launched them and played a little bit with the new Xbox. We’re using Unity 3d for all our games and the [Unity toolset] for Xbox One is still not available.

“As for the console’s unique features – I don’t see anything that can be used in MouseCraft, maybe besides integrating the game with Live features. Making the level sharing and cloud saves available through all Microsoft platforms – Windows 8, Xbox One and Windows Phone. It would be nice to use SmartGlass, but at the moment I have no idea how to do this.

“In terms of WordTrap Dungeon [Crunching Koala's other project], if you’ll watch the screenshots and the video you’ll notice that there’s a magical book on the screen. Players can select the letters from it and form words to defeat monsters (it’s a mix of Scrabble and a dungeon crawler). We thought it may be fun to make this book on a tablet, by using SmartGlass.”

The team has Xbox One in mind, clearly, but due to the parity clause Tomaszewsk added, “We don’t know if it’s going to be possible for us to publish it on Xbox One.”



While that list is great and good for the future, it seems that Devs are still unsure about if they can publish or not.


Couldn't the dev just get clarification from any one of the Microsoft reps? I con't see how that would be difficult. I think what's bullshit is that he would have to in the first place.
Couldn't the dev just get clarification from any one of the Microsoft reps? I con't see how that would be difficult. I think what's bullshit is that he would have to in the first place.

If it becomes an issue worth talking about then talk to the right people. If the dev has concerns he really should get in touch with Charla or id@xbox team, they always say they are taking feedback into account.
That's the queue to then give them feedback about what doesn't work.
I'm surprised the clause hasn't been scrapped already, maybe too many devs are not bothered because games may be a whole off so parity doesn't matter.
It's in developers best interests anyways to either side with a big guy Nintendo, Sony or MS and fully support them OR break your game down and support all platforms. You will likely get more sales across each, although more dev time is required.
It's tough having choice now as an indie, seems everyone wants a slice.


So since my post the article has been updated:

The developer intends to release MouseCraft on PC and PS Vita in May, but has yet to come to an agreement on this front with Sony. An Xbox One version would follow in the summer, all going to plan, but Tomaszewski is worried that Microsoft won't permit this if the game appears on PS Vita first. Crunching Koalas also hopes to release MouseCraft on PS4.

As for WordTrap Dungeon, there's a "high chance" that the game will also come to Xbox One - again, providing Microsoft allows it. "We just don't know anything yet, but if the game "fits" the Xbox One (if the controls will be ok on a pad) then we will definitely at least try to go for Xbox," Tomaszewski told OXM by email.

What does he think of the console itself, I asked? ""To be honest, I haven't done anything with our Xbox dev kits, we received them just 3 days ago. Just launched them and played a little bit with the new Xbox. We're using Unity 3d for all our games and the [Unity toolset] for Xbox One is still not available". The latter will probably be available in a matter of weeks or months, Tomaszewski added.

"As for the console's unique features - I don't see anything that can be used in MouseCraft, maybe besides integrating the game with Live features," he went on. "Making the level sharing and cloud saves available through all Microsoft platforms - Windows 8, Xbox One and Windows Phone. We would really like to use SmartGlass, it sounds like an interesting concept, but at the moment we are not sure if it will make the game better."


Then there is this nugget here buried in the comments from the developer:

Thomas CK said:
I'd like to stress something which I already wrote on reddit - Microsoft are doing an excellent work regarding how they approach and contact indie developers and I'm sure they will open the platform for many great games that have been launched on different systems earlier. Hope that our game will also come on board.

Chris Charla - the chief of ID@Xbox has definitely turned the tide. Right now it's easier to get your game on Xbox One then on the PS4 or even PS Vita.

All fans of indie games that bought the Xbox One should remain calm. There will be great indie titles (maybe even exclusives) on Xbox, I'm sure of it.

From the same link as above.
Chris Charla - the chief of ID@Xbox has definitely turned the tide. Right now it's easier to get your game on Xbox One then on the PS4 or even PS Vita.

Seems Mortimer's faith and praise wasn't misplaced. Really hope he gets rid of the parity clause completely.


Neo Member
Hey guys, it's Tom from Crunching Koalas here.

I just wanted to clarify some things regarding the article, but Linkified just posted the comment that I made on OXM a few minutes ago. I think that it pretty much sums all I had to say ;).

Couldn't the dev just get clarification from any one of the Microsoft reps? I con't see how that would be difficult. I think what's bullshit is that he would have to in the first place.

It's not that easy, but yeah - we're in touch with guys from Microsoft and should get an answer pretty soon.



Thomas CK said:
Chris Charla - the chief of ID@Xbox has definitely turned the tide. Right now it's easier to get your game on Xbox One then on the PS4 or even PS Vita.

who is this guy and why should I take his word for it?

edit: it would seem he just posted above me, I still find that hard to believe given it flies in the face of recent history, Chris Charla has definitely been making strides at Microsoft but easier than PS4/Vita given everything we've seen already? doubtful


sputum-flecked apoplexy

good timing


Hey guys, it's Tom from Crunching Koalas here.

I just wanted to clarify some things regarding the article, but Linkified just posted the comment that I made on OXM a few minutes ago. I think that it pretty much sums all I had to say ;).

It's not that easy, but yeah - we're in touch with guys from Microsoft and should get an answer pretty soon.


I thought I should seen as a) I brought it into the discussion and b)noticed the update and your comment to update people. But I hope all goes well the more games on either platforms are good for the industry as a whole as it introduces new tastes into the market. :)
Chris Charla - the chief of ID@Xbox has definitely turned the tide. Right now it's easier to get your game on Xbox One then on the PS4 or even PS Vita.

