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What exactly has John Cena done for wrestling?

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could never
I think you mean "BOlieve".


All you people in here should really be ashamed of yourselves. This is worse than the pedo anime games threads. Of which I notice there are always a lot of wrestling fans in. Funny how that works.


All you people in here should really be ashamed of yourselves. This is worse than the pedo anime games threads. Of which I notice there are always a lot of wrestling fans in. Funny how that works.
I just realised how Obama and John Cena are never in the same room together. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!


All you people in here should really be ashamed of yourselves. This is worse than the pedo anime games threads. Of which I notice there are always a lot of wrestling fans in. Funny how that works.
We're just unconsciously ashamed of our fandom so we feel the need to lash out at others we perceive to be more vulnerable.


Zack Ryder was my favorite part of that angle because of the hilarious angry/sad faces he made, and the scene where he was trying to change the tire. He also sold being wheeled off the stage by Kane excellently, so I'm going to have to disagree with you.

Oh, I laughed. It just wasn't exactly him trying to get a genuine push, was it?

I mean all wrestlers are mediocre actors. Punk's 'drunk act', Jericho's everything, Batista's 'YOU WERE MAH FRIEND.' But Ryder is Z-grade. Which is hilarious, it's just not exactly conductive to him deserving a push.
Zack Ryder was my favorite part of that angle because of the hilarious angry/sad faces he made, and the scene where he was trying to change the tire. He also sold being wheeled off the stage by Kane excellently, so I'm going to have to disagree with you.
Yep, the wheelchair spot was awesome.



Zack made a stupid angle entertaining.

Zack's problem is the people making the decisions don't appreciate him.



could never
No, Zak's problem is he fucking sucks. The only highlight of that mans career is getting thrown off the Raw stage in a wheelchair.



could never
No, that's Cena's problem. Zack is CM Punk compared to Cena.

I don't like Cena but you cannot deny the man of at last two handfuls of decent matches in his career. Real talk, brother.

Zak for me has never entertained outside of that wheelchair angle, and that was only character based too so no decent matches from it.

Something, something, Zack got a push, something, something.



Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Also it's not like Ryder can't be made to look good. Ziggler made him look amazing.



Kids will find another person to like. They aren't hard to win over.

There's your problem. It was a real, legit injury they had to write around, which they did as best they can. They have done fake injuries to protect Cena before and since, and they are handled as such. This wasn't.. As I said, it was necessary for the storyline that it be a clean win, and the insistence of some stubborn fans that it wasn't even though WWE have flat out stated it was (and they are the ones who get to decide these things) is ridiculous.

Why couldn't he have been injured trying to block Bryan's finisher? Would have been good for Bryan. Instead before the match he talks about how he's hurt, but isn't going to avoid Bryan. He tainted the win with all the injury nonsense.
Cena has got some of the shittiest moves, that sometimes makes me wonder how he even got to this place. But then again he has that aura which makes everyone respect/love him.

In the moves department he's no different from the Rock/Stone Cold when those 2 were in the WWE, WWE made sure they didn't do a lot of risky moves in order keep them from getting injured, which i understand gotta protect your product, the guys i rather watch wrestle is the ones WWE doesn't put too much limit on their move, you can mainstream Cena all you want but he's a boring rated PG Rock..


We're just unconsciously ashamed of our fandom so we feel the need to lash out at others we perceive to be more vulnerable.
Maybe you should try getting a hobby that isn'ta last resort for poor/stupid/unclean man children with no higher ambitions than to watch sweaty men play fight and play video games where you sexually assault 13 year old girls that are actually 2000 year old demons.


Why couldn't he have been injured trying to block Bryan's finisher? Would have been good for Bryan. Instead before the match he talks about how he's hurt, but isn't going to avoid Bryan. He tainted the win with all the injury nonsense.

You still haven't explained to me how the finish was not clean. Where did the elbow come into it, again?


You still haven't explained to me how the finish was not clean. Where did the elbow come into it, again?

Clearly in the match he saw Cena tried blocking the knee with his elbow, passed out from the pain, Bryan realised he'd shoot knocked Cena out and the ref rang for the bell making the X gesture.

They then had to call an improv and have HHH/Orton turn on Cena, because Bryan wasn't meant to be champ.
The semantics fight over whether SS 2013 was clean is getting silly. Some people see the elbow thing being discussed the next night as devaluing the clean pin from the night before. We're not literally saying the match itself had shenanigans.

Wrestling often does things where people devalue a title, wrestler, or match by saying or doing something shitty about it after the fact, like Cena laughing off serious feuds or Cena mocking another wrestler or Cena using childish insults or Cena making a silly rhyme about a wrestler. People just saw the elbow talk as another night Cena made his previously impressive opponent look weaker when it wasn't necessary.


They are all egotistical fucks.
When TSN had WWE they'd do interviews on Off The Record. You get these guys away from a WWE controlled environment where they start to talk openly and you get to see the real people. I lost a lot of respect for Hogan and Flair after listening to these arrogant assholes.


Nah I liked it when he joined the Wyatts. Showed WWE creative they had some balls. Then the fans cried foul and they changed it. Ugh.

If showing balls is putting the most over babyface you have in a midcard feud and having two other guys with no heat main-even Mania instead of him then I'm glad they don't have the balls.

You just need to watch that video to see why Bryan belonged in the Main-Event.
If showing balls is putting the most over babyface you have in a midcard feud and having two other guys with no heat main-even Mania instead of him then I'm glad they don't have the balls.

You just need to watch that video to see why Bryan belonged in the Main-Event.

I'm not saying he doesn't belong, I'm just saying when he turned heel no one really expected it since he was so over. So yes I believe they showed some balls. Whether you agreed with it or not is another subject.


Daniel Bryan should be on half pint brawlers or bum fights, not the WWE.

Dude looks like this homeless guy I always see on the street. Not good for business.
When TSN had WWE they'd do interviews on Off The Record. You get these guys away from a WWE controlled environment where they start to talk openly and you get to see the real people. I lost a lot of respect for Hogan and Flair after listening to these arrogant assholes.

Are these interviews available online?


I don't have time to wade through nine pages here, but seriously. The guy has been THE FACE for 10 years. He's given people someone to heel off. He's jobbed to so many useless wrestlers that I'm surprised he can even be arsed any more. He even jobbed to Bray Wyatt in the last year who is the definition of a one trick pony. See if he's around this time in two years. I'm betting not.

Cena sucks btw, but thank god WWE have had him. Who else would they have had over the last decade? Eh? Eh?


Are these interviews available online?
Doesn't look like it. At least not on their official site.

A lot of the guys were really cool when they finally started to break away from their characters. Foley did the show a lot. Bret Hart still does the show once in awhile (it's a Canadian network). Mark Calaway was interesting. All of the McMahons were pretty open and honest. Steve Austin was a dick.
I don't have time to wade through nine pages here, but seriously. The guy has been THE FACE for 10 years. He's given people someone to heel off. He's jobbed to so many useless wrestlers that I'm surprised he can even be arsed any more. He even jobbed to Bray Wyatt in the last year who is the definition of a one trick pony. See if he's around this time in two years. I'm betting not.

Cena sucks btw, but thank god WWE have had him. Who else would they have had over the last decade? Eh? Eh?

He's been the face for ten years, and over that time ratings have taken a nosedive. Countless guys have been slotted against him in main events and only his opponents get the blame when a rating or buyrate doesn't pop. It's ridiculous how teflon Cena is just because he sells a bunch of multicolored shirts
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