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Who still hasn't upgraded to a smartphone, and why?

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Me. I have a flip phone. On smartphones: I don't want one, don't need one, don't want to pay for one. I also don't have to buy a new one every few years because the frigging OS became obsolete.

The OS comment is confusing. Your flip phone OS is already obsolete but you're using it just fine. If you had a smartphone, you could choose not to upgrade if the OS becomes too slow in a few years and all the apps you have would still be fine. It'd still do your email and web browsing fine, and way better than your flip phone.


I recently downgraded from an iPhone 5s to this:


I don't see myself returning to a smartphone anytime soon. Texting is more difficult, sure, but I've quickly realized that smartphones really are rather superfluous.


I'd love to not have the need for a smart phone.

But it was either keep the smartphone or keep majority of social media. Most people just text me now, social media is mostly dead in my life. Mostly.


I'm at a junkyard today, taking apart a car for a part my friend needed, we couldn't figure out how to get it off. Pulled out my smartphone, googled it, find a youtube video, watched and took the part off. Couldn't have done that on a flip phone.


I still have an old Tracfone for emergency use in my car. I had that thing since 2009 and I just upgraded to Moto G a year ago.
I've only gotten a smartphone last year because my company bought me one and is paying for the service.

Why? Because I think service providers (in Canada at least) are a bunch of crooks and there is no plan available that I don't consider unreasonably expensive.

I don't know that I could live without it now that I've gotten a taste... may God have mercy on my soul.

Wind, my friend. I have unlimited talk, text and data for $35/mo
It's beautiful
I used to be of the opinion that a smartphone was not necessary, but after having one it'd admittedly be pretty hard to go back to something like a flip phone.
I still haven't found a reason to do so given that data plans end up running several hundred dollars per year. I already pay for internet at home, so I'm struggling to justify paying for it again when the use will be situational.

I do use a Nexus 7 tablet at home as my primary web surfing, email, and GAF device. I have nearby access to online devices (work computer and home tablet) approximately 90% of my day. I could see the convenience of a smartphone while traveling on the road, but that's about it.


Gold Member
I held out on getting a regular cellphone until 2 years ago in my early 30s. I'll probably hold out on getting a smart phone for a good while. I really don't want to bring the internet with me while I leave the house.

Again, I really don't get this way of thinking. Why is it a problem for you to, as you say, "bring the internet with you"? How does it in any way hurt you that you've got access to all kinds of information on a small device in your pocket? I just don't see how that could in any way be a burden. Are you afraid of being disturbed by notifications? Then turn them off, or use DND mode. Are you afraid of becoming an anti-social bore because you'd be checking the phone all the time? Well, have some self control then. Having a smartphone doesn't have to be a problem in any way if you don't let it, but it can be such an amazing asset for the times when you really need it.
It's weird, though, because you guys are making the case that it's an essential item.

I understand the convenience of having an internet/GPS/camera device on you. But you pay a pretty penny for that device and the associated data. It's much cheaper to have a basic phone, a GPS in you car, a decent point and shoot camera for traveling, and a tablet at home. There aren't ongoing monthly charges for data that add up significantly over the years.

If you're willing to pay a premium for the always connected all-in-one option, that's perfectly fine. But none of those items are essential to life, nor is the smartphone.

It's not a money thing for me, but more of a "I don't need something like that."

It does irk me going to lunch or dinner with family and friends and watch them bury their collective heads into their Facebook feeds. Even if my wife and I eventually do upgrade our phones, that will be a hard rule for us never to do that.


Been a smartphone user for 2 years now and I feel like going back because I'm just using it for constant distraction which is not a good thing (especially when I'm in bed). Thinking of getting a dumbphone and using my Nokia Lumia without SIM so I still have the camera, music player and GPS.


It's weird, though, because you guys are making the case that it's an essential item.

I understand the convenience of having an internet/GPS/camera device on you. But you pay a pretty penny for that device and the associated data. It's much cheaper to have a basic phone, a GPS in you car, a decent point and shoot camera for traveling, and a tablet at home. There aren't ongoing monthly charges for data that add up significantly over the years.

If you're willing to pay a premium for the always connected all-in-one option, that's perfectly fine. But none of those items are essential to life, nor is the smartphone.

It's not a money thing for me, but more of a "I don't need something like that."

It does irk me going to lunch or dinner with family and friends and watch them bury their collective heads into their Facebook feeds. Even if my wife and I eventually do upgrade our phones, that will be a hard rule for us never to do that.

You don't need an expensive data plan to make a smartphone worthwhile.

Besides, how much do you pay a month for your dumbphone?


I'm sure even the dumbest phone of today has a way to retrieve emails and a browser. And if your phone has Java, then you can download a Google maps application from the official site. I would advise for Opera Mini as an alternative browser, lightweight and very efficient.

You know you're probably right. My knowledge of "dumb" phones is from two years ago, since I've had an iPhone since then. My flip phone from then would not have been capable off a decent Gmail app or Maps, but maybe when I look to get a new phone I could check one out.


