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Pillars of Eternity Beta - Torment: Tides of the Beetles

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Hi gnoemli.

I just added the descriptions for the spiritshift forms this morning. You should see them in the next Backer Beta update.

We talked about doing Spell Sequencer type spells but it would have been too time-consuming for the initial release. I wouldn't rule it out for the expansion, though. We did set our personal buffs to be "Zero Recovery" and most of them to Instant cast, so you should be able to fire off several very quickly.

Although I do not believe it is currently in the Backer Beta, last week I increased global recovery times by 20% and added a recovery delay to all creature armor so they operate more at the pace of party members. Many creatures were also significantly reduced in overall speed. Most notably, spiders, beetles, and various spirits (shadows, shades, etc.) but other creatures as well.

I don't think there are many players in this thread who are new to this style of game, but there are many such players on our team. We did our play week last week and the new players picked up the mechanics pretty quickly. We definitely can do a better job of communicating what's happening through visual and audio language (and tutorializing mechanics overall), but the slower combat pace and Glossary helped a lot.

Casting times have been adjusted downward for all standard casts (from 3 seconds to 2 seconds). You should see this in the next Backer Beta update (I don't think it's in the version you have). I do think that the traditional caster classes (wizard, priest, druid) do need more casts per rest. I also certainly agree that we need to find a better balance between the number of per rest uses and the power of individual spells. Most spells take longer to cast and recover from than weapon-based attacks, and they're linked to a per rest resources, so they should have some kick to them.

A big issue we found in our play week is that wizards do not find enough grimoires with additional spells. This is supposed to be a big part of playing a wizard, so we're trying to address it now.

I do not think we need to move to a point based system for wizards and I don't think that wizards need to be able to do everything. What they do does need to be expansive IMO, with many potential good spells to choose from, and those spells should feel appropriately powerful for the limited per rest use the wizards get out of them (and the time they take to cast).

Hi, kloperius. We did early experiments with trees and grass and they were... okay. We believe it does really help areas feel more alive, we weren't happy with how they looked given the amount of time we put into them. It's something we would like to revisit for future projects, but we didn't have time to keep experimenting once we entered full area production.

There's a lot of stuff to go through in your post, but I did want to make a few comments:

* One of the problems with higher difficulty = more XP (and inversely, lower difficulty = less XP) is that the altered progression winds up shifting the actual difficulty. If harder difficulty gives more XP, you'll level faster, making things easier (even relative to the increased difficulty). If lower difficulty gives less XP, you'll level more slowly, making things more difficult. In a game like Diablo III, there's a large amount of relative scaling going on as you progress. We try to avoid doing any sort of dynamic scaling in PoE for a variety of reasons.

* We do currently give you a small amount of bonus XP for having parties under 6 characters. It's not enormous, but if you play solo or with a small party, you will level a bit faster (not as fast as in BG/IWD).

* As of the last Backer Beta update (I think?), the party gets small amounts of XP for entering a new area, for finding marked locations in an area, for disarming traps/picking locks, and for unlocking bestiary information (effectively a capped pool of combat XP for groups of monsters).

In the later IE games, the majority of XP the party received was through quests. We're still adjusting the relative values of quest vs. "everything else" XP, but we do still want it to feel like quests make up the majority of the XP, with smaller rewards for everything else.

Upcoming Beta update might be released this week.


Upcoming Beta update may be coming this week?
Upcoming Beta update may be coming this week.

QA ran through the build this morning. It was pretty good, but there was an odd problem with quitting out to the main screen. I asked programming to fix it and we just finished rebuilding. QA is going to do another few runs. If everything checks out I will toss up a new build before I head out for the night.

As for Linux and Mac... unfortunately no update. We have diverted almost all of our programming resources back to cleaning up the base game that is used on all platforms. The Linux problem is a bug with Unity that likely won't be fixed for a while, so we are going to have to rework how resources are handled on Linux. It is not a trivial task and will take a good amount of programming time to complete. For Mac, we are still investigating the problems we are seeing, but like I mentioned before the base game is a higher priority right now. I will let everyone know when that changes.

