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Assassin's Creed Unity -- The graphics "leap" we've all been waiting for.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
yeah i see, so infamous sometimes use the same gameplay models and sometimes use more complex models ?
Just slightly better facial rigs it seems. Hard to tell because the faces deform correctly during gameplay as well while in combat. Or it could be the way that Uncharted 4 will be doing it. http://www.t4mag.com/gaming/ps4/1142/uncharted-4-reportedly-uses-multiple-models-per-character/ There are a ton of factors that could lead to cutscenes looking better than gameplay despite using the same models.


Well from what I played of the Order AC Unity does not look remotely as good. Most beautiful open world game maybe.. Most technically demanding or advanced game so far maybe... But AC unity does not look CG. Order does. It looks like a Square Enix movie in motion at times.

Not from the videos I've seen...

Well, I do think it looks more "cinematic" than just about any other game. The camera motion, the lens effects, film grain, the aspect ratio...basically everything about this game is geared towards making it look like film. But that doesn't equate to "better graphics", in my opinion. From what I've seen the lighting sometimes looks very baked and incoherent and the textures in general haven't wowed me either. Also, in terms of geometric complexity, it seems to have very detailed character models, but the rest of the environment doesn't look as impressive, and, of course, it seems much smaller in scale due to its more linear nature.

I still think it will be one of the best looking games around. But as far as crushing every other game in terms of graphics, nah, I don't see it.


they already said that everything is the same in cutscene and gameplay for seamless transtion. If they will change the lighting in some cutscenes i don't know obviously but the models will be the same, and this is crystal clear from rad. ^^

They can say allot of things now. But you're response to Eden's thought that the game will be very linear carries as much weight as you assuming their word is gospel. You haven't seen every level either to say it's true.


Infamous SS has a lot of colorful particles that mask it's generic look. The animation, art direction, scale and scope of the game -- as well as lighting and materials don't even come close to AC:U.

FF15 does look really good. But it's scale doesn't seem to tax it and the lighting still isn't quite up to snuff with AC:U. I need to see more with FF15 before I reserve judgement though.

I may have a huge dias against AA anything because the games are total shit but I do believe that saying AA:u is the best looking game ever is utterly ridiculous. Even saying its the best looking game this year is bullshit. also I'm very surprised that after most developers have been nerfing res for stable Frames and getting shit over it, now you see why we cant have nice things. Ubisoft went the other direction and gave us a broken game. hurray for patches!!!!


Just slightly better facial rigs it seems. Hard to tell because the faces deform correctly during gameplay as well while in combat. Or it could be the way that Uncharted 4 will be doing it. http://www.t4mag.com/gaming/ps4/1142/uncharted-4-reportedly-uses-multiple-models-per-character/ There are a ton of factors that could lead to cutscenes looking better than gameplay despite using the same models.

yeah i know that sometimes it's hard to tell, but only if difference is negligible, i remember what a nightmare was Final fantasy X with models switching for cut scene and game play. ...but naughty dog confirmed use of multiple models for uncharted 4 or is an opinion from the guy in the article ?
yeah i know that sometimes it's hard to tell, but only if difference is negligible, i remember what a nightmare was Final fantasy X with models switching for cut scene and game play. ...but naughty dog confirmed use of multiple models for uncharted 4 or is an opinion from the guy in the article ?

II remember this guy pulling such shit from his ass since he was so jelly. Corine Yu confirmed many times in her tweets that for the first time, Uncharted 4 won't use pre-rendered cutscenses. Well even in the previous games, they used same models for for the in-engine cutscenes, sadly they were recorded videos (enabling them to do body and facial animations they aren't supposed to have ingame when you play it and that was the main difference between the ingame and custcnes models: just better animations) and not ingame so you can't see different skins for them. With Uncharted 4 you will witness that. Please don't ask for links. It has been talked about many many many times. Just google it.


They can say allot of things now. But you're response to Eden's thought that the game will be very linear carries as much weight as you assuming their word is gospel. You haven't seen every level either to say it's true.

i don't have any problem to believe rad because if the models will be different in some parts of the game, i'm not talking lighting or something else but models, someone will find out, and rad will be accused to lie, like ubisoft, ea, and whatever software house that is known to fool players saying something that it's not the truth. It's simple. The truth will always come to light, so it's better for them not to lie about their game, ubisoft bad reputation it's a hint how things can change...


