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Portal 2 |OT| Sleep. Spuds. Science.


I think you'd have guessed where the video was going very quickly without the spoiler in the name. I seriously doubt the woman was shocked by the end of it. They specifically use words like engaged and things.


Nork unification denier
That proposal really should be its own thread. Great level, but the fact that he got Ellen McLain to read the lines puts it over the top into something truly special. I would have dragged him to the nearest city clerk's office and applied for a marriage license on the spot.


That was awesome. The top YouTube comment is pure genius, also:

"Cave Johnson here. This marriage proposal has just come to my attention, and all I have to say is: knock it off. If you two lovebirds want to marry something, marry Science. Unlike marrying another human being, Science won't produce children that will grow up to resent you, and it doesn't require fancy candy or ties for Father's Day to keep it happy. Go back to the testing chambers and I'll personally wed you to some repulsion gel, then call it even. Cave Johnson, we're done here."
So I finally got around to playing this game. I'm glad I did because for the most part I enjoyed it, but I didn't find it nearly as funny or clever as everyone else did. I think there was one moment where I chuckled out loud, that was about it (Glados telling you you're a horrible person, early on). I didn't think Wheatley was funny at all, Glados got real old, and Cave Johnson, well aside from the voice actor who I like a lot, I wasn't real impressed by.

As for the actual gameplay though, that I enjoyed a lot. The light tubes and bridges and the blue/orange gels were a lot of fun. I just wish they hadn't let the narrative take the front seat this time. A little bit of humor goes a long way, which is why I think Portal 1 worked better for me.

Also I seem to remember early screenshots/concept art where it looked like jungles and stuff, I was disappointed to be indoors/underground for pretty much the entire game.

Anyway just my 2 cents, didn't get around to playing the co-op but I don't know that I'm going to have time (library rental).


Neuromancer said:
So I finally got around to playing this game. I'm glad I did because for the most part I enjoyed it, but I didn't find it nearly as funny or clever as everyone else did. I think there was one moment where I chuckled out loud, that was about it (Glados telling you you're a horrible person, early on). I didn't think Wheatley was funny at all, Glados got real old, and Cave Johnson, well aside from the voice actor who I like a lot, I wasn't real impressed by.

As for the actual gameplay though, that I enjoyed a lot. The light tubes and bridges and the blue/orange gels were a lot of fun. I just wish they hadn't let the narrative take the front seat this time. A little bit of humor goes a long way, which is why I think Portal 1 worked better for me.

Also I seem to remember early screenshots/concept art where it looked like jungles and stuff, I was disappointed to be indoors/underground for pretty much the entire game.

Anyway just my 2 cents, didn't get around to playing the co-op but I don't know that I'm going to have time (library rental).

Fully agree with you. Found the game barely funny (GlaDOS was the one bringing the most laughs, actually), but gameplay-wise it's excellent.
Neuromancer said:
Anyway just my 2 cents, didn't get around to playing the co-op but I don't know that I'm going to have time (library rental).
Wait, wait, wait... Libraries carry videogames now? Where is this magical place that you live and how can I get a work visa and/or citizenship?
Neuromancer said:
So I finally got around to playing this game. I'm glad I did because for the most part I enjoyed it, but I didn't find it nearly as funny or clever as everyone else did. I think there was one moment where I chuckled out loud, that was about it (Glados telling you you're a horrible person, early on). I didn't think Wheatley was funny at all, Glados got real old, and Cave Johnson, well aside from the voice actor who I like a lot, I wasn't real impressed by.
You didn't like Wheatley or Cave Johnson????

I do agree that GlaDOS got a little old after a while, I especially didn't like her story arc towards the end.


BeeDog said:
Fully agree with you. Found the game barely funny (GlaDOS was the one bringing the most laughs, actually), but gameplay-wise it's excellent.

