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Revolution Controller Revealed

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wow... there's some really stupid crowds on this forum......

you have to be completely lacking in any form of creativity to not see the potential in this ---- Once again Nintendo should back thier stuff up with awesome demos to show people.

Nintendo should show Metroid working on this bad-boy so peeps can connect the dots.


You people do realize that this could be the greatest device ever for console gamers who are FPS and RTS fans?

You've basically got "WASD" buttons and the mouse control with just one hand.

KingJ2002 said:
- Leaving traditional games behind... and fucking over fighting gamers.
I don't think it's fair to say that they're doing that. You do still have the option to use Gamecube controllers with Revolution. If Nintendo wasn't supporting traditional controllers in addition to this I would say they were taking a big gamble, but I think they have almost all their bases covered.

The only thing I haven't figured out yet is how you will be able to play all SNES and N64 games with this controller.


It looks interesting, and sure a lot of people are laughing at it, but Nintendo wasn't thinking about traditional games to begin with. I don't think the world needs three versions of Madden anyway.

We already knew Nintendo was going to cater to a niche, so I don't think there's any reason to get all worked up about this.

Anyway, I just hope that SNES/N64 games will be playable with the Gamecube controller. The remote may be fitted for NES games, but it's certainly incapable of SNES games and I don't know if I want to play N64 games with it.
Check out this article from EDGE, they seemed to really like it:


yoopoo said:
Alright...upon first seeing the thing, I had the usual 'nintendo is doomed' 'rev is doomed' thoughts, but after reading several hands on impressions I feel much better.

Looking forward to the games.

Do you have an excel reaction chart?
I tried typing all the HAHAHA's but I got a keyboard buffer overrun.

This is priceless.

Do they know what mainstream gamers are going to say about this?!?



I'm pretty sure the Revo has GC controller ports, or the original unveiling showed the ports on the side. I am surprised by the major lack of buttons on the new controller. You won't get any multiplatform ports with that setup.

But the controller could make gaming actually feel new again.


Ninny Prancer

At first I thought "Huh... it's a... huh" then I thought "This is fucking brilliant" after reading about all the demos. Next gen will be the best gen. PS3 and X360 for my regular gaming, Rev for my fun, wackball, show-it-off-to-friends gaming.


EDIT: Also, this thing is gorgeous.



:lol @ the knee-jerk over-reactions. I think the possibilities of this thing are incredible and I can't wait 2 try it out. As long as games give the player more than one controlling option, I don't see a problem w/ it. Every game doesn't have 2 use all of the controller's features either.

Odd that the company who has the most 2 lose next-gen is the one with the balls 2 do something so wild and "out there" w/ their controller. This reminds me of when the first Wind Waker shot was revealed, and that was pretty funny too. My only concern is the number of action buttons accessible 2 your right hand. Doesn't seem like enough 2 me. Hopefully they'll make some changes be4 launch.
belgurdo said:
How much is Iwata paying you

NOTHING. I'm just fucking astounded at the level of sheer FUCKING IGNORANCE displayed in this thread. Yes the controller is unconventional, yes it may look stupid.

I thought it looked stupid at first, then I read about the features. When I found out that this controller will enable basically what I expected from the controller, I became excited. The potential for new gamplay coming from this very controller has me impressed.




I'm shocked at the prevailing reaction...well maybe I shouldn't be, this is GA after all. (Had the controller been more in line with current controllers we'd be seeing plenty of 'that's the revolution!?' type posts)

I wonder if the more balanced responses are from non-amercans. I have a theory concerning this...

In any event I predict this WILL attract some people who hadn't bothered to play games before and will renew the interest of others who were becoming jaded. I know I wasn't very excited about the new consoles until now.


KingJ2002 said:
...and once again fighting fans are fucked over by the nintendo controller.

I think the revolution controller is great for just about every game... except fighters like tekken and street fighter.

Virtua fighter can work on it though

I really do wonder what the games will be like... because of that laser pointer thingy the games should be more immersive.

what abou camera control? has nintendo perfected the camera to allow games like mario to be played well?

and even though it could do wonders for certain third party titles... is it worth taking the risk on their system? it's not port friendly thanks the controller so many titles wont be playable... like devil may cry.

meh... i havent seen everything... but here's 2 ultimate pro's and cons

+ it brings a new experience by being even more immersed in games that people will love it (DDR is so popular because of the interaction)

- Leaving traditional games behind... and fucking over fighting gamers.

I don't think it's fucking over fighting game fans, maybe close-minded fighting game fans, this "could" revive fighting games, giving the user new ways to interact with the character. Maybe moving the character on a 3d playing field with the controller, while using the analog control to execute moves. It'll make developers think differently about how people play their games. And I thinks that's a good thing.


Either we have a lot of Nintendo fans in here, or most of the people on this board are just a whole lot more open-minded and mature than I am.

