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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Tenshi no Tamago (Angel’s Egg) is a film directed by Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell, Mobile Police Patlabor) and was released in the year of 1985. This film, although not as renowned as his (Oshii’s) other works, I’d go as far as to say that it’s perhaps the most expressive and visually compelling of his portfolio and has garnered somewhat of a reputation of sorts for its stunning artwork (Yoshitaka Amano), and for containing a story that many may at first glance seem to consider non-existent.

However, what makes a movie like Angel’s Egg a profoundly deep one is in the way in which it is structured, which is to say it’s done so unlike any other. Contrary to popular belief, a story is told within the confinements of this 1 hour 11 minute film, but it is one in which you the viewer will have to form your own meaning as to what it all entails. It’s clear that Oshii directed this as a reflective piece, and in doing such has probably shaped one of his more personal stories. It is a story that is told through its artwork, cinematography and through the many abstract ideas nestled within the films world and the imaginative artwork that lingers within. These ideas are often hard to formalize into words by themselves, but instead have life breathed into them when coupled with physical, tangible objects that are scattered through Angel’s Egg.

Angel’s Egg presents a story through a different structure. The idea that everything should be taken figuratively can often be a toxic one as it often has the viewer looking for hidden meanings under every nook and cranny instead of finding them through the art and discovering their own meaning. This does not imply that there is no meaning in Angel’s Egg, but that the journey is more important than the destination. The feelings you felt through the film hold more weight than something that can be composed into a few paragraphs on a wiki. Instead of searching for the answer to what does it means, what did you feel is the more important question to be asking. How did Angel’s Egg make you feel?

Throughout the film the Girl (who is only known as, Girl) is clutching onto an egg. The second main Character, appropriately known as Boy, proposes the question “What do you think is inside that egg?” The girl, pauses hesitantly as the boy continues to say “You have to break an egg…if you want to know what’s inside.” When watching Angel’s Egg I too felt like that girl, holding onto this delicate movie in my bare hands. If I ‘crack it open’ I may understand more about the film and its intentions but in doing so the film loses its fragility. It becomes tainted, marred and not resembling what I once held dear. I feel that sometimes ignorance is in fact bliss and holding onto those fragile emotions, those fleeting feelings is something I yearn for in a world full of show and tell movies that lay bare and explain everything through mountains of exposition. Rarely do you get to experience something so raw and undiluted.

The visuals are truly breath-taking. Certain moments had me awestruck at just how beautiful they looked. The film makes use of dark colours and works to create a moody atmosphere and the music that accompanies these scenes is simple but works wonderfully. The cinematography and composition of scenes is masterfully done and ends up creating a beautiful world with a sense of claustrophobia surrounding it. The movie demands a viewing for the visuals and audio alone. The best looking Oshii film and one of the best looking films of its kind in general. They knocked it out of the park in the visuals department.

So, just what is the story of Angel’s Egg? What does it all mean? I would consider it not to be pure speculation when stating that it is a story about faith and religion and one that discusses the formalities of it all through a person who has already lost all of his faith. Does that come directly from Oshii himself? A man once religious losing his faith and injecting that into his work isn’t unheard of, as animation is often a form of expression for the director. To allow for those emotions to flow onto paper, and live vicariously through the characters that inhabits the world of Angel’s Egg. Or better yet, Angel’s Egg can be seen as a moment of self-discovery for Oshii, the notion that he was able to articulate just how he felt about faith and religion through this film in a way that allowed him to finally move on and make peace with himself.

The symbolism in this movie runs deep, from the chasing of deities that lack a physical form (the fish) that also happen to be worshiped is an obvious parallel to God himself. Or the image of statue-esque figures tossing their hooks towards the shadows in order to catch something that doesn’t exist and doing so without hesitation. These can be seen as the ones trying to prove that it exists. These same, conceptual shadows being worshiped in a church like structure, with its form etched into stain glass windows heightens this notion and the futility of trying to answer such a question is felt through the fishermen’s actions. But really, as I stated above, trying to dissect Angel’s Egg metaphorically is somewhat of a fool’s errand. Viewers spend so much time and effort trying to assign meanings to things to such a degree that they often forget to hold on to the feelings that the movie manages to conjure up in the heat of the moment.

