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Highs and Lows of your gaming hobby?


HIGH: Everything that came after The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. That game was as much a "game changer" for the industry as it was for me. It *made* me the gaming enthusiast I am today, in a constant search of news, reviews and new interactive experiences. Madly enjoyed my N64, Gamecube, Xbox, DS, Wii and PS3.

LOW: Shortly after Uncharted 2: Among Thieves right down to this day. I loved the game from start to finish, don't misinterpret me, just that my interest began fading then for reasons yet unknown to me. The last few months have been particularly encouraging, seeing myself purchasing (and very much enjoying) Skyrim and some PSN releases, and with the advent of the Wii U (huge Nintendo fan) things should be returning to that "HIGH" I so desperately crave.


erotic butter maelstrom
High: Buying a Sega Dreamcast in October of 1999 with a combination of paper route savings and birthday money. It was the first videogame system that I bought for myself, rather than something my parents bought for all of us, and I loved showing it off to my friends. Games like Sonic Adventure and NFL2K were mindblowing at the time, and I loved that this powerful system was all mine. It's been nearly 13 years and I have yet to become as attached to a console as I was with the Dreamcast.

Low: My Dreamcast disc drive crapping out on CHRISTMAS DAY, when I received Tony Hawk 2 and Skies of Arcadia as gifts. I cried so much. Also - the death of the Dreamcast, of course. Those were some dark days.
GoldenEye tourneys in High School, playing Double Dragon with my brother, meeting Hideo Kojima, my uncle letting me play street fighter II as much I wanted at his arcade.

I didn't play videogames from 2001-2003 (I was living/travelling in asia. Good times, but I did miss games).


Highs:First exposure to gaming via the C64. Didnt matter what game it was. Every time I slipped in that floppy, I was completely immersed. From that point on, each gen of gaming brought forth more wonderment. Skipped the NES era due to strict parents, but SNES, Genesis, Lynx, NeoGeo, Jaguar, Game Gear, GB, N64, Saturn, and PSX were glorious. Honorable mention to PC gaming too. My exposure of FPS, RTS, and Tactical games came almost exclusively from the PC.

Lows:Even though the PS2 is one of the most successful console ever, I think my love for gaming started declining around this time. I think it was due to the fact I was working at Gamestop, and was overexposed to games. Ive never been good when presented with too many choices, and to have all systems and games at my disposal was actually a detriment in hindsight. I came to this conclusion due to the lack of nostalgic memories, in comparison from past gens. Still, being present at the launch of Dreamcast, PS2, X-Box, Gameboy Color and Advance will be unforgettable. The lows is capped off with this gen. No games I bought instilled any lasting memories. Yes, I am now a jaded, boring grown up.


when I traded Mario All-Stars for TMNT Turtles in Time



The high would be the time of the rumors of the Nintendo/Sony collaboration, to the launch of the 3D0 and Jaguar. It was then that I learned not everyone was as interested as I was. I annoyed a lot of people nattering on about specs and speculations. I can remember pouring over all the rumor sections of all the game mags I could get my grubby hands on in a small town. The lead up to the launch of the 360 might rival my previous high, but the internet gets a lot of the credit.

The low would be the build up and rise of the PS1, although I did manage to get back in time for Final Fantasy 7. Girls.


Highs: Watching my kids learn and love the games (NES/SNES) that I kept from my youth. Having those 'kid moments' of geeking out on a game for a day (most recently Diablo III.)

Lows: Selling off my collections and 'getting out of gaming' when I went through my 'save my marriage'/divorce stage of life. Hah, that was fun. In hindsight, lessening the collection probably wasn't that bad and I did get my 52" Samsung with the proceeds, but still, lessons learned.


No One Remembers
Low: I've been playing WoW for over 7 years now and it's mostly all I play. I've missed out on a lot of great games. I don't have any current gen consoles and I feel sad that I've missed out on the Wii. I'd love to play games like the New Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Galaxy 1/2, Donkey Kong Country Returns among many others.

High: The SNES/PSX/N64 days.
High: As a massive openworld 3rd person sandbox game fan, I love how alive the game worlds feel when playing them (R* I will give you my butt babbys out of thanks).

Low: AI, interaction, destructability and player freedom still feel limited and oddly out of place.


