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Of all the current-gen consoles you own, which one do you play the least?


360 gets the least by far, I have at least 5 games now that I have bought and haven't even put into the system yet. My Playstation 3's get the most play time by far, I'm addicted to the PSN games, I think I'm up to 42 games now. Plus I have been playing the crap out of Street Fighter 4. The Wii I'm required to play at least every once in a while due to the step kids that love the damn thing.


My DS gets the least playtime, though I am trying to finally finish that hourglass zelda game. I use my PSP as an MP3 player/RSS feed podcast streamer, or to run PS1 games I've downloaded from PSN.


I bought a PS3 at launch and have not bought a game for it other than Everyday Shooter. Every multi-platform game I'd rather play on 360 and all the exclusives are boring. I sold my Wii a year after buying it because waggle + shit graphics = no play. I have played over 1200 hours of Halo 3 alone on my 360.



I've become addicted to my PS3. I just like the interface and the free online. I do play most multiplatform games on my 360 though, I just haven't played any multiplatform games in a while.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
360 the least by far, mainly because of the noise, it annoys me to the extent that I will purchase all my multi-plats for my PS3 even though I know many of them are inferior in some way, tbh if it wasn't for Halo I don't think I would even bother owning a 360 but I'm a sucker for the franchise, the funny thing is I originally brought the 360 on day one so I could play Halo CE on my LCD screen in progressive scan.


For me its

By a lot. The last time i turned the Wii on was when Super smash bros. came out. and have been playing nothing but KZ2 since it came out.
It always changes depending on the turn of the tide. Though if it counts I didn't play my PSP for so long that it bricked on me.:lol

steveovig said:
I can't understand the hate for the Wii, at all.

It's not hate more like the ridiculously weak 2008 line-up. Though that has changed for this year.


Wii; only play it when SEGA sends something to review, or a Nintendo game comes out. Really should get back into No More Heroes though.
PS3, easily. Outside of MGS4 back in May last year and a short stint with Little Big Planet I've hardly touched the thing.

Wii gets most of my playtime (VC and Wii Ware chomp away at my time :D)

Oh yeah and the Wii is always the multiplayer system of choice. There's a ridiculously huge amount of great multiplayer games for the system!


The Wii by a mile. I don't even have it hooked up at this point. The console is sitting in my entertainment center without the AV and power cable. I use my PS3 to watch movies, so even though I don't play it nearly as much as the 360, at least I get some use out of it.

For me, it's:

  1. 360
  2. DS/PSP (I take the train to work)
  3. PS3
  4. Wii


Prob the Wii. I only play it to play the multiplayer family games such as wii play, smash and mario kart. Only other time it is used is when my mom does the Wii Fit on it a few times a week.

I play my ps3 the most by far including ps2 games on it.

And if you count DS and PSP they are also played slot more than the wii by my siblings.
360 is my least played console.

My brother bought it about mid-last year, and we didn't do anything with it for a while, so I convinced him to get Gears of War 2 so we could do something with it. Played up til about the second mission (where your defending the big trucks) and lost interest. Funny thing is my friends, who have no current gen consoles, came to try out Gears a few days later stopped playing at that same point. After a little Horde, we shut it off. My 360s been off ever since, Gears still in it.

Most of my friends have PS360 and we usually play on PS3 (free online).

Don't have, and don't want a Wii.
most to least






I own mgs4, lbp, motorstorm 1, pain, mk2, siren, warhawk, flower, I bought killzone 2 but just hated the aiming controls (probably doesn't help I expect pc fps like precesion since i have alot of fps on pc) so I sold if off for a 5 dollar profit.

honestly no game on the system that ive rented or own has made it "worth it", Galaxy is that for my wii, Dead Rising is that for my 360, and...*insert a gajillion old and new pc games here* are that for my pc.

I did buy the ps3 (the metal gear bundle) with my 600 dollah bush stimulus check, so at least I feel like i didnt spend my money on one.

if i had to choose id only have a Wii, (along with a good pc of course :lol ) having a good pc overlaps so much of the 360/ps3 that sometimes they really dont seem worth it (cept dead rising).


Only have 360 and Wii, my PC no longer really counts (SADFACE) and I haven't picked up a PS3 yet. I keep almost picking up a PS3 and then deciding there is something else far better for my dollar at the moment, but maybe one day. Still waiting to see if I can find a full BC PS3 for $299 :lol

So of the systems I own, I play 360 the most by a pretty substantial amount. For example, I have been on my 360 almost once a day for at least 6 months. I have been on my Wii for maybe 2 weeks in the past 6 months, and only recently to try Deadly Creatures (yuck) and House of the Dead:Overkill (fucking awesome). Of course Pikmin Wii Controls, PES 2009 and Mad World are gonna finally distract me a bit from the 360, although Resident Evil 5 will be doing the same.

So by process of elimination, I play Wii the least. Why? Honestly it's not even just that it doesn't currently have so many games to compete with 360 (although it doesn't), it's a matter of convenience. Everything about 360 is just so much more convenient. Its online is incalculably superior, its visual match my HDTV and don't molest my eyes when I turn it on, most of my friends play it, it has a huge HDD to fit my downloadable games and saves.