Like I said earlier, the movie has its prerogative, its motivations and its messages however delving too deeply into that rabbit hole is missing the point. This is a film that requires you to capture those fleeting feelings and hold onto them. It requires you to savor those moments and to grasp tightly onto that fragile and brittle egg, protecting it from the outside world. Narrative can and is told through different methods, and just because Angel’s Egg decides not to follow the standard template for story telling doesn’t mean that a story can’t be formed from your viewing. In the end it really comes down to one question, and instead of trying to figure out just what Angel’s Egg is about, the real question is how did Angel’s Egg make you feel?
“Keep precious things inside of you, or you will lose them.”
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Episode 1

Well since Crunchyroll added it (subbed) might as well watch it. Its not ARC-V or even as good as the manga was at this point for 5D's but it is still entertaining. Yusei Fudo is much better than Yugi Moto though so I will definitely be continuing.

ARC-V has so much excitement and entertainment to the duels so this 5D's feels like its more toned down and...serious?



Masterful episode. This was the climax of Leon's character arc and they delivered hard. Leon has always had a hard life and so never understood the responsibilities and privilege of being a Knight. One big aspect of the show is that of:
Due to his father being a scumbag, and I'm pretty sure the show is aware of this as
German looks to be an upcoming villain
, Leon never really had a full perspective on life and just viewed the world as one of death and fire. So through this arc, Leon has found something worth fighting for, even if it's too late for one person, he realizes that he can protect the dreams of others. It's really a matter of perspective for him and it's what allows him to overcome his internal demons this episode.
In many ways,
Lara's death is worse for Leon as he actually spent time with Lara unlike his mother
and so for Leon, this was the make or break point for him. Does he burn himself alive with revenge again or rise above that? As much as people will talk about the fight sequence, the one where Leon is battling his internal demon is just as good.

His arm is literally on fire.
He's very much a flawed protagonist but his flaws are well communicated to the audience so that we understand why he's a mess. His flaws become a strength from a writing standpoint, to the point where I've seen posters hate Alfonso for being so perfect.
So what makes this episode so fantastic is that we're finally seeing Leon step forward. His duel with Alfonso is very cathartic in that he's making strides towards becoming the hero that he should be. All of his suffering and anguish is still very much there but he's using it to drive him forward to be a better man.


Note the emphasis on his sword being cracked and frayed but when he's regained Garo, his sword is renewed.
The end of the episode has Leon back in black white and he really bears no resemblance to the Leon at the start of the show. It's just been fantastic character development, in that Leon's fall and redemption feel earned.
There was also the conclusion of German's little love tryst and this was also handled really well due to how the characters express their emotions with their body language. There isn't much dialogue in this scene but the characters don't need to.

I should also mention how great the music was this episode. The piece that played through Leon and Alfonso's duel was pretty sweet. It feels like some old school fantasy piece. I also kinda liked the song in the 2nd fight especially the vocal bit.
Also of note is how good the 2nd fight sequence is. Everybody is talking about the duel but the fight with the Horror at the end was also pretty great. I feel like the director actually utilized the CGI to do a lot of fast camerawork that really couldn't be done with traditional animation. Not only that, the CGI armors didn't feel like a complete mess in that it was fairly easy to follow what was going on, unlike some previous episodes, while still moving at a high speed.

I didn't even talk that much about why the animation was so great this episode such as the shift of camera angle to emphasize impact such as
German's kick to Leon's side
, Leon moving his hands on the hilt to switch stances, the rotation of the camera to keep track of who is the active participant, the smears, the facial character animations that denote things such as Alfonso being scared, or just the raw fluidity.
Tokyo Ghoul Root A 6

Drunk Akira is best Akira.

This episode was pretty enjoyable especially on development side of things. We got Amon, Akira, and Seido interaction which was pretty funny, especially when Seido called Houji a bastard. Also Amon is such a gentleman by not taking advantage of Akira and instead did 7000 push-ups.

God did I love this development between Suzuya and Shinohara, it was so good. Plus a flashback of Suzuya's past was given. Yeah he suffered a lot and also got
his balls smashed.
Fuck that's unforgivable.

But man that Kaneki scream, he's going totally insane. I hope they give Kaneki more screentime so we can see his side of things. Also loved Anteiku scenes with Touka, Hinami, Roma, Nishiki, Koma, and Irimi. But man was the Ending Art this episode phenomenal, especially seeing that shoutout to Kaneki's original team from the manga. His team seeing him through the TV was awesome.

So that's where all the budget went, makes sense. I mean that's one high quality looking keyboard I've seen in any anime. 😌
It's a simple story about a few members from an organization of knights fighting against demons. It mainly focuses on the themes of redemption, duty, revenge, family, and all the other good stuff that comprise an entertaining tale.