- discovering WRPGs
- the quality indie games of the last 5 years
- discovering online co-op
- Street Fighter 2
- Mortal Kombat II
- Minecraft
- Red Dead Redemption, Red Faction Guerilla, the PS2 GTAs, Mercs 1, Just Cause 2 (quality sandbox games that were insanely fun)

- my Sega Saturn purchase
- going 2 years without gaming from 1997 - 1999
- discovering online multiplayer deathmatch
- only realize that I don't like modern racing games after having bought 8 or 9 of them in the mid-late 2000s
- Shining Force - oh no, I loved it, but so did all my friends: I was the only person with a Genesis...so for an entire year or two I never got to play my Genesis because someone was borrowing it to play SF

But Turtles in Time is one of the very best SNES games. I don't see the problem :(

TiT is fun once or twice through. The four games on All Stars not only can be replayed forever, but they're also much more fun.
Low: I've been playing WoW for over 7 years now and it's mostly all I play. I've missed out on a lot of great games. I don't have any current gen consoles and I feel sad that I've missed out on the Wii. I'd love to play games like the New Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Galaxy 1/2, Donkey Kong Country Returns among many others.

High: The SNES/PSX/N64 days.

There's still time.


My high would be playing really good games, period. Games like Half Life 2, and Mass Effect. and God of War 2. These have been some of the greatest moments of entertainment for me. When gaming get's it right, there is nothing that can touch it as far as experience.

My lows would be that gaming can become a huge time sink, and with prices so low on places like Steam, you can create a huge backlog of games. Then it starts to become a distraction/ chore to try and finish all the games you have purchased.
My high would be playing really good games, period. Games like Half Life 2, and Mass Effect. and God of War 2. These have been some of the greatest moments of entertainment for me. When gaming get's it right, there is nothing that can touch it as far as experience.

My lows would be that gaming can become a huge time sink, and with prices so low on places like Steam, you can create a huge backlog of games. Then it starts to become a distraction/ chore to try and finish all the games you have purchased.


Highs - During the N64/PS1 era, and when I was in high school. I wasnt able to afford everything i wanted, but what i did get i played the hell out of. And having so many friends around for 4 player gaming was a stupid amount of fun. Mario Party 2 and Goldeneye were always highlights. And just daft stuff like Smugglers Run open world or Timesplitters 2 multiplayer on the PS2 for hours.

Lows - Anytime things have got in the way. Especially times in the last few years. Working full time and studying for a degree in my spare time took gaming time down to almost nothing at points. This past few months has been much better though. I think ive played more in 2012 already than in all of 2011.
My interest also started to fade towards the end of last gen, and it took a while to pick up, even though i got 360 at launch. A few games like PGR4 and Orange Box got me right back in.


Highs: C64/NES era. I played and completed everything I could get my hands on.

Lows: I quit all gaming from 1999-2004. When I came back, I bought all the consoles and caught up on all the AAA games I missed. It was pretty fun, but not amazing.
My high had to be when Xbox Live came around. I was in awe and it's climax was Halo 2 mp and Midtown Madnes. "I'm playing video games and talking to my friends and family around the country. Holy Shit this is just incredible!!!"

My low had to be when I only owned an N64 and all those 45 minute round trips to EB finding no new games for weeks and weeks at a time. =/
I'd like to hear the story behind this!

Ok Ledsen, I'll tell you.

Basically, I had a sort of mid-life crisis. I just got back to the states after a life changing decision. First time in my life that I didn't have the obligations of a job, so I was bored and bought a PS3fat... and something caught my eye at the store - this yellow PS2 game case; it was Persona 4.

It looked sort of lonely there - you know, like brand new but had several sale stickers over top of the original sticker. I think it was $17.99. (This was a Circuit City by the way, about the time they were closing their stores.)

I couldn't stop playing Persona 4. The state of mind that I was in put me into an almost hyper sensitive position that suspended my disbelief to the limitless that of my child-like self. Ledsen, I couldn't allow it to end, so I began drinking. At around 12 hours playing straight, the sun began to rise, so I covered the windows making sure no light could enter that office.

I passed out at about 20 hours in... that music that plays when you are in the weapon store repeated over and over as I had a nightmare about drifting in space, unable to move. I woke up 10 hours later, showered, ordered some Lebanese takeout and went back into Persona 4.