Because I've been playing games for 25 years, and man, I think Nintendo and I are done.

Hey, maybe this crazy scheme will actually be fun to use, but I just can't wrap my head around it, and more importantly, I don't need to. I've no complaints at all with the Sony or Microsoft controllers.

Anyway - kudos to you folks for giving this thing a shot. I'll just have to admit that maybe I'm getting old and just too damn set in my ways.


First off, a few things to note.

- I think that Nintendo thinking outside the box is a good thing.
- I think that this could make for some great gaming.
- I think Matt C from IGN has the worst ideas on how to use this controller EVER.

Still, I'm apprehensive. It sounds as if there is some fantastic concepts behind this controlled and it could work well for a whole lot of types of games, but it also doesn't seem like it will be all that good for many others. It's like they've taken the concept of the unique features of the DS but eliminated the basic, simple control mechanisms that the DS has to fall back on. Sure, there is the option of using WaveBirds, but then you lose the whole sensor mechanism.

There are some great places for Nintendo to go with this, and considering that I'm expecting a relatively cheap price point, I'll likely be along for the ride. That being said, I can't help but feel that its negative effects on many genres are impossible to ignore.
pilonv1 said:
I doubt any of you would be sticking up for it if it had Sony or Microsoft on it. Blind faith for the win.

And for everyone saying third party games can "use a Gamecube controller", unless it ships with one you're segmenting the user base. Not everyone is going to have one.

It's definitely a bit weird, but if you look through this thread the majority of people against it are not Nintendo fans. So the critism is expected, even if there is some overexaggeration of details. But also notice that there are more positive responses once you get past the initial shocked posters up to this point.

As for segmenting the user base, given Rev's capablities, there's already going to be multiple userbases if you think in terms of what games people will be playing. Some might buy the console strictly to play SNES games, even tho they can buy Rev games. So what percentage of those are going to care whether it comes with a GC controller or not?

It's not going to be a big factor unless Rev ends up eating away from MS's and Sony's marketshares. Then, you'll have a huge group of non-GC owners buying the system.

On a side note, Im very interested to see what they are going to do next. Delaying Zelda might not have been that bad of an idea after all.
Nintendo will further lose marketshare this coming gen. They will keep the hardcore Nintendo folks, except for those who will wake up because of this.

And gain a smattering of those who are curious.

That's all folks.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Anyone notice how there is an HD TV set in the background of those pics....?

I'm excited.
Add a few more buttons, and show me some GAMES.

At least the thing looks damn sexy.


---- said:
You people do realize that this could be the greatest device ever for console gamers who are FPS and RTS fans?

You've basically got "WASD" buttons and the mouse control with just one hand.

But like it's different so it's going to suck.

People need to chill out.

My brain is still spinning. I can see how it could be great for some games, at the cost of being awful for others. Should be interesting to see if that sacrifice really pays off for the games it does work with. I can totally understand why Pikmin would work well with it, though.

And of all the wacky mockups made, I would not have guessed that GAKMAN of all people would be among the closest. Nice job, man.


Unconfirmed Member
krypt0nian said:
I tried typing all the HAHAHA's but I got a keyboard buffer overrun.

This is priceless.

Do they know what mainstream gamers are going to say about this?!?

Take a deep breath.

Step away from the computer for 5 minutes.

Come back and read the hands on impressions at 1up and Edge and what have you. Once you read up on it and really get a feeling for how it works and get past the "LOLZORS! ITS A REMOTE!!!" it starts to sound a lot better. :D


It has potential yes. But... I am not convinced it will be a revolution. I thought MSFT fucked up on 360, but now it doesn't look bad as this.


Maybe I'm getting bad the dimensions of the control but it seems that it will be awkard to reach every button specially the front buttons.


In that positon the lower buttons seems very hard to reach


You know what? I'm not a fan of the Gamecube or the DS, but I love this idea, and especially the analog extension. I don't like having to hold both hands very close together - it would be much more natural to be able to hold them apart. Suddenly I'm excited about this system.
Well, my girlfriend just called, and I told her why I'd been sitting at the computer for the last 2 hours. She doesn't play videogames, but when I explained to her about the design of the controller, she couldn't believe it and sounded pretty intrigued. I think that speaks volumes for what Nintendo IS TRYING to accomplish with this. They're changing the way we play, and are hoping to get non-gamers to take notice. This thing could either be fucking huge, or it will fade away. I'm completely excited, but then again, who knows if college students will give it a chance?

Something tells me that Mario Revolution is going to fully exploit it the controller's uses at launch, in addition to a 1st party FPS. Then we'll see where it goes from there.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I'm really excited.

I don't get the comments about not being able to play a lot of genres. You could play them on the GC couldn't you? This (with the analogue stick attachment) has the same number of buttons (within reach, more in all)! You can play FPSs, RPGs, RTSs, platformers, sports games (well, I think, don't really play them much), racers, shmups, puzzle games...pretty much anything. Are you guys even thinking before you comment?

