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Sony E3 Conference 2015

What do you want from Sony's E3?

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Survives without air, food, or water
I dont get your comments regarding TLG, did you not see the detailed animations? The evocative and expressive beast? Can you not appreciate that demo on any level?

People keep saying this but it seems like projection to me. Show me the groundbreaking animation in that clip, because from what I can tell it was all pretty standard stuff. Gimme a timestamp or something. The "evocative" beast is more subjective, but I don't quite buy that either. I mean it wasn't terrible, but it certainly wasn't some unheard of thing. idk


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Has Sony announced anything else?
New firmware, any mention on BC or their thoughts on MS's BC announcement?


I mean, we already knew they had no big announcements for the rest of this year, right? They already admitted that. What else did you expect?
That's his point. The big announcements other than horizon are years away. Shenmue is targeting 2017. They just started on FF7 and TLG needs no explanation.

Do you ever see a conference where games get announced 2 plus years before they are expecting to release? No delayed but planned?

Sony threw a ton of hype games out there that have no true release date to cover the fact they are limited in the near term. A conference is about what you can play soon. Not maybe play in two years

You mean like:

Halo 5 - announced June 2013; releasing November 2015
Quantum Break - announced May 2013; releasing early 2016
Cuphead - announced June 2014; releasing 2016
Below - announced June 2013; releasing ???
Crackdown - announced June 2014; releasing ??? (probably 2017)
Scalebound - announced June 2014; releasing ??? (probably 2016)
Phantom Dust - announced June 2014; apparently not cancelled; releasing ???
Sea of Thieves - announced June 2015; releasing probably 2017
Fable Legends - announced August 2013; releasing September 2015

This kind of thing, right? Because I see from your posts that you favour MS, but let's not pretend that they're not at least as guilty of this as Sony is.


I've had a day to digest it.

Sony's 2015 E3 Conference was the greatest conference - from any game company - ever.

The improbable/impossible barrage of The Last Guardian / Final Fantasy VII / Shenmue III will never be forgotten. Its a conference that made history. In years to come, people will still be talking about it.

Absolute magnificent bastards, the lot of them.

Pretty much.

After having time to let the hype die down and a good night's sleep, I'm trying to think of a conference that was on par with this one.

But nope, I'm still drawing a blank. The hilarity of Konami 2010 comes close, but that was because of the people rather than the games. In terms of content and pacing, this conference was unmatched. Plenty of megatons, gameplay demoes but none that dragged too long (even Ass Creed and COD), smooth gameplay trailers, well handled 3rd party stuff, and not a single segment of someone talking for a long time.

Just when I thought I had reached the point of not caring about conferences and perhaps just waiting until they were over and watching the trailers later (ugh, EA and Ubisoft), Sony pulls off the best one the show has ever seen. I hope everyone takes notes. I'd watch every conference from start to finish every year if they were all this good.


It was an hour and a half long. I think it just says a lot about the pacing that it felt so short. This conference seemed to be designed for those that had taken issue with Sony's conferences in the past.

They really did learn their lessons. No sales numbers, no business PR jargon apart from Shawn's intro, no casual/mobile, and no 40-minute talk about Powers lol. The TV stuff was concise and actually worth announcing at E3 - a la carte channels is like a whole new paradigm. And it started on time! All that resulted in a brisk 90 minute show - we were only 30 minutes in and we'd seen TLG, Horizon and FFVII. Crazy.

Shawn ditched the tie, grew a sweet beard, and came across as the boss of motherfucking Sony instead of a dodgy used car salesman. It was from game to game like an EA conference without the cringeworthy fluff (see Pele).
You mean like:

Halo 5 - announced June 2013; releasing November 2015
Quantum Break - announced May 2013; releasing early 2016
Cuphead - announced June 2014; releasing 2016
Below - announced June 2013; releasing ???
Crackdown - announced June 2014; releasing ??? (probably 2017)
Scalebound - announced June 2014; releasing ??? (probably 2016)
Phantom Dust - announced June 2014; apparently not cancelled; releasing ???
Sea of Thieves - announced June 2015; releasing probably 2017
Fable Legends - announced August 2013; releasing September 2015

This kind of thing, right? Because I see from your posts that you favour MS, but let's not pretend that they're not at least as guilty of this as Sony is.

lol, is "lawyered" a term yet?

Cuz you lawyered him good


Asked this in the Dreams thread, but I figure it's more pertinent here. Anyone know where the Tomorrow Children went? I coulda sworn it was supposed to release this summer.


