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The Conduit - New? Wii FPS by High Voltage: infos and stuffs

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Considering they have funded this themselves I take my hat off to them. Hopefully in a few years the majority of Wii games will be pushing these effects....but I wont hold my breath.


Wow, they're really shooting to convert the fanboys in that tech demo video, aren't they.

Really? "u,v" animations? You're trying to pimp texture animation as if it isn't something that's been done for more than a decade even on N64 games?

Some of the stuff is cool, the game may show a little promise, but keep this bullshit out of here. As someone who actually programs in opengl and direct 3d, please understand that most of the stuff in that video is absolutely nothing special at all - they just want you to think it is.


Yay! Finally! I've beaten every FPS available for Wii and can't wait for this! Graphics looks pretty damn good, and if it'll run on 60FPS it'll be awesome.


Fry Daddy
dLMN8R said:
Wow, they're really shooting to convert the fanboys in that tech demo video, aren't they.

Really? "u,v" animations? You're trying to pimp texture animation as if it isn't something that's been done for more than a decade even on N64 games?

Some of the stuff is cool, the game may show a little promise, but keep this bullshit out of here. As someone who actually programs in opengl and direct 3d, please understand that most of the stuff in that video is absolutely nothing special at all - they just want you to think it is.

But it has realtime lighting and refraction!
Thoes wondering about whether the game has online just have to watch the tech demo for their game engine - at the end they mention the following network features:

UDP based data packets
Bit level stream and message packing
Full lobby services
Joining mid-game, host drop support

UDP is an internet protocol like TCP - but online TCP it trades off sequential ordering and reliabity for speed, which makes it ideal for online games - if a large enough amount of packets arrive constantly, it can compensate for lost or dropped packets. And a lobby system is pretty much only neccessary when you are playing online... of course, technically a WLAN network game could be possible, but I doubt it - this engine is for online gaming.


M3d10n said:
The key missing points are programmable vertex processing and cubemaps. Without those it's almost impossible to do per-pixel specular lighting from point lights. The lack of a single TEV stage dot3 operation also hurts a little. They could've at least added a little extra silicon there for those without harm for the GC retrocomp.

The viable alternatives are: using the built-in vertex processing to generate emboss offset coordinates for diffuse normal mapping (which very, very few Wii games or even GC games did) and using the indirect texture function to use a "normal map" to displace another texture per pixel (a spherical map or a 1D light texture). The latter option cannot generate "correct" lighting, but it can look very good when done properly (see SMG).
I have no fucking idea what technical jibber-jabber you're on about, but it sounds good!


The tech demo has piqued a bit of my attention, the game itself is a bit hot & cold from the screens i've seen. Some screens impress some don't, I'll take a wait and see approach. I wish them all the best because it's kinda nice to see them go for it and break free of the licensed crap and have some ambition.

splattergnome said:
this engine is for online gaming.
the rest of ur post went over my head, i'm tired. but it's nice to hear this.


Fry Daddy
It'd be nice if their engine tech demo video was actually 640x480, not blown up 320x240. I can barely see anything. :\


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
dLMN8R said:
Wow, they're really shooting to convert the fanboys in that tech demo video, aren't they.

Really? "u,v" animations? You're trying to pimp texture animation as if it isn't something that's been done for more than a decade even on N64 games?

Some of the stuff is cool, the game may show a little promise, but keep this bullshit out of here. As someone who actually programs in opengl and direct 3d, please understand that most of the stuff in that video is absolutely nothing special at all - they just want you to think it is.
come on now, they're just listing features there, as rudimentary as some of them are. do you really believe they rely on fanboys to fund their projects?




John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
I'm just getting to this... but is it me, or does that video with the tech look/sound really good?

my godness, it makes me want King's Field Wii so bad
Just skimming the first page of this thread makes me wonder why there hasn't been a solid FPS on the Wii. Can't the Wii handle something like Halo 2 at the very least? Granted, any online component will be resricted, but there should be way more FPS offerings on the Wii.


Gamecocks625 said:
Just skimming the first page of this thread makes me wonder why there hasn't been a solid FPS on the Wii. Can't the Wii handle something like Halo 2 at the very least? Granted, any online component will be resricted, but there should be way more FPS offerings on the Wii.

Metroid Prime 3? Well I guess it's more of an adventure.


Gamecocks625 said:
Just skimming the first page of this thread makes me wonder why there hasn't been a solid FPS on the Wii. Can't the Wii handle something like Halo 2 at the very least? Granted, any online component will be resricted, but there should be way more FPS offerings on the Wii.
Publishers, risk, etc.


I'm not passing judgment on this. The graphics look good, sometimes great, but the art is sort of meh. New hardcore FPS IP's are always welcome on Wii, though.

Teknoman said:
Aiming at 60fps as well, plus working on nice textures....could kick ass...could totally suck.

Keeping an eye on this. Wii needs more hopefully high quality system pushing games.

