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NeoGAF Anime of the Year 2014 - Voting Thread

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

It's that time of the year again, where we show that NeoGAF as a collective has better taste in Japanimation than every other place on the internet. Voting will conclude in February, 2015 to give everyone some time to broaden their horizons. Feel free to campaign for your favorite 2014 series here or in the seasonal thread.

Series of the Year - Top Ten
Films and OVAs of the Year - Top Seven​

Series - Anything that was broadcast in Japan in 2014, including shows which began in 2013, long-running shows which have had a new season, shows which were distributed via internet and shows that are not yet complete as of 2014.

Films/OVAs - Due to the demands of accessibility, films and OVAs must have had a home video release (BD/DVD) in 2014 to be eligible, instead of only a cinematic release. What constitutes an OVA? For the sake of simplicity, let's say it's anime that isn't serialized on television or on the web.

Fake Anime - Not allowed. Sorry to all the RWBY fans at IGN.

1) Each poster makes two lists ranking up to 10 series and up to 7 films/OVAs. There is no minimum number of nominations nor do you have to participate in both categories.

2) Points are assigned starting from 10, decreasing with rank. So, 10 points for #1, 9 points for #2, etc. Points start from 7 for Films/OVAs.

3) Lists without numerical ordering will be taken as an in-order list.

4) Lists may be changed so long as the thread is open and the closing date has not been reached.

5) Voting will close on January 31st, at 23:59 UTC, in the Year of our Lord 2015.​

1) Here is a handy dandy template for your voting. Not mandatory, but it would be nice if everyone used it. There is no space between the name of the series/film/OVA and the succeeding semi-colon, despite what others may have led you to believe.

1. Series A; Your thoughts on Series A.
2. Series B; Your thoughts on Series B.
3. Series C; Your thoughts on Series C.
4. Series D; Your thoughts on Series D.
5. Series E; Your thoughts on Series E.
6. Series F; Your thoughts on Series F.
7. Series G; Your thoughts on Series G.
8. Series H; Your thoughts on Series H.
9. Series I; Your thoughts on Series I.
10. Series J; Your thoughts on Series J.

1. Film/OVA A; Your thoughts on Film/OVA A.
2. Film/OVA B; Your thoughts on Film/OVA B.
3. Film/OVA C; Your thoughts on Film/OVA C.
4. Film/OVA A; Your thoughts on Film/OVA D.
5. Film/OVA B; Your thoughts on Film/OVA E.
6. Film/OVA C; Your thoughts on Film/OVA F.
7. Film/OVA A; Your thoughts on Film/OVA G.

2) If you're not sure which of the anime's many names and translations to use, err on the side of Wikipedia's, or Crunchyroll's English names. So, When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace and not Ino-Batoru wa Nichijo-kei no Naka de. Refrain from nicknames.

3) If you would like to say a few words on your nominees, or quote your own impressions from another thread, please do so. They make good reading for future generations referring to these lists. Keep them spoiler-lite, or, if you must, spoiler tag major plot points.

4) You may include an honourable mentions list but keep them short and clearly separate from the actual votes.​

Links and Resources:
Seasonal Discussion threads
Winter 2014 Threads 1, 2, 3
Spring 2014 Threads 1, 2
Summer 2014 Threads 1, 2, 3
Fall 2014 Threads 1, 2 (current)

Places to watch/catch-up on anime

Previous AotY Threads

For any questions or concerns, ask in the thread or PM me.


1. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Consistent, and genuinely enjoyable show with a great cast of characters.​
2. Kill la Kill
Saved anime​
3. Shirobako
A decent look at the animation industry in creating original content.​
4. Engaged to the Unidentified
Kobeni is love​
5. Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
Praise Onii-sama​
6. Ore, Twintails ni Narimasu
Solar. Shame the anime wasn't anywhere near the quality of the LN art.​
7. No Game No Life
Aside from the loli-pantsu incident and non-blood related stuff, it was a good show. Kirito just can't lose.​
8. Nisekoi
Waifu wars will never end, how many more key girls are they going to add. Onodera >​
9. Amagi Brilliant Park
Kyoani waifus​
10. Black Bullet
Great first arc​

1. Madoka Magica Rebellion
Mami is in this​
2. 20min Walk From Nishi-Ogikubo Station, 2 Bedrooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2mos Deposit, No Pets Allowed
Made me feel sad for killing bugs​

3. Carnage
Made me want more western animu​

4. ME!ME!ME!
Songs were good, the message was too obvious​

First year actually watching anime, and I spent too much time watching older shows.


Subete no aware
2014 was a bit of a weak year for me in terms of anime, with nothing to unconditionally root for like Yamato 2199 or Hyouka before it. But while there wasn't anything I absolutely loved, there are still a whole slew of shows that I enjoyed. Here we go.

TV anime:

1. Ping Pong
Ping Pong was a really hard sell for me based on the premise alone. My longstanding distaste for most sports anime combined with my ambivalence for Yuasa as a director (I believe the first episode was described as "style vomit" by someone in AnimeGAF) made this something that I probably would have just overlooked. Perhaps it was the allure of the noitaminA branding, or some other intangible reason, but I ended up giving the show a chance and boy am I glad I did.

Production wise, the show looks amazing, with the depiction of the sport of ping pong being visually exciting as a result of the abstract "Yuasa-ness" that is a signature of his shows. They also managed to find real Mandarin speakers to play the two Chinese characters on the show, which if you've seen enough anime, you will appreciate as someone (with Yuasa or the casting director) taking the extra step to try to make sure they could find these actors in the first place. It's a small touch, but it shows that they actually cared about what they were trying to make and weren't willing to compromise the quality of the show in order to save a few bucks. Of course, the flip side of that is the lost Bahi cuts, but that's just the reality of TV anime I suppose.