The series has an overarching dark tone yes, though it in my opinion it also succeeds in delivering a good helping of light-hearted, comedic scenes as well. There's one great episode where the main character's father is for the duration running throughout the city butt naked and it's awesome.

Oh, sounds good


For those getting EXCITED for Garo because of the animation, don't. Out of like 18 episodes, so far, there are probably like 2-3 episodes with what anyone can say is "good animation". Most of it is really cheap and over half the series is outsourced to South Korea. It's a fun show though!

Futurecard Buddyfight Episode 57 EngDub

Long haired shido finally. Ive been waiting so long. Shido is a great duelist and even with the disaster force now hes still great.

Loved this duel this episode. It was one of the most hilarious ones. Genma is perfect for the role, and he made Shido laugh even.


A pic of the second (out of three) KLK UK Blu-ray set
Contains: Eps 10-19
Extras on disc: Web previews, clean opening, clean closings.
Tentative physical contents: 216 page artbook (containing the books from Volumes 2 & 3) and collector's packaging.

SRP: £59.99 for BD | £49.99 for DVD (same as Part 1)
Release date: Tentatively March 2nd, pending approvals which are underway now.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Koufuku Graffiti 5
Flowing noodle time!
i want to try it, but that preparation....
Shiina mom look so young! Glad she mention how ridiculous the eating part.

Log Horizon2 18

Talent. Ah, how i envy those who have it. Being talentless suck :(
Tohya know what Nureha hide behind her smile. I imagine he need to fake a smile all the time toward his soccer friends to hide his jealousy.
Next episode going to be full of action, and i hope Nyanta take the spotlight.

Cinderella Girls 5

Producer should have pay more attention to his idols. Mika need to realize her cat girl gimmick ain't gonna help her debut. She needs more than that.
Anzu is so damn adorable and annoying at the same time. Look at her joining the strikes to get more holiday. I support her!

John Blade

Man...Paranoia Agent is making me to start liking the director Kon, Satoshi quite a bit and I just finish 2 episodes.

Also....that opening theme...I can't say but I am liking it quite a bit too much right now. So...catchy.


Man...Paranoia Agent is making me to start liking the director Kon, Satoshi quite a bit and I just finish 2 episodes.

Also....that opening theme...I can't say but I am liking it quite a bit too much right now. So...catchy.

Watch the movie Millennium Actress. It is his finest work.
Shin Mazinger Z - 23

I don't have much to say about this episode other than I'm very excited for the next one because
Kouji knew the whole thing was a trap and is still ready to go in and start beating the ever loving crap out of Mechanical Beasts and have his final battle with Baron Ashura.



PriPara 32

Amamiya isn't like the boys of Rainbow Live or any past series. He's closer in demeanor to Seiji in HaCha, or more accurately, Jun in Dokki Doki. Slightly dorky, some would say he's like a romantic comedy protagonist, but we're viewing him from the opposite angle. This is the most screentime he's had since the show begun, but this episode was really about how Mirei shines. She's had the biggest gap in her personalities, and now that the whole school knows, they're fine with it. Bursting out with cuteness on stage is who she really is. A break from the Falulu drama for some Valentine's minor drama was appreciated.

I liked the return of her idol lawyer uniform - they already had the character design for it, why not use it? Seeing her unable to give out a ticket - and getting one herself - was a minor shock to the system, there. And all the wordplay going on in the dialogue. I love Japan's sense of puns.

And now for the part where I analyze the PriPara world. Since even Gloria is supporting PriPara now, there must still be a few schools out there that ban PriPara. Does allowing PriPara into the schools mean that those schools have the potential of getting more funding? I can see one advantage - a consistent voting base for inter-school competitions. Students outside Paprika will have to discover Solami Smile and other groups via social media and Meganee's overseeing, but within a school? That guarantees at least a certain amount of votes in the idol competitions.

Then there's Leona. When everyone was talking about who they wanted to give chocolate too, Leona said Meganii, the second god of the idol world. Leona has a crush on a guy, and this isn't criticized - other than the absurdity of Meganii wearing glasses made out of chocolate - and is in fact glossed over. So not only is Leona crossdressing (and everybody knows), he's breaking new ground in terms of shipping, too.

