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Halo 5: Guardians Beta Thread | Hot Red on Blue Action

I want to team up with someone lol. I'm gold tier 2. GT: too much eslim.
I don't want to sound rude but be decent enough to just go positive. Everyone has bad games here and there, but I am just tired of carrying. I am tired of feeling like if I don't hit 20+, we are not going to win lol.


semen stains the mountaintops
Does anyone else notice some bad lag (connection, not FPS) in the Forge map? So far in the Beta I've rarely seen people rubber band around but it seems to happen a fuck ton in that map. There's also a huge delay from when I hit the button and when the grenades come out.

Maybe I've just had bad luck with the games I've gotten but I've only seen it in that map.


Hey, anyone want to play? Haven't been able to play all week and still need to check out strongholds. GT is Unstable H2o. I'm Pro in both Slayer and breakout.
Thank god that more people are acknowledging that default button layout users have an unfair advantage with their automatic rescope, that needs to go.
I pretty much do it all the time at this point. The stress anger gets too much for me so I just say fuck it and quit. Beyond ridiculous.

At least fix your fucking netcode so when I AM out of server the game isn't borderline impossible ot get kills in. I played a game of Titanfall when the AU servers were first switched on and they glitched. I played the game out despite being an ACTUAL slideshow. I still kicked ass and my team won.

My little brother in law started playing too and the first thing he said to me "Why isn't anyone dying when I shoot at them but I die in 1 second?"

Fucking lag.

Well there are issues with that as well. Lag is lag and you cannot fix netcode to accommodate that. The only fix is never match players out of region, which if it were working correctly it shouldn't do anyway (I know it does though, from first hand experience). The only "fix" would be to implement Dice's atrocious Lag Compensation which would be the worst thing one could think of if Battlefield 4 (and to a slightly lesser extent, Battlefield 3) is any indication.

They either need to incorporate a Datacenter Selection (similar to the old Connection Quality settings of prior Halo titles) or have a ping cap that is set by 343i or could be user set.


Edit: Just uploaded all of my clips onto Youtube, can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/user/IAMjessiebristol/videos

There are a few videos that I didn't get to upload, damn GameDVR temporary clips :(.


Based on my experience of the game, the one must have feature will be choosing a data centre. It has to be in.

I will likely buy the game, largely for a solid single player and a bit of fun with the multiplayer.

But, for me to stay engaged with it, it needs the ability to choose your location/server.

It is why I keep going back to Titanfall, almost a year on after trying out the beta.


Based on my experience of the game, the one must have feature will be choosing a data centre. It has to be in.

I will likely buy the game, largely for a solid single player and a bit of fun with the multiplayer.

But, for me to stay engaged with it, it needs the ability to choose your location/server.

It is why I keep going back to Titanfall, almost a year on after trying out the beta.

Datacenter selection or bust for the full. Seriously, this game is fucking amazing when playing local. Anything else though is just frustrating... Lots of my family and friends are all saying the same thing.

Side note, they all expect 343 NOT to let us choose the datacenter! They all expect them to fuck this gem up.

After the beta, I will be revisiting titanfall in a big way. I fired it up yesterday to make sure the euro servers were working. Pure bliss.
AR+BR starts is an improvement over sole BR starts, but my favorite was by far the AR and Pistol spawns. The Pistol is a weapon that is high risk reward and pretty fair, while the BR is a powerful weapon ranged weapon. I don't want Halo 5 to have BR starts. I'm saying that flat out. If it does, it should be contained its own play list. Halo is boring when its 8 people running around with Battle Rifles and not scrounging for weapons on the map. The best part of the Halo 5 beta was the initial days when teams were actually sticking together and working together to control parts of the map for weapon spawns and/or high ground and cover. Since BR starts were introduced its the same old, same old Halo, which is still fun, but gets boring and frustrating quickly.


Thank god that more people are acknowledging that default button layout users have an unfair advantage with their automatic rescope, that needs to go.

Agree! My friend last night didn't know about it and he loves COD, as soon as I told him, he starting getting more kills...imagine that.


I miss BR/Pistol starts. AR is too random and OP for a starting automatic weapon. The headshot bonus on them needs to go too.


Gears of War style loadouts for Halo:
Primary weapons: BR, DMR, Carbine
Secondaries: AR, Pistol

DMR as a map pickup is lame, it takes more shots to kill than BR and takes more time to kill, so, why pick it up on a small map?

I'd like to see Needle Rifle as a map pick up, it could be more powerful version of Carbine just as Light Rifle is more powerful BR/DMR and with unique properties in scoped mode.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Gears of War style loadouts for Halo:
Primary weapons: BR, DMR, Carbine
Secondaries: AR, Pistol

DMR as a map pickup is lame, it takes more shots to kill than BR and takes more time to kill, so, why pick it up on a small map?

I'd like to see Needle Rifle as a map pick up, it could be more powerful version of Carbine just as Light Rifle is more powerful BR/DMR and with unique properties in scoped mode.

no loadouts. just no. also DMR >>> BR. i'm with you on needle rifle though. hope that returns


I am so wishy washy about H5 one day I hate it hate next I love it. Playing with a team is so important in H5 This may be the most team based Halo I have ever played. I played with some friends last night and had a absolute blast. Had one of the most fun matches I have ever played on Pegasus even thought we lost 49-50.


Won 18/20 in strongholds and still barely half way into Gold 1.

My buddy wins 7/10 in placement and somehow places into Pro


Neo Member
I like the Stronghold game type more than 3 plots. Controlling minimum of 2 makes for interesting strategies and the fact that you have to physically return to your hill to reset the timer makes controlling a stronghold from a distance risky.