Maybe even today. Haven't played the Beta in a while. Might check out changes that have been made to combat and such.


aw yeah, sounds nice. I haven't even finished the beta but I still like to play once in a while... before it either crashes on me or glitches force me out, heh.


I had similar issue with the initial build of the beta. Good to hear that updates are coming out, but I probably will just wait for the full release. Too many games out there and not enough time.



Space Piglet: Traverse the enchanting plains of Eora with a glow in the dark companion.

Pledge of Gaun Ring: This item gives the ability to shield yourself from the perils that roam the world of Eora. A mystical ring with interlocking sickles that brings life where death looms. Gaun's favored implement, symbolic of the cycle of the harvest he oversees. Like its namesake, it is known to provide powerful support to those in need of defense.

Saw this on RPGCodex.


I remember reading a fair amount of lukewarm feedback about the combat when the first beta was released.
I'm impatient to learn if/how they are improving it.


I remember reading a fair amount of lukewarm feedback about the combat when the first beta was released.
I'm impatient to learn if/how they are improving it.

They are moving in the right direction, but it's still a bit hard to judge until most bugs are fixed and as the devs have said, until it is more balanced. Balance is basically changed with every update.

Combat isn't amazing, but it is improved from the initial release.


Beta update is actually live now. For real. Ignore the "- Thread Link" in the quote.

A new Windows Backer Beta update has been distributed through Steam. We have made a lot of fixes and some changes since the last update. In addition to general fixes, the team has been hard at work making some changes based on a play week that we did a couple of weeks back. You may even see a few new Abilities for classes based on the team's feedback.

You will also notice that many of the icons are now in place and we have even started to get some VO in place.

We have not been able to get an updated Mac build, but we are hoping to put one out sometime in the next couple of weeks. One good bit of news for Mac users, though, is that the build should be able to run directly from Steam now.

Here are some of the issues that have been fixed and some that are still on the list for fixes.


Fog of War does now persists on Save/Load and transitions. - Thread Link
BB Fighter will no longer become invisible after Save/Load. - Thread Link
Uninstalling the game should now remove all files that the game created. - Thread Link
Area Design
Hendyna no longer wanders off to the forest at times. - Thread Link
Medreth's Boar Companion no longer follows the party from scene to scene, causing combat issues. - Thread Link
Hazard spells (Slicken, Web, Chill Fog, etc...) are no longer attaching themselves to affected targets. - Thread Link
Creatures should now properly play death animations and drop loot. - Thread Link
Fighter Passive Armored Grace has had its description updated to reflect its recovery modification. - Thread Link
Paladin Auras, Zealous Focus, Zealous Charge, and Zealous Endurance no longer deactivate immediately when clicked. - Thread Link
Fan of Flames level 1 Wizard spell, no longer plays a VFX with improper textures. - Thread Link
Charmed/Dominated creatures no longer attack themselves. - Thread Link
Crystal Eater Spiders, Crystal Eater Spiderlings, and Widowmaker Spiders are no longer bypassing 10 DT.
Missed attacks in combat are still causing hit reactions and hit SFX. - Thread Link
Hendyna's home has a visual shaking effect when entered and zoomed in. - Thread Link
Morning Stars (of the non-Fine Quality) are transparent in game and character creation. - Thread Link
User Interface
Targeting reticles persist after death if the creature is killed while moused over. - Thread Link
Winfrith and Tenfrith's shops do not have name and values listed for items in the shop UI. - Thread Link
Savage Endurance tooltip is showing too many decimals. - Thread Link
Character Creation buttons can have a significant delay when clicked.
Opening and closing the Area Map shifts 2D UI elements (Including character circles). - Thread Link
Temp Status icons are sometimes appearing during combat (White Squares with Green Circles).

