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Mafia |OT| When Death is on the Line

  • Thread starter Deleted member 231381
  • Start date

El Topo

That reminds me: Since mafia didn't make an enormous effort to lynch you, Karkador, I'd propose you choose someone other than whoever it was you wanted to kill.


I voted for myself to discourage Town from adding votes...maybe all those names with me are Mafia.

I was a very safe vote, after all

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
| Vote Count |

Rembrandt: 7 / 10 [Timeaisis, Palmer_v1, kingkitty, Zippedpinhead, StayDead, Quantumbro, El Topo]
Karkador: 6 / 10 [Karkador, traube, MattyG, Lord of Castamere, pants, ultron87]

At the deadline, no option had a majority of the votes. Instead, Rembrandt, the Ordinary Tourist had a plurality of the votes and was lynched.

Night 7 has begun. Night 7 will end on Thursday 19th March at approximately 23:00 GMT.

Please do not post in this thread until Night 7 has finished.

Executive decision: Week-long day phases are proving simply too long for this player group, I think. There's a lot of people who simply turn up on the final day or not even that, which means the game's momentum ends up sorely lacking as we get three or even four day periods of relative radio silence. As such, I am going to be conducting a vote to lower the length of day phases to four-day periods. If the vote is passed by a majority among all alignments, then the next day will be conducted in four-day periods.

As such, even if you do not have a role and would not normally contact me during nights, please send me a PM saying "Aye" or No" to changing the day-phase length. Thank you!

Nights will be left untouched given we overrun most nights anyway due to people needing more time.


I know we shouldn't post during the night phase, but Crab has been banned. What happens now?

crab on Steam said:
I'm banned for about a week because I don't put enough effort into making discursive posts, but I don't think that should interrupt things too much. Kabouter has very kindly volunteered to post this for me, the only change is that given I can't see my PMs, I need to receive night actions in a slightly different way. So, for the time being I've set up a temporary survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LXPH8GQ . Because results are anonymous, I need YOUR NAME as well as the name of your action and target in the Night action response box, e.g.: "This is Crab, and I would like to UNBAN: Crab. This shouldn't therefore interrupt things too much, so otherwise continue having fun as normal. ;)


Crab, since you're back now, could you just make a small statement as to the end time of this night phase please?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Some point this afternoon/evening, depending on when I get back (on mobile at the moment). It would have been done earlier but I think some of the people who PM'd me night actions assumed I then had read them, so didn't fill in the survey, but I couldn't see any of my original PMs, so some night actions were missing.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Alright, ladies and gents, it's that time. Update coming as we speak.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
pants slipped from corridor to corridor, looking fabulously sultry in her rather low cut bodice that emphasized her large... personality. She had but a single task tonight: distract the suspected serial killer Karkador with a night of passion, to protect her team from any mayhem he might cause.

The trouble is, deciding to try and seduce a madmen is not always the best policy. It's safe to say their love-making was rather wild indeed. The sort of wild that leaves blood-stains from here to there to... just about everywhere.

Meanwhile, as everyone else woke up to the sound of screams of pleasure turning to screams of pain, and rushed out from their rooms in the dead of night, shadowy figures, masking their sorrow at the sound of their compadre meeting her untimely demise, snuck into one of the rooms, as silent as a shadow. The fact QuantumBro was missing went unnoticed for quite some time.

During the night, pants, the Blonde Bombshell, and QuantumBro, the Magical Entertainer were killed.


You are a Blonde Bombshell.

You are aligned with the Mafia.

Your partners are REDACTED. Each night phase, one of the Mafia-aligned player may kill one of the non-Mafia-aligned players by PMing me with the command KILL: Crab. This action will be associated with the player who sent the PM. You may also communicate with other Mafia-aligned players at the QuickTopic board found here.
You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?

Additionally, you can use your seductive wiles to uh... "occupy" one other player for the night. Each night phase, you may target one other player with the command SEDUCE: Crab. That player will not be able to carry out any night action that phase. They will be informed that they had a night of passion that otherwise distracted them, but not the identity of their mystery seducer. Some roles may be immune to your wiles. Should you use SEDUCE: Crab on a role immune to your wiles, there may be further consequences.

You win when Mafia-aligned players outnumber non-Mafia-aligned players.

The game thread is here.


You are a Magical Entertainer.

You are aligned with the Tourists.