This is awesome to hear. Can't wait to see this reflecting in more and more indie support (Specially once they start playing with Smartglass and Kinect!)


Neo Member
who is this guy and why should I take his word for it?

edit: it would seem he just posted above me, I still find that hard to believe given it flies in the face of recent history, Chris Charla has definitely been making strides at Microsoft but easier than PS4/Vita given everything we've seen already? doubtful

Well, no one forces you to believe me ;).

Microsoft really did their homework - their program is excellent and bringing games to Xbox One is probably cheaper then getting your games to any other console. But that's just my opinion.

Well, no one forces you to believe me ;).

Microsoft really did their homework - their program is excellent and bringing games to Xbox One is cheaper then getting your games to any other consoles. But that's just my opinion.


Can you talk about how much it costs to release on each platform?

And is it cheaper to launch on X1 because of MS offering free Unity licenses?


Well, no one forces you to believe me ;).

Microsoft really did their homework - their program is excellent and bringing games to Xbox One is probably cheaper then getting your games to any other console. But that's just my opinion.


Wow, this is amazing news for Xbox owners. Looks like Microsoft got insanely agressive with id@xbox. I guess we will see the payoff in the next 6 months to a year.
Well, no one forces you to believe me ;).

Microsoft really did their homework - their program is excellent and bringing games to Xbox One is probably cheaper then getting your games to any other console. But that's just my opinion.


This is good to hear, thanks for coming in and clarifying. Future looks bright for indies


All MS need to now is remove that stupid launch parity clause. With things looking the way they are now, launch parity clause is not needed.


Trucker Sexologist
Wow, this is amazing news for Xbox owners. Looks like Microsoft got insanely agressive with id@xbox. I guess we will see the payoff in the next 6 months to a year.
If MS doesn't promote these games on the dash it won't matter how easy it is to get on there. They'll do XBLIG numbers or worse.
If MS doesn't promote these games on the dash it won't matter how easy it is to get on there. They'll do XBLIG numbers or worse.

MS barely promotes their own games on the XB1 dash. LOL

Biggest problem with XBLIG is the way they hide the games. I believe ID@Xbox games will be featured in the same section as other games.

The Flash

Well, no one forces you to believe me ;).

Microsoft really did their homework - their program is excellent and bringing games to Xbox One is probably cheaper then getting your games to any other console. But that's just my opinion.


That's awesome to hear. Charla seems like a cool guy and definitely doesn't come off as some corporate suit. Question: would you say that there's been a shift in attitude at MS since Don Mattrick left? MS people like Phil Spencer seem way more open than they have been in the past and the division as a whole has been doing a lot of good stuff lately. Would you attribute this to Mattrick's departure or something else?

If MS doesn't promote these games on the dash it won't matter how easy it is to get on there. They'll do XBLIG numbers or worse.

MS is planning a big indie thingamajig for GDC so me thinks/hopes that they will give indies the coverage that they need on the Store.
If MS doesn't promote these games on the dash it won't matter how easy it is to get on there. They'll do XBLIG numbers or worse.

The difference is, devs don't have to rely on dashboard ads really...times are a changing.

They have Upload clips, trending games, most popular, highest rated, new, ect all viewable via the game store. Some of those sections even go based off of previous games you and your friends have played, and games most popular between your friends.

Not to mention Twitch streaming, which will make some games get huge popularity imo.

There's plenty of new avenues of letting people know which games are worth checking out, so how about we wait until some release first before making it seem like they won't sell.


y'all should be ashamed
As someone who's knows a few devs going through the console dev process, I can elaborate a bit on this.

  • Getting XB1 devkits is easier than PS devkits? I've heard that as well. Sony asks that you provide your plans for PS development as well as some detailed info on your dev work and such when applying as a dev. With ID@Xbox, you don't need to provide any of that to be a registered dev- just submit your name and a few details and you're good to go. Now I'm not sure if MS asks for more details when requesting dev kits, but it doesn't seem like it.

    I'd speculate that for a dev with little background history or major game releases, it would be easier to sign up for ID@Xbox than Playstation.

  • You don't have anything to lose for signing up to ID@Xbox and you get free kits, so a lot of devs are signing up just for the future potential down the road. Signing up like that is pretty common stuff, but what's a bit more uncommon is MS announcing these devs as part of the program. That's never a completely good idea (recall that massive image of companies that were slated to be PS Vita developers before the Vita launch, and compare that to which ones have had games released on the platform since launch). I would wait for game announcements, rather than developer announcements, before reading into that dev list.

  • Hearing nothing but good things about Chris Charla at the program. Unfortunately, the parity clause (something that, from what I understand, comes from the top and isn't going to change with Chris or any ID@Xbox personnel) is strangling releases right now. A large majority of indie releases this year will not be on XB1 simply due to that clause. They do allow bypasses of that clause, but do so on a case by case basis, and I'm not aware of what circumstances you need to have to do so.

    You might ask, why would devs bypass the XB1 like that? That makes no financial sense, right? And the answer is, almost all these devs are coming from the PC development side, where their bread and butter is. Games on Steam are almost guaranteed to sell more than PS4/XB1 versions right now. I know that for myself, getting onto consoles would be a big bonus/fun thing to do. I'm sure others are feeling the same.

  • It's possible they can change this clause at GDC; I have no idea if they will. I get the impression that the folks at ID@Xbox aren't fond of it. No one likes it. But that's the rule. It may take another campaign of "No DRM" to change this around, I dunno.

  • You can expect big news at GDC regarding developing for consoles. I can't wait.

Literally all MS has to do is remove that clause, and they'll be on even footing with Sony when it comes to not only supporting indies, but releases down the road as well. It's very frustrating.
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