About 60 hours in without sleep, I got a pretty bad headache. I've never been one for taking medicine, so I drank two glasses of water and ordered a pizza online from Papa Johns. It was extremely surreal - I wasn't human anymore, I was some kind of beast or something. I have a small closet in my office full of old suits - these became my napkins and blankets.

I woke up covered in pizza and dress pants. Cognac, scotch, and low quality pizza can give you really bad heartburn - but it didn't matter, a character that I cared about died in Persona 4 and I needed to make things right.

Yeah, then I beat the game. I went on a long drive in the countryside afterward and then did a 3-day detox. I thought to myself, "is this what adult men do?"

That was the best gaming moment in my life, Ledsen.


(1) From 1988-1996 my parents let me rent an NES/SNES game once a week. Thanks to that, I was able to experience so many more games than if I'd only been able to buy them.

(2) From 2007-present, when I finally picked up a DS and a Wii and returned to gaming after 10 years of absence.

I dropped out of console gaming from about 1997-2007 because there were just no games I was interested in. I jumped on the Wii/DS wave late because I'd been so disillusioned with games that I assumed this generation was no different.

Even my low wasn't too low, since PC gaming was a good friend of mine during that time.
It's a bit cliche, but they're concurrent.

Highs - finally having plenty of income to buy whatever games/systems I want.

Lows - not having any time to play games

In the 80s and 90s it was: "man, I need a new game, I've played these to death"
Now it's: "man, look at all these games I've barely touched"
-Trying Mario 64 for the first time at a demo kiosk.
-Coming home with my launch night Gamecube and having Rogue Squadron 2 blow my mind.
-The sensation of hitting the ball for the first time in Wii Sports tennis. This was at about 1am, after waiting in line 26 hours to get a system at launch.
-Beating Star Wars Trilogy Arcade on one credit.
-Unlocking the AX Cup in F-Zero GX 7 years after I originally bought the game.
-Playing through the entirety of TMNT in my local arcade with 4 other random kids while a group of parents looked on. None of us knew each other, but when we had beaten the game we all turned to each other, high-fived and yelled "cowabunga!" like the end of the first movie. For real.
-Renting Super Mario RPG from a local shop where game rentals were only good for 1 day. I pulled a marathon session to complete it before I had to take it back.
-Bought an NES with some random games from a flea market a few years ago. One game was Jackal, which I had never played. Beating the game with a friend made me feel like a kid again.
-The entirety of my first Killer 7 playthrough.
-Playing After Burner Climax in a full motion arcade cabinet.
-Being knocked into the pit by the computer for the first time in the original Mortal Kombat arcade game.
-Using voice chat for the first time in Alien Front Online on Dreamcast.
-Playing 4-player Goldeneye and WCW vs nWo Revenge before WCW wrestling pay-per-views at a friend's house.

-My 300+ hour PSO save file being corrupted
-My DS, PSP, 360 and PS3 were stolen when my apartment was broken into in October 2010. Insurance replaced the hardware but not my save files.
-Realizing I will never have enough time to get good at any 2D fighting game.
-Moving away from all of my gaming friends to take a job offer in another state.
-Having to sell most of my Gamecube and Xbox games years ago because of money problems.
-Selling an old crappy Final Fight cabinet I had because I couldn't afford to fix it up.
-Getting so angry at PSO Episode 3 that I stopped playing altogether during the height of the game's popularity. Now I would give anything to be able to play it online again.
-Sega dropping out of the hardware business.
-The Sega/Sammy merger and the internal changes that resulted.
-Buying a modded Xbox just to play Metal Wolf Chaos, only to have the console break a short time later.
Highs: N64/Dreamcast era. Friends over every weekend and would just game for hours and hours and hours. Pizza, booze and fun gaming. Man, I miss that.

Lows: When I almost died and returned home from the hospital. Tried gaming and I couldn't even look at the screen...it was just too bright and hurt my head. Then when my photo-sensitivity faded I realized I had a VERY strong aversion to violence, even simulated violence in games. Couldn't play anything that I use to enjoy. I'm all better now and love slaughtering things in my games...but at the time I was very concerned. It was like gaming's version of going impotent.....