Mirei doesn't return Amamiya's infatuations, which leaves me free to ship her with Shion, as I've been doing. Falulu's journey of self-discovery has less than ten episodes before the heavens open up and the battle of the idol city-state gets Biblical to a degree where becoming a "Godly idol" may be more than figurative. Even kids' shows can have a lot to chew on if you look at them the right way.


So according to a recent magazine thing, the tone of Sound! Euphonium is going to be less "easygoing daily life" and more "passionate sports drama."

This won't affect how I personally view it, because passionate sports dramas can still be moe. Like Bamboo Blade or Taisho Baseball Girls.


So according to a recent magazine thing, the tone of Sound! Euphonium is going to be less "easygoing daily life" and more "passionate sports drama."

This won't affect how I personally view it, because passionate sports dramas can still be moe. Like Bamboo Blade or Taisho Baseball Girls.
been kinda wanting something like this since that ep of chihayafuru with the school band. shame the chuu2 writer and director will fuck it all up


I have not watched Free and have no designs on doing so, but I just want this to recapture the K-ON! magic again. While still doing its own thing. Like how Guardians of the Galaxy was to Star Wars, something like that.
The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls 06


Look guys I know you can't make out any Russian besides "Spasiba" and "Da" but you could at least...try?

Y'know subbers when the show is about the songs I kinda want some subtitles for the performances.

Also Anastasia and Minami's group is called "Love Laika" is that supposed to be some kind of nod towards Love Live?
That's also the name of the cosmonaut dog that died so hey. One of their poses also looked a lot like Josuke's and DIO's, but I'm probably stretching.

I thought Mio was going to be upset at her not doing well or something but she's upset there weren't enough people and she told her friends there would be? Wow that's dumb. At least Producer-san seemed pretty shook up about it, shows he actually wants this to work.

Piano version of the OP as the ED was good tho
It can be a passionate sports drama without being "turgid melodrama" can't it?

Sure, but this is Tatsuya Ishihara and Jukki Hanada we're talking about here. My hope is that Yamada will rein them in, but if the material goes the way of being super-dramatic, that's less likely to happen.


Anime's a medium of heightened emotions in general. Heightened comedy and heightened action usually get positive responses, but what makes heightened drama different, or at least harder to achieve? I know the line between drama and melodrama is different for each person, but not all drama is melodrama, though fandom discourse seems to lean that way at times.


Sure, but this is Tatsuya Ishihara and Jukki Hanada we're talking about here. My hope is that Yamada will rein them in, but if the material goes the way of being super-dramatic, that's less likely to happen.
Just glancing at Hanada's track record doesn't instill confidence. There are some series in there I enjoyed (Princess Jellyfish, Level-E) but they had more of a comedy tilt. Yeah, it might have been better if it were born a slice-of-life, haha.

Anime's a medium of heightened emotions in general. Heightened comedy and heightened action usually get positive responses, but what makes heightened drama different, or at least harder to achieve? I know the line between drama and melodrama is different for each person, but not all drama is melodrama, though fandom discourse seems to lean that way at times.
I think the majority of anime that attempts very serious drama tends to fall on its face. I think its natural for the community to be gun shy about it.
Unlimited fafnir - 06

Dubious animation : check
Painfully average fire effect : check
Weird 3D background ( should i say poor ? ) : check
Horrible pacing : check
Forced drama : check

This show needs more money if they want to animate at least average fights


The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls 6

I liked the Love Laika song but as Metroid said earlier I would love for some subs. Also the unicode subbing for Anya is a bit much after 6 episodes lol.

Mio is upset over something that should be expected...I mean it is their debut after all. The blame is probably going to come down on the producer for being cruel about it though. At least Rin gave off that impression. Really want to see what happens next week.
the eye design is really distinctive and roughly similar to Unbreakable Machine Dolls which made it stand out. I havent watched the show but there only seems to be DVD available.
Do yall think I should wait for a bluray or will it always be just DVD here?


This is like TOLoveRU Darkness levels of lewd. Well ok not quite but its pushing it.

Def blu-ray, Cajun!

Also To-Love-Ru is nice, because of the beautiful and amazing Riko-chan <3


Neo Member
I'm SO happy to see others are watching Garo! I've been following it since it first aired and despite recommending it to others, I have only been able to get only one person into it.

I'm taking a short break from this season to let some episodes build up. Been watching Hunter x Hunter the last few days, and I'm already up to episode 35. ^^;;
Shin Mazinger Z - 24

The only real problem I have with this show (aside from Kouji not knowing about Tsubasa being his mother) is this whole bomb issue with Yasu. I mean, he said in this episode that he was going to use the one in his body this time. So the one from last time wasn't from inside his body? I'm pretty sure I saw the Z scar on his body glow that time!