I've had a day to digest it.

Sony's 2015 E3 Conference was the greatest conference - from any game company - ever.

The improbable/impossible barrage of The Last Guardian / Final Fantasy VII / Shenmue III will never be forgotten. Its a conference that made history. In years to come, people will still be talking about it.

Absolute magnificent bastards, the lot of them.

Really funny looking back on how everyone was worried that no leaks meant no megatons.

Sony and its partners somehow managed to keep FF7R, TLG and Shenmue 3 all from leaking.

Truly an unforgettable moment in gaming history. Glad I stayed awake for it.


Really funny looking back on how everyone was worried that no leaks meant no megatons.

Sony and its partners somehow managed to keep FF7R, TLG and Shenmue 3 all from leaking.

Truly an unforgettable moment in gaming history. Glad I stayed awake for it.

I wouldn't say that. They leaked, it's just that no one believed them. Whether they were true leaks or the same guess leaks like every year, is another question.


Reactions to the conference, coming from someone who mostly plays either Nintendo systems or PC indies (and waiting to see how PS4/Bone shakes out before moving on either).

The Last Guardian looked amazing. It essentially looked like Ico with a different sidekick mechanic. I am pleased to see this game alive and could not care less about whether it looks like a PS3 game or whatever. Great way to start the show.

Horizons came next, and I found the trailer really compelling and interesting. Will definitely keep an eye on the game. The world building and overall motif made for a really impressive trailer. Glad to see these guys are making something more interesting than Killzone.

No Man's Sky, I almost feel bad for the developer at this point. Guy seemed stressed and felt the need to take the "but what do you do" critique head on, but the results were abysmal. In addition, the whole "You just discovered this planet which already has a name, named lifeforms, a beacon, and robot sentries" aspect of it was so awkward. Looks beautiful, but has not sold itself as interesting in any way over the last year.

Dreams was....I have no idea.

FF7R, I am happy for the people who have been wanting this game but have absolutely no expectations. FF7 was a solid core but overall had a lot of weak design decisions which kept it from being a great RPG. Refining the combat, materia system, and adding more postgame content will be important, but I'm not sure if the team will feel free to make those types of decisions given how intense fan feelings are surrounding this game. Also....no idea when this is coming.

Shenmue 3....again, happy for the fans. I played the first and never bothered with the second, though maybe I should considered getting around to it. Given the this game will probably be coming out sometime in 2018, I should have time.

The Uncharted 4 gameplay trailer was incredibly good. I played TLOU, but no Uncharted games, and this really got my attention. The environment interactions and the number of details going on in every scene was really impressive. Gameplay seemed very similar to TLOU, which I had mixed feelings on.

I'm not going to give the conference an overall score or anything, but I thought it was great, and have to tip my hat to Sony for delivering so many gamer dreams, even if they're in the distant future. Even discounting those, Horizons and Uncharted were strong enough to have carried the show on their own.


I feel sorry for MS.
Sony will now be known as the company who brought back FF7 and Shenmue and gamers will be forever grateful.
They are now the greatest videogame company, from now on there's no videogame industry without Sony, if Sony dies our industry dies.

You actually believe this?


They really did learn their lessons. No sales numbers, no business PR jargon apart from Shawn's intro, no casual/mobile, and no 40-minute talk about Powers lol. The TV stuff was concise and actually worth announcing at E3 - a la carte channels is like a whole new paradigm. And it started on time! All that resulted in a brisk 90 minute show - we were only 30 minutes in and we'd seen TLG, Horizon and FFVII. Crazy.

Shawn ditched the tie, grew a sweet beard, and came across as the boss of motherfucking Sony instead of a dodgy used car salesman. It was from game to game like an EA conference without the cringeworthy fluff (see Pele).

Only problem I had was they still have the worst director /camera guys of any presentation. They always cut to the crowd at the worst time.
Holy shit people seem to be on some hype deflation quest. Stahp

Sorry some people don't like the same things you like. I just have no idea why I'm supposed to applaud the announcement of a kickstarter at a first party conference. Feels scummy.

Only problem I had was they still have the worst director /camera guys of any presentation. They always cut to the crowd at the worst time.

True story. But this year was far less annoying than last year. Last year's stream showed more crowd than screen.


