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Face-Off: Grand Theft Auto 5 on PC


No one's denying that. What's your point?

You are more confident in hypothetical optimizations to come on an already optimized hardware against an important one sure to come on an other that don't have them.
Logic is hard to follow if you do it by logic.


You're generalizing the hell out of console gamers. I see people say the x2 console quote some on gaf but not nearly as much as you imply.That's like me saying /r/pcmasterrace is an accurate representation of pc gamers on GAF.

Funny you should say that, because alot of console GAF ROUTINELY says that.


Well, maybe Carmack is right. If PCs mounted APUs like consoles you couldn't do so much with them and GPUs would be seriously underused, but almost every desktop CPU is 3 or 4 times more powerful.


oh, k

Of course he's joking.
Hey, you never know.


With the minuscule difference (60fps and higher IQ is barely noticeable) on the big games and Steam now charging a subscription fee the reasons to game on PC are shrinking. Is it going to be 2006 all over again?
I laughed, the subscription bit was a particularly nice touch.
I'm looking at benchmarks atm for this game

And then there is what I thought

so yah, the AMD CPU performance was beyond pathetic for this game. Who knows how well optimized the game was on the consoles, but no doubt due to the weak nature of the CPU's in the consoles it probably costs them at the very least 6-8fps or so.

So the PS4 performance is right in line with this benchmark here. 30fps with Very high quality settings on the 7870 ( PS4 a little under the 7870 in some areas )

they said in the article itself that the PS4/X1 versions hold up very well beyond the obvious PC factors like the unlocked framerate and LOD... come on


Well, maybe Carmack is right. If PCs mounted APUs like consoles you couldn't do so much with them and GPUs would be seriously underused, but almost every desktop CPU is 3 or 4 times more powerful.

Of course Carmack was right. He's carmack, he's seldom wrong when it comes to 3D rendering engines, I imagine.

But he was tlaking about very specific case scenerios, draw calls on DX9 and it's CPU overhead, IIRC.

Console gamers just post that tweet regardless of the context (it's specially stupid now that almost nothing runs on DX9 and even low end entry level CPU's trounce consoles), and away they go. Consoles, CPU or GPU bound, no matter what are, according to a large portion fo that audience, twice as fast as PC hardware.

This happens on GAF, just look at the latest thread on the Alienware mini PC. This notion still persists. Not just that consoles are more efficient (they are but in very limited ways, though that will change once PC's start using new API's), but that they are ridiculously more efficient. Which isn't true at all.


Of course, but it will be interesting to see how things turn out in a few years. (I'm not hinting that the 750 Ti won't keep up, BTW. It's impossible to tell now.)
I don't think it will keep up (not with the PS4 at least), the i3 may be a stronger cpu per core but the 750ti is a much weaker GPU than what's in the PS4 and most games are gpu heavy than cpu heavy. There's also the thought that the PS4 CPU has more cores than the i3 and that better multithreaded code over these cores are still something that will be improved going forward, there's also the possibility of an extra core being released to devs which can further boost some of that cpu deficiency.

Since GTA was not built ground up for these consoles I can understand some of the odd niggles but a game built for these consoles from Rockstar should produce more stunning results. In essence, there's a lot of improvements that we anticipate on the CPU side for PS4 and that includes GPGPU which can further help with cpu tasks, this has hardly been used yet and Cerny declared that we would see tangible results in year three of the console's life.


Either way, the i3/750Ti even matching the PS4 version is still highly impressive stuff considering it's budget PC hardware.

The consoles are budget PC hardware so why would you expect that much more from them? For once the PS4 version seems to perform at the level I would expect given the low level APIs and the GPU horsepower.

I bet if you were to unlock the PS4 version it would be faster than the 750Ti/i3 combo by about 20%. That is based on the performance difference between the 750Ti and the R7 265 but it is not enough to get 60 FPS. We will never actually find out though because the PS4 version will not get unlocked but I do not see why that would not be possible.

