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Final Fantasy XV TGS 2014 Trailer | Lord Nomura giveth us His only Son so we may live


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
For those of you with sharp memories, this part of the game was shown many years back....


Except instead of CG, now its gameplay
You gathered all of this from a 2 minute trailer? They clearly wanted to showcase the roadtrip aspect of this game and that's what this trailer did. Look at the HUGE monster at the beginning and throughout the trailer. I have no doubt there will be tons of adventure.
Actually no i gather this from the incredibly long dev cycle and the minimum amount of gameplay weve seen. This is probably the most gameplay filled trailer to date giving us an actual real look at how this game will play out and non scripted parts from the e3 trailer last year. Im not sure what this game wants to be nor how much control it wants to give the player. Is it a huge open world because we can drive around and there were some fields to explore? It may appear so but they havent offered proof outside of theres a car and you can get out of it and walk around. And again they give us no context on why we would do so. Are there side quests out there? Whats the purpose of going to explore? Or is it just empty? I mean why is se so afraid to show us what this game really is? I cant get a lock on what type of rpg this game is. Sure it may appear to be following xenoblades style of being more open world but where is the actual proof? I mean look at xenoblade chronicles x's reveal trailer from 2012. You knew what the game was trying to be. You knew about its combat system and how the game would most likely play out. You knew the game environments would be huge because you could get in your doll and fly around or drive around a non set path. It wasnt afraid to show you what the game is about. With ffxv it doesnt seem to be the case. Its just all over the place and for a game thats supposedly coming out next year thats worrying.


Man I feel Stella becomes more and more anime-bland with every new trailer. What happened to her mature and strong original design?

As for the trailer. I really hate the voice from the bishounen that always talks. Will most certainly hate that character. Hate that archetype.
Gameplay looks fun, even tho I still can't really comprehend how it'll work out in the end.

Immensely hyped. Maps look very big and maybe you can actually drive the car around? I think they will make the "he takes a nap"-thing a running gag or something.

Looking back at the old Versus XIII rendered movies, I feel the whole tone and style of the game has been watered down over the years. Those old movies looked nothing like FF. What they are showing now really bears little resemblance to the original concept and seems to have all your typical FF/JRPG character, story, and environmental tropes.

Honestly, if you replace the main characters here with Lightning and company and then told me I was watching a trailer for FFXIII-4, I wouldn't doubt you for a second.



Relationships get expanded naturally, instead of coming off as forced. The player and characters are in the same boat when it comes to going forward and seeing the rest of the world. All the characters depending on each other to continue forward.

I've wanted a road trip RPG for a long time.
man, i'm excited for it but i really hope they did their best to bring these characters to life. oh god. I'm gonna set my expectations as low as i can. if this game is 35-40 hours long not counting side quests, they Have to be at least somewhat developed... they have to.



Holy shit, this is shaping up to be a great game.

Got Xenoblade Chronicles X vibes out of it, this is a good thing.


Maybe he should said chocobos

Yep people seem to forget this.

Yeah, I have seen lots of people who seem to think Square has copied Xenoblade. Those people clearly haven't followed Versus XIII from the start.

What we saw today is what Nomura promised years, YEARS back. Xenoblade obviously was released first, so lots of misinformed people believe FFXV was adapted to a more "Xenoblade-esque" style.

Which is wrong.


I just can't bring myself to like the characters. they don't look interesting at all.

also, is it just me or did they make that blond kid a bit more masculine?
It's because previous Final Fantasy iterations had genuinely interesting characters with unique backgrounds--even minor characters had some sort of implied subplot behind them (think Vincent of FFVII and Beatrix of FFIX). Most importantly, each of them felt like actual human beings.

This trailer is short, and I will withhold my judgment, but nothing about the characters seem particularly deep at this moment.

Couldn't agree more, and I will too withhold judgment. I'm just judging the contents of this trailer, and nothing is informing me about the story or character personalities, or frankly why I should feel excited or invested. That could obviously change, but after nine years and yet another soulless trailer, I just don't know what to think.


The point is that overworld travel with vehicles was confirmed years ago, and nothing seems to have changed. It's on track.

Okay. So all of the main characters are going forward, they're on their own quest, their own journey. So the main character is going to ask the driver to turn back because he wants to kill some monsters or help some random NPC? That doesn't make thematic sense. "Open world" can mean a lot of things. Semi open hubs where you do your business and then progress can be considered "open world".

I would never take past information about FFXV for granted. It was originally a PS3 game.


That looked great, but "IN DEVELOPMENT"? Goddammit SE! This is beyond ridiculous now. Give it a fucking date already.

Still, awesome, awesome trailer. I hope the entire game looks like and feels like that. For some reason, the camaraderie and brohood they keep talking about came across in the trailer. I think these guys are going to be great to play as and the character designs are as great as ever.

Don't keep me waiting too long SE.


Wow, so the game really is coming :D!!!! Glad my expectation were somewhat right (with the game potentially being halfway finished and development progressing smoothly) with this game; it will REALLY come out :').

Crazy all those years ago, being in high school just starting 6th grade and seeing this trailer.....now it will come out and it looks awesome XD!

Sorry, but I'm just happy that the game looks like, well a game finally. We get the idea of what the core of the game will be (exploring the world with your pals and having a grand time), fun combat system that seems to blend team work with fast navigation (if the sword warp mechanic is as advertised) and a story that has potential to be very enjoyable to see (the dialog seems very natural and non-robotic; a huge plus from what I saw from the FF XIII games with Lightning having a voice so dis-interested in what was happening around her).

Finally....this game is coming, and I can't wait to see more of this :D! Will gladly pick up Type-0 if a demo of this is coming very soon :D.


I remember it looking better graphically. It still looks good in some parts but pretty meh in others (for example the ground).


Don't those monsters look a lot like Garula from FFV?

If they are, I really like their new look, I hope they have other forgotten monsters from past entries roaming the fields.

Looks like old school goblins are back too if you look at the cave part of the trailer.
Don't those monsters look a lot like Garula from FFV?

If they are, I really like their new look, I hope they have other forgotten monsters from past entries roaming the fields.
I noted that earlier in the thread. The creatures in the cavern that they fight are also FFII Goblins(very true to the original designs too). I'm pretty sure this game's going to be a "Look, I know that monster!!" type of FF(giving some winks to old school FF fans).


Saw the hq version and wow, it really is quite gorgeous in parts.

Though the 'in development' part is odd, it must be really, really far off if they can't even say coming soon or something equally ambiguous.
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