II remember this guy pulling such shit from his ass since he was so jelly. Corine Yu confirmed many times in her tweets that for the first time, Uncharted 4 won't use pre-rendredr cutscenses. Well even in the previous games, they used same models for for the in-engine cutscenes, sadly they were recorded videos and not ingame so you can't see difefernt skins for them. With Uncharted 4 you will witness that. Please don't ask for links. It has been talked about many many many times. Just google it.

yes i know this story and thats why i asked if naughty dog confirmed the different models for the game! So it's a personal opinion from this guy :D
yes i know this story and thats why i asked if naughty dog confirmed the different models for the game! So it's a personal opinion from this guy :D

Yep. I remember this guy saying that at that time expressing his jealousy in many forums. He won't acknowledge that a studio can reach such level in a game. Well, I may have a surprise for him, Studio Santa Monica may top that and I hope this guy will eat crows: https://twitter.com/corybarlog/status/518263338514386944

Wow if it is true, the animations in the video topped anything that has been done in CGI and in movies, it is the closest step to bypass the uncanny valley, and if SSM topped that, then we may be in serious trouble: SKYNET IS NO MYTH !

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Yep. I remember this guy saying that at that time expressing his jealousy in many forums. He won't acknowledge that a studio can reach such level in a game. Well, I may have a surprise for him, Studio Santa Monica may top that and I hope this guy will eat crows: https://twitter.com/JasonAllenCA/status/517930605695094784

Wow if it is true, the animations in the video topped anything that has been done in CGI and in movies, it is the closest step to bypass the uncanny valley, and if SSM topped that, then we may be in serious trouble: SKYNET IS NO MYTH !
By "that guy" are your referring to me?

yeah i know that sometimes it's hard to tell, but only if difference is negligible, i remember what a nightmare was Final fantasy X with models switching for cut scene and game play. ...but naughty dog confirmed use of multiple models for uncharted 4 or is an opinion from the guy in the article ?
They didn't confirm it but it's a relatively common technique in games.
By "that guy" are your referring to me?

I don't know you! Do you have mutiple personalities? You are what you are, Trevor Stricker and Yves Guillemot?

I am also Mark Rein and Tim Sweeney since I defend UE4.

They didn't confirm it but it's a relatively common technique in games.

It is common technique in many video games but not In Uncharted games at least.

I know the cutscnes are pre-rendered recorded videos, but they are using the same model.

Cutscene Nathan

Ingame Nathan:

You can see there is no extra details between the two models, but you can notice that the ingame model has stiff animations ingame compared to the human-like more varied sets of body and facial animations in the cutscnes which is something normal since cutscens need to look better.

Well Now Corinne Yu confirmed that custcnes won't be pre-rendered anymore:



Also, GOW3 (maybe GOW Ascension too) Kratos doesn't use LOD even in the moments where Kratos looks very far or tiny like in the ant size when he was hold by Cronos' fingers, he is still maintains his 35K polys (not 20k like many think, since the final version has Kratos with 35K instead of the 20K in the demo in which Kratos has his toes just as flat texture while in the final game he has his toes fully 3D, and this was confirmed by a dev in Official GOW3 release thread) and his muscles still flex even in that position (which confirms the absence of LOD).

So if Cory Barlog claims that he surpassed that video, I believe him.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I don't know you! Do you have mutiple personalities? You are what you are, Trevor Stricker and Yves Guillemot?

I am also Mark Rein and Tim Sweeney since I defend UE4.
Oh ok just making sure lol.

yes i know and i hate it (when i notice it, of course....)
It's one of those things where it's hard to notice, and will get harder and harder to notice as the gen goes on. Kinda like the trick in this gif.


^ Even being an animator I didn't notice it until people pointed it out.

Quite frankly I only noticed it in Unity during certain moments of the game as they did quite a good job of hiding it.


Oh ok just making sure lol.

It's one of those things where it's hard to notice, and will get harder and harder to notice as the gen goes on. Kinda like the trick in this gif.


^ Even being an animator I didn't notice it until people pointed it out.