Compared to the Wii it's a big chore. Always swinging games out having to make room for something else, whether it's save files or virtual console titles. Having to drag out my old SDTV just to be able to stand the way the visuals scale on the television 60% of the time. The endless peripherals and crap that the system is always packing with games that pretty much are always lame. The atrocious online system with its archaic friend codes. Sometimes even when there are games I want to play I just end up not doing it because of the hassle.

I will play it hardcore for MAD WORLD though. And some Pikmin Wii Controls in the mix - really can't wait to see what Pikmin plays like on the console and I hope it gives some insight into where Nintendo is going with the mythical Pikmin 3.

Side Note: If we throw handhelds into the mix... >

1. 360
2. NDS
3. PSP
4. PS2
5. Wii

6. PS3 (Not yet owned)


Out of the 3 my Wii is getting the least amount of playtime. I haven't played it since Brawl came out and that was over a year ago! Maybe when MadWorld comes out I'll have something to play.


I have a Gaming PC, PS3, and 360.

My 360 gets the least amount of playing time. I just watch HD LOST Season 5 episodes on it. I'm hoping to get rid of the thing soon. Now that Capgod announced Dead Rising 2 and Mass Effect 2 aren't exclusives , my 360 is rendered useless.

Play regularly: PS3 and DS
Some: PSP
Infrequently: Xbox 360
Rarely: Wii (bolded because it answers OP)

- DS is my favorite format. Playing games in bed ftw.
- PS3 gets played so often because of two series: MLB The Show and Hot Shots Golf. These two series have accounted for the bulk of my gaming time the past couple of years.
- PSP I haven't played much the past couple of years, but I dusted it off for about 100 hours of HSG Open Tee 2 last year. That and certain genres are just a pain to play on it.
- My most played 360 game is Aegis Wing, followed by Dead or Alive: Xtreme 2. Just hasn't had anything I've had to play as soon as it came out. I'm still glad I own it and see myself playing it a lot more in the future
- My GameCube was basically a PSO and Mario Kart box, and I didn't like Mario Kart Wii that much, so... and I think the HDness of current systems is spoiling me.


360 since I only own one game for it. But in fairness, I would take that one game, which is Tales of Vesperia, over the combined entirety of Wii retail and WiiWare without question. If PSP didn't have Star Ocean 2, you could also toss that system in with Wii retail and WiiWare and I'd still take Vesperia. Favorite game ever!

I need to say this kind of thing while I still can, since Tales of the Disco Swordsman will probably be enough that I'd have to list it as a second exclusion along with SO2, which would defeat the whole point of clarifying how much I love Vesperia. :p

DS has had the most lifetime play from me overall pretty easily, with multiple games that I sunk over eighty hours into each--and very, very few that didn't net a minimum fifteen hours of my time. It's in a little bit of downtime since I finished Retro Game Challenge and Dragon Quest V and am somewhat breaking from Fire Emblem, but it'll take over again no trouble with Pokemon Platinum and Rhythm Heaven on the way. Black Sigil too if that turns out to be good.

But just speaking currently, I would say that I actually play "Wii" most, by which I mean that I play Virtual Console the most. I scarcely even buy disc games anymore (bought exactly three 2008 discs between Wii and 360) simply because every time I remotely consider one I wind up internally weighing against the fact that I could have multiple VC games instead for the same price. Even DS and PSP have to compete against that mindset, but with their cheaper games and their advantage of portability, they have much less of an uphill climb.

Musashi Wins!

I sold my Wii for some good profits. The library is pathetic.

I play PS3 the most lately due to exclusives.

PC some.

360 some.

DS some.
My Wii. I haven't turned it on in a long time. Same with my 360. All I really play is my PS3. I seem to be buying all 3rd party games on PS3 now, and there is nothing coming out for 360. Plus Madworld will be the reason I turn my Wi on.


my 360 is broke so right now thats last (it wasnt an RROD, but i think microsoft is gonna fix it anyway)
but considering i still play my brothers alot

ps3>360>pc (my computer has become outdated, but that shall soon change)>>>wii>ps2(DDR when people are over)


I haven't touched my 360 since Gears 2 SP.


KR3W said:
I have a Gaming PC, PS3, and 360.

My 360 gets the least amount of playing time. I just watch HD LOST Season 5 episodes on it. I'm hoping to get rid of the thing soon. Now that Capgod announced Dead Rising 2 and Mass Effect 2 aren't exclusives , my 360 is rendered useless.

Mass Effect 2 is still exclusives to 360
it is on 360 and PC.
I've got 2 unopened 360 games that I can't be bothered making time for, instead I basically play Fifa09 and Killzone 2 everyday on the PS3 for a total of about 2 hours, and I'm currently going through Rygar Wii about an hour a day.
But the system I play the most is actually the DS with Picross and currently Ninjatown.


swerve said:
Yeah, I need to find a new game forum.
Really. Most of the games I've bought and played in the last 6 months didn't even get official topics. Some got literally no discussion at all, even in a review topic.

It seems that the taste of GAF is almost completely contrary to my own these days. Only a few games I care about get even the slightest bit of respect here. I only come here any more for sales information and stupid things in Off-Topic.


Play the least as in playing games or in "on" time?

Play would be PSP. My DS and PS2 get the lion's share of play time. And I still have a humungous backlog. Not to mention all the great Atlus games coming out for the DS.


I see no need at this point for a PS3 or 360.
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