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Duke Nukem Forever Gameplay


I thought it looked like a decent FPS. I'm sure the humor would make it a really fun experience though (although I was never a big fan of Duke Nukem 3d. The old side scrollers were the shit though)


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This footage actually looks pretty awesome and fun. :eek: Plenty of tongue-in-cheek humour as would be expected from a Duke game.

The animation is really really good too. That guy would definitely get another job with that showreel.


Spoo said:
Take Two has a publishing agreement with 3DRealms (and continues to have it, despite the current state of 3DR and DNF). In brief, the agreement states that if DNF comes into existence, they get to publish it. The agreement as it currently is doesn't obligate the publisher to give a cent to 3DR in making the game -- the reason for this is because 3DR was an independant developer, and George Broussard/Scott Miller don't like it when they're told when a game has to come out. They were able to self-fund the game over the last 12 years, and because of this their classic "When it's done" approach couldn't be touched by the publisher. At one point, 3DR was offered bonuses for completion at a certain date which they obviously missed.

Take Two couldn't have been more out of the loop with DNF. At one point, they didn't even know what engine the game was running on and mistakingly suggested it was on Doom 3. A lot of people (including the press) make that mistake: It is, and has been for a very, very long time, a modified (heavily modified) version of the Unreal 2.x engine.

An IP is just the idea, characters, themes/storylines, etc. In this case, it's Duke. 3DR owns the game, the idea, etc. -- and they won't give it up. They won't sell it (because they still make money with it, I believe). They won't give it up nomatter what, not even for the quick buck that might've actually saved their game. That's, er, dedication.

Take Two told them to fuck themselves when George showed the latest build and asked, for the first time, for an advance so they could complete the game. Honestly, if I was Take Two, I would've said no. But as a gamer, I couldn't be more infuriated by the choice -- I honestly think if they had the money, they could've wrapped that fucker up.

Now there's no way they didn't already explore their options before closing. They were probably in touch with companies like EA -- trying to save the game. From what I know, they didn't find anything viable in time.

But that doesn't mean DNF is done. It means that 3DR is. The game is still there, and with a LOT of luck and perhaps a little help from communities / developers / publishers who have an altruist bone in their body, it'll happen. It needs to happen with Bob, though. Bob needs to come in and say "this sucks, we're cutting it" and ensure those milestones are reached. If someone gets the publishing rights away from Take Two (who clearly doesn't care about the franchise anymore), then 3DR might be able to reform, hire a few of the original developers, and finish the game.

If George Broussard and Scott Miller don't look for ways to do this, or to help it along -- or they just give up at this point -- then they deserve everything that's happened to them. DNF is very much a legacy of love, as normal developers would've canned the game long ago. They are nothing if not persistant. Hopefully their persistance persists.

Axe the company, sell IP and assets off to new privately owned company, axe all agreements with prior publisher and the ties to previous IP holder and find a new publisher.

Fact that Broussard is not talking means he has no need for press or PR, which means something is fishy.

White Man

akilshohen said:
The footage looked good. Is that really STILL Unreal 2?

Bioshock is basically Unreal 2.5. and I really don't think this looks that much better. No insult on the game--I think it looks pretty fine.


Looks decent. Pretty run-of-the-mill stuff gameplay and technology-wise, but it would've had the Duke license to offset that.

Maybe it'll be picked up by someone else still.


akilshohen said:
The footage looked good. Is that really STILL Unreal 2?

It is and it isn't. It is true that the base of the engine is still Unreal 2.x, but they've had time to rip out the rendering and physics components, and rewrite them to support a lot of common features you're seeing in games today.

For example, the DNF engine even uses deferred rendering -- a lighting technique used in Killzone 2 to great effect.

Things they kept? UnrealScript for a lot of the game rules/code, and their editor -- while highly customized due to the sheer volume of features added -- sits atop UnrealEd.

The engine is so customized that it's not really fair to think of it as Unreal 2.x anymore -- most of what defined the entirety of that engine is gone.

edit: they didn't rewrite the physics component. They took out Karma, and replaced it with Meqon -- Ageia acquired Meqon some time ago, but the last report is that they still had Meqon in there.


Ramenman said:
Second best First Person game where you have a body !
Left 4 Dead is that good ;)

The footage looks all kind of kickass. I really hope someone picks this game up cuz it looks so much fun :)



That scene alone is more badass than 99% of videogaming today :(


rezuth said:
Left 4 Dead is that good ;)

The footage looks all kind of kickass. I really hope someone picks this game up cuz it looks so much fun :)

Oops; didn't know you had legs in L4D.

