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This is what I had for dinner today (Post "gross" dishes from your home country!)

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i guess Casu Marzu

Cheese with maggots
i think it's actually illegal to sell it but they still make it in sardinia



It's pretty gross.


my only experience with meatloaf is my dad's and it is goddamn amazing. Especially leftovers the next day on sandwiches. Either way I don't see how it'd qualify as weird or gross on any level outside of being made by someone who sucks at it. But that applies to anything.

Aargh now I'm hungry. I'd probably eat anything in this thread right now except the kraft dinner with ketchup.


Wait wait waiiit.. I thought raw pork was the devil.. You can eat it raw?!?! is it _____any process____?

Looks cute though.

I think you can eat it raw now (or rather you don't have to cook it all the way). Apparently they've eradicated the parasite (and it was a parasite I think) that you had to worry about if you ate raw pork. I still don't like eating it raw (after being raised very much in the you don't eat pork not well done). And I prefer my meats undercooked (except ones where there are obvious problems like chicken/salmenella and pork/whatever it was. Both of those I find gross raw probably because I associate them strongly with the particular disease they are known for).

For me any kind of meat is gross. I eat it because i have no choice. But i try to ignore that i'm eating pieces of some dead animal.

Oh, I love meat. And to me calling it dead animal just makes it sound tastier (i'm the kind of person when they see a whole pig roasting on a stick that looks absolutely amazing). I'm totally fine with acknowledging my food was an animal and had a face.

I would go vegetarian only because of environment and I don't like how the animals living conditions are/how they are treated. The fact they died for my food doesn't bother me at all. Everything dies and at least their death is not pointless (it goes to feed me :) ). But I like meat too much to go vegetarian so as much as i dislike how I hear the animals are treated, I eat them anyways.


It's cow's brain. Delicious.
But if you tasted one that aren't cooked properly to get rid of the smell, you'll be grossed by it forever.

God, no. Once again goes with the associate food with disease (mad cow). That makes a food gross to me. And you can't cook out mad cow either (honestly, from what I understand brains in general are kinda risky for prion related diseases).

I was really trying to emphasize the bit where he got served a cow's third stomach turned inside out with bile still on the lining. In a sauce of raw blood.

Quite a jump from a rare steak.

Yeah, but the picture you showed was just raw beef ;). And it looked delicious. And cows' blood doesn't bug me, isn't that kinda what the juice is that runs out of the steak (That is absolutely yummy?). The red stuff?

i guess Casu Marzu

Cheese with maggots
i think it's actually illegal to sell it but they still make it in sardinia

And I hear it can make your stomach hurt too if a maggot tries to survive (it's not a safe food to eat).

I cannot fathom eating this, ugh (insects are not something I want to eat in general though).


my only experience with meatloaf is my dad's and it is goddamn amazing. Especially leftovers the next day on sandwiches. Either way I don't see how it'd qualify as weird or gross on any level outside of being made by someone who sucks at it. But that applies to anything.

Aargh now I'm hungry. I'd probably eat anything in this thread right now except the kraft dinner with ketchup.

Honestly, I've had good meatloaf (and I've had bad meatloaf which usually isn't bad tasting, just really bland). But I could understand thinking it looks gross if you try to come from a point of view of some one whose culture doesn't do that kind of thing. Mishmash of meat all mushed together into a square loaf. Yeah, I could understand why some people might think it's gross.

Oh, and that macaroni stuff looks disgusting. Ketchup does not go well with everything damnit (though it does go well with meatloaf ;) ).
From the other recent food thread, I just had a peanut butter, mayo and pickle sandwich, which I am finding to be quite tasty.

Most of the food here looks good. I'm afraid to eat the raw pork and brain dishes. I was going to post the maggot cheese and ask if anyone has tried it.

How about odd liquors? I've had rum from Nepal. Terrible.


Canadians burned my passport

Thousand year eggs

I watched some white people on Amazing Race try to eat these last week. It was pretty funny, but yeah, definitely an acquired taste.
Thousand year eggs

I watched some white people on Amazing Race try to eat these last week. It was pretty funny, but yeah, definitely an acquired taste.

I only ever have them with congee or stir fry, it just seems weird to eat them by themselves and I'd much rather some salted duck eggs if we're eating eggs by themselves.

As an Englishman I've never had nor will every try Tripe

I don't care if it's the tastiest thing ever but the sight of it just turns my stomach - if you will excuse the pun


It's been 9 hours since I last ate something so I'm pretty hungry right now and I still would not try many of the things posted here.


You don't have to get it, some people just enjoy it :y
I don't think it tastes like dirt anyway...

Nope, and I have no intention to, but more power to you if you do like it. Just when I tried it, it was exactly like eating little balls of mud.

My Korean ex couldn't stand pastry or savoury meat pies which is some of my favourite food. Each to their own I guess :p



Thousand year eggs

I watched some white people on Amazing Race try to eat these last week. It was pretty funny, but yeah, definitely an acquired taste.

They had to eat these back when Fear Factor was still on TV. You can't actually eat these things raw without getting caustic burns...


Frogs legs. Never ate, never will.

Snails. You'll have to pay me to touch that.

As for the country... I guess it's easy to guess now :p

You're missing out on the frogs legs. Had them for the first time last year and it was so delicious. Like super tender and flavorful chicken legs.

Can't say I enjoy escargot though. Not much for mollusks overall.

For the topic at hand I present to you something completely disgusting.


Surströmming. Had it once, never again. The smell is just to overpowering.


Here's another stomach-churning Swedish dish: Blood pudding.


What it says on the tin, basically: swine blood with some seasoning and binding agents. A hallmark of school lunches. We seem to have a lot of disgusting dishes (at least conceptually, blood pudding actually tastes rather good). It probably has something to do with us being stuck in near-perpetual poverty and starvation up until well into the 20th century so our cuisine has plenty of dishes that came about from a desperate need to make use of anything edible.

And yes, I know that the British and some other countries have Black Pudding which is basically the same, but you chickened out on the name so no points for you.

german here, we have bloodsausage. chickened out on the name? bloodsausage is called "tote oma" translated = dead grandma. so whos the chicken here :p
There's no way I'd eat a guinea pig and that cheese with maggots is definitely something I'd avoid, but going by pictures everything else looks good. Especially the ice cube sandwich.
I can't believe this got to page three without any lutefisk!

It's basically preserved dried fish, softened in lye until it ends up as a bland, mildly fishy porridge. Luckily, I never had to have it because you couldn't pay my grandma to even take a bite let alone make it and she was the last Swedish relative of mine who knew how it was made.
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