Well, this didn't go so well! You're not actually a tourist at all, you're the entertainer the hotel hired to cheer them up for a night! You are an expert magician, famed for his revolving door trick - they think they're going in one room, but they come out another! Each night phase, you may choose to switch the rooms of two other players. Anyone else who chose to target one of those players that night phase will end up targeting the other, unbeknownst to everyone except you. To do so, PM me the command SWITCH: Crab and Crab. You may not use this ability on yourself.

You win when only Tourist-aligned players remain.

The game thread is here.

Day 8 has begun. Day 8 will end on Thursday 26th March at approximately 22:00 GMT.

As you may be able to tell, we do indeed now have 4-day day phases. Thank you to everyone for voting!

You may now resume posting.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I also solemnly promise I will do my best not to get banned again. ;)


Welcome back Crab and Karkador you're a king. Whoever was saying it was a bad idea to save him should get the humble pie out of the fridge and take a large bite.




Now, onto business, because our days are now much shorter:

1) I now think I've never been the target of a roleblock, at least not Pant's, because I never got a message about it. So whatever happened to my kills on N2 and N5 are still up for debate.

2) Let's not forget how senseless the lynching of an innocent tourist was last night.

3) There is still RNH's list to consider; unfortunately, if he's screwing around, he can just say pants was one of the two names. His credibility is only decreasing the longer he waits to do something with his info (besides save his own ass)

4) Ultron are you my friend yet?

5) Call me Santa, covered in red; I'm making a list, checking it twice.


Hey, good job. I still don't agree with the risk, but it worked out.

I basically didn't trust anyone after the way the votes went down yesterday. It was super weird and looked like Mafia strong arming. So I didn't follow the any kind of plan. I didn't learn anything last night from my target. I'm not going to say who it is because I know they have a role from Night 2 when they targeted Palmer. Since we just found one of the Mafias non killing targeting roles I don't feel that the odds are good in this person being Mafia. I think we are probably stone out of roles that can save people, so I'm not serving someone up to the kill squad.

So yeah. I was campaigning for something else last time and there wasn't time to address this, but the quick cavalcade of votes for Rembrandt was super suspicious. Especially now that we know they were a tourist. Sure, Quantum suggested the name originally, but that is a super easy thing for the some number of the Mafia to jump on.

The vote was so close that it follows that the Mafia was happy with that result. The flavor text directly says that Pants tried to block Karkador. So the Mafia let us hang Rembrandt trusting in the block to save Pants, but presumably Karkador is one of the noted immune players, and Pants died either from the "consequences" hinted at in the role email, from Karkadors kill action, or both.


I don't believe I was immune to pants's power. At least, nothing about my role suggests I am. This is a case of Han shooting first.

I targeted pants because of the reasoning I stated yesterday. I was right. #firstblood
Ultron did the person you followed last night do something or did they not target anyone?
Also, the night you say you got role blocked, why didn't you give us the flavor text? You should have gotten info back that you were "involved".

I'm suspicious of why you did that, not enough to vote for you or anything (mainly because I still think you are town), but it really frustrates me.

Quantum was really helpful, and will be greatly missed. He did good work and was consistent.

I'll admit I jumped on the Rembrandt bandwagon. It seemed like good people were involved (mainly quantum at the time I voted). And then ofhers joined.

Pants voted for kark and then died, if there are only four mafioso (three now) I think it is unlikely all three others voted for him.


I didn't get flavor text when I got blocked.

PM just said I was blocked from investigating the player. So I'm not sure if that was some other ability or what.


Oh, and remember I see if someone else targets the person I pick, not if they, the target, do anything. No one else targeted them.
Oh, and remember I see if someone else targets the person I pick, not if they, the target, do anything. No one else targeted them.

Sorry I got you and RNH's job mixed up...

Still you should have gotten flavor text if you were blocked from pants... That's weird, like really weird. Who did you target that night? I know you were blocked but you never said who.
Sorry I got you and RNH's job mixed up...

Still you should have gotten flavor text if you were blocked from pants... That's weird, like really weird. Who did you target that night? I know you were blocked but you never said who.

Ultron, the reason why I ask, is because I have a suspicion that one of the mafia "specials" is untargetable at night. Since there is a serial killer, a night time mafia person who can not be killed at night makes it more "fair" for them, and it would mean that a town win HAS to come during the day phase. This is just theory crafting, but if the shoe fits...


