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Batman v Superman Spoiler Thread: Don't believe everything you read, Son

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Unconfirmed Member
We'll see him in Justice League in the hospital applying Aloe Vera.
Actually... It'd be kinda cool if he DID show up in a future movie looking more like the comic KGBeast. Missing a hand and scarred (burned) up.

I thought it was pretty good, guys.

I loved how creepy they made superman feel. Not as a person, but as a concept. All to see slow low angle shots really played up his raw power. Loved it.

Lex sucked tho.
Those could be forged. We need to perform our own autopsies.

We'll see him in Justice League in the hospital applying Aloe Vera.

Batman is so experienced in his old age that he knows how to fire guns at people to guarantee they will survive, just like how Batman is expected to magically know how hard he can hit people to render them unconscious reliably 100% of the time without ever killing anybody in all of the other fiction and no goon ever has a heart condition or a blood clotting problem that results in them dying off screen after Batman smashed their faces in and beat them to within an inch of their lives.


I'm okay with the idea idea of old Batman killing people. He's had enough! He let's these crooks off, they keep causing trouble. Brand him, Bat!


Batman is so experienced in his old age that he knows how to fire guns at people to guarantee they will survive, just like how Batman is expected to magically know how hard he can hit people to render them unconscious reliably 100% of the time without ever killing anybody in all of the other fiction and no goon ever has a heart condition or a blood clotting problem that results in them dying off screen after Batman smashed their faces in and beat them to within an inch of their lives.

There have been a lot of cases where Batman crippled the shit out of someone in some abandoned warehouse or whatever and just left them to starve or die of exposure, unable to move, in excrutiating pain. How many people has Batman concussed into vegetative states in his career? Kill-Batman is less savage than no-kill Batman.
I'm sure this has been answered earlier but does Lex know Darkseid exists or is he just assuming there are more powerful aliens out there that will want to mess with Superman?

Movie needed a scene showing Lex figuring out that Clark was Superman

Was that Batman suit with the writing on it supposed to be done by Joker?


I'm sure this has been answered earlier but does Lex know Darkseid exists or is he just assuming there are more powerful aliens out there that will want to mess with Superman?

Movie needed a scene showing Lex figuring out that Clark was Superman

Was that Batman suit with the writing on it supposed to be done by Joker?

I didn't get any of alien stuff as I don't follow the comics, but the graffitied suit was a Robin suit.


I'm sure this has been answered earlier but does Lex know Darkseid exists or is he just assuming there are more powerful aliens out there that will want to mess with Superman?

The cut scene released a few days ago should explain it:


Was that Batman suit with the writing on it supposed to be done by Joker?
That was Robin's costume, and yeah it's implied the Joker killed Robin and spray painted his suit. Apparently there's a cut scene showing Batman having a nightmare about it.
Why throw Robin's suit into the universe without explaining it at all

Uh because it's a fantastic way of world building. Shows batman has plenty of history to him

There's plenty of faults in this. That aint one of them

As for lex and superman. Well he was in the kryptonian ship. It literally told him everything to do with kryptonians including the identity of the last one alive.


Unconfirmed Member
Why throw Robin's suit into the universe without explaining it at all
?? It clearly says, "Jokes on you Batman HA HA HA" and it's a Robin suit. I mean, does a film have to have a character tell the viewer every little detail that's on screen? It's fairly evident of what happened.


Uh because it's a fantastic way of world building. Shows batman has plenty of history to him

There's plenty of faults in this. That aint one of them

Yeah its world building, but it makes no sense if nobody (non comic readers) knows joker killed robin. It was a weird call out.


Paper or plastic?
I'm sure this has been answered earlier but does Lex know Darkseid exists or is he just assuming there are more powerful aliens out there that will want to mess with Superman?
He accessed the Kryptonian archive. It told him about all of the known universe and its inhabitants.

He probably even knows of the Green Lantern Corps now.
Yeah its world building, but it makes no sense if nobody (non comic readers) knows joker killed robin. It was a weird call out.

Who cares. It will be explained in another film if it's an important plot point. If it ain't it will just be a prop. This is exactly the way to establish a universe imo. One of the best things they did in the movie.

The real jarring comic inclusion was some of that knightmare sequence. Now that should have been cut


I was talking to my coworker about this movie earlier and I realized that if Lex's blood (DNA) plus Zod created Doomsday, then that doesn't bode well for Clark and Lois's kid....


He accessed the Kryptonian archive. It told him about all of the known universe and its inhabitants.

He probably even knows of the Green Lantern Corps now.

All that knowdlege and the dude is still such a tryhard edgy trust fund kid. Such a shame and waste of a character.


What exactly is the being in that scene? It's not Darkseid is it?
It's not Darkseid. Some people speculate it's Steppenwolf, but I think it makes more sense if it's Yuga Khan, Dakseid's father, considering this is a hologram from the Kryptonian records like the ones Jor-El showed Clark in Man of Steel.

