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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S2 |OT| Can Secret Warriors Prevent A Civil War? - Off Season

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Couldn't find any mention of it in the original Netflix press release.

I wonder what will happen, if Netflix would want a second season of DareDevil.
Would it have to wait after The Defenders are done, or could there be more than one Marvel show going on at Netflix at the same time?

No one knows yet, but they've been talking about it.

Paste: You chose to end Spartacus. There are a lot of shows that, for monetary reasons, continue past the point when the creative juices have stopped flowing. Looking at a story like Daredevil, how do you avoid that?

DeKnight: That’s a good question. There are many factors in closing up the doors. Spartacus was one of those unique situations where we go to a certain point— when we got to the bigger war, the Third Servile War—it became exponentially more expensive. I started looking at the history, and realized that, for the time period that Spartacus fought the Romans, it was a bit repetitive.

On this show, I honestly have no idea. That’s so far above my pay grade. Making it even more complicated is the fact that [Daredevil] is one part of the bigger plan— Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and then The Defenders. How that all fits together, and whether or not there will be a second season of this show—or if it will fold into the others—are question nobody really has answers to yet.

Paste: It allows you to be in the moment as a writer, but it’s also challenging because you can’t really look at the arc of a seven-season show.

DeKnight: Right. I can say we’ve been talking about some very cool stuff for Season Two that, good God, I can’t even hint at! It’s something that would be just fantastic to work on!

Not sure yet. Probably will be more. It's pretty damn cool. RT @stephenwrty: @SpectacOptical wait...daredevil is only one season???


She haunts my dreams in the best ways possible.

I always thought she was the most attractive of the women on Friday Night Lights.

Her part in GI Joe...

And some competetion for the popular Skye running in red dress gif:


Wish I could find a smoother version of that second one. Back on topic, Shield sure is good this season!


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Poor Fitz. Hope they fix him and then bring Simmons back. The show is exciting, but it's missing the heart right now.


Finally caught up to this series. Of course I reach the cliffhanger episode. Anyway, when are we expecting AoS to enter its mid-season break?
What are the chances that Whitehall uses the Kraken Helmet? Maybe they'll have the helmet's origins be tied to the temple and he finds it next week?


Great episode. Skye in an great fight scene? I'm impressed. They're not going to waste that talent by giving her super powers that would make her training useless.

Also, Bobbi, good lord almighty girl.
Great episode. Skye in an great fight scene? I'm impressed. They're not going to waste that talent by giving her super powers that would make her training useless.

Also, Bobbi, good lord almighty girl.

Powers don't have to be these massive, cgi-based displays. Skye's powers could easily be non-visible... like making her already high CS skill even higher. The same way that so many characters in the comics have Genius+ Level intelligence but hers could be specialized to Computer Sciences.

It's not flashy and exciting but it would work well on tv and it's just as plausible as other shows that have characters hacking federal databases with Visual Basic GUI's on their tablets.
I'm surprised Skye was a match for Agent 33. Remember when she was learning how to disarm someone? She's all grown up now.
And her dad missed all of it.

The hug she gave Coulson was a nice touch.
I'm surprised Skye was a match for Agent 33.
She wasn't though. Although the fight showed she's come a long way.

She got in her hits, but Agent 33 was basically about to kill her before Hunter showed up. And she was left pretty bloodied, while 33 looked pretty unscathed (well aside from the massive scar on her face) when she was talking to Whitehall.


So Mockingbird was planning on turning on Coulson?

Just rewatched the episode, and was surprised it didn't jump out at me the first time. Her conversation with Mack on the way to San Juan is as follows:

Mack: So,...you and Hunter
Bobbi: ...I know
Mack: been through it enough times, gluttons for punishment, I'd say
Bobbi: Let's not go down this road, OK? You're a big brother, but you're not my big brother.
Mack: Your personal life, that's your business. I'm just wondering if it means you're bringing Hunter in on the other thing.
Bobbi: That? ....no.
Mack: I figured after we lost Hartley, you'd try to-
Bobbi: No, he has no idea. And I'd like it to stay that way.
Mack: Copy that.

Then there was the long scene in San Juan where she's obviously feeling out Coulson's motives, and clearly doubts him when he says he's going to destroy the temple rather than trying to weaponize it. She pushes him on this, even going into the 'acceptable losses' idea.

I'm thinking whatever plan she and Hartley and Mack originally had to either overthrow or sabotage Coulson (or just profit in some way) is going to come up. Only now, with Hartley and Mack gone, and Bobbi learning that SHIELD is being run differently, she might not go through with it. Just wind up getting painted as someone who was planning on being a traitor until things are cleared up?
I always thought she was the most attractive of the women on Friday Night Lights.

Her part in GI Joe...

And some competetion for the popular Skye running in red dress gif:


Wish I could find a smoother version of that second one. Back on topic, Shield sure is good this season!

So Mockingbird was planning on turning on Coulson?