But presentation aside, Ping Pong is just a very strong sports story that is told in a way that celebrates the people who play the sports rather than the sport itself. There are no 20 minute digressions about the different types of spin that someone can place on a ping pong ball, or long arcs interminably stretching out a single match over 5 episodes. It's a show that asks why people play sports in the first place. Some simply see it as a mechanical task, testing the limits of human kinetics. Some see it as a chance for redemption, to make up for failure in the past. Some see it as a way to seek out new challenges, to try to find a way to break out of the rut they find themselves in. Some see it as something they were simply born to do, through sheer passion for the sport. This is a show that celebrates the people who play ping pong, giving us several stories that we can root for because we can sympathize with each character's motives. That's what makes this show special and why it's, by far, my #1 show of the year.

The honorable mention sports show: Free Eternal Summer. Although the story is simply not as strong, since the anxiety is tied up with graduation angst, it's still better than the other sports shows this year in terms of telling a simple story about its five lead characters. They even use the Friday Night Lights ending, so you gotta give them credit for that!

2. Sabagebu
Sabagebu or Survival Game Club is quite simply the best comedy to have aired this year. I first glammed onto this show as this year's version of Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku when I watched that grainy Nico Nico pre-release version of the first episode, inasmuch as it is an Absurdist five girl slice of life comedy, and it surpassed my expectations.

The writing is extremely sharp, and Masahiko Oota's comedy direction, honed through the other all-girl comedies he has directed like Minami-ki, Mitsudomoe, Yuru Yuri, and Love Lab, is perfect. It's a show where the comedy feels so spot on that not only did I feel the need to take apart a in order to appreciate how the staff has crafted the show's punchlines (http://firehawk12.tumblr.com/post/97537669627/sabagebu-and-the-art-of-comedy), I went the extra step of making a video because I wanted more people to appreciate why this show is funny (https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1422579428&x-yt-cl=85114404&v=W9mN3V2_Y0k).

To be more specific about why I love the show, the chemistry of the cast is outstanding, and the tension that is built around Momoka's selfishness gives rise to so many perfect character moments throughout the show's run. She might get ahead in one part of an episode, only to be brought back down several segments later, resetting the characters in order to set up the next cycle of character jokes but in a way that doesn't feel like the characters are regressing.

The directing you can read about in my links above, but the writing of specific jokes is just amusing as well. No joke ever feels stale, and the callbacks and metatextual references never feel forced. I'm at the point in my life where my reaction to most comedy is to simply say "that's funny", because I'm thinking more about the construction of the joke than the joke itself. Sabagebu is one of the rare shows where it makes me physically laugh, allowing me to suspend my capacity for critical thought for one brief moment in order to enjoy a moment of pure emotion. I don't know if I'll ever find a comedy anime like this again, but I'm glad to have enjoyed it while it lasted.

3. Yama no Susume
Yama no Susume or Encouragement of Climb (or what I would call Mountain Girls) is one of many "all-girl mono no aware spiritual healing friendship" shows that I watched last year, and I had a hard time deciding how to rank this show. I'll talk about Hanayamata a bit later, but I feel like the rankings for these two shows could swap for me at any time.

But let's talk about why I like this show in particular. People who are familiar with my posts or even my lists from previous years know that this type of show is right up my alley. Like Tamayura or Aria, shows that ask you to simply celebrate the moments where you are alive by sharing moments of growth and wonderment with Potte or Akari, Yama no Susume asks you to come along with Aoi as she learns to appreciate and enjoy the small moments that she has with her friends as she struggles to climb mountains in Japan.

The longer episode length and episode count allows the show to give us the ups and downs in Aoi's life in a way that the first season, which consisted of 12 three minute episodes, simply was unable to do. We're able to follow her as she struggles with the Mt. Fuji climb and enjoy her happiness when she is able to climb Mt. Tanigawa with her friends. And like the second season of Tamayura, the extra episodes also allow the producers to give a little more time to the other girls in the cast as well, and we are able to experience a small part of their own growth as well.

It would be remiss of me to not mention the fanservicey parts of the show - namely how Kaede is featured in many male gaze shows in her sports bra - and I really don't have an explanation or justification for it. But I'm willing to forgive the show that much because of what it does well. It's a show that, like all the "mono no aware spiritual healing shows", just makes you feel happy when you watch it because it gives you a chance to reflect on your own life. It's something that is unique to Japan and one of the reasons why I watch anime.

4. Hanayamata
So... Hanayamata is very much in the same vein as Yama no Susume. Except instead of climbing mountains, we have four girls who bond over a Japanese dance called yosakoi. Why I had trouble deciding how to rank these two shows is because Hanayamata just has so much more energy and vibrancy compared to Yama no Susume. Where climbing mountains is portrayed as a slow and contemplative venture, yosakoi is a vibrant, energetic, uplifting activity that just sweeps you up into the happiness of its characters. It represents a completely different way to present the mono no aware spiritual healing story that proves that these types of stories don't necessarily have to be slow and, as some people might say, "boring".

But regardless of how you want to enjoy your mono no aware, I'm glad that both shows exist. Whether you are following Aoi's journey in Yama no Susume or Naru's journey in Hanayamata, either will help you appreciate the small moments of joy that happen in your every day life.

5. Hanamonogatari (and Tsukimonogatari, for the purposes of discussion)
So I suppose if I had to choose one, then I would choose Hanamonogatari because it is the one that answers the most questions and features the most satisfying payoff for the four years or so that I've been following the Monogatari franchise.

