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Vikings - Season 2 - Thursdays on History

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Venerable Member
Just finished this episode, the whole episode had a sense of foreboding to me.

...threatening a blood eagle...getting serious now...
Haha, Ragnar and Rollo pulling a Red Wedding on Jarl Borg's men but not then not going all the way and killing the chief. They did not even smash his dead wife's skull from which he draws his power (of being batshit insane). Anyone else think Bjorn's girl looks like Viking Felicity Smoak ?


I've never heard of that before, but I'm guessing it's gory. What does it involve?

The Blood Eagle was a method of torture and execution that is sometimes mentioned in Nordic saga legends. It was performed by cutting the ribs of the victim by the spine, breaking the ribs so they resembled blood-stained wings, and pulling the lungs out through the wounds in the victim's back. Salt was sprinkled in the wounds.

Gotta love the salt-sprinkling. As if the rest of it wasn't enough :lol.
Aaaand I think that is me done for this season haha. I had my moment of fame. First to wake up and gather the others. Forgot how dark it was in there though.



Won't stop picking the right nation
It's a little hard for me to believe that Borg would fall for such an obvious ploy and allow his men to be trapped in a barn; perhaps he was taken in by the mystique of Ragnar Lothbrok and believed Ragnar really was magnanimous and above petty revenge.

On the other hand, I really like the trajectory of Athelstan's character: he's becoming neither the pious monk nor the ambivalent viking, but something more like King Ecbert.
Does anyone by chance know how soon history.com puts the newest episodes up?
I believe they usually put them up early the next morning; in fact, you can watch yesterday's episode right now.


This show is fantastic. Really enjoying what's going on with Athlestan, a side plotline done well. And the mere idea of a blood eagle just gives me the creeps.


The ending of this episode made me think of this song Amon Amarth - Blood Eagle

by searching on Wikipedia (about Blood Eagle) i also realised that the show is actually based on a "true" story .. do not read if you do not want to be spoilered!


All the disconnected plot lines in this show are great. Athlestan/Lagertha are holding up just fine on their own.

Bjorn's girl is cute
this was great episode but I do wonder why they help Lagertha with killing her husband?
man can't wait for next week, look like shit going down

The ending of this episode made me think of this song Amon Amarth - Blood Eagle

by searching on Wikipedia (about Blood Eagle) i also realised that the show is actually based on a "true" story .. do not read if you do not want to be spoilered!

ah this remind me when the old gods expansion came out for crusader kings 2 and it spoils the show for some people.


I think King Horik's going to kill a hooker in his motel room, then go visit Jarl Borg in his cell. But Jarl Borg will have a shiv ready, and he'll rip Horik's throat out with it. Then Horik's guards will come in and kill Borg, which will leave Jax Ragnar free to face a new challenge, i.e. Pope Ecbert.


The promo for the next episode is hilarious.

I think King Horik's going to kill a hooker in his motel room, then go visit Jarl Borg in his cell. But Jarl Borg will have a shiv ready, and he'll rip Horik's throat out with it. Then Horik's guards will come in and kill Borg, which will leave Jax Ragnar free to face a new challenge, i.e. Pope Ecbert.
Ok I laughed.


The promo for the next episode is hilarious.


I haven't posted in this thread before but I've been lurking for a while. I'm an avid fan of the show, but the pretentiousness of the promotion always cracks me up. It's surely referring to [speculative spoiler for next episode]
the blood eagle being performed on Jarl Borg?


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Lagertha killing her husband was one of the highlights of the season, and I really hope that Bjorn doesn't end up raping the slave girl.
Anyone find the 2 scenes near the end of Bjorn and the girl really awkward and unpolished? Like they just threw it in there for no reason and ruined the momentum of the episode imo. Lagertha is a strong 10/10, would wife in an instant


Came across this today, interesting read. Love this show, it has rekindled an early Viking obsession I had from my school days.


That's a really weird piece rightfully challenged in the comment section. Dude presents several questionable ideas as fact while creating a strawman that paints vikings as my littly pony characters. That never happened, recent scholars have simply tried to present a fuller picture of the viking era: As successful conquerors and exporters of language and culture they quite clearly were not just lunatic savages but a society capable of strategy, trade and politics. That they were cruel and brutal in war is a matter of course.


Anyone find the 2 scenes near the end of Bjorn and the girl really awkward and unpolished? Like they just threw it in there for no reason and ruined the momentum of the episode imo. Lagertha is a strong 10/10, would wife in an instant
The earlier scenes between the two definitely felt deliberately awkward - Bjorn is obviously trying to find his place in the village, he knows that all eyes are on him and he is not sure how the son of Ragnar should act. Should he try to court her? Would that show weakness? Should he just take her? She is a slave after all.

TBH I did find the whole ending with Bjorn confusing. Ragnar said Jarl Borg's men should stay in the barn with the slaves. Bjorn's girl mentioned she lives in the barn. Are we meant to believe Ragnar burnt it down with his own slaves inside and Bjorn went ahead to save the girl? The men were asking where Bjorn was, so it seems weird Bjorn would miss all that just to get the girl in his room, unless she was in danger.
TBH I did find the whole ending with Bjorn confusing. Ragnar said Jarl Borg's men should stay in the barn with the slaves. Bjorn's girl mentioned she lives in the barn. Are we meant to believe Ragnar burnt it down with his own slaves inside and Bjorn went ahead to save the girl? The men were asking where Bjorn was, so it seems weird Bjorn would miss all that just to get the girl in his room, unless she was in danger.

Ragnar said to put them in the barn where the slaves stay, not necessarily with the slaves. You'd have to assume that the salves, being slaves, were probably just put somewhere else for the night. Perhaps they were just housed in the houses of other villagers for the night, as might explain why the slave girl was conveniently with Bjorn anyway?


First time in the entire series (even counting the crucifixion) where I've felt uncomfortable in an episode. the sense of foreboding was just ridiculously heavy.

Lagertha taking action like that was very satisfying -- that guy was an asshat and totally deserved it. I wonder if she will now be taking over, or if she will simply go back to Ragnar.
First time in the entire series (even counting the crucifixion) where I've felt uncomfortable in an episode. the sense of foreboding was just ridiculously heavy.

Lagertha taking action like that was very satisfying -- that guy was an asshat and totally deserved it. I wonder if she will now be taking over, or if she will simply go back to Ragnar.

Why did that other dude just decapitate him? Was it to put him out of his misery, or was it more of a "Yeah, I hated that asshole too" kind of thing?


I got the feeling it was the latter. Otherwise he would've taken out Lagertha, right?

Indeed. He had that "I've got your back" look, like he was sick and tired of the guy being an asshole. I'm guessing everyone knew how shitty he was to Lagertha and her son. Not to mention he seemed like an alcoholic...? Y'know, the drunken abusing type. Makes sense with the beating she gave him when he tried to rape her. I think he was drunk then, too.


People love Lagertha. How could they not? The piece of shit was being extra shitty to her and her poking his eye out was as good an excuse as anything to take him out.
oh man.... Even though they didn't show anything ridiculously graphic, that was kinda tough to watch. Ragnar seems like he's being a bit of a dick.


Those last few minutes were just fantastic. Proved that a graphic situation can work really well even without going into explicit detail.
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