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socksmakepeoplesexy.net's "The Rise and Fall of Final Fantasy"

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Oftentimes I have seen people praise the Final Fantasy articles at Hardcore Gaming 101. They are written retrospectives about what made the franchise great, going from its humble beginnings to their legendary status today, helped by witty humour taking some liberties with the master figures at Square. What most are not aware of is that these are actually taken from another website, which has been covering them at a faster pace.

I'm taking the recent update as an excuse to create this thread.

WARNING: There's plenty of post-FFVII hate in these ones. If you feel anxious by comments in the vein of "FFX fucking sucks!" I suggest you stay away from reading.


Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XI
Final Fantasy XII

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest



Running off of Custom Firmware
I'm only up to FFI so far, but why the fuck are they bitching about KH2 instead?


Mejilan said:
I'm only up to FFI so far, but why the fuck are they bitching about KH2 instead?


Square Enix is beginning to remind me of LucasArts. I remember when I saw Attack of the Clones in the theatres, I was spellbound. OH MY GOD CHECK OUT THAT CGI PLANET! OH MY GOD SUCH A COOL BATTLE SEQUENCE! OH MY GOD YODA! On the way home from the theatre, all my friends and I could talk about was REMEMBER THE PART WITH THE JEDIS AND THE ROBOTS AND STUFF? THAT WAS AWESOME! Then, about a week later, it dawned on us that it was actually kind of a crappy movie. Sometimes it's hard to tell as you're watching. You get so caught up in the effects, the pace, and the aesthetics that you don't realize how unimpressive just about everything else is. In Attack of the Clones's case, it took a week for it to sink in. With The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, it took twenty-four hours. If Kingdom Hearts II were a movie, I would have realized it within the last twenty minutes and walked out of the theatre. I watched the ending on the Internet and tossed it into the closet to gather dust with the .hack games.


Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Mejilan said:
I'm only up to FFI so far, but why the fuck are they bitching about KH2 instead?

The author tends to go on a tangent at times, but it's nothing as bad as, say, Tim Rogers.


"The Rise and Fall of Final Fantasy":
Everything was good. Part 7 was the best one. Then, some idiotic RPG-fans wanted a lot of changes in Final Fantasy, instead of playing other RPGs. So this piece of shit-Final Fantasy 12 happend. These RPG-fools were happy, the real Final Fantasy fans were sick to death, because this isn't a real FF, isn't ..... FINAL FANTASY. Just a weird RPG with the Final Fantasy name.
Finally: These "change this, change that" idiots ruined FF. For FF-fans, everything was fine, until FF12 happend. So, if you don't like FF how it is/was, play a different RPG and shut the fuck up!
Go back to the FF7 and 8 and 6 greatness and fuck these RPG-fools


listen to the mad man
OokieSpookie said:
Why do people feel the need to post opinion pieces from sites like this?

Of course it's not like the thread title says "Reputable game journalist writes in-depth editorial about famous game series". It's pretty clear what the thread is about.
Stumpokapow said:
Of course it's not like the thread title says "Reputable game journalist writes in-depth editorial about famous game series". It's pretty clear what the thread is about.

Good point


Running off of Custom Firmware
Doubledex said:
"The Rise and Fall of Final Fantasy":
Everything was good. Part 7 was the best one. Then, some idiotic RPG-fans wanted a lot of changes in Final Fantasy, instead of playing other RPGs. So this piece of shit-Final Fantasy 12 happend. These RPG-fools were happy, the real Final Fantasy fans were sick to death, because this isn't a real FF, isn't ..... FINAL FANTASY. Just a weird RPG with the Final Fantasy name.
Finally: These "change this, change that" idiots ruined FF. For FF-fans, everything was fine, until FF12 happend. So, if you don't like FF how it is/was, play a different RPG and shut the fuck up!
Go back to the FF7 and 8 and 6 greatness and fuck these RPG-fools

I read your words. I understood most of them, individually. But within the context of sentences and paragraphs... you lost me.


Doubledex said:
"The Rise and Fall of Final Fantasy":
Everything was good. Part 7 was the best one. Then, some idiotic RPG-fans wanted a lot of changes in Final Fantasy, instead of playing other RPGs. So this piece of shit-Final Fantasy 12 happend. These RPG-fools were happy, the real Final Fantasy fans were sick to death, because this isn't a real FF, isn't ..... FINAL FANTASY. Just a weird RPG with the Final Fantasy name.
Finally: These "change this, change that" idiots ruined FF. For FF-fans, everything was fine, until FF12 happend. So, if you don't like FF how it is/was, play a different RPG and shut the fuck up!
Go back to the FF7 and 8 and 6 greatness and fuck these RPG-fools

Final Fantasy VII sure did suck. It just plain sucked! I've seen games suck before, but it was the suckiest bunch of suck that ever sucked.