I will third this. I need to go back and replay with an open mind because I know that everything else about the game was excellent. I was so irritated by the non-stop attempts at humor the first time, I forgot to enjoy the game. Wheatley was dreadful. Cave had his moments and I still dig Glados.
I think Glados was hilarious until you
picked her up as a potato
. I thought she was going to continue with the subtle jabs but she hardly said anything during missions.


Dunno if most people saw this, but when
Glados yells the paradox all the crappy box robots malfunction.... also was Chell kept in status for 10 or more years before the first game and she is really an 8 year old in a 20 something year old's body?


Gold Member
The game is pretty funny, though it is dry and wouldn't be to everyone's liking.

Valve have my eternal gratitude for not leaning on the stuff that the internet latched on to and nearly ruined the game. I don't want to even mention them, they are so obnoxious.

I was impressed by the staging and scale of the game. It was bizarre, like it took place in some dream world. No wonder Cave went bankrupt.

Still need to go through co-op.
FieryBalrog said:
I don't know what's up with you guys, I Looooved Wheatley.

He was so endearingly helpful. :(
I think they went a little too over the top with him and his 'facial' expressions. Well I think they went too over the top with everything really.


Neuromancer said:
I think they went a little too over the top with him and his 'facial' expressions. Well I think they went too over the top with everything really.
I punched this post into my calculator and it came out a sad face.

Jokes aside, you're right, it's inferior to Portal 1, still my GOTY so far though.
StuBurns said:
I punched this post into my calculator and it came out a sad face.

Jokes aside, you're right, it's inferior to Portal 1, still my GOTY so far though.

Please tell me you're one of those posters who never write IMO :)


Glass Rebel said:
Please tell me you're one of those posters who never write IMO :)
It's bizarre you say that, not only am I one of those people, I'm also one that complains when people tell me to, thank you for recognizing it and not doing so. Very nice of you.

For me, Portal is much better than Portal 2. P1 has no hard edges, no fat, it's not as broad comically either. In Portal 2 I don't think the paints are good. I don't think the 'twist' with Glados was good, or even possible to not guess instantly.

I think it's an awesome game, but Portal is bordering on perfection, Portal 2 is just very good.
StuBurns said:
For me, Portal is much better than Portal 2. P1 has no hard edges, no fat, it's not as broad comically either.
I agree, in fact I liked Portal 1 so much I didn't even feel like I needed a sequel. (As evidenced by how long it took me to get around to playing 2.)

Truth be told though it's an almost impossible task to follow up on a game that excellent. I am kind of considering replaying Portal 1 now (think I got a free Mac version when I got Steam).


StuBurns said:
It's bizarre you say that, not only am I one of those people, I'm also one that complains when people tell me to, thank you for recognizing it and not doing so. Very nice of you.

IMO, Portal is much better than Portal 2. P1 has no hard edges, no fat, it's not as broad comically either. In Portal 2 I don't think the paints are good IMO. IMO, the 'twist' with Glados was good, or even possible to not guess instantly.

IMO it's an awesome game , but Portal is bordering on perfection, Portal 2 is just very good IMO.

I jest.


StuBurns said:
...For me, Portal is much better than Portal 2. P1 has no hard edges, no fat, it's not as broad comically either. In Portal 2 I don't think the paints are good. I don't think the 'twist' with Glados was good, or even possible to not guess instantly.

I agree Portal 1 is a tight piece of sexy ass, but it's more of a puzzle game with adventure elements near the end. Portal 2 is an adventure game with puzzle elements throughout. Going back and finishing Portal 1 and all the advanced chambers afterwards I was struck just how claustrophobic it all feels to me now. I could explore old underground Aperture all day.
StuBurns said:
It's bizarre you say that, not only am I one of those people, I'm also one that complains when people tell me to, thank you for recognizing it and not doing so. Very nice of you.

Thought so but you never know on GAF where people often post their opinions as fact. I also think it's not necessary to write it, I occasionally do it just to avoid exactly that.