Whatever anyone might say about Shaft and their direction, the Monogatari series shows so much thought and craft that every time one of these things airs, I can't help but just want to think and write about everything that happens on screen. I'm not going to talk about the specifics of either arc, simply because I have written up longer pieces already:

But I will say that I think Hanamonogatari is one of the most satisfying television experiences that I've had all year - including True Detective and all the other "grown up" shows that I watch that are outside the purview of this list. It shows that Nisio Isin has really thought out every single detail of this story, knowing where the characters will end up right from the beginning, but it also shows that Shinbo (or whomever is actually doing all the work) has a grand vision in mind as well. It's a hard trick to both payoff long standing arcs while also providing a satisfying arc for the "star" of the current arc, but both Nisio Isin and Shaft are able to do it almost flawlessly.

I think at this point you know exactly what you are going to get with Monogatari, and you will either love it or hate it. But if you are on board this train, then you're in for one hell of a ride.

6. Love Live S2
So the idol craze has reached a fevered pitch in Japan now, with Love Live and Idolm@ster competing for all seemingly limitless income of the Japanese idol-otaku and as a result, we have to have an anime to help market the songs and the franchise to the fans.

And while the Love Live anime could be a terrible cash grab, you can see that the people in charge of the anime at least care about trying to produce something worthwhile. Is it cliche and tropey? Sure. But it's also fun to watch, and much like K-On, the second season is a vast improvement over the first by virtue of the staff having a handle on the characters and being more confident on the type of story that they want to tell. Funny, sentimental, and perhaps a bit too saccharine, the second season of Love Live is a show that is just good and earns both its comedic and its dramatic moments. Certainly when the piano version of Aisheteru Bonzai played near the end of the series, I got a bit choked up.

Sure, it's not K-On!!, but even KyoAni hasn't been able to get back to that high again.

Honorable idol mention: Locodol. This show is pretty much by the books, but there is something charming about a show featuring the adventures of a group of girls being small time idols or a Podunk town.

7. Seitokai Yakuindomo *
Seitokai Yakuindomo * is my sentimental pick of the year, since I quite enjoyed the original series and the long running manga pack-in OVAs that have been released over the last few years. Nothing has really changed, other than the fact that the characters are a year older... so the show is still very much about a bunch of perverted girls making many perverted jokes. And I'll be the first to admit that not every joke works, but I will say that the strength of the show comes from the fact that it is structured like a very fast-paced sketch show. It's just joke after joke after joke, so if you don't find something funny, you don't have time to think about it because the next joke is already playing out in front of you. It's manic pacing drives the show forward, so that even if the novelty of hearing well-known voice actresses tell dirty jokes wears off, you can at least appreciate the comic timing of the series.

Sex comedies can be very boring at times, because typically they are told from the perspective of a man and are representative of male sexuality (how many times have we seen nosebleeds in anime?). But by flipping the script and showing women as sexual beings, stale jokes suddenly become fresh. That said, since this is technically the "third" season of the series, I can see the premise being tiring. For me however, I still find these girls funny to watch.

8. D-Frag
I honestly had no idea that this would be a comedy heavy list, but here we are. D-Frag is probably the most representative of "classic" Japanese manzai comedy of all the shows that I watched in 2014 and it does that type of comedy so well. Yes, Tsuda in Seitokai Yakuindomo acts as the straight man in his show as well, but I feel like the strength of that show is its premise, not its manzai.

D-Frag, on the other hand, is very much about Kenji reacting and over-reacting to the absurd situations that he finds himself in and the absurd people he is forced to interact with. The comedy comes from seeing how shocked he is when he finds himself stuck in a plot contrivance that he is dragged into. It's a very Japanese (or perhaps Asian) style of comedy that doesn't really exist in the West, and when it's done well, it's quite enjoyable to watch.

9. Atelier: Escha and Logy
I jokingly suggested that watching this show would absolve me of having to play through the game, and all the show did is make me want to play the game even more. The Atelier games have always been really pleasant, low key fantasy RPGs, where the stakes are much lower than you'd find in your typical JRPG, and Escha and Logy is no different.

You have a fairly pleasant fantasy world, with a very simple "save the misunderstood character" ending, and a set of charming characters. As an adventure series, it's one of the more pleasant surprises that I had last year and gives me a greater appreciation of the Atelier series. Now if I could just find the time to finish one of these games!

10. Gochumon wa Usagi Desu ka?
I would say that Gochumon was Usagi Desu ka is this year's Kiniro Mosaic or A-Channel. It's an all girl slice of life comedy that is simply amusing and pleasant to watch. I don't really have any deep thoughts about the show, other than if you enjoy slice of life comedies, then you should give this show a shot.

And hell, it features an old man who turned into a giant rabbit. Where else will you get that?

1. Madoka Magical Rebellion
It's been so long since I've seen the film that it's hard to form coherent thoughts about it now. I will say it was, along with Gravity, one of the most joyous theater experiences that I had in 2013 (when I watched it) and is just another example of the amazing things Shaft can do if they put their minds to it. Although this movie trilogy was entirely unnecessary, with the first two films just being recaps of the original television series, Rebellion is a film that justifies itself through its artistry and sheer force of will.

When it came out, I said that this is what Rebuild of Evangelion wishes that it was and I still stand by that statement. Yes, it can be see as a cheap way to exploit the franchise, but what it does to that franchise is just exhilarating to watch. Whether the film stands on its own, or whether it leads to more Madoka properties, Rebellion is a film demands your attention.