M.J. Doja

FF10's.. i guess the VA was what turned me off from ever playing through the latter half of the game, and i never knew until now.


AniHawk said:
Final Fantasy VII sure did suck. It just plain sucked! I've seen games suck before, but it was the suckiest bunch of suck that ever sucked.

Cranky. Very cranky.
Rather sarcastic to boot.

Indeed :lol


WTF is he on about FFIX.
Final Fantasy IX will probably forever be known as "that one Final Fantasy game that came out between VIII and X." Which is interesting, because FF fans and JRPG conoisseurs tend to have very strong feelings about VI, VII, VIII, and X, but it's rare that bringing up IX to them elicits much more than a "meh." (Sometimes a "meh?") The obvious question: why?

That paragraph make me weep. FFIX is by far the best post-VI FF :(

M.J. Doja

Fireblend said:
WTF is he on about FFIX.

That paragraph make me weep. FFIX is by far the best post-VI FF :(


hes right. i bought ff9 and never opened it, i think because I had a dreamcast or was sidetracked by better looking games.. But i dont REALLY know why. feel pretty bad bout it =/


M.J. Doja said:

hes right. i bought ff9 and never opened it, i think because I had a dreamcast or was sidetracked by better looking games.. But i dont REALLY know why. feel pretty bad bout it =/




holy shit, I clicked 8 first and this article is fucking LONG.

loads of info though. sounds more like a recap, which I don't mind.


fuck this guy, i clicked on ffxi (the best ff, because i hate JRPGs). guy is too bothered to follow a great story because sometimes the chat interlaces with the text. omg QQ. If you dont understand a game, dont talk about it. and seriously 42 fucking days later and this guy was only at 22/11 :lol , way back in 02 on the japanese release (my first mmo) i could have done better than that.


AniHawk said:
Final Fantasy VII sure did suck. It just plain sucked! I've seen games suck before, but it was the suckiest bunch of suck that ever sucked.
You cried, because you don't like Jak II and III, you cried because of FF7,.... please start crying because you have not idea about games ;)


Doubledex said:
You cried, because you don't like Jak II and III, you cried because of FF7,.... please start crying because you have not idea about games ;)

Sorry, I gotta go. My damn wiener kids are listening.
I should have listened to the op when he warned us that the writer is just some raging nerd who hates that he grew up. What a mess these articles are.


The 499,999 or so other people playing Final Fantasy XI. Some of them include the creepy high-level player who follows around new players with female avatars, the desperate collector who spams "[Scroll of Teleport-Vahzl] [Can I have it?] 5k" in the shout channel every two minutes, the chain smoker who brbs after every battle, the high-level spawn camper who doesn't speak English and sneers at your efforts to negotiate with him, the raven-haired Elvaan with a name from Dragonball Z or Naruto, a hundred thousand men pretending to be girls, the casual racist, the guy who's just arrived home from getting wasted and passes out in the middle of a battle,the 45-year old single man playing a Galka, the boastful party member who catalogues his sexual conquests and seems to expect you to believe him, the kindhearted Tarutaru, the male/female couple who regularly gets into arguments and has extended I love you no I love you sessions over the linkshell channel, the cowardly Japanese player who drops out of the party and flees when a fight goes awry, the one actual female who plays online games to inflate her self-esteem, the strange Tarutaru with the jack o' lantern hat who's logged in and sitting in the exact same spot in Southern San d'Oria 24/7, and the one genuinely interesting and chilled-out stranger you duo with once and then never see again.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


I sort of breezed through his ffxi entry, and I have to say, I'm surprised by how much he came to understand of the game, though I imagine that some of it was assisted by other actual hardcore players. I'm a little disappointed that he never got to enjoy the sprawling and interweaving story that Vanadiel tells, but he stopped at 25, so I'm not surprised. The game's tough, and I don't blame him for quitting :/

Not to mention, he started as a San d'Orian. That country has the shittiest rank-missions ever in terms of story and development. Bastok ftw :p


About FFXI community:

the strange Tarutaru with the jack o' lantern hat who's logged in and sitting in the exact same spot in Southern San d'Oria 24/7

:lol I thought that was strange too. Was this person in every server?
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