Known Issues

Save/Load causes the inventory paperdoll not to show weapons and shields until another character is selected. - Thread Link
Save/Load causes character shadows to disappear on the East and West sides of Dyrford Village. - Thread Link
Saving a paused game, closing and reopening the client, then loading that game via the Continue causes the game to load in paused. - Thread Link
Memory usage increases after loading the game (closing the client and opening it resets this). - Thread Link
Memory usage increases after transitions (closing the client and opening it resets this). - Thread Link
Enchanted mods disappear after loading the game.
Memory usage increases by 300-800MB after 1-2 Save/Loads or Transitions, this does not appear to worsen further.
Save files can become unreadable if PC loses power supply while the game is running.
Area Design
The Water Wheel in Dyrford Village seems to be rotating in the wrong direction. - Thread Link
The Temple Skaen entrance is visible on the area map without first moving the statue. - Thread Link
Boar companion is left behind when Medreth leaves. - Thread Link
Dengler's Store cannot be accessed after returning to the Dracogen Inn.
Trap Triggered and other similar bark texts persist for too long. - Thread Link
Miss/Graze/Hit/Crit Ranges are off by 1 value. - Thread Link
The Goldpact Paladin talent Enduring Flames is causing Flames of Devotion to apply a permanent DoT effect. - Thread Link
Best of Weapons are not showing the proper damage type in the combat log. - Thread Link
Talents Resilient Companion, Faithful Companion, and Painful Interdiction are not working properly.
Some new class abilities have been added for the druid, fighter, paladin, and wizard. These abilities have missing strings and temp icons.
If the Ranger or their Companion are knocked out near an enemy while the other is far away, they will repeatedly fall unconscious.
If you hire an adventurer when you have a full party, the adventurer will be made with no items.
On death load doesn't function if a entire party is knocked out while one party member is dominated.
Changing difficulty level in-game doesn't scale the number of opponents correctly.
The Health bar indicators feel somewhat unpolished and appear to overlap the portrait. - Thread Link
Cape/Cloak items do not align with character's shoulders and clip through character models. - Thread Link
The Sabre will sometimes strike for 0.0 damage negating the attack entirely. - Thread Link
User Interface
Assigned Action Bar Hotkeys are duplicating ability UI and not unassigning previously assigned keys. - Thread Link
UI screen borders are shifted offscreen in higher resolutions causing quest updates etc to become clipped. - Thread Link
The level up button in the character sheet appears available even if you cannot level up. - Thread Link
"Best of" weapons do not display their change in damage type in the combat log when the alternate type is used. - Thread Link
Paladin's description is missing the word "Health" after the health multiplier. - Thread Link
Accuracy shown in the Inventory and Character sheet do not reflect the bonus for single 1 Handed weapons and Enchant/Mod accuracy effects.
Character Creation attribute allocation arrows continue to make SFX sounds if clicked after they have disappeared. - Thread Link
White damage values in the combat log only display whole numbers and not decimal values (Makes DoT effects misleading).
Time stamp font is small in when viewing saved games. - Thread Link
Traps and Hidden Secrets change the mouse cursor when hovered over (before they are discovered). - Thread Link
Saved games are not ordering properly and are sometimes resetting their play time.
Stash access in the Shop UI needs to be switched to page format.
Item tooltips often appear behind the inventory and loot UI.
Combat Music is no longer playing.


bumping this thread FOR GREAT JUSTICE. As Labadal said, patch is now LIVE so we now have the Backer Beta v. 364.

Just in case you missed it earlier and haven't checked.


By the way, I completely forgot that we will get an actual Kickstarter update today.

Edit - Here it is:
Update by Josh Sawyer, Project Director

Hello, all. The Pillars of Eternity team has been putting a lot of time into playing and fixing the game. In addition to the feedback that beta testers have given on our boards, we also conducted an internal play week so the developers could get a good feeling for how the game felt from start to finish (or at least as far as they could get).