Yeah. Basically we have no idea if this is going to be the shit or just plain old shit.
Gamecocks625 said:
Just skimming the first page of this thread makes me wonder why there hasn't been a solid FPS on the Wii. Can't the Wii handle something like Halo 2 at the very least? Granted, any online component will be resricted, but there should be way more FPS offerings on the Wii.

If you're talking graphically, Halo 2 looks like crap compared to Metroid Prime 3.

And I agree, Wii needs more FPS games. It's the future of controlling FPS on consoles.

Yeah. Basically we have no idea if this is going to be the shit or just plain old shit.



Everything is tsundere to me
looks unfinished and another victim of Wii screenshot syndrome. would like to see it in motion before passing any judgment, though it looks interesting.


Not worth it's own thread but slightly related:


They are also working on their own engine as far as I know, and judging by Dementium and Moon, they know how to achieve very impressive results on limited hardware. Renegade Kid also posted lots and lots of job offers for Wii developers.


wsippel said:
Not worth it's own thread but slightly related:


They are also working on their own engine as far as I know, and judging by Dementium and Moon, they know how to achieve very impressive results on limited hardware. Renegade Kid also posted lots and lots of job offers for Wii developers.
Woah, they can do wonders on hardware. I hope they get a really slick engine running.
One thing I will give these shots is that it doesn't have that slightly out of focus "I started to move before the flash went off" look of most Wii Screenshots.


Dever said:
I'm not passing judgment on this. The graphics look good, sometimes great, but the art is sort of meh. New hardcore FPS IP's are always welcome on Wii, though.

Yeah. Basically we have no idea if this is going to be the shit or just plain old shit.

Ramenman said:
Could be dangerous ?

Dever is cleverer :(

Lets keep it going :D


Gamecocks625 said:
Just skimming the first page of this thread makes me wonder why there hasn't been a solid FPS on the Wii. Can't the Wii handle something like Halo 2 at the very least? Granted, any online component will be resricted, but there should be way more FPS offerings on the Wii.

ign said:
The argument, going on in the board rooms of major third-parties around the globe, is that adult-oriented Wii software doesn't sell. That there's no market for it. Developers on the other side of the fence assert that there's no such proof since only a handful of quality games with an edgier style have even made their way to Wii, most of them ports. Several studios have flat-out told IGN that their attempts to make darker software for Wii have been politely declined by a host of big-name publishers.

It needed to be quoted again for its insanity.


My eyes are bleeding :(

After HD there is really no going back. Well except if the game stands out in other areas but I really don't believe this one will stand out.

And the new Renegade Kid project looks hot. I will buy dementium: the ward tomorrow so I can support this project.


Teknoman said:
That was a DS game? Damn.

I've been waiting on Moon to be released for a while, it's a game I've definitely been watching for. I agree with someone above, Renegade Kid has already released a pretty damn good game (Dementium - got 8.0+ in many reviewing websites), so I can't wait to see what they release for the Wii since it looks like they are working on something for that.


shouldnt be much of an issue because shooters are not adult games.
nothing screams "Im 16 years old" like a shooting game.


listen to the mad man
methodman said:
I've been waiting on Moon to be released for a while, it's a game I've definitely been watching for. I agree with someone above, Renegade Kid has already released a pretty damn good game (Dementium - got 8.0+ in many reviewing websites), so I can't wait to see what they release for the Wii since it looks like they are working on something for that.

Dementium wasn't perfect, but a lot of the flaws were "first-game-itis" and they've demonstrated in interviews acknowledgment of those flaws and a commitment to fix them. Their tech was excellent, and Moon looks even better.

Moon actually looks to be somewhere near what I think the theoretical maximum of the DS is based on the two most obvious graphical restrictions; screen resolution and no texture filtering. It's impossible to tell how much the processors are being taxed, but I can't really picture much better being pulled out of the DS based on those two hard limits.


DeaconKnowledge said:
More excited for the engine than the game quite frankly.

Yeah, the engine itself actually does some very impressive stuff. The graphics chip should have had some standardized mapping effects like Xbox 1, but since it doesn't, the system needs an engine that can pull that stuff off on the system. I really like what they're doing with bump-mapping and lighting, even though the models look like garbage at a distance and that worries me about how the engine is displaying material.

The game itself looks decent, but it looks like it's being made on the cheap in hopes of getting a deal, and there's a lot about it that looks rough and underdeveloped. They should have concentrated on one kick-ass stage to show off the engine, not an entire game (or however much is done) when they don't even have a deal.


_Alkaline_ said:
If you're talking graphically, Halo 2 looks like crap compared to Metroid Prime 3.
if you're talking framerate and art direction, then maybe. outside of those, hell no.


rakka said:
if you're talking framerate and art direction, then maybe. outside of those, hell no.
Just compare textures, MP3 lacks some effects but the texture quality puts all other Wii games and last gen games to shame. The models are much better as well, although Retro still hasn't figured out how to make humans.
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