To me it seems Rockstar have done a good job all round for each platform and I hope other developers do the same going forward.


PC AMD benchmarks are pretty clear on this matter.

I'm never tired of providing proof regarding this :

As you can see AMD cards perform abnormaly badly, signs of clear CPU bottlenecks that do not seem to impact Geforce cards nearly as much.

But how crazy am I to even suggest that Nvidia drivers may be slightly better than AMD's.

It's one of the biggest PC release of the year and it's a showcase for Nvidia. Rockstar demoed the game on Geforce hardware for a reason.


Frankly, I am fine with mostly PS4 like graphics, with just few things turned higher, what really made the wait worth it is the 60fps. I am so glad I passed on ps3 version. Everything feels so much nicer and more responsive, driving is particularly vastly more enjoyable, even biking in first person feels so damn great, it really sucks that most people that play this game won't experience it with such smoothness. I wish consoles had stronger CPUs so it would be possible.


my hard graphic balls
To be honest, I can not exaggerate enough how big of an improvement is the constant, rock solid 60 fps in GTA O. The game's graphics look really great, sure, but the biggest improvement is that fps and of course higher resolution support. the 60 fps made a much, much bigger difference than I imagined, and I have been playing PC games for a long time. Yes 30>60 is a massive difference in and of itself, but somehow this game when played at 60 shows a shocking difference than when played at 30. I tried going back to the Xbox One, and I think that the 30 fps is not done very well to be honest. I am not talking about the drops, I am talking about how stuttery it feels for 30 fps. Other games at 30 fps are much more playable to me, but this one feels really weird. Kind of like how the 30 fps lock on TLOU: R feels, doesn't feel "optimized".
I've created a visual aid.


You forgot the "Titan X <--> HD7850 <--> HD7770" text. Come on, you should be above this petty crap.

Frankly, I am fine with mostly PS4 like graphics, with just few things turned higher, what really made the wait worth it is the 60fps

Yeah, going straight from PS3's 22fps to solid 60 was a night and day difference, even greater than the 720p->1080p jump.


my gtx 570 got old REAL fast... feels like I upgraded to it not that long ago :/

can't wait to build an all-new pc later this year! I'll be getting this.


You forgot the "Titan X <--> HD7850 <--> HD7770" text. Come on, you should be above this petty crap.

We're here to compare what the pc version can do vs what the console versions can do in an unlimited fashion.
This is not the "can X GPU and X CPU match PS4" thread.


The gap is as wide as it's ever been and will only get wider.
I'm sorry, I don't really get what this has to do with my post.

You are more confident in hypothetical optimizations to come on an already optimized hardware against an important one sure to come on an other that don't have them.
Logic is hard to follow if you do it by logic.
I never said that. DX 12 will obviously bring significant optimization to PC hardware and no one can deny that.


I don't think it will keep up (not with the PS4 at least), the i3 may be a stronger cpu per core but the 750ti is a much weaker GPU than what's in the PS4 and most games are gpu heavy than cpu heavy. There's also the thought that the PS4 CPU has more cores than the i3 and that better multithreaded code over these cores are still something that will be improved going forward, there's also the possibility of an extra core being released to devs which can further boost some of that cpu deficiency.

Since GTA was not built ground up for these consoles I can understand some of the odd niggles but a game built for these consoles from Rockstar should produce more stunning results. In essence, there's a lot of improvements that we anticipate on the CPU side for PS4 and that includes GPGPU which can further help with cpu tasks, this has hardly been used yet and Cerny declared that we would see tangible results in year three of the console's life.

That's what we all expected to see this generation. It's why Alexandros mentioned it. Why is a 750ti besting a PS4?

I do think eventually the 750ti will fall behind (or atleast it should, by on paper specs at least!), but we're talking about minor differences. Like Xbone vs Ps4 levels of difference. In other words i3 + 750ti shoudl carry you along this gen at Xbone levels of gaming goodness.