I betrayed the clan today :(

Last night, I was supposed to meet up with this girl for a
situation, but she had to run 20 min late and couldn't call me because no phone. I thought she flaked and left after 15 min, went to eat, went home and there was this string of panicky messages.

Rescheduled for Sunday and I bought a Z3 this morning. I am resolute in not installing any of the following, however:

  • Instagram
  • FaceBook
  • SnapChat

If I ever catch myself posting pictures of food or taking a selfo (sic?) or even pulling the thing out of my pocket for any purpose other than making or receiving a telephone call, I'm boiling it in Coca-Cola

Nose Master

I'm on the internet enough when I'm home, I don't need to be on it every waking second. All I use my phone for is texting, so $20/mo to do it on a dumb phone is fine with me.

My relatively recent job gave me a smart workphone, though. :(


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
At this point, the smartphone is the main computer around which your life revolves... the PC is relegated to a secondary tool for advanced functions that many people don't actually need (content creation, hardcore gaming, etc).

That may be true for you but not for everyone. I don't have a smartphone for three reasons:

1. My "dumb" phone works great for phone calls, which is all I need it to do
2. I don't need to be always online everywhere I go, I simply have zero need for that
3. I don't want to pay a huge monthly fee for something I don't need. I'd rather put the money elsewhere

A smartphone just isn't a good investment for me personally, and I don't see it being one anytime in the near future.
I don't have one. My ancient phone is too convenient and serves my needs just fine. I don't really feel a need to do anything else than calling and texting on a phone (and I feel that I have access to PC when I need Internet).

One thing I also really like about my ancient phone is that it's really small. It fits into my pocket nicely. A lot of smartphones look really big, and even the smaller ones are a lot bigger than my phone.
Another is the battery. I don't want to have to load the battery daily or every second day or even every third day. Of course, if I would hardly use the phone it wouldn't use the battery so much, but then it would be kind of pointless in the first place.

I just got a tablet (iPad Air) for free for some time through my university though, so I'll see how I'll like that. Of course, it's a bit different than a smartphone and I'm not getting a data plan for it anyway (because I really don't feel a need for it, and I have to give the iPad back on May most likely), but it still gives me a bit of the feel I'd imagine. So far I really dislike it though.

If I had really a lot of money, then I might consider getting a smartphone (honestly not sure if I'd get it for anything else, except to get familiar with the tech), but my money's already limited enough as it is.

Would be great to know the age of some you who don't want to upgrade to smartphones.
26 here, so not some grumpy old man. Though I guess I might be a bit grumpy otherwise.


*raises hand*

There are certainly some instances in which having a smartphone would be helpful but I'm usually connected enough that I appreciate not having that sort of distraction sitting in my pocket all the damn time.

Not Spaceghost

I guess I see the appeal of a dumbphone, but all of the features of a smart phone have so much appeal to my needs it's crazy that there are people that wouldn't get tons of use from at least 2 items from my personal list.

My smart phone runs my life,

Having GPS on hand has been a life saver
Being able to summon taxi's to my exact location at the push of a button instead of needing to call anyone has been incredible
Being able to message friends/coworkers/family in other countries instantly is important and very useful
Being able to have a calendar in my pocket is extremely useful, especially with custom alarms for events
Being able to take pictures of things on a moments notice and instantly being able to send them to some one who I think would find it interesting is great
Being able to access my bank account, pay bill, transfer funds, and manage everything from anywhere at any time is also absolutely essential to me.

All of that with an upkeep of 30 dollars a month. I only have a 1 gig data plan because 9/10 times I use my phone I am on wi-fi, and the times I am not the data usage of certain things like messangers or even GPS stuff is just so low that I have never hit my cap.

Honestly my smartphone is rarely used as an actual phone, to the point that when I get a call on it I forget it can even do that.


I only recently got one.
Previously I couldn't justify the expense for how much I'd use it but as my old phone was losing it's charge I got a PAYG Moto E just before Christmas for £45, that was a price I could justify.


Smartphones are good for some apps, but I don't like how distracting they can be. I recently turned off wifi and data so I would stop looking at the internet.
Sony Ericsson W800i

Had it from day 1. Accidentally put it in the washing machine. Fucking gutted.

My GF bought me the exact same model for Xmas last year. Chuffed.

I charge it once a week, I can call and text. What more do you need? Plus I can text accurately without looking at the phone because it has that old fashioned 'buttons' thing.

Will not upgrade until every W800i is demolished.
I have a small candy-bar style dumb phone and am not looking to upgrade. I think about once a month I wish that I had internet on the go so that I could look something up, but that's no reason to spend $100+/month (I would need two lines... one for my wife too :)).

My existing phone is a free trac-fone from the government that I got for being poor. The phone is free, and the service is free, and I can't afford anything more than that until I get my freshly in repayment student loans in check and/or my car paid off.


After 3 days with the Xperia, I'm pretty happy with the buy. It's the most non-Sony-bullshit device I've ever purchased (normal microSD, normal USB), but the Sony touches on the camera and WalkmanSoft are dope.

Still never ever becoming one of "those people" though.
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