Just rewatched the episode, and was surprised it didn't jump out at me the first time. Her conversation with Mack on the way to San Juan is as follows:

Mack: So,...you and Hunter
Bobbi: ...I know
Mack: been through it enough times, gluttons for punishment, I'd say
Bobbi: Let's not go down this road, OK? You're a big brother, but you're not my big brother.
Mack: Your personal life, that's your business. I'm just wondering if it means you're bringing Hunter in on the other thing.
Bobbi: That? ....no.
Mack: I figured after we lost Hartley, you'd try to-
Bobbi: No, he has no idea. And I'd like it to stay that way.
Mack: Copy that.

Then there was the long scene in San Juan where she's obviously feeling out Coulson's motives, and clearly doubts him when he says he's going to destroy the temple rather than trying to weaponize it. She pushes him on this, even going into the 'acceptable losses' idea.

I'm thinking whatever plan she and Hartley and Mack originally had to either overthrow or sabotage Coulson (or just profit in some way) is going to come up. Only now, with Hartley and Mack gone, and Bobbi learning that SHIELD is being run differently, she might not go through with it. Just wind up getting painted as someone who was planning on being a traitor until things are cleared up?

I doubt it was turning on him, since I believe Hartley's group were actually contracted rather than being SHIELD Agents proper. I'm thinking they could be secretly working for a Gov't Agency (maybe the World Security Council?), tracking SHIELD's motives and monitoring how much power they gain again. The idea being allow them to operate counter to HYDRA but not allowing them to put themselves in the position that they were in prior to HYDRA being revealed.


So Mockingbird was planning on turning on Coulson?

Just rewatched the episode, and was surprised it didn't jump out at me the first time. Her conversation with Mack on the way to San Juan is as follows:

Mack: So,...you and Hunter
Bobbi: ...I know
Mack: been through it enough times, gluttons for punishment, I'd say
Bobbi: Let's not go down this road, OK? You're a big brother, but you're not my big brother.
Mack: Your personal life, that's your business. I'm just wondering if it means you're bringing Hunter in on the other thing.
Bobbi: That? ....no.
Mack: I figured after we lost Hartley, you'd try to-
Bobbi: No, he has no idea. And I'd like it to stay that way.
Mack: Copy that.

Then there was the long scene in San Juan where she's obviously feeling out Coulson's motives, and clearly doubts him when he says he's going to destroy the temple rather than trying to weaponize it. She pushes him on this, even going into the 'acceptable losses' idea.

I'm thinking whatever plan she and Hartley and Mack originally had to either overthrow or sabotage Coulson (or just profit in some way) is going to come up. Only now, with Hartley and Mack gone, and Bobbi learning that SHIELD is being run differently, she might not go through with it. Just wind up getting painted as someone who was planning on being a traitor until things are cleared up?

Her other thing is joining the Avengers to be with Hawkeye.


Fury probably told them to go dark before the fall of SHIELD, and after that to "look after Coulson" or something. Maybe they were meant to be the backup plan in case May couldn't take Coulson out if stuff really went bad. So far out of the entire team, Mack and Bobbie are the only ones who actually seem concerned about Coulson's ability to lead, while being kept out of the loop. Mack was sounding it out with the other members after the Memory Machine incident, and Bobbie was sounding Coulson himself out this week. I'm sure they're 100% loyal to the concept of SHIELD, but they're under someone else's directives.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
This show, unlike Arrow, just keeps getting better as it goes. The heel turn last season came from nowhere and they chances they're taking in season 2 are awesome. Only up to episode 3, but they're really sticking to their guns in keeping the show within the larger MU. In fact, without the events in Cap 2, this should might have petered off into a samey rehash procedural where nothing really changes week to week. Skye was the most annoying character in the universe until the mid season surprise of season 1, then she was just sort of annoying. Genuinely liking her character in season 2 so far.

I have no idea why season 1 got shit on so hard around the internet, but I'm glad it came to Netflix. We bought season 1 and got the season pass on Amazon, so they definitely made some sales off my butt.


I doubt it was turning on him, since I believe Hartley's group were actually contracted rather than being SHIELD Agents proper. I'm thinking they could be secretly working for a Gov't Agency (maybe the World Security Council?), tracking SHIELD's motives and monitoring how much power they gain again. The idea being allow them to operate counter to HYDRA but not allowing them to put themselves in the position that they were in prior to HYDRA being revealed.

The vibe I got was that they were gonna go HYDRA hunting behind Coulson's back. That or tell Stark that Coulson's alive.


The difference between AoS and the CW shows is that AoS actually has a plot that moves forward every episode. The was also what was lacking in the first half of season 1.

Still enjoying the hell of the Arrowverse though


I have no idea why season 1 got shit on so hard around the internet, but I'm glad it came to Netflix. We bought season 1 and got the season pass on Amazon, so they definitely made some sales off my butt.

Because it was shit. I don't think it's hard to understand. The stories were boring, the characters were annoying, the dynamics weren't working, it just wasn't an enjoyable or fun show to watch. It was frustrating because there's potential in the world and Coulson was fun character in the films when he made cameos, but as a series it just didn't work well.

Obviously the showrunners also realized this and made radical changes in season 2. All for the better because it's actually enjoyable now.
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