Quite frankly I only noticed it in Unity during certain moments of the game as they did quite a good job of hiding it.

i know that will be much more harder to discover these things, indeed i don't understand what is happening in this gif ahahahaha :D

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
i know that will be much more harder to discover these things, indeed i don't understand what is happening in this gif ahahahaha :D
Look at her ponytail, it's noclipping through her shoulder. The way she's animated is so that the average viewer, as in 99.9% of them, would be focused on her facial expressions. Which is why it took a while for everyone to notice.
Look at her ponytail, it's noclipping through her shoulder. The way she's animated is so that the average viewer, as in 99.9% of them, would be focused on her facial expressions. Which is why it took a while for everyone to notice.

I watched that gif over and over and I still don't know what I'm looking at


Look at her ponytail, it's noclipping through her shoulder. The way she's animated is so that the average viewer, as in 99.9% of them, would be focused on her facial expressions. Which is why it took a while for everyone to notice.

yeah it's hard to notice but i get it!

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
WTF? And they blame video games for such bugs -_-
Lol if you're not being sarcastic then trust me it's definitely intentional. That animator knew exactly what he or she was doing.
Now THIS is what you would call a glitch in a CGI film that thankfully never got into the final cut seen on the left.

yeah it's hard to notice but i get it!
Yep. The transition between cutscene and gameplay will be as hard to notice as that hair in that gif.
Lol if you're not being sarcastic then trust me it's definitely intentional. That animator knew exactly what he or she was doing.
Now THIS is what you would call a glitch in a CGI film that thankfully never got into the final cut seen on the left.

Yep. The transition between cutscene and gameplay will be as hard to notice as that hair in that gif.

Haha wow lol ! I was not being sarcastic. I didn't watch the movie. How was it intentional? Is she a witch or sth? What was the movie to start from ? :p
Sorry, I stopped watching 3D movies for a long long long long long time so I don't know know any release anymore. The reason: video games are more interesting and fastly advancing and may one day exceed the level of 3D movies.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Haha wow lol ! I was not being sarcastic. I didn't watch the movie. How was it intentional? Is she a witch or sth? What was the movie to start from ? :p
Sorry, I stopped watching 3D movies for a long long long long long time so I don't know know any release anymore. The reason: video games are more interesting and fastly advancing and may one day exceed the level of 3D movies.
The animator animated that scene by hand, it wouldn't have happened without the animator specifically keyframing her hair and arm to do that. You should continue to watch 3d movies. Animators are quite meticulous, especially when it comes to working for Disney.


Lol if you're not being sarcastic then trust me it's definitely intentional. That animator knew exactly what he or she was doing.
Now THIS is what you would call a glitch in a CGI film that thankfully never got into the final cut seen on the left.

Yep. The transition between cutscene and gameplay will be as hard to notice as that hair in that gif.

so if a put the camera in front of the face of a character i will see the same detail, the same complexity and geometry of the model in the cut scene ? If the models used are different and the difference is not microscopic, someone will notice no ?


Even on Xbox One with the shitty frame rate I think this game looks way better than anything on consoles. Playing the cross-gen titles released today (DA:I, FC4, and GTAV) really solidifies that opinion for me.

True. I have been playing GTAV NG and the difference between it and AC:U is pretty huge.
I'll be getting The Order for sure. It looks interesting and I'm a sucker for new tech. :)

But I still don't think anything will match AC:Unity in the coming year.
Btw, a bit off topic but I am seeing many people are complaining about DA:I on the PC and how it's very demanding on the hardware. Some people are saying that Unity is as demanding but looks leagues better (which we already know). So people are questioning whether Unity is as "unoptimized" as people claim.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
so if a put the camera in front of the face of a character i will see the same detail, the same complexity and geometry of the model in the cut scene ? If the models used are different and the difference if not microscopic, someone will notice no ?
Depends on the game.
I'll never understand the mindset required to blindly defend a game soooooooo hard before it's been released. Especially graphics, which are almost always worse in the final product.

I don't doubt that The Order will look good. In fact, it should. It seems like a very linear corridor game with a restricted resolution, of course it can afford all the graphical bells and whistles possible. But still.... I'll judge it on release. I do not trust pre-release media. There's no reason to. When that game is actually on the shelves and people can take their own screenshots, I'd love to see a graphical leap thread showcasing all its features (not sarcasm).