Ultron, the reason why I ask, is because I have a suspicion that one of the mafia "specials" is untargetable at night. Since there is a serial killer, a night time mafia person who can not be killed at night makes it more "fair" for them, and it would mean that a town win HAS to come during the day phase. This is just theory crafting, but if the shoe fits...

So yeah. Crab actually just clarified my result from yesterday and said it was "the result of a block". Had previously said "no result" which I interpreted to mean "no visitors" but is actually distinct from my previous results that actually said "nobody visited your target tonight".

This was the same person I investigated and got blocked previously without any sort of "night of passion" related text suggesting it was Pants who caused it to happen. That does indeed suggest they are a role who is immune to investigation. That seems pretty likely to be a Mafia role. IE a "godfather" type role. They also have the capability to target someone because they targeted Palmer on Night 2.

This person was Lord of Castemere.


Interesting, ultron. Thanks.

Sounds a lot like Castemere might be our next best bet. Castemere, you got anything to say for yourself?

How many times have you died? Don't have to say how many you have left, but how many times has it said that you died, and does your role specifically prevent you from targeting yourself?

I'm asking because of night two.

Quantum said that he switched you and Timeasis, who you also targeted. If your role prevents you from targeting yourself, then I think that night would NOT have used one of your lives UNLESS he was also targeted by Mafia.

If you lost a life that night, and can not target yourself, then....
How do we know Ultron wasn't just blocked, or happened to be blocked on the nights I was investigated?

If the Mafia have two Roleblockers then they likey would have alternated blocks as needed.

Night 4: Ultron is blocked for some reason. Could have been a random or informed hit.
Night 5: Ultron is attacked, no reason to block.
Night 6: Karkador Doc(fake) and QB switcher blocked. With QB's post to watch RHN they may have felt no need to block Ultron, or the other roles were seen as more powerful.
Night 7: Karkador, and Ultron blocked. QB killed so no reason to block him over Ultron.

I can't explain why Karkadors kill went through if he was blocked though. Maybe pants blocked him so the kill cancelled the block.


I'm posting quickly on break, skimmed through quickly so apologies if I missed something obvious here.

1. What proof do we have that Karkador isn't the one that killed Quantum? Pants could have died as a side effect of role blocking the serial killer, which Karkador doesn't have to admit. It does imply he's neutral, at a minimum. On the other hand, if Karkador killed Quantum, it means the generic mafia kill was stopped, or never committed.
2. None of our claimed power roles were ever successfully blocked by Pants? I'm confused on WTF he's been doing.
3. Karkador, you're always going to be on the chopping block, so tell us who you would target tonight if we keep you alive?
4. I've frequently listed LoC as someone I would lynch, so I'm down for that as an alternative to Karkador.
5. I have no real regrets about Rembrandt. I would honestly policy lynch an inactive player like that again and have no qualms about it. If anyone wants to hold that against me, so be it.
6. Grats on the sex, Karkador.


7. Obviously time to go back and evaluate everything Pants has done.
8. With a 4 day week, everyone needs to post, and quickly. We should begin some preliminary voting within 24 hours.
I'm posting quickly on break, skimmed through quickly so apologies if I missed something obvious here.

2. None of our claimed power roles were ever successfully blocked by Pants? I'm confused on WTF he's been doing.

This is why I asked Ultron about how he was blocked on night 4, Ultron has been very up front on his actions since the reveal and if he had received flavor text about the block he would have posted it.

That's why I think he may have stumbled on an untargetable night time person.
What's your role then, LoC?

Doctor of Medicine.
I am able to save 1 person from death every night. Unlike Nin my saves are not broadcasted, with a catch. If I had died Nin would have been rendered useless. Nin was my student. I didn't know nin was my student, but I knew I had one. Yes, nins death report didn't mention me, but I assume that was to protect my identity, Crab can't reveal other roles in text. I can't self target, and Nin and I couldn't target each other. I can't target the same person twice in a row, and I receive no feedback for my saves.

Night 1: Palmer_v1
Night 2: Armi0x
Night 3: Karkador
Night 4: Zippedinhead
Night 5: Karkador
Night 6: Quantumbro

I'm withholding Night 7 to protect that person tomorrow. They are still alive.

I should have claimed when nin died. I'm sorry for that.
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