This conference just gave me hope that the hints for Crash Bandicoot haven't been all smoke and mirrors. The "hats" for Destiny and now Call of Duty could be leading to that handover of IP ownership or partnership to revive Crash Bandicoot under Sony direction. Announcement at PSX for the fans?

I hope.


Really funny looking back on how everyone was worried that no leaks meant no megatons.

Sony and its partners somehow managed to keep FF7R, TLG and Shenmue 3 all from leaking.

Truly an unforgettable moment in gaming history. Glad I stayed awake for it.

What's funny is that we all heard rumours about TLG/FF7/Shenmue, but they were so nebulous that we could scarcely fathom them being real, so we put those apparent leaks out of our heads to settle on more achievable goals. Oh, how little did we truly know...
Happy TLG was finally shown with a clear(er) time or release, but after Horizon, FF7 remake and Uncharted 4 stuff I kind of forgot TLG happened. SotC is in my top 5 games of all time but something about TLG just didn't grab me like I thought it would again, I mostly felt relieved it was finally shown. No doubt I'll be getting it since I enjoyed ICO and loved SotC, though the kids movements seem erratic, which was something I was hoping they'd fix from the previous games.
Anyway I was overall pleased with Sony's show, kinda bummed no Persona 5 (though not surprised) and no Level 5 RPG. BUT, need something for the next few shows this year.
I have no idea what MM Dream game even was.
I wouldn't say that. They leaked, it's just that no one believed them. Whether they were true leaks or the same guess leaks like every year, is another question.

Do you know how many time there have been rumours of TLG, FF7R and Shenmue 3. I guess its kind of a blessing because of the frequency of these rumours and their status many people still did not believe.
You mean like:

Halo 5 - announced June 2013; releasing November 2015
Quantum Break - announced May 2013; releasing early 2016
Cuphead - announced June 2014; releasing 2016
Below - announced June 2013; releasing ???
Crackdown - announced June 2014; releasing ??? (probably 2017)
Scalebound - announced June 2014; releasing ??? (probably 2016)
Phantom Dust - announced June 2014; apparently not cancelled; releasing ???
Sea of Thieves - announced June 2015; releasing probably 2017
Fable Legends - announced August 2013; releasing September 2015

This kind of thing, right? Because I see from your posts that you favour MS, but let's not pretend that they're not at least as guilty of this as Sony is.
Lol that ownage. His bias is pretty obvious.


True story. But this year was far less annoying than last year. Last year's stream showed more crowd than screen.

All of the shots were a lot more practised this year. The camera only cut out to a wide shot on occasions where it actually mattered - like when the screens were doing something interesting (eg the Horizon title reveal all across the length of the wall).
I hope everyone takes notes. I'd watch every conference from start to finish every year if they were all this good.

I really hope so too. Microsoft and Nintendo cannot be blind to the explosion of news that came out of Sony's event. There's a buzz and energy across forums and social networks, the likes of which I have not seen in ages.

Surprises, spectacle, pacing, nostalgia, and the impossible. That's the new benchmark for E3, that's how you make the world know that your console has the brightest and boldest future. I wasn't interested in buying a PS4 before, but after last night, its definitely something to consider. They nailed it.

I've actually forgotten most of Microsoft's. Its like trying to remember the luminosity of a lightbulb when it was followed by a supernova.
Really funny looking back on how everyone was worried that no leaks meant no megatons.

Sony and its partners somehow managed to keep FF7R, TLG and Shenmue 3 all from leaking.

Truly an unforgettable moment in gaming history. Glad I stayed awake for it.

Well, in fairness there were substantial leaks in the hours preceding the conference. Its just that no one believed them.

I suppose that's the key. If you can't come up with a full proof plan to stop all leaks, then at least have announcements ready that are so unbelievably awesome, that people won't believe the leaks when they actually happen!


You mean like:

Halo 5 - announced June 2013; releasing November 2015
Quantum Break - announced May 2013; releasing early 2016
Cuphead - announced June 2014; releasing 2016
Below - announced June 2013; releasing ???
Crackdown - announced June 2014; releasing ??? (probably 2017)
Scalebound - announced June 2014; releasing ??? (probably 2016)
Phantom Dust - announced June 2014; apparently not cancelled; releasing ???
Sea of Thieves - announced June 2015; releasing probably 2017
Fable Legends - announced August 2013; releasing September 2015

This kind of thing, right? Because I see from your posts that you favour MS, but let's not pretend that they're not at least as guilty of this as Sony is.