Or did he have another one all along? I don't know, the show really didn't explain that part that well.

But now that that complaint is out of the way, lets recite the other facts that indicate how much shit is going down right now shall we?

Kouji is currently far away from his friends, outnumbered, and getting pummelled.
The Photon Lab got destroyed.
Kenzo's back again.
And Loru and Lori got killed as well.

All this and Dr. Hell hasn't even brought out his own mecha yet.
Cinderella Girls 06

Nice cameo from the journalist in the previous anime
I don't know how to feel about this.

On one hand, this episode did a lot of good things: showcasing Mio's naive and unrealistic expectations, showing off Love Laika's ability to pull through despite their confidence, hinting at the eventual Uzuki drama arc by having her mess up during performance despite all her practice, and expanding on Producer's terrible people skills and perhaps even hinting at a drama backstory for him too.

But then drama really felt a bit forced to me for some reason. It makes sense after the fact, what with Mio's first live concert being Mika's, which built up her expectations, and her wanting to show off to her friends, but I don't think there was enough buildup to it. Whether it was needed or not is debatable, I suppose.
I'm always overwhelmed with the amount of choices there are for anime (and the amount of content here in the OP). But I know what I have liked in the past and am hoping some helpful gaffers could lead me in the right direction by listing the animes I really like.

In no particular order:
cowboy beebop
samurai champloo
attack on titan
one piece
dbz etc.
accel world
knights of sidonia
psycho pass
fairy tale
devil part timer
gundam (and a bunch of other mech series)

I have a wide palette (I think) for anime.

Any advice would be appreciated (probably checking out fate zero next).

My main source of anime is hulu and netflix, but I'm not above getting something like crunchyroll for more.
I'm always overwhelmed with the amount of choices there are for anime (and the amount of content here in the OP). But I know what I have liked in the past and am hoping some helpful gaffers could lead me in the right direction by listing the animes I really like.

Check out the AOTY thread for what was liked last year first I would recommend.

Sounds like you should check out Hunter x Hunter if you like shonen series like one piece and fairy tail.

Some good shows airing right now -

Yoru no Yatterman
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2nd Season, watch the first one if you want to pick this up)
I'm always overwhelmed with the amount of choices there are for anime (and the amount of content here in the OP). But I know what I have liked in the past and am hoping some helpful gaffers could lead me in the right direction by listing the animes I really like.

In no particular order:
cowboy beebop
samurai champloo
attack on titan
one piece
dbz etc.
accel world
knights of sidonia
psycho pass
fairy tale
devil part timer
gundam (and a bunch of other mech series)

I have a wide palette (I think) for anime.

Any advice would be appreciated (probably checking out fate zero next).

My main source of anime is hulu and netflix, but I'm not above getting something like crunchyroll for more.

I'd recommend Gintama, Hunter x Hunter, Yu Yu Hakusho, and D-Gray Man though all these are long series.
Shin Mazinger Z - 25

Can I just say how awesome it was when that giant freaking fortress rose out of the ground and five hundred robots came out from it and started attacking Bardos Island? Because that was pretty dang awesome.

But now Dr. Hell is finally joining the fray with his own mecha, which means it's super robot final battle time!
I'm always overwhelmed with the amount of choices there are for anime (and the amount of content here in the OP). But I know what I have liked in the past and am hoping some helpful gaffers could lead me in the right direction by listing the animes I really like.

In no particular order:
cowboy beebop
samurai champloo
attack on titan
one piece
dbz etc.
accel world
knights of sidonia
psycho pass
fairy tale
devil part timer
gundam (and a bunch of other mech series)

I have a wide palette (I think) for anime.

Any advice would be appreciated (probably checking out fate zero next).

My main source of anime is hulu and netflix, but I'm not above getting something like crunchyroll for more.

Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere
Shin Mazinger Z - 26 END

So at first I was all:

But then I was all:


Like, I knew the ending to this was gonna be batshit nuts but, holy shit!

How do you go from freaking 100 rapid rocket punches with all that cheerful music to...that?!?

Why oh why is there no sequel to this show? There really should be. Like, I guess I could just say that Mazinkaiser V.S. Great General of Darkness fills the gap somehow, but come on!

It is at this moment where I now stand alongside my fellow mecha fans and join in the chanting of:

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