Current Low: Not enough time to game anymore. Work, study, fiance all take up too much time :p



1)Late 1990's: Being forced to deal with Playstation/Saturn/N65 era graphics and not having the luxury of playing games with arcade quality graphics at home.

2)Being broke and having to sell my Neo Geo MVS 6-Slot Jamma board.

3)The unsurmountable amount of shitty games released on the PSX(and Xbox 1 as well), and not having much at all to play during those years.

4)The demise of GameFan Magazine :(

Highs: So many highs....

Playing JRPGs for the first time and becoming obsessed with them during the peak SNES era

Playing Mortal Kombat 2 and 3 with close friends and having great battles on the snes

GameFan.....driving to the newsstand, reading and collecting almost every issue. Admiring the screenshots and just enjoying the magazine tremendously overall.

The announcement of OutRun 2006 Coast to Coast for consoles, and enjoying the hell out of the game online with my friends on the Xbox 1 back in 2006/2007.

Playing Ridge Racer 6 online on the 360 and meeting a lot of great people.

Getting into PC gaming, particularly in the racing genre, and finally getting all the racing hardware I ever wanted....FFB wheel, pedals, shifter and racing frame.

Finally, most recently, getting into iRacing, participating in races and having close battles with courteous and friendly drivers in both road and oval races. Very fun!

About it for now :)
Low: Staying up late to watch a crappy quality stream of some Sony event in Japan, not translated into English where nothing of note was shown.


I have spent the last 5 minutes trying to think of when I had a low point as far as interest goes, and I haven't really had one. I'm 28 and the first system I ever played was an Intellivison II 'cause my dad was really into games before me, so it is something I literally grew up with.

I have have always had at least two relatively current systems (Intellivision II and 2600, NES and SMS, and so on) and my first PC was a 386, so I have been playing computer games since then also.

I would say I have two very distinct high points though.

1) I was really into Battletech MU*'s when I was really young (14/15) and I would come home and immediately sit down and start playing, only to get up to eat and use the bathroom. I would probably play at least 8 hours every day and would have played more if I didn't have parents who made me to go bed because I was in high-school. To this day it remains the most gripping and intense online experience I have ever had, and no graphical MMO has ever grabbed me like those games did.

2) I also played quite a lot of Half-Life mods that weren't called Counterstrike. I was in one of the first DoD clans and I also played Front Line Force ALOT. Probably not as much as I played Battletech, but close.
Lows: selling my SNES collection when i was a kid, including Secret of Mana, FFVI, Chronotrigger, Illusion of Gaia etc. all in boxes and MINT.

Highs: getting a Neo Geo AES, getting a super gun, getting my first cave PCB, boxed virtual boys, boxed game gears, CDX, 32X, Saturns, Dreamcasts, 3DOs etc.


My biggest low was when World of Warcraft came out when I was in college...it got pretty ugly because I was seemingly never offline and I didn't play anything else for a long time :lol


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
High: 1995-1996 - heavily addicted to gaming on PC + some occasional Mega Drive bits. My last game before I decided to quit was Interstate '76. I played it a lot, couldn't stop and then I moved to my grandma's house in the countryside for a month. Had been reading books these month and seriously reduced gaming time when I returned.

Low: 2000 - 2007 (the last game I played in 2000 was Deus Ex) . No games at all except Flatout races with a friend and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in 2007. Then Bioshock came out and I returned HARDCORE. Still not as hardcore as in the first half of nineties.
Low: I've been playing WoW for over 7 years now and it's mostly all I play. I've missed out on a lot of great games. I don't have any current gen consoles and I feel sad that I've missed out on the Wii. I'd love to play games like the New Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Galaxy 1/2, Donkey Kong Country Returns among many others.

High: The SNES/PSX/N64 days.

It will be $99 bucks this christmas. There is still plenty of time. You will drown in awesome games at this point in its life cycle.


Crazily enough: the death of my first Playstation should have been an obvious low. Yet I barely remembered it, it must be because it happened after the debut of the Dreamcast, and I had gotten Phantasy Star II for Christmas and spent a good amount of time playing that instead if I wasn't playing the Dreamcast/N64. I forget how long it took my dad to replace it, it certainly wasn't an immediate replacement like when I had my PS2 die anyway, but I think there was simply enough great stuff on other systems at the time that it didn't actually matter that much.