I'll never understand the mindset required to blindly defend a game soooooooo hard before it's been released. Especially graphics, which are almost always worse in the final product.

I don't doubt that The Order will look good. In fact, it should. It seems like a very linear corridor game with a restricted resolution, of course it can afford all the graphical bells and whistles possible. But still.... I'll judge it on release. I do not trust pre-release media. There's no reason to. When that game is actually on the shelves and people can take their own screenshots, I'd love to see a graphical leap thread showcasing all its features (not sarcasm).

i totally trust rad ^^
I dunno how many of you can appreciate this, but having a 4K monitor and seeing some of these pics and games in native 4K is simply unreal. Downsampling is a nice alternative for those who cant afford or don't want a 4K monitor, but seeing it in native is simply on another level.

Great pics everyone!

I have a 4K HDTV. If I view the pics through the browser on my Smart TV, will I be able to experience what you're talking about?
so if a put the camera in front of the face of a character i will see the same detail, the same complexity and geometry of the model in the cut scene ? If the models used are different and the difference is not microscopic, someone will notice no ?

There is a certain detail that almost all of you miss in a game. Many games used it, but it is very hard to notice since it is fleeting and needs a certain favorable situation to happen.

Heavy Rain (and surely Beyond Two Souls) used it:

When Norman Jayden was in front of the overhead projector:

MGS4 (and surely MGS5):
When Old Snake goes from shadow to light:
Watch at 5:14 : http://youtu.be/NaeYAW89a3M?t=5m14s

And The Last Of Us:

Those are the only instances I could catch in those games and they must have used it in in every condition that requires it that I couldn't notice. Maybe there are other games that used it. I don't know if AC Unity used it. Please provide me with proof if it did. Thanks.


There is a certain detail that almost all of you miss in a game. Many games used it, but it is very hard to notice since it is fleeting and needs a certain favorable situation to happen.

Heavy Rain (and surely Beyond Two Souls) used it:

When Norman Jayden was in front of the overhead projector:

MGS4 (and surely MGS5):
When Old Snake goes from shadow to light:
Watch at 5:14 : http://youtu.be/NaeYAW89a3M?t=5m14s

And The Last Of Us:

Those are the only instances I could catch in those games and they must have used it in in every condition that requires it that I couldn't notice. Maybe there are other games that used it. I don't know if AC Unity used it. Please provide me with proof if it did. Thanks.

yeah i understand what you mean about detail that it's hard to notice, but i specifically mean about geometry detail, less complex hairs, cloths, etc something like this. Something that you clearly can see when characters is in your control and you can freely move the camera around him. If Nathan from uncharted 4 will have the same detail from the teaser trailer in game when you can move him, well...it will amazing! I want to see how his hair will react to water...
yeah i understand what you mean about detail that it's hard to notice, but i specifically mean about geometry detail, less complex hairs, cloths, etc something like this. Something that you clearly can see when characters is in your control and you can freely move the camera around him. If Nathan from uncharted 4 will have the same detail from the teaser trailer in game when you can move him, well...it will amazing! I want to see how his hair will react to water...

Read my previous post. Uncharted 3 custscenes and ingame models are the same. They have the same polycount. Sadly the ingame model is stiff and doesn't have as many detailed body and facial animations like the pre-rendered animations and he misses many stuff and interactions you see in cutscenes since they are recorded and not real-time. From what Corinne Yu has said, Uncharted 4 will ditch pre-rendrerd cutscnes and everything will be real-time and the thing you see in cutscenes, you will get it ingame too which translates to seeing other skins applied to cutscenes just like how you can play them ingame (this feature was missing in previous games: you play other skins ingame but the cutscenes switch back to default model since they are recorded). Expect now to see bugs even in cutscenes that come from the ingame code if it witnesses any (and I hope not) since the cutscenes are no longer just separate video files but use the ingame code directly.
What the hell? What settings is that? Can I do this on my GTX 780 SLI?

3200x1800 @ 4xmsaa - GTX980 SLI + 3930k @ 4.6. But honestly, my system doesn't handle it too well. I get ~30fps with stuttering and dips into the low 20s; still playable but certainly not enjoyable.
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