So far the new modes (Breakout and Stronghold) seem like great additions.


DMR as a map pickup is lame, it takes more shots to kill than BR and takes more time to kill, so, why pick it up on a small map?

DMR can out-shoot a BR at distance and at mid range, it shoots faster than the BR so not sure where the complaint is.

By definition of the DMR, it is actually more powerful than the BR, thus it should remain a pickup on the map.

Mouse Cop

Fuckin lagging prick cost me my last stronghold qualifying match. Was undefeated before.


Oh, and also the guy who went afk for the last 2 minutes, who had an opening to complete the cap of Top Arch to get the last 2 points we needed...

Also, hehehehe thruster http://www.xboxdvr.com/Tawpgun/d4c9d0b4-c22f-4448-a454-b807fc1af0a6

Looked like you hit him 6 times, isn't it 7 if they are body shots? I don't even follow grenade damage anymore, because I've thrown nades only to have to shoot people 6 times after hitting them with a nade to kill them.

And I usually don't condone teabagging, but that was a wonderful play on the thruster.
Just downloaded the beta after debating if I wanted to, as an AVID Halo fan.

There's a bit of a learning curve (started out with .4KD, then 0.8KD, eesh), but I like it overall. Feels the same but with 60fps. I really am liking the zoom animations now, and the way they tweaked the controller vibration really is cool. It still feels like something is... missing... somehow. Like they re-skinned the old (that needed a re-tuning as far as user experience), and are moving forward with that. I don't know if I'm explaining myself good enough here. For what it's worth, I like it. Will it grab the entire user base of the Xbox like in days of past? Nope. Modern reward/progression mechanics are tweaked so taht you can really get a daily endorphin drop and feel like you're making progress toward making your character that much better. This feels like grinding for better aesthetic gear, which only has minimal appeal, at least for me and the way I now think.


DMR seems to have faster ttk than BR no? It's a beast.


This list is not accurate, but it is clear that DMR is not in the same league as Light Rifle, yet they're both map pickups, DMR is probably a starting weapon for Big Team.

Flawless AR (all to the head) - (31 frames) - 1.03 seconds

Flawless SMG - (32.5 frames, vid editor is 30fps/lag possibly) 1.08 ish

Pistol - (33 frames) 1.10

LR - Scoped once, then 2 unscoped - 1.10

LR - Scoped 3 times - (34 frames) 1.13

LR - unscoped 4 times - (37 frames) 1.24

BR - (40 frames) 1.34

DMR 1.40 (42 frames)


Won 18/20 in strongholds and still barely half way into Gold 1.

My buddy wins 7/10 in placement and somehow places into Pro

Won first 3 stronghold placement matches, lost the rest. Gold 1. Those last 7 matches were definitely with better folks. That placement matches are a mystery and probably the main reason why the ranking system seems weird to people.
Just popping in to say...

Slight change of plan re: Montage - if people could PM me links, that'd be great. I often read the thread on the train or at work, and I don't want to miss any clips.

I'll accept throwaway triples if it's all you got. I do want the best content, obviously, but I also want everyone active within HaloGAF to be involved.

Will happily accept clips from Frankie, Tashi and Josh too...

So frustrating this morning, with most of my matches being laggy. I did have some good ones. One highlight was getting matched against Lethul (from from Believe The Hype) from Evil Geniuses. I won a 1v1 against him, second 1v1 in that match he no-scoped me (didn't record that for obvious reasons, heh), and the third I had gotten two shots on him while he was unaware just to have one of his team mates step in.

1v1 against Lethul: http://xboxclips.com/DestiniesReqium/84ded30f-0ebf-4122-b6eb-29bac889d010

Has anyone experienced this on Pegasus (the whole game froze for about a second in the middle of a duel): http://xboxclips.com/DestiniesReqium/9f433640-9a4a-4594-a338-eef9b9b5e3c8

There is a few other clips in there. And I actually got matched up with Lethul three times this morning. The first time he either backed out of the lobby or the game did it's "Error" thing. The third time had a Server Error so it booted me out of the lobby: http://xboxclips.com/DestiniesReqium/a5c8aaa2-3e78-4055-8222-073b5d069ab9
Breakout with a party of 3 or 4 is incredibly fun.

Its my favorite mode so far. Playing with a full team is incredibly tactical, due to no radar and relying on call-outs for enemy locations. We also have a designated BR guys who provides covering fire for the rest of us to push up. I've noticed that playing as a full team gets you paired up against other full teams which has lead to some sweet matches, rather than just stomping on solos who don't communicate.
Here are all of my clips (well, most now) on Youtube, you can sift through them and see which ones you like and use them freely: https://www.youtube.com/user/IAMjessiebristol/videos

Be warned though, there are around 128 or so videos on there... there's some good stuff in there :).

I'm gonna need the original xbox dvr clips if you want in, I'm not too keen on dicking about on youtube. If you have something you think looks great, PM me a link to the direct file. Thanks.
I'm gonna need the original xbox dvr clips if you want in, I'm not too keen on dicking about on youtube. If you have something you think looks great, PM me a link to the direct file. Thanks.

Heh, don't have the originals on GameDVR just uploaded them all today onto Youtube. A few of my videos disappeared because of only being able to so many temporary videos. But yeah, I might sift through them and see if it any are worth it ;).


Get three matches in a row against unranked players go +2
Get two matches where the same guy quits both times at the start of the match go -35

kindly fuck off game
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