We learned a lot from the play week. Most notably:

  • Pillars of Eternity is a big game. Only two of our developers managed to finish. One was a designer who developed a lot of the crit path and sprinted straight for the end. The other found an early ending and decided to wrap his story up there. About half of the developers had not yet made it to Defiance Bay (the first big city).
  • Most of the devs had a lot of fun playing the game. The players ranged from hardened IE veterans to fresh newcomers. There was enough challenge for the old guard but none of the new players were so overwhelmed that they couldn't learn as they went along.
  • Even so, tutorial tips and the Glossary can go a long way. While some of the players picked things up quickly, most found the learning curve to be difficult. We're addressing the major points with tutorial messages, clearer and more descriptive Glossary entries, and refinements to the UI.
  • Despite our bug fixes to animation and Recovery times, combat was still too fast. We increased the Recovery of most creatures and tuned the global Recovery factor to slow down combat overall. Movement speed was also tuned down for a large number of creatures (specifically, spiders, beetles, many spirits, and other creatures).
  • Melee Engagement needs to be communicated more clearly. The arrows we currently use are really a secondary piece of information, who is Engaging whom. We will be modifying the selection circle itself when someone is Engaged to make the state very obvious at a glance. Additionally, we still need a visual effect to indicate when a Disengagement Attack is occurring.
  • We also found that the standard casting and Recovery times were too long. People felt that they could not respond to threats quickly enough. The standard casting time was adjusted down to make casting feel less sluggish.
  • Hiring adventurers, buying items, crafting, and enchanting were all much too expensive. These have all been made more affordable, especially crafting and enchanting.
  • All classes need a per encounter ability to use at 1st level. Early in the game, it's easy to run completely out of per rest abilities and you may have few or no companions. Per encounter abilities ensure that every class has something to do other than auto-attack at low levels.

In addition to all of this testing and bugfixing, we've also been recording and integrating all of our voice overs for dialogue and character voice sets. The recording process is complete and we're now hooking them all up into the game. The audio folks have also been hard at work creating more varied combat sounds to better communicate what's going on in battle. Here's a sample of some of our companion VO:

Performance optimizations are ongoing, but we've already made great progress in the past few weeks. Adam and Roby were able to reduce memory overhead and loads times by a huge margin. Many of these optimizations were achieved by how data is packaged in our builds and loaded in when the game loads. Today, backers who are in the Backer Beta will notice that we have a Mac build available for download and testing. We are continuing work on the Linux build, but are still trying to resolve some resource management issues.

There are a lot of items in Pillars of Eternity and the artists have been working their way through the list. Here is a sampling of the new icons that have been going in for various treasure and quest items:


We also have some new portraits for Ocean Folk and Pale Elf characters. More are still coming!


That's all for this week. Let us know your thoughts on our forums. As always, thank you for your continued support.


Pillars of Eternity is a big game. Only two of our developers managed to finish. One was a designer who developed a lot of the crit path and sprinted straight for the end. The other found an early ending and decided to wrap his story up there. About half of the developers had not yet made it to Defiance Bay (the first big city).

that has me drooling, to be honest.

All classes need a per encounter ability to use at 1st level. Early in the game, it's easy to run completely out of per rest abilities and you may have few or no companions. Per encounter abilities ensure that every class has something to do other than auto-attack at low levels.

great! Having only per-rest abilities at low levels sounds potentially bad (outside, no camping supplies and used all per rest abilites? Oops!) so this one makes sense to me.

Performance optimizations are ongoing, but we've already made great progress in the past few weeks. Adam and Roby were able to reduce memory overhead and loads times by a huge margin

VERY nice. I'd like to get more performance optimizations in the BB (it already runs better than the first version anyway) but as long as they keep the final product well optimized, I'll be happy. After all a beta's just a beta.

Items and portraits look great, I'm not THAT big of a fan of the extreme airbrush style of the old IE portraits so I've never understood the complaints with the newer ones. Good VO samples too.


Neo Member
They haven't done any CPU Optimizations yet. Wasteland 2 got one right near the end and my FPS went from 20-30 to 100+

Hopefully the FPS jump for PE will be even better.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
This game is fucking rad.



I am actually glad they take their time. It needs to become the great game I want it to be.
Dragon Age: Inquisition really let me down with its horrible controls and meaningless quests (although I am only 12 hours in, so apparently haven't really seen anything), so I am still in desperate need of a good CRPG.


I am actually glad they take their time. It needs to become the great game I want it to be.
Dragon Age: Inquisition really let me down with its horrible controls and meaningless quests (although I am only 12 hours in, so apparently haven't really seen anything), so I am still in desperate need of a good CRPG.