- J - D -

I was talking to my coworker about this movie earlier and I realized that if Lex's blood (DNA) plus Zod created Doomsday, then that doesn't bode well for Clark and Lois's kid....

The Kryptonian Genesis chamber goop facilitates the mutation, no? If Clark and Lois has a kid through natural ugly bumping conception, it could be okay in the hand wavey sense.

But what am I saying, they haven't thought that far.


They should go full dead Superman and have Steel show up

Always thought Steel should have shown up in Man of Steel. Not as Steel, obviously, but start sewing those seeds...

Zod knocks Supes to the ground right next to that construction site, is about to kill him. Next second, this tough-as-fuck looking John Henry Irons with a hammer whacks Zod in the face. Obviously doesn't do shit, but it gives Supes an opening to get back in the fight and knock Zod away. Then you just get a shot of John looking up, just kinda in awe.
Based on my knowledge on DC and all it's comic book glory. Isn't Darkseid the ultimate baddy in the universe or is it Braniac? I only ask because if it's Darkseid then how can they step down from him to another lesser motherfucker in a future JL movie?


Based on my knowledge on DC and all it's comic book glory. Isn't Darkseid the ultimate baddy in the universe or is it Braniac? I only ask because if it's Darkseid then how can they step down from him to another lesser motherfucker in a future JL movie?
Darkseid has always been the big bad. There's other shit they could do. Brainiac, Anti-Monitor, etc. Vandal Savage and the Injustice League or whatever. They could fuck around in the multiverse.

There are avenues they can go.


Darkseid has always been the big bad. There's other shit they could do. Brainiac, Anti-Monitor, etc. Vandal Savage and the Injustice League or whatever. They could fuck around in the multiverse.

There are avenues they can go.

Don't forget Granny Goodness.
I wonder if they will cleverly use the character setups they have laid out with this film. Superman was still very much becoming Superman, and it seems likely that the nature of his death will show the doubters that he really was a good guy, not to be feared. If everyone now loves Superman when he returns, he'll naturally behave more like the Superman most are accustomed to.

Lex will potentially be hardened in prison. I don't see him being quite as fluffy the next time we see him.

Batman looks to be discovering himself again and may be more like people expect the next time we see him.

So regardless of what you thought of the characterizations, they do have very solid setups to change things around. I personally think this was their plan all along. If you were not keen, I wouldn't worry too much yet.
Is it just me or was that dude that was hating on Superman at the capital with the weird hair actually at the funeral at the end(hair just a bit more normal)?

Seen multiple people asking for something like that but on my second viewing that dude does actually seem to be there.


Something that really bothered me about the film, but didn't really click until a few days ago, is how little is really going on between the characters in the titular fight. Thematically and philosophically, we the audience understand why Superman disapproves of Batman's methods (even if he's a huge hypocrite about it). And we much more effectively get why Bruce is pissed at Superman and sees him as a threat.

But those conflicts are not playing out during the fight. Superman never tells Batman why he wants him to stop answering the signal, to stop fighting crime. Batman never tells Superman why he's trying to kill him. Those conflicts should have lead directly to the fight, been on display through the characters actions and words, and been resolved through it. "Martha" was a cop-out, because it left the central conflict between the characters not only unresolved, but unaddressed.

In some ways it reminds me of the difference between the fights in the Star Wars prequels, vs. the OT and TFA. It's the difference between a fight for a fight's sake, and one where the fight is really about what's happening between the characters. That didn't happen here, and I think it's a big part of why I was so cold to this movie. I just didn't feel invested in it.


Unconfirmed Member
Something that really bothered me about the film, but didn't really click until a few days ago, is how little is really going on between the characters in the titular fight. Thematically and philosophically, we the audience understand why Superman disapproves of Batman's methods (even if he's a huge hypocrite about it). And we much more effectively get why Bruce is pissed at Superman and sees him as a threat.

But those conflicts are not playing out during the fight. Superman never tells Batman why he wants him to stop answering the signal, to stop fighting crime. Batman never tells Superman why he's trying to kill him. Those conflicts should have lead directly to the fight, been on display through the characters actions and words, and been resolved through it. "Martha" was a cop-out, because it left the central conflict between the characters not only unresolved, but unaddressed.

In some ways it reminds me of the difference between the fights in the Star Wars prequels, vs. the OT and TFA. It's the difference between a fight for a fight's sake, and one where the fight is really about what's happening between the characters. That didn't happen here, and I think it's a big part of why I was so cold to this movie. I just didn't feel invested in it.
I have a feeling a lot of that stuff was cut and might be in the extended cut.
Put Age of Ultron on netflix in the background over dinner.

Ultron goes on about God almost as much as Lex in BvS!

Edit: And this hulk fight straight out of MoS :p
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