That setup will be incredibly underpowered by even a modest mid range gaming PC in 3 years though. I'm hoping the continued growth of PC gaming has developers utlizing that extra power in new and exciting ways.
I love the GTA series and this seems like a great game.

I can't wait for Skylake to release so I can finally play this.

I would have bought it already but it would most likely be unplayable at 1080p on my current pc.


I really doubt they got all of the GTA V settings correct but if you just think about how they are already getting 60 FPS with these settings already that even if they were to increase a few settings and sliders they could still have a locked 30 FPS experience. And that's why we keep saying that the performance is comparable at the very least.
So I was right about 750 ti + i3 performance in the other thread. Almost like the performance you expect is the performance you get.


I never said that. DX 12 will obviously bring significant optimization to PC hardware and no one can deny that.

What are you saying here ?

I think the PS4 will be ahead when devs start using the Jaguar cores* and GPU computing** units effectively, though.

Don't tell me you're not saying here that optimization already existing for most of them* and ones that will come to all platform** will help ps4 be ahead...
And that you totally avoid the fact the pc combo will have a know existing optimization coming with use of vulcan/dx12.


What are you saying here ?

Don't tell me you're not saying here that optimization already existing for most of them and ones that will come to all platform will help ps4 be ahead...
And that you totally avoid the fact the pc combo will have a know existing optimization coming with use of vulcan/dx12.
You're definitely taking this the wrong way. My first few posts in this thread already said that I was unsure about what would happen in the future. The optimization for PS4 MAY help it stay ahead of the 750 Ti and i3 combo, but how can anyone tell now? Sure, DX 12 may actually bring PC's to the low level of optimization of consoles, but how can anyone be 100% sure?! I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this.


The grass is nice, but I'm pretty jealous of the 60fps.

You'd think any previous gen game could be 1080p/60fps on current gen consoles (like TLOU and Metro). Kinda disappointing.


I can run it at high FPS but when driving around I sometimes get drops to like below 1 FPS for a few seconds, then it fixes itself. It's really annoying. Other than that it runs great.


Serious business

Yeah, ok, so the task of dropping the knowledge bomb on the intricacies of 3D rendering tothe masses, isn't exactly going to earn him saint-hood, but whatevs man, almost nothing we discuss here on GAF matters to anyone outside GAF.

It's a thankless job.


Before the start of this gen I really wouldn't have expected low end PC hardware like that i3/750ti combo to match the PS4 1.5 years into its lifecycle


I'm never tired of providing proof regarding this :

As you can see AMD cards perform abnormaly badly, signs of clear CPU bottlenecks that do not seem to impact Geforce cards nearly as much.

But how crazy am I to even suggest that Nvidia drivers may be slightly better than AMD's.

It's one of the biggest PC release of the year and it's a showcase for Nvidia. Rockstar demoed the game on Geforce hardware for a reason.

those benches are bullshit though. were they without the updated driver?



I never tire of people making excuses for AMD and for their terrible driver support, trust me, I used to own AMD cards and since switching to Nvidia 4 years ago I have never looked back.

There is a reason AMD are performing so badly in the market and it's not because Nvidia are a "Bigger company" and are "Saturating the market" it's because AMD keep putting out subpar cards with terrible driver support.

dude seriously 2 post's above...
those benches are bullshit though. were they without the updated driver?

Gotta read a bit better next time.

As you can see AMD cards perform abnormaly badly, signs of clear CPU bottlenecks that do not seem to impact Geforce cards nearly as much.

The test Kezen posted was using an i5-2500k (EDIT: I actually was at the wrong page; it used a i5-4690K). The one you linked used an i7-5960X. The whole point is that when the CPU is tested to its fullest - mind you, GTA5 looks to be a relatively CPU-intense game to run - the AMD drivers can't hold up. Your graph utilizing a $1000 CPU doesn't refute that at all.
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