I'm 65 hours into DA:I, and although the main quests are OK, the side quests are just becoming a chore now.
Can't wait for this though, looks really great from what I've seen so far.


I haven't posted much of what the devs had said recently but I think I will start doing that again, even if it might lead to some double posting at times.

Here's one example:
enverxis asked: What's the scoop on the DR and DT changes in tomorrow's patch ?

The stat currently called DR (percentage damage reduction) is being removed. Even though DR helped ameliorate big hits (which is why it was a part of the Fallout games along with DT), it was confusing for a lot of people, especially across six party members.

Damage Threshold itself is actually being renamed Damage Reduction (DR). Tim and I used Damage Threshold because Fallout’s DT does most of what PoE’s DT does. Many of PoE’s designers are also F:NV designers so they were familiar with DT and no one really questioned it.

We were surprised to find that a lot of people didn’t know what Damage Threshold was, didn’t recognize the abbreviation “DT”, and did not quickly determine that it was subtracted from incoming damage. People seem to intuit DR/Damage Reduction more easily, so we just changed the strings over.

With these changes, the overall damage of weapons and many spells has also been reduced.

Tangentially related, but we’ve made a lot of changes to the character sheet and the creature tooltips that make them much easier to read. The combat log is also in the process of being updated. A few changes should be in the update tomorrow, but there are many more coming.


Nice. Very happy they're paying so much attention to system readability. One of the problems I had with Wasteland 2 was that they didn't make their system enough, so I only really understood what I'm doing at level ups halfway through the game.




Hello, all. Build 392 is now live for the Backer Beta. Currently, we only have the Windows build up on Steam, but we are looking into the Mac build. If we place it up I will update this post.

Important Changes
-You will notice quite a few combat balance changes in this build. Be on the lookout and let us know what you think.
-You will notice many UI polish changes. Some screens may even be entirely new (loot screen, I'm looking at you).
-Most of the icons are now in the game. There are still a few that are missing, but those should be few and far between.
-Some final VO is in the game. You will also notice sound sets are in and hooked up.
-Skill system has changed back to a point-buy system.
-Talents are now organized during level up.
Important Known Issues
-It can be difficult to loot bodies sometimes. It can help to try to loot the bodies toward their feet. One workaround is to do a save/load. The body will turn into a loot bag and you will be able to loot it properly.
-Saving with a modal active will cause the modal to appear to be non-functioning. If you deactivate and reactivate the modal a couple of times it will start working again.
-Pressing the "Take All" button in the Loot UI, if a lootable body is underneath the "Take All" button, will cause the cursor to get stuck. This can prevent you from opening doors or interacting with objects. To clear this you can do a few things: mouse over a loot container, loot anything, transition, or save/load.
-The "proof" mods (e.g. Pierce-proof) are not stacking correctly and will have problems after a save/load. Best to avoid those mods for the time being.
Fixed Issues
-If an issue has "Needs Verification" after it. It means a fix has been checked in, but QA hasn't checked it yet. These issues are likely fixed, but a few may fail the verification process.