2. Gintama: Forever Yorozuya
Since I watched this film pretty much right after it was released, I avoided writing a long post about why I loved it when it first came out and I kind of regret it now. Although I think my excitement for the film has passed, inasmuch as it doesn't really stick in my mind in the same way some of the best arcs from the television series are embedded into my brain, Forever Yorozuya is still one of the better Gintama stories that I've seen.

I could talk about how the movie starts, with the anti-piracy parody, so that what seems like a throwaway comedic bit ends up being one of the key moments of the film's dramatic climax. But that's just classic Gintama for you, and something that any fan of the series would be readily familiar with.

I could talk about how the film fulfills a long forgotten promise of telling us more about Gintoki's past as the White Demon, using time travel in a clever manner in order to bring up the well-worn themes of friendship, sacrifice, and heroism. But again, if you are a fan of Gintama, this is old news for you.

So all I'll say is that the film is a simply a great Gintama story that will make you laugh and also shed some manly tears. The new season can't come soon enough!

So I guess Gintama was a 2013 movie, so I'm going to adjust things a little bit.

2. Kaguya-hime no Monogatari
Takahata's swan song, and perhaps companion to Miyazaki's Kaze Tachinu, Kaguya-hime is a wonderful adaptation of a classic Japanese folk-tale. It's a film that evokes themes that we've seen Takahata explore in his previous work, and I'll just leave this longer post to stand in for my more specific thoughts on the film:

I will say that the film is everything that mono no aware represents, specifically how it ends. It's funny because several people have said that they found the ending sad, and while I can certainly understand that emotional reaction, personally I found the ending quite serene and comforting. In a way, I would suggest that the film is a celebration of life as a whole - from the moment of birth to the last breath before death - and that one should recognize the importance of each moment of life in between those two extremes.

3. Kaze Tachinu
Miyazaki's final film is one that is both grounded in reality but perhaps as fanciful as any of his more fantastical films in is oeuvre. On the one hand, one expects this film to be a biography of the man who invented the Zero. But that's not what this film is at all. It's a film that celebrates the notion of creativity - literally on screen by depicting Jiro creating the Zero, but also by adapting Hori Tatsuo's "Kaze Tachinu" via the sanitarium storyline, and also through the very making of the film itself. It is meant to be revealing, but not about its subject matter, but about the actions that its subject takes and that Miyazaki himself takes in order to create animated art.

It's funny to see how my thoughts on the film changed over time, where I was initially bothered by it being apolitical:
To realizing that it was never really a film about Jiro or the Zero at all:

A complex, and perhaps difficult to access film for most people, it is perhaps ironic that it is also Miyazaki's most personal film. As a sendoff to his career, it is probably just as fitting as Takahata's final film.

4. Infinite Stratos: World Purge-hen
After the disaster that was the second season of Infinite Stratos, this OVA feels like a return to form. I have long argued that the original series was directed by someone who was self-aware and knew exactly what he was making, and as such, had fun with the material and the OVA comes close to achieving the same effect.

This time, the girls are trapped in their own fantasies as they are seduced by their idealized version of Ichika. It's not a spoiler to say that each girl envisions an Ichika who is not a eunuch but a sexual being who wants them as much as they want him. Of course, it is up to the real Ichika to stop the fun and "rescue" the girls from being "corrupted" by their sexual fantasies, and this plays out in the most ingenious manner. The real Ichika must essentially fight his own sexuality, singlehandedly attacking and destroying these Ichika-specters in order to return everything to the standard-quo of the static harem. It's the Ego acting on the Id, but in the most pathetic way possible and that's why it's great!

I'm sure I'm the only one who feels this way about the OVA, and there will be those who think I am a madman. But I see the truth!

5. Tamako Love Story
Perhaps as a result of the success of the K-On! movie, KyoAni seems to have taken to making film sequels or adaptations of most of their more recent anime properties. While the less said about the Chuu2 film the better, Tamako Love Story is a nice swan song to a good but flawed television series. Eschewing the Dera storyline altogether, the film focuses on Tamako and her relationship with Mochizou as they figure out their feelings for each other and plan their future for life after high school.

I don't think it's as strong as the K-On! film, but Yoshida and Yamada have produced a good coming of age love story that perhaps represents the last good thing that KyoAni will produce based on their recent output.

6. Harmonie
One of the Anime Mirai short films for 2014, Harmonie is a nice short story about being isolated in high school and how you might feel if you meet someone who understands what you are going through. It's told through the metaphor of a synesthetic dream, but the just serves as allegory for the core moral of the story - everyone just wants to find someone that can see them for who they are and accept them for all their faults.

7. Tamayura: More Aggressive 8.5 and Girls und Panzer OVA
I'm cheating here, but honestly, I doubt either entry will even place in the rankings so I'm perfectly fine with doing so. Honestly, I just wanted to have an excuse to fit Tamayura on the list... and hey, at least I didn't toss in the Yamato 2199 recap movie!

But really, the Tamayura OVA was a great reminder of everything that I love about Tamayura as a show and SatoJun as a director and it was nice to be able to step back into that world for a short time. I'm looking forward to the graduation arc that will come out later in 2015 and I expect that it will be at or near the top my personal top ten of 2015.

The Girls und Panzer OVA was similarly a fun return to the world of Girls und Panzer, even if it repeats a lot of what we've already seen in previous episodes. The way they wrapped up the Anzio arc and explained why they weren't watching the final battle was unnecessary, of course, but it was a cute way to wrap everything in a neat bow. Here's hoping the movie lives up to the series.