Not to mention they may well allow developers to use the GC controller, though we don't have any confirmation of that.

Really though, there's very few people here who aren't multiconsole gamers here. Even if there does turn out to be a problem with third party games...were you going to buy them on Revolution anyway? It's not likely to be the most powerful! It was surely always about the exclusives, and we'll get the same amount of them, maybe even more given its uniqueness.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
almokla said:
I didn't get that laser pointer thing..

what does it do?

seriously what the fuck is up with people not reading both 1up and IGN explained the whole deal about that and they love it.

Infinitemadness said:
Thats it,

I'm out.

Enjoy gaming guys.

I'm done.

this thing makes me not even wanna buy a PS3, it makes me wanna quit gaming.



The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
I think the best thing to do is to let the OMGWTF moment subside, and then take a look at this setup with a fresh and open mind. I know I couldn't believe what I saw for the first 15 minutes, but when I read the demo impressions (rough as they are) it just seemed to open up a lot of possibilities that I have never thought of before.

Aside from gamers, I think the slick remote look will attract WAY more of the casual public's attention than any normal controller would. EVERYONE knows how to work a remote, and everyone can pick it up without button setups that would scare away many people who don't normally play games. 3D pointer

:lol I never saw it coming.


koam said:
What you fail to realize is the Nintendo can easily pack the new console with the new remote AND a wavebird 2 (that has more buttons) or an attachment that gives you more buttons.
Yeah.. and they can easily scrap the whole idea tomorrow, but that's not the point.

The point is what is shown now. So show me a hands-on/article with: 1) news of a packed in wavebird or 2) another attachment that provides more buttons than the two on the analog stick attachment.

If not stfuplzkthx.

I never said the controller was garbage, but I want to see how cross platform games work on the system. Not that it really matters since I'll be only picking up my Rev for Nintendo games anyway.. :lol

On a side note. Someone in the thread said Nintendo did it to drop 3rd party support (something like that). Wtf dude? Yeah, I'm sure they spent all this time trying to build up relationships only to drop them totally next-gen. :lol
I like it. I'll just have to play it myself to reach a true verdict. I really don't think it's fair to judge this thing simply by pictures.


So... Nintendogs Revolution? Virtual petting of a dog... Walking him on a leash with rumble feedback. You know it's going to happen GAF! :lol

I think the controller is interesting. I'd definately like to spend some time with it. That said, I don't find it nearly as interesting as the Nintendo DS.

I wonder how Smash Bros will work. Move/jump your character with the pointer. Perhaps holding A (and/or Z) and the quickly tilting the contrller will be the Smash attacks.

Edit: I did say WOW! =)
Shocking, intriguing, and very promising. We'll see what's what when the real software is unveiled. However, I'll throw my support behind it for the moment.


citrus lump said:
I'm so pissed right now. Not only do I want to turn in my Nintendo coat, I want to turn in my gaming coat period.


Don't lose hope dude. I'm sure there will be some third party controllers or something else that will map to this schema.


Publisher quotes:

"Nintendo has long been a trailblazer, and this controller design reinforces that reputation," said Brian Farrell, president and CEO of THQ. "We enthusiastically support Nintendo's next console because we believe their approach of continual innovation is very much in line with our own strategy of creating unique and innovative games for the next generation of hardware."

"What we're seeing from this controller is the same thing we saw with Nintendo DS," said Chuck Huebner, Head of Worldwide Studios, Activision, Inc. "It's a system that's designed with an eye on enticing new players to the video game industry, and that's something we firmly support."

"Game control is essential – it's the area where perhaps the most game-play improvement can be made," said John Schappert, Sr. Vice President and General Manager of Electronic Arts Canada. "While our portfolio represents a full array of titles across all genres, I think our sports titles might be the first to immediately take advantage of what this novel 'freehand' type of control has to offer."

"We were among the first publishers to see the control design in action," said Serge Hascoet, Chief Creative Officer of Ubisoft. "We're excited about the new controller and are looking forward to taking advantage of its innovative aspects."

Look, even WESTERN publishers love the Revolution.

PS3/Xbox360 fanboy better start building their bomb shelters, the end is neigh!
MetatronM said:
Take a deep breath.

Step away from the computer for 5 minutes.

Come back and read the hands on impressions at 1up and Edge and what have you. Once you read up on it and really get a feeling for how it works and get past the "LOLZORS! ITS A REMOTE!!!" it starts to sound a lot better. :D

No worries. I'll never say another bad thing about it. There would be no point.


Kudos for Nintendo for trying something different...

except that it feels like Nintendo DS all over again.

I have both PSP and DS and the PSP gets all my portable playtime.

Tell me that Nintendo AND 3rd party will do something Revolutionnary about it and then I'll join the bandwagon.

Now where's MGS4 trailer???
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