-After loading a game all party members revert to their first weapon set
-Save/Load before transitioning to Dyrford Village causes 0 seconds travel time and a black screen
-Save/Load causes the inventory paperdoll not to show weapons and shields until another character is selected
-Enchanted Mods disappear after loading the game
Area Design
-Korgrak's attacks are not causing recovery
-Force Attacking Medreth, just after attaining the quest, A Cat and Mouse, causes you to be unable to complete the quest
-Can't pick the Pilgrim's Crown plant in the southern central area of Dyrford Village
-The Temple Skaen entrance is visible on the area map without first moving the statue
-Boar companion is left behind when Medreth leaves
-Dengler's Store cannot be accessed after returning to the Dracogen Inn
-AI does not consider Range bonus from Perception when moving into range to cast a spell
-Dexterity is currently not properly affecting action speed (animation times and recovery times)
-Exiting Scouting Mode causes a loss of FPS that persists until Load or Transitions
-Hired adventurers spawn inside the player character
-Chanters cannot use the Cautious Attack modal while chanting
-Chanter's talent Ancient Memory causes the party to twitch consistently
-Trap Triggered and other similar bark texts persist for too long
-The Goldpact Paladin talent Enduring Flames is causing Flames of Devotion to apply a permanent DoT effect
-Best of Weapons are not showing the proper damage type in the combat log
-Talents Resilient Companion, Faithful Companion, and Painful Interdiction are not working properly
-Some new class abilities have been added for the druid, fighter, paladin, and wizard.
-These abilities have missing strings and temp icons - There were a large number of these, they should all be fixed
-On death load doesn't function if an entire party is knocked out while one party member is dominated
-Scouting Mode causes targeting recticles to appear at character's feet when activated/deactivated
-VFX art shown during Scouting Mode does not align well with selection circles
-Male Moon Godlike head 4 is missing a model
-The Cladhaliath Spear is not visible in game, only in the paperdoll
-The Health bar indicators feel somewhat unpolished and appear to overlap the portrait
-The Sabre will sometimes strike for 0.0 damage negating the attack entirely
User Interface
-Combat HUD and "Injured, Near Death" indicators do not correctly match character Endurance values
-HUD effects and glowing elements (such as Level up and glowing active ability) show when inventory etc are open
-"Best of" weapons do not display their change in damage type in the combat log when the alternate type is used
-Accuracy shown in the Inventory and Character sheet do not reflect the bonus for single 1 Handed weapons and Enchant/Mod accuracy effects
-Character Creation attribute allocation arrows continue to make SFX sounds if clicked after they have disappeared
-Item tooltips often appear behind the inventory and loot UI
-Dyrford Ruins hallway plays the SFX of footsteps splashing through puddles, even though there is no water
-Combat Music is no longer playing


-Launching the client through steam while running OSX Yosemite causes the client to crash (workaround in thread) - Thread Link - Needs Verification

Known Issues
These issues have been reported by the community, but have not been addressed in the current build.

-Save/Load causes character shadows to disappear on the East and West sides of Dyrford Village
-Saving a paused game, closing and reopening the client, then loading that game via the Continue causes the game to load in paused
-Save Files can become unreadable if PC loses power supply while the game is running
Area Design
-Critters in the wilderness do not always react to the party
-Some spells and abilities (Jolting Touch, Knockdown, etc...) always display a movement spell icon
-Mods affecting attacks are applied multiple times if a character is knocked prone/petrified etc... before the hit frame of an attack
-Dexterity is currently not properly affecting action speed (animation times and recovery times)
-Wizards in character creation are not holding Grimoires
-The Bloody Slaughter talent has a blank description
-Medreth's Boar Companion is following the party from scene to scene and causing combat issues
-Miss/Graze/Hit/Crit Ranges are off by 1 value
-Talents Resilient Companion, Faithful Companion, and Painful Interdiction are not working properly
-If the Ranger or their Companion are knocked out near an enemy while the other is far away, they will repeatedly fall unconscious
-If you hire an Adventurer when you have a full party, the Adventurer will be made with no items
-Changing difficulty level in-game doesn't scale the number of opponents correctly
-Models for Doors, Weapons, Shields, etc... change texture quality/mip at improper zoom ranges
-Items held by NPCs can be seen through the Fog of War
-The Wizard's Grimoire is held in the offhand even when a weapon or shield are equip in that hand
-Cape/Cloak items do not align with character's shoulders and clip through character models
User Interface
-Descriptions for spells and abilities presented in character creation and level up screens cannot be scrolled
-When wielding a single weapon in your offhand and nothing in the main hand the UI indicates that you are dual wielding
-The Area Map in Stormwall Gorge often displays lines through the Fog of War on the outer edges of the map
-Feedback is not clear that clicking portraits in shop allows you to compare examined items
-Combat HUD occasionally displays a "stuck pip" on the right side of the HUD even though the character is injured
-Spell and ability tooltips in character creation display "Right-Click for details" when this function has no effect
-UI elements and selection circles can be partially or completely obscured by spell VFX and distortion effects
-Culture bonuses are always factored in character creation, even when the user hasn't reached that step in the process yet
-Double-Clicking on a character while the game is paused, causes the party's shadows to jitter slightly
-Resizing the Combat Log after hiding/expanding the Central HUD allows you to overlap UI elements
-Assigned Action Bar Hotkeys are duplicating ability UI and not unassigning previously assigned keys
-UI screen borders are shifted offscreen in higher resolutions causing quest updates etc to become clipped
-The level up button in the character sheet appears available even if you cannot level up
-Paladin's description is missing the word "Health" after the health multiplier
-White damage values in the combat log only display whole numbers and not decimal values (Makes DoT effects misleading)
-Time stamp font is small in when viewing saved games
-Traps and Hidden Secrets change the mouse cursor when hovered over (before they are discovered)
-Saved games are not ordering properly and are sometimes resetting their play time
-Stash access in the Shop UI needs to be switched to page format