- Getting DOA3 (or 2?) for The original Xbox; Me and a friend use to play it everyday after school for 4 months straight. It was crazy
- Buying Crusader No Remorse
- Playing Freedom Force

- Buying Crusader No Remorse, Disk was scratched :/
- Same day, buying Turok for PC, serial didn't work :/
- Finding out about the PS1 black disc swap to play burned games (Twas young)


Lows: Kinect, I can't get used to how MS is approaching this and it has soured my whole experience with my Xbox even though I sold my kinect. I tried it and hated it and no matter how well it may be integrated into the nextbox experience, I won't be there.
I know MS are under pressure to do something different but I just wish they would dump the thing. It has changed my view of the Xbox and it's not good.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Low: Breaking my GBA because of Metroid Fusion, buying DoAX2 in public

Highs: Playing Dark Souls for the first time, being #3 worldwide on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (PS2), playing Call of Duty 2 online with my bro, playing Bomberman on the SNES with friends

A lot more than just those, but that's just off the top of my head.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.

Mid 90s to 2002: Just being able to lose myself in a game due to being a kid and not having important shit to do. During this time you had the best games in the world coming out every year: FF7-10, Resident Evil 1-3, Tomb Raiders, Tekkens, Metal Gear Solids... it was a golden age. Then I went to university and had too many obligations, but Football Manager and Morrowind were great companions there.

Highs since then: Setting aside 2-3 days for playing games I've been looking forward to or getting lost in games I enjoy. Playing Oblivion for 26 hours straight without eating was awesome. Playing MGS4 in three days (11 hours on the 2nd day) was just as good.


I'm too tired now to enjoy playing most games. Basically if I want to complete a game nowadays I have to do it in 1-2 plays. Once that disc comes out of the drive, it's never getting played again. I've also found myself not as forgiving or as patient as I was when I was a kid. Back then I'd be willing to look over shitty design decisions, bad voice acting, and general crappiness in a game but not anymore. Combine that with 90% of video games being predictable as hell to me due to my knowledge of game design and analytical mindset and nothing surprises me in a lot of games anymore, making them a boring waste of time.

That and most popular games that I've played in the last few years are formulaic trash. Back in the 90s you had a lot more variety.


-Trying Mario 64 for the first time at a demo kiosk.
-Coming home with my launch night Gamecube and having Rogue Squadron 2 blow my mind.
-The sensation of hitting the ball for the first time in Wii Sports tennis. This was at about 1am, after waiting in line 26 hours to get a system at launch.
-Beating Star Wars Trilogy Arcade on one credit.
-Unlocking the AX Cup in F-Zero GX 7 years after I originally bought the game.
-Playing through the entirety of TMNT in my local arcade with 4 other random kids while a group of parents looked on. None of us knew each other, but when we had beaten the game we all turned to each other, high-fived and yelled "cowabunga!" like the end of the first movie. For real.
-Renting Super Mario RPG from a local shop where game rentals were only good for 1 day. I pulled a marathon session to complete it before I had to take it back.
-Bought an NES with some random games from a flea market a few years ago. One game was Jackal, which I had never played. Beating the game with a friend made me feel like a kid again.
-The entirety of my first Killer 7 playthrough.
-Playing After Burner Climax in a full motion arcade cabinet.
-Being knocked into the pit by the computer for the first time in the original Mortal Kombat arcade game.
-Using voice chat for the first time in Alien Front Online on Dreamcast.
-Playing 4-player Goldeneye and WCW vs nWo Revenge before WCW wrestling pay-per-views at a friend's house.

-My 300+ hour PSO save file being corrupted
-My DS, PSP, 360 and PS3 were stolen when my apartment was broken into in October 2010. Insurance replaced the hardware but not my save files.
-Realizing I will never have enough time to get good at any 2D fighting game.
-Moving away from all of my gaming friends to take a job offer in another state.
-Having to sell most of my Gamecube and Xbox games years ago because of money problems.
-Selling an old crappy Final Fight cabinet I had because I couldn't afford to fix it up.
-Getting so angry at PSO Episode 3 that I stopped playing altogether during the height of the game's popularity. Now I would give anything to be able to play it online again.
-Sega dropping out of the hardware business.
-The Sega/Sammy merger and the internal changes that resulted.
-Buying a modded Xbox just to play Metal Wolf Chaos, only to have the console break a short time later.