StuBurns said:
For me, Portal is much better than Portal 2. P1 has no hard edges, no fat, it's not as broad comically either. In Portal 2 I don't think the paints are good. I don't think the 'twist' with Glados was good, or even possible to not guess instantly.

I think it's an awesome game, but Portal is bordering on perfection, Portal 2 is just very good.

It's certainly a valid opinion to hold even though I prefer Portal 2. Portal 1 for me personally stands out as one of those rare titles that still have that old "you're on your own in an unknown world/environment" feeling like Super Metroid or Half-Life. Which is quite ironic, because that's actually how I like my games but which they practically took out of Portal 2.

I just felt that P2 did those new things not featured in P1 so much better than any other game in recent memory. It also felt more believable, mostly due to the presentation. If they reworked the levels of P1 with the detail of P2 (textures, animations, effects etc.) I might have a hard time putting one over the other.
I don't know... would be really difficult to do a game this long without a story to hold it on, so I think the overall story was spot on. Specially
the way Valve tells the full story of Aperture Laboratories and the one of Cave Johnson
True, sometimes Wheatly was annoying as hell and not so much funny, but the start of the last chapter was hilarious...

Spoiler The Part Where He Kills You

Overall I found the game to be just right... everything clicks. I know, it's not the same as Portal where you put the pieces together and make the story yourself, but it's was cleverly made nevertheless.

The one thing that stills amazes me is how Valve does Single Player games. Every second you fell like you're going through an alternate way or place, but... that's the way to go. I felt like I was exploring all the time rather than following a straight path just to get to the other side. In that way, this game is pure genius.


Gold Member
I agree with the folks saying that Portal 1 was tight and just about perfect (nothing to add, nothing to subtract), and Portal 2 is not. However, that doesn't really make Portal 2 worse. Portal 2 was more of a game, less perfect, more sprawling, but that just gives it a different feel.

I liked the approach Valve took on puzzles much more here. In Portal 1, the puzzles were often easy to figure out but a bit challenging to do because of quick reflexes or whatever. In Portal 2, I sat there stumped for a bit until a light bulb went off. Then the puzzle wasn't very hard to do.


Dax01 said:
Portal 1 feels like a demo compared to Portal 2. It hurts the game on replays now.
I've played it thrice since, still feels perfect to me.

As for difficulty, the advanced levels in Portal to me are much much harder than anything in Portal 2, including the co-op levels where you can't die for the achievement.
Without the advance levels though (which are great, and the challenges) I like Portal 2's puzzles more. There's a greater number of them, there's fewer tutorial-learning puzzles, and you have those sweet sexy gels.

There is some downside, Valve drastically cut down on the number of portal-able surfaces and made it a little more obvious, and nothing is as satisfying as that one puzzle in the first game where you have to continually seesaw through a portal to get to the next higher platform.

Also co-op more than makes up for the advanced levels and challenges.


oatmeal said:
Sweeeeeet. Any information on how much content?

They haven't really outlined it all so far, just vague stuff, 'more of what people like about Portal', advanced chambers, will add on to the story I believe Erik said.

It's the first of at least two free DLC packages too.


StuBurns said:
They haven't really outlined it all so far, just vague stuff, 'more of what people like about Portal', advanced chambers, will add on to the story I believe Erik said.

It's the first of at least two free DLC packages too.


Can't wait!


Dax01 said:
Portal 1 feels like a demo compared to Portal 2. It hurts the game on replays now.
I definitely agree. Portal 1 arose as something of a tentative experiment for Valve, and it shows ever clearly after Portal 2's release. It still has its charms and I'll be replaying it until my hard drive is dust, but Portal 1 receiving higher acclaim is very much bound up in time and place. Swap the two games around with the aid of a time machine and I'd expect 2 to garner all the praises and for 1 to be criticized for simplifying the formula and losing so much characterization. Portal 1 wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, it had some definite rough edges and balance problems (mostly later on), and relies on the same small clutch of tools for the entire experience, whereas Portal 2 is delightfully varied.
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