Continued here: http://neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=149933282&postcount=496


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Just saw RWBY isn't allowed for nomination. Well fuck you all too! Better than most the shit that has aired this year. :/

1.) Sakura Trick

This is a show that came at time when it was needed most. There's not a lot of true shoujo-ai shows out there, and when people decide to throw that element in their works its usually on a joke character for laughs. The beauty of shoujo-ai is in its innocence, its curiosity in exploring a new, different love, and its pure honesty for expressing oneself. This show captures those values brilliantly.

2.) Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san

A short comedy about two girls who have a cat/dog relationship with shoujo-ai elements tossed in.

3.) Yama no Suzume S2

The show entertains and educates the viewers effortlessly. Mountain climbing has never been so pure!

4.) Saki The Nationals

Yuri mahjong is back and with a vengeance! New friends and foes alike enter the garden of tiles to prove their mettle on the biggest stage yet!

5.) Sabagebu

This show deserves merit for doing what other survival game adaptations before it could not: be entertaining. Throw in a dash of your and you have the best survival game anime yet.

6.) Kill la Kill

Love it or hate it, KLK made an impact on people. While it did suffer bumps during the middle of its run, it left an overall good impression for me.

7.)Love Live Season 2


8.) Soul Eater Not!

Soul Eater? Yes. Yuri? HELL YES! While I'm typing this out, I'm wondering why this show isn't higher on my list. Huh. Anyway, this show DELIVERS!

9.) Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka?

Cafe yuri. What can I say?

10.) Akuma no Riddle

This show is so twisted that I can't help but love it. Having yuri in this only makes it better.


I haven't even got round to seeing most of the winners from last year's thread, looking forward to the results though.
TV -


1. Ping Pong the Animation; Anything I say someone will say better then me, so I will just implore you to watch this series. A truly amazing series with little weakness, the clear front runner for AOTY, at least to me. Kong Wenge best character 2014 no contest

2. Space Dandy; Despite having a good number of iffy or mediocre episodes, the stand out good episodes are amazing. The weaker S1 was more then made up for by the far stronger S2. If you aren't interested, I would say you should watch a select few episodes, Episode 21 being the best of the bunch.

3. Gundam Build Fighters; For this and Samurai Flamenco, which aired half in 2013 and half in 2014, I am counting the whole series. Gundam Build Fighters is a celebration. There are so many references that even a Gundam nerd won't be able to catch every single one. Far beyond a "toy commercial", it's actually one of the best Gundam series. No knowledge of the series prior is needed to enjoy this, but there is no denying that having some knowledge will help you enjoy it even more. Awesome soundtrack as well.

4. Samurai Flamenco; One of the most enjoyable series I have ever followed on a week by week basis. I am not even going to go into detail on why, but this shit is (From) Beyond crazy. Let's just say that when this baby hits 7 episodes, you're going to see some serious shit.

5. Shirobako; If you have ever wondered how animation and the making of an animated product works, this show is for you. Even if you don't much care for that, the show is compelling and well written enough to make up for it. It's really good and honestly should be higher but I am biased.

6. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun; A hilarious show that is just superbly enjoyable. I don't think I ever picked up a manga immediately after the adaptation finished before this. Voice acting and casting is top notch as well.


8. Gundam Reconguista in G; It's not for everyone. But it's for me. It's definitely for me. The world is not square.

9. Hunter x Hunter; The end of the highly controversial Chimaera Ant Arc and the end of the series at large! Probably not the best year for HxH, but two episodes made me put this on the list, 129 and 135. Just the way they adapted those parts was amazing. I also enjoyed the way they adapted the Election Arc. A really solid adaptation all around.

10. Gundam Build Fighters Try; First off, this is not as good as the first season of Gundam Build Fighters. Exactly how big that gap is can be debated, but I can say that even if there are mediocre parts and episodes, the show at large is still enjoyable. The last few episodes (around episode 9+) have been improving as well. And the OST is still godly.

Film/OVA -

1. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Rebellion; Homura did nothing wrong.

2. Lupin the Third: Daisuke Jigen's Gravestone; I don't know anything about Lupin III but this was a pretty damn good introduction for me. Stylistically impressive and well animated, tells a nice story in a short time.

3. ME!ME!ME!; One of the better Animator Expo shorts, everyone has probably seen this already but it's a super sexual drug trip music video and I loved it.

4. 20min Walk from Nishi-Ogikubo Station, 2 Bedrooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2mos Deposit, No Pets Allowed; Another really good Animator Expo short, in all honestly probably better then ME!ME!ME but I just prefer that. Has some really nice animation.

Honorable Mentions or the ones that missed the cut AKA the "I watched to much this year" list -

Robot Girls Z; Anthropomorphized versions of classic mecha like Grendizer, Steel Jeeg, Getter Robo and Mazinger Z turned into cute girls . If this sounds dumb it's because it is, but it's the kind of dumb Papa Nagai would want us to see and is loaded with both kinds of fanservice. It's actually really good, and I'm kind of ashamed it didn't make my top 10. I eagerly wait for the next 6 episodes.

Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis; A refreshing fantasy series, which is odd to say because it's pretty generic, but mostly refreshing because it has no high school shit or chuunibyou garbage. Started off supremely enjoyable, but the plot at large kind of dragged it down. Still worth a watch though.

Parasyte; Pretty good body horror show. Some characters are very stupid, but the main pair is really good.

Sabagebu!; Good comedy despite some weaker episodes, with some yuri undertones if you're into that sort of thing

Pupipo!; This is like 45 minutes long but it makes great use of every second. I didn't love it as much as some people do, but it is certainly worth a watch, and delves into some themes that are pretty above what you'd expect from something starring a cute little blob.