Whats up with all the hate towards Sony's press conference? I think that it was, objectively, one of the better E3's in recent years. All the crazy announcements, awesome demos and new IP's that were years in the making?

I think a lot of people that do all the bashing can't separate their own preferences from the intrinsic value and joy that a certain game can bring to other people in general. Even if you don't prefer games such as TLG, FF7 or Shenmue, surely one must have the intellectual capacity to understand that these are some of, literally, THE MOST REQUESTED games of all time! All of these games have cluttered the dreams of MILLIONS of gamers, for the past DECADE! Can't you see past your own video-game comfort zone to realize that? The entire conference was basically "Fan Fiction Message-boards: The Most Wanted" brought to reality; of course it's gonna resonate with a lot of gamers in an enormous way! The only thing missing by the end was an announcement of HL3! Any one of those games separately would've made a big portion of gamers anywhere go bonkers, but all three of them?! It was some awesome, objectively awesome, moments yesterday as demonstrated by all the chatter that dominates social media and news outlets over today!
Like come on man, where's your gaming-solidarity?


Solid conference. Definitely better than Microsoft's conference. Nothing that really blew me away, though. But yes, Sony "won" E3. As a PS4-only gamer ATM, that's a good thing for me, I guess.

The Big 3 games that everyone is losing their minds over don't do anything for me. TLG may the only one of that bunch that I'd play. I would've preferred to see the new GoW and R&C instead.

Indie games looked great, though.

You actually believe this?

Is this GAF?


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
After this year's Sony conference, i'm surprised that there are people who say Sony didn't win.

Shenmue 3 is off the ground officially. It actually exists and is being made NOW(hopefully with an HD collection of 1 and 2 as well)

TLG is not dead and coming out NEXT YEAR.


God, the only thing i would change about this conference is take out that awful Black ops 3 segment and replace it with the Ratchet and Clank Trailer and gameplay we got a week early
What was Missing:

The Tomorrow Children ( show floor? )
Rime ( show floor? )
The Witness ( show floor? )
Persona 5
Dragon Quest Heroes US ( Squeenix conference? )
Disgaea 5 ( show floor? )
Until Dawn - was kind of bummed actually, wanted to see another crowd moment where everyone is shouting their next move
Ratchet and Clank - great showing prior to show though, probably playable on show floor
the Level 5 JRPG
Deep Down
Dragons Dogma Online
Hot Shots Golf
Let It Die
Killing Floor 2
Tearaway - show floor

Amongst many others. And seeing what they did show. Good lord. This is going to be a legendary system.


Not Banned from OT
FF7R, I am happy for the people who have been wanting this game but have absolutely no expectations. FF7 was a solid core but overall had a lot of weak design decisions which kept it from being a great RPG. Refining the combat, materia system, and adding more postgame content will be important, but I'm not sure if the team will feel free to make those types of decisions given how intense fan feelings are surrounding this game. Also....no idea when this is coming.

I feel exactly the same way and stated it many times. FF7 is probably the most over rated game in history. I think it is so beloved because it was a lot of peoples first RPG. I have the same complaints the combat and material system were bad and made the game to easy with the combat slow and boring. I got the game day 1 back in the day but it can't hold the jock strap of games like phantasy star 2.
I think a lot of people that do all the bashing can't separate their own preferences from the intrinsic value and joy that a certain game can bring to other people in general.

I really liked Doom and was interested in PvZ2, the EA sports titles and the Destiny stuff. Trust me, there was plenty of bashing from people who couldn't separate their own preferences from the joy those brought to me, and there sure as hell wasn't any "solidarity".

Give me a break.

After this year's Sony conference, i'm surprised that there are people who say Sony didn't win.

Win what? Is there a trophy? What does this even mean?
They really did learn their lessons. No sales numbers, no business PR jargon apart from Shawn's intro, no casual/mobile, and no 40-minute talk about Powers lol. The TV stuff was concise and actually worth announcing at E3 - a la carte channels is like a whole new paradigm. And it started on time! All that resulted in a brisk 90 minute show - we were only 30 minutes in and we'd seen TLG, Horizon and FFVII. Crazy.

Shawn ditched the tie, grew a sweet beard, and came across as the boss of motherfucking Sony instead of a dodgy used car salesman. It was from game to game like an EA conference without the cringeworthy fluff (see Pele).

I forgot all about it starting on time. I know we joke a lot about it, but it never feels like Sony's conferences start on time, and yet this one did. No waiting for people to finish piling into the theater.
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