DNF is the third best then :D


Ramenman said:
Oops; didn't know you had legs in L4D.

DNF is the third best then :D

Well seeing your legs isn't that uncommon, you could even see them in Halo.
But this seems like more than that, so I would probably group it with more with Breakdown and Mirror's Edge.

Oh and I think this looks way more fun than games like Gears of War.
Lagunamov said:
Viral campaing, I expect to see DNF at upcoming E3.
Yeah, I fully expect to see a trailer at the MS conference. Something like first showing a bunch of generic cities, and then suddenly you hear "come get some".


Xabora said:

Yep, I would take this any day of the week (and twice on Sunday) over another boring ass Halo/Killzone/Left4/yawn/zzzz...

Just from that brief GT footage, the personality displayed was amazing. It's a shame that we'll probably never have an opportunity to see the final result, because I'll bet the game could have reintroduced something special into a stagnant old genre.
This needs to be done and released. Someone make it happen. I probably would've bought it regardless just cause, but this footage indicates it could've been pretty good actually.
sykoex said:
I love how distinct Duke's voice has always been. I wonder if the voice over in that clip was the same guy who did Duke Nukem 3D.

Duke Nukem soundboard:
yeah, it's the same guy. http://www.jsjprod.com/

this was the original post leaking the demo reel, http://www.duke4.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=814

"Bryan Brewer works at 3DR. This is his new demo reel feauturing over 2 minutes of DNF footage.
He is waiting to get permission from George to release it but good old me leaked it to you guys early."
Against my better judgement, i was looking forward to this. Damn. It looks good. It seems they got the campy Duke vibe just about right, which is half the fun of the series.


Dunno why some of you are being so harsh. It's a far from finished beta for Christ's sake. For now, I can only imagine how the finished product would have been :(

until someone picks it up
Publishers would be dumb to pass this up. It looks almost complete, they wouldn't need to invest that much money.

Release it on the PC and if it does well port that bitch to consoles.


It might just be me, but what exactly is looking so great? I'd say that the animation was on par with Half-Life 2 and Halo 3. And that huge boss. QTE and the fact that you have to pull out three things from the boss' head to kill it? Really?
Sure, I'd probably play it if released, but I haven't seen or heard anything that says "I'm better than ANYTHING you've ever seen."

At least Duke didn't sound as downright retarded as he did in that weight lifting trailer...


Damn the new one liners are terrible. :lol

It looked ok, nothing special really. Without the name attached, it just looks like a mediocre FPS. Have to say though, that first person QTE looked great!


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
That looks fun as hell. It's a shame this is not coming out, since a shooter like this would be a very welcome alternative to the overly serious shooters we get now


Darunia said:
That looks fun as hell. It's a shame this is not coming out, since a shooter like this would be a very welcome alternative to the overly serious shooters we get now

That's one thing I do agree on, the FPS market needs more Serious Sam/Duke Nukem style games.


Oh man, now this is just salt in the wound :( Sure, its rough as hell, but you can quite clearly see that the charm, personality, and charisma is there in full force, and how fun this would have been. Im a HUGE Duke fan (played DN3D dukematches for almost 3 years over dial-up modem with an old friend who lived down the street), so Ive always held on to this ridiculous notion that DNF would eventually see the light of day, and this footage looks to be perfectly in the spirit of the franchise. So Sad :_(

White Man

FFChris said:
Damn the new one liners are terrible. :lol

Keep in mind that they probably haven't recorded new VA since the last time they thought the game was actually going to ship. They have probably been using VA from like 1999 as a placeholder. That's the only justification for that king of the world line.


Solo said:
Oh man, now this is just salt in the wound :( Sure, its rough as hell, but you can quite clearly see that the charm, personality, and charisma is there in full force, and how fun this would have been. Im a HUGE Duke fan (played DN3D dukematches for almost 3 years over dial-up modem with an old friend who lived down the street), so Ive always held on to this ridiculous notion that DNF would eventually see the light of day, and this footage looks to be perfectly in the spirit of the franchise. So Sad :_(
Solo NOT hating something? I guess theres a first for everything.

Don't worry man I'm sure someone will pick it up, hell the hype that Duke Nukem Forever is out alone would make it sell.


The part where the floating bad guy thing (I cant recall what these were called) picks the dude up, throws him straight up in the air, and chops him up with the propeller on his aircraft was so great.
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