1.3 GB update. Supposedly the last one we'll get.

EDIT: Changelog

Here's the changelog:
Hey, everyone. A new backer beta build is live on all three platforms.

Our major focus over the past few weeks was reducing in-game memory usage and other optimizations. We are still optimizing, but things are coming along nicely.

You will also notice that Josh has been doing lots of balancing throughout various systems in the game. For example, traps should be extremely deadly now. If you weren't on the lookout before, you should be.

Hope you enjoy the fixes.


Fixed Issues:
  • Players can no longer move around with 0 health.
  • Capes no longer clip with armor on the character's model.
  • Hired adventurers no longer spawn inside of one of your characters.
  • Mods and Enchants that affect accuracy are now showing in the character sheet and inventory calculations.
  • The stash interface in shop UI was converted to the same page system that the stash uses otherwise.
  • Transition icons that are hidden to the user no longer become visible and usable after save/load.
  • If you convince Medreth and his party to leave the Boar Companion will now follow.
  • The displayed Accuracy value should now properly reflect the bonus granted by wielding a 1-handed weapon with no offhand equipment.
  • Offhand weapon accuracy no longer overwrites base accuracy.
  • The Bronze Beneath the Lake - Cladhaliath spear is no longer invisible in-game.
  • Boar Companion from Medreth's party no longer appears on every map if you save/load in Dyrford Village.
  • Mods for an attack are no longer duplicated if a character is stopped from completing an attack action.
  • Combat Music is now playing properly.
  • Memory usage no longer increases by 300-800MB after 1-2 save/loads or transitions.
  • Save files no longer become unreadable if PC loses power supply while the game is running.
  • Item tooltips often appear in front of the inventory and loot UI.
  • Distortion type FX no longer make UI elements disappear.
  • Spells and abilities are now changing the cursor state after use or when the user attempts to cancel the action.
  • Any Mods on acquired items now properly function after save/load
  • Missing male Godlike heads have returned.
  • Dexterity affects action speed now.
  • Visual elements and animated VFX on the action bar and character portraits are now properly hidden when Inventory/Character sheet are opened.
  • Art for scouting mode now aligns with selection circles.
  • Now able to open trapped containers after discovering the trap.
  • Difficulty changes take effect immediately now.
  • On death load now functions if an entire party is knocked out while one party member is dominated.
  • Best of weapons are now correctly displaying the damage type that they are using in the combat log.
  • "Trap Triggered!" barks no longer last a long time.
  • Crash when running public backer beta on Mac OSX Yosemite has been fixed.
  • Knock Down no longer becomes stuck in the "already activated" state if the target is gibbed before Knock Down resolves.
  • Abilities with very long descriptions are easier to read in character creation and level up.
  • AI will no longer move into standard range if they are commanded to cast at a distant target despite Perception range bonus.
  • Now able to equip shields in your right hand.
  • Paladin's description is no longer missing the word "Health" after x5.
  • The client no longer loads in paused if you save a paused game, close the client, and loading that game via the front end continue button.
  • Wizard's grimoire no longer appears in character's offhand while some types of weapons are equipped. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
  • Time stamp text size on saved games is now larger. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
  • Items held by NPCs in fog can now be perceived correctly. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
  • Abilities shown in character creation, below the Class banner, no longer display "Right-Click for details" in their tooltip descriptions. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
  • Double clicking sound effect is no longer present when users press buttons in game menus. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
  • If the Ranger or their Companion are knocked out near an enemy while the other is far away, they will no longer repeatedly fall unconscious. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
  • If you hire an adventurer when you have a full party, the adventurer will no longer be made with no items. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
  • Mip settings have been adjusted to complement our default zoom ranges. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
  • Knock Down now has the same range as standard melee. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
  • The "Next Tab" keybinding is no longer hard coded to the Tab key. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
  • If Knock Down was used to start a fight with a friendly target, they were not knocked prone. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
  • Hiring a 7th Party member and removing a BB Companion caused transitions to break progression. This should no longer be the case. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
  • Ranges for Miss/Graze/Hit/Crit were off by one number. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
Known Issues:
  • Save/Load Menu should be organized by date created, not alphabetical.
  • The Bloody Slaughter talent does not have a description in the Level Up screen.
  • Brilliant Radiance is causing too much damage.
  • Culture Bonuses applied before selection.
  • Character shadows on the East and West sides of Dyrford Village disappear after Save/Load.
  • Hovering over hidden objects (either hidden containers or traps) causes the default cursor to appear.
  • Container UI placement/panning limits allow the interface to appear offscreen in higher resolutions.
  • Passive (White) text in the Combat Log is showing decimal numbers as zero.
  • Stormwall Gorge displays lines on the left and right side of the Area Map that show through the Fog of War.
  • Wizards are not holding their grimoire in character creation.
  • Abilities on the action bar are being duplicated when a hotkey is applied to them.
  • Animals and Critters (such as Deer) should run away from the party.
  • Unable to inspect spells that are greyed out in a Grimoire.
  • When characters are given a movement command they all begin running in unison, perfectly synced.
  • Abilities granted by items are added to character's quick bar permanently after save/load cycle.