D-Frag!; A fun comedy show, one I mostly forgot about. Not as enjoyable as Nozaki-kun or Sabagebu! but if you are looking for good comedy this year, this is a good third pick. I also noticed that a lot of series ended with a ! this year but I'll be damned if I put Akame ga Kill! on here.

No Game No Life; A fun show, although I wish the coloring filters weren't so aggressive. Loaded with fanservice. I mean loaded. Usually I don't care about that but some of the lolibait stuff is a bit above what even I can handle. Despite that, the games are good and entertaining.

Noragami; Enjoyable show for the most part, awesome soundtrack, good main character, shitty whiny side character who's arc takes up way too much of the show, probably the least offensive BONES ORIGINAL ENDING to a series that I have seen.

Barakamon; A really nice show, would probably place at #11 or #12 if the list went that high. Just enjoyable and calming, akin to Usagi Drop in tone and setting. Makes me want "Small Town Slice of Life" to be a bigger genre then it is.

Hitsugi no Chaika; Despite a disappointing S2, I like this series for reasons I cannot fully comprehend. It has a lot of problems, but I can't help myself for liking it quite a bit.

The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior; Some people really hated the main pair in this show, but it warmed my heart. Of course it's a pretty good comedy too, but I found that secondary to why I watched it. The secondary characters are more entertaining then the main pair, I will say that.

Honorable Mentions(?) -

Most Disappointing - Terror in Resonance; You would think with Watanabe and Yoko Kanno working together you would get something amazing but you get Five instead.

Show I dropped the fastest - Terraformars; Also gets the prestigious award of "most hilarious/bad censoring"

Worst show I completed - The Irregular at Magic High School; You probably shouldn't listen to anything I say because I watched this all the way through. I did it out of admiration for Onii-sama~~~

Most shamelessly watchable show/ The Sunrise Award - Cross Ange; Disregard my earlier comments about Ping Pong, you should watch this instead. It has mechs and dragons in it what more do you want come on

The Absolute Worst - Magical Warfare; character designs ripped from Fate/Stay Night and LN garbage so bad it's actually worse written then F/SN! Completely generic, no redeeming qualities. If you watched this entire show I congratulate you.

Most "I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed" show - Psycho-Pass 2; I actually liked the first season. This was just dumb. Dumber then the first season. It has a good OP though



1. Hunter x Hunter - The Chimera Ant arc cemented this anime as my favorite of all time (with Samurai Champloo). The arc was just one of the best things I've ever witnessed and some of the episodes within the arc are some of the best to ever air on a TV (Zero x And x Rose, others). Great characters and awesome story. Togas pls come back

2. Space Dandy - Super fun and well animated show. S1 was really good but with season 2 the show rose from really good to great. S2 was solid from start to finish and I loved watching all the weird shit they crew went through. Also amazing OST. Won't ever forget you, baby.

3. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders S1 - Very funny. JoJo is like that show you don't like as your favorite but you can sit and watch that shit all fucking day. Awesome. HOOOOLY - SHITt~

4. Fate/Stay Night S1 - Damn this just finished today and I had to put it on here. The show is so awesome.

5. Magi S2 - That whole mini war was cool. Last 3 episodes had me jumping out of my seat.

6. Kill la Kill - Good stuff. Fast paced witty action. Ending makes me cri evrytme. Got so hyped near the end I said this show was better than TTGL. No me, just no. That's my one regret.

7. Aldnoah.Zero S1 - This show had so much potential but to me it was good but pretty slow and boring. Nothing really happened in S1 but the ending alone was WHHHHAaaaaTT Theee FUCCCKkk good so for that alone it was in my top.

8. Akame Ga Kill - Okay. Someone dying every week and getting stronger to protect my friends crying every week. Just okay

9. Noragami - Okay show



That's all I remember watching which aired this year.

EDIT - Didn't know Noragami was this year

Double EDIT: F/SN S1 just finished today so yeah.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Sweet, been waiting on this thread. I need a couple shows to watch in the coming months.
Reserved. List is completed and ordered correctly. Perhaps will add descriptions later.


1. Nagi no Asukara
2. Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
3. Shigatsu no Uso
4. Log Horizon S1
5. Gugure! Kokkuri-san
6. Log Horizon S2
7. Aldnoah.Zero
8. No Game No Life
9. Psycho Pass 2
10. Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works


1. ME!ME!ME!
2. Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Rebellion
3. The iDOLM@STER Movie: Kagayaki no Mukougawa e


I don't watch enough anime to make a legitimate list. My favorite one I watched this year was Welcome to the NHK but that's kind of old so.....


I need to go back and finish Monster now that I've remembered. It was really good.
TV Shows

1. Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun: Just a fantastically funny show. Chiyo is a great character that you can't help but root for. Its the kind of show that you're just constantly in a good mood watching. Start to finish, never a disappointing moment, there's always a reason to be smiling. Also has one of the best OPs of the year.

2. Love Live! S2: Best idol show, easily. The characters continue to be great. Show continues to be funny. The mobile game continues to cause despair. The Halloween episode might be my favorite single episodes out of all shows this year. Really looking forward to 2015's movie.

3. Silver Spoon S2: Continues to be a good show, if not better than the first season. The drama certainly got better.

4. Baby Steps: I don't think tennis is a particularly interesting sport, but I like that there's a pretty real approach to things. Its nice that the show didn't lean on ridiculous "powers" for all the opponents (aside from that one dude who "draws pictures on the court" the show's main black spot). I do dislike how they ended the season, you just don't do that.

5. Sakura Trick: Like Nozaki-kun, Sakura Trick is just constant smiles, start to finish. The humor is kind of one-note in that all the characters are just "adorably dumb" but it works.