Sending some good vibes and excitement Obsidian's way.

They're the torch bearers of IE games, got 4 mil promising a really legitimate adventure. They need to consolidate old IE gamers, new gamers, CRPG gamers. And the critical acclaim is pretty necessary.

Push hard Obsidian.


played v435 for a little while. Dem stability updates are noticeable! Game runs much better than previous versions on my machine, less intensive and much faster. UI improvements are also noticeable.

Oh, and somehow a couple of bears (!!!) managed to kill the ogre in the cave. First time it happened to me, lol.


Neo Member
No, sorry.

Their sound options are very poor at this stage, and they said they don't have time to improve it before release.


It would have been nice, but I don't think it will be a huge deal in an isometric game.

Hopefully we'll see it in an update after release.

I haven't touched the beta since the first update to it. I think it's time to go back!



There are two things we feel we could do that would help mitigate these concerns:
1. We ship everything out except the game disc, which we then ship to you after finalizing the 1.0 version. Wait a minute, Darren. That sounds crazy. You’re going to ship me a game with NO DISC inside at first?!
Here’s why we think that’s good: Anyone who pledged to a physical reward tier will get a digital copy. You’ll be able to get a Steam or GOG.com key on our site and play the game at the same time as everyone else. You’d be able to take out your Collector’s Guidebook, your cloth map, your mousepad and enjoy all of it at the same you’re playing Pillars of Eternity.
2. Alternatively, we delay shipping everything out to you once we have the final 1.0 version ready. For some parts of the world, this could mean a delay of some real significance. Not just a week or two, but multiple weeks after it’s released.

That is going to suck for people who don't have a Steam/GoG account (although I wonder how you could avoid that if you're a PC gamer) or people with datacaps. I chose to get the items the day of and the disc at a later date. I was going to have it digitally downloaded anyway because it is easier for me to track what games I have installed if it is under a client.


No bald cap? Lies!
So close now. I need this in my life. Almanac looks dope as shit too. Love the written in comments and notes..


so glad to hear that you don't need the actual physical discs, that worried me the most.

something else though, in the beta no one reacted to you killing random people in the street. did they ever adressed that or will that be different in the release?


The Almanac looks great. I love in-game written items. The notes are a nice touch too, especially if it sheds some light on the commentator(s), apparently members of the Hand Occult.
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