6. Shirobako: Probably the "smartest" show I watched this year. Gets off to a rough start given how much they throw at you and maybe a little depressing getting a glimpse of how the sausage is made but it wraps up to be a very entertaining show.

7. Wake Up, Girls!: Its nice that an idol show isn't all fantastical and upbeat. The animation and voice acting can be somewhat dire, but then again so is their situation. Whereas Love Live has kind of fake drama that gets resolved through "friendship" and "togetherness," WUG more real drama. You can't dance, you can't sing, you're getting kicked out of the group. Its refreshing to see the genre take a more serious tone.

8. Saki: The Nationals: Hey, mahjong still manages to be interesting. Show is still good, it does feel like they may have toned down some of the yuri of the show. But one major complaint is that it didn't go far enough in the story, the season ends before the Kiyosumi and Achiga teams get to face off.

9. Engaged to the Unidentified: Its cute and its fun. Kobeni and Mashiro are great characters. I think the show could have gone deeper into the relationship between Kobeni and Hakuya though. Great ED as well.

10. Nisekoi: It was either this or Chuuni2. Nisekoi has its problems in that it introduced to many characters when it should have just been a triangle, but its still an enjoyable show.


1. Wake Up, Girls! - Seven Idols: Well, I enjoyed it. And by nature of being the only movie I watched this year, it gets my top vote.


2014, an interesting year. Certainly not as full of big names as 2013, but in terms of quality stuff, it fared much better.

1. Ping Pong

The best character study masquerading as a sports anime ever. The undisputed best show of 2014. It is probably the closest to a legitimate 10/10 I have seen in many years. It just does so many things so well. The story is simple, but executed perfectly. The characters have many layers to them and the show explores most of them. The actual ping pong is combines artistry and well animated movement to create great moments. The OST is great and has some of my favorite tracks of the year (Hero, Peco and China themes are amazing). This is a must watch show.

You might ask, "But CDiggity, what about that art style. It's gross and uncanny." To which I say shut up, grow a spine and be adventurous. If you call yourself an anime fan, this series warrants at least a glance.

2. Space Dandy

A fun little animation experiment. Take a bunch of directors and give them the prompt of "Here's a space guy with his space crew...make him do space things" and see what happens.

What you get is an very fun episodic series. It allows for diversity in the people Dandy meets, the worlds Dandy explores, and the scenarios Dandy finds himself in. Some of the episodes are definitely weaker than others, but the last third of this series is really something great.

3. Mushishi: Zoku-Shou
Best show to enjoy with a cup of hot chocolate.

One of the biggest problems I see in anime these days is that a lot of it is very very loud. What do I mean by that? Bright colors, bombastic OSTs, Overly expressive characters, unhinged stories, it's all flash and spectacle to draw in the viewers. Now while several of the entries on my list qualify as "loud anime", shows like Mushishi are definitely in the minority, and it is very refreshing to watch.

The best part is that there is never any consistency to this episodic show. Sometimes you get a happy ending, sometimes you get a compromise of good and bad, and sometimes there is nothing Ginko can do. It adds grounding to this supernatural show. Add in a very minimalist OST, often relying on silence and ambient noise and you have a very enjoyable show.


The best evidence on why I want to never work in anime. It is fun getting an look, albeit a romanticized one, of the anime industry. A lot of times I see people thinking they are experts and all of the issues a series can come across can be easily explained, but there is more to the process that people don't realize.

This show doesn't really standout in the visuals, audio or characters, but the premise and execution are the best element.

5. Barakamon

Not much I can really say on this one, but it is a very charming series with good characters, which is what an SoL should do to distinguish itself.

6. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders

It's JoJo...yup. I really can't offer a better explanation.

7. Kill la Kill

Guess what? I like this show. Screw the haters. Is was fun with amusing (albeit one note) characters, a great OST, a silly story, and enough references to classic series to make me happy.

8.Hunter x Hunter 2011

The best long running shonen anime. Fact.

9. Haikyuu!!

Another shonen series. It takes a sport I really don't care about and makes it a spectacle of camaraderie and volleyball animation. An impressive thing to do with me since I am generally fixed in my opinions when it comes to sports.

10. Samurai Flamenco

SIT DOWN! Let me tell you something. This show is hilarious, and makes the list on a pure enjoyment metric. It's slow to get out of the gates, but then it goes off like a rocket. When watching this series, at least try to make it to episode 7.

Movies/OVAs, which I watched, but I am to lazy to give much of my opinions on them.
1. Tale of the Princess Kaguya: It's pretty good
2. Wonder: Short, but still pretty good
3. Lupin the 3rd: Daisuke Jigen's Gravestone: It's Lupin-brand good
4. ME!ME!ME: It's symbolism
5. Berserk- Golden Age Arc III, Descent: The Eclipse is still really depressing


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I thought we were going to have a separate category for shorts/OVAs.

I wasn't informed of this. I just made this because no one else was stepping up to the plate.

And there seems to be some contention on this issue, so here's what I propose:

3 Movies
5 OVAs, including the Mirai stuff.
Looking at my early unfinished TV series list, this has been an amazing year for sports shows and comedies, and pretty unremarkable for everything else.



1. Hunter x Hunter; Possibly the best shonen ever made. We saw the end of the amazing Chimera Ant arc and the show's conclusion with the Election arc in 2014.

2. Space Dandy; This is such a unique show. It's anthology format is one of it's biggest strengths, with each episode offering extremely different experiences.

3. Ping Pong; A great anime about Ping Pong. What makes this show really stand out is it's fantastic characters.

4. Hajime no Ippo: Rising; It's more Ippo. Nuff said. Really, the Kamogawa flashback alone would probably put it on this list.

5. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders; It's so goddamn weird and over the top and I love it for it.

6. Gundam Build Fighters; As someone who never really got into Gundam, I really enjoyed this. It was simple, had non-stop awesome fights, and I really enjoyed it's lighthearted tone. I'm more interested in Gundam because of this show.

7. Barakamon; I don't typically watch slice of life shows, but this one really stuck to me for some reason. It was such a relaxing and enjoyable show to watch week to week. If you want to feel good, watch this show!

8. Parasyte; This show isn't finished yet as of now, but it's really impressed me so far. It's a very unique concept and you don't see this sort of body horror in anime very often. It would probably be higher on my list if it was further along.

9. Log Horizon; It's the best MMO themed show. That isn't exactly a hard goal to reach, but the creator really understands how MMOs actually work. It's interesting to see how the characters deal with these evolving mechanics.

10. Rage of Bahamut; Considering that this show came from a F2P card game, it shouldn't be as good as it was. The angels and demon stuff weakened it a bit, but it's still a very strong show with very fun characters and competent direction.


1. The Wind Rises; A very beautiful film about a man inspired to become a aeronautical engineer during WW2. This movie isn't very fantastical like most Miyazaki films, but it's still one of his best.

2. Berserk: The Golden Age Arc III - Descent; CG aside, this is the best adaption of the Eclipse yet.


I wasn't informed of this. I just made this because no one else was stepping up to the plate.

And there seems to be some contention on this issue, so here's what I propose:

3 Movies
5 OVAs, including the Mirai stuff.

I would be okay with this. I don't think wonzo will be, though. :p

Are we including short form series/Animator Expo stuff in the OVAs category?


1. Parasyte -the maxim-; Parasyte is just too good. Migi and Shinichi are just fantastic, and every episode leaves me excited for the next. Some of lines in this show just left me dying with laughter even though I wouldn't classify this as a comedy. Parasyte might end up as my AOTY for 2015 as well.

2. Gundam Build Fighters; I don't like really like Gundam, but Build Fighters was so entertaining. I was pretty excited to watch most of the Gunpla battles. I really wish they had fleshed out some of the character relationships, but Build Fighters is great regardless.

3. Gundam Build Fighters Try; Try is great. but I don't think it's as great as the original. GBF is better in almost every way that matters to me. However, the gunpla battles are still fun to watch, and it has Meijin Kawaguchi in it.

4. Kuroko's Basketball 2; Kuroko's Basketball was just epic, and I don't particularly like basketball either. Although, I have mixed feelings towards the introduction of these supernatural basketball powers. On one hand, they make for a fun watch, but Aomine and the zone make the other players seem kinda useless in comparison.

5. The Seven Deadly Sins; I've been looking for anime like this to be watch for a while now. Meliodas isn't like your everyday shonen protagonist, the battles are great, and the interactions between the characters are pretty entertaining.

6. Tokyo Ghoul; Episode 13 was just amazing. I ended reading the manga, but I still think the anime is pretty great. I'm excited to see more of Kaneki in season 2.

7. CROSS ANGE Rondo of Angel and Dragon; If this show had toned down the fanservice and pandering, I think it might have been one of the greats. It almost gives me Code Geass vibes. The show is pretty entertaining to watch, and one of the best of 2014.

8. Akame ga Kill!; This show was great, but then it strayed from the righteous path of the manga. Even after that, I still think the show was pretty good. The end of the anime was thoroughly disappointing though.

9. Naruto Shippuden; I've been a Naruto fan for a long time, so naturally, I'm excited to see more and more of the manga animated. I wish they'd save the filler for after the entire manga is animated.

10. Aldnoah.Zero; This show is an entertaining trainwreck, to say the least. I dislike quite a bit of the central characters, and the mecha battles aren't entertaining at all. Aldnoah is pretty fun though.


Subete no aware
I wasn't informed of this. I just made this because no one else was stepping up to the plate.

And there seems to be some contention on this issue, so here's what I propose:

3 Movies
5 OVAs, including the Mirai stuff.
I dunno, at some point you might as well just have a top ten that's just a top ten of everything.


1. Kill la Kill; Get naked.
2. Space Dandy; Dat Pavanne.
3. Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Stardust Crusaders; This is the raddest shit.
4. Ping Pong the Animation; This is also the raddest shit.
5. Silver Spoon Season 2; Poor horses.
6. Mushishi Zoku Shou; Yes.
7. Gundam Reconguista in G; I am the ultimate genius.
8. Monogatari Second Season: Hanamonogatari; Words.
9. Nisekoi; Kinpatsu.
10. Sabagebu!; Dirtbags.


1. Paulette's Chair

Anime of the Year 2015

1. Yuri Kuma Arashi


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
No shira. You're not anime either so don't bother voting for yourself.


1. Mushi-shi S2
2. Ping-Pong
3. Space Dandy


1. Tales of Princess Kaguya
2. The Wind Rises



1. Shirobako
2. Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun
3. Haikyuu
4. Log Horizon
5. Hunter X Hunter
6. Parasyte
7. Aldnoah Zero
8. Barakamon
9. Kill la Kill
10. Baby Steps

Movies/OVAs/The Animator Expo cause that's all I've seen this year:

1. 20 Minute Walk from Nishi-Ogikubo Station, 2 Bedrooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2 Months Deposit, No Pets Allowed
2. ME!ME!ME!
3. Carnage
4. Hill Climb Girl
5. Dragon Dentist

Edit: Changed my line up a little bit. I'll see if I can get around to doing write ups.
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