I love this post and the attitude behind it, even though I havent experienced all those things I guess.

Mine, limited to about a dozen of each:

- Finishing Final Fight on 1 credit on the Amiga 500 version with my brother
- Amiga again, defeating Super Nashwan in the final league game by something like 11 points to 9. A true epic finale that puts the Mighty Ducks to shame.
- Spending rainy days playing through Animal Crossing on gamecube for fishing tournies and general errands.
- Making an effort to go back and play to completion the classic games I have never before finished. In the last two years this includes Half Life 2 + eps, Resident Evil 4, Ocarina of Time for starters.
- The new creative games this gen and last, like Mario Galaxy, Skyward Sword, Portal, World of Goo
- Project Gotham Racing 2 and Rainbow Six 3 on xbox live taking up hundreds of hours without ever touching single player modes
- Playing Golden Axe and Streets of Rage 2 at mates' places. The music and the simplicity of those games will never ever get old.
- Pulling off King's throw combo ending in the giant swing for the first time in Tekken 2
- Bunker. Proximity mines. 3 other people.
- Finally getting a PAL copy of Chrono Trigger on DS, playing through it and finding out what exactly I had missed out on all those years.

- When Dreamcast failed to ship on time in Australia in November 1999. Was three months til I had one.
- 360 failure, though not due to RROD strangely. Some GPU fry issue.
- PS3 going missing in the post for a fortnight when sent in for repair.
- The complete disillusionment in blockbuster games brought on by Halo 3 being poo.
- Realising a few years too late that selling an Amiga 500 was not a good idea.
- Cracking the shits with the XBL community I played with, mainly because it became splintered thanks to too many games of the same genre coming out.
- Dealing with my XBox Live addiction and getting over mild depression at the same time (not related)
- The gradual realisation of how corrupt and insular this industry is, and how much contempt it has for consumers. This is ongoing.
- Every Sonic game since 1999.
- Hearing about the cancellation of all game development by Oddworld Inhabitants sometime shortly after Stranger's Wrath


I think in general, I'm most happy with classic type games which is why I tend to get a lot out of things like retro VC games and new games with that kind of ethos. This morning I went on a youtube memory lane type wander, looking up soundtracks to old classic Amiga games like Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 and Speedball 2. I will never reconcile myself with this industry's incessant push towards discarding the old to make way for newer, clinical and generally soulless experiences.


1. Whenever each generation starts - Never been a day one buyer with consoles (except portables) so I'm usually behind the trends at the beginning of a new console cycle. And dont get me started with the next gen with PS4/Xbox720, no money to burn on another $500-700 console right now.
2. Right.Now. - Jobs, relationships, and mainly just gaming themes becoming more and more redundant with too many series and sequels. I still love gaming but damn it, wish there were more unique settings/themes in a game, right now, most games look very similar to each other thematically (FPS = modern shooters, JRPG = anime, TPS = mainly just gun shooting or DMC/Ninja Gaiden-like, you get it).

1. High school/college. Too much time on my hands.
2. Portable gaming. iPhone, PSP, PS Vita, the portability really helps. In the bus/train, in bed, its just much more accessible even if its just a small screen.


Unconfirmed Member
High: Playing Fallout 3 obsessively and refusing to sleep for more than three hours at a time to maximise my gaming time spent in the game world for the first week following it's release.

Low: Geoff Crammond bailing out of the gaming industry after GP4. I wanted Stunt Car Racer 2 damnit.


High: Playing GTA III for the first time. I couldn't describe it- my brother's friend brought it over, and we stayed up for hours past 2 am to just mess with the game world. It was unbelievable, ineffable. It felt like some sort of gaming revelation- finally we could explore a city while driving a Banshee for hours, listening to the Scarface soundtrack. Luigi's Sex Club felt so seedy, 8-ball felt like a true partner in crime and car jacking felt empowering. It was madness, and pure bliss. I've never had a moment close to this ever in a game- closest was playing Red Dead Redemption for the first time.

Another great moment included running to an EB Games to get my Yakuza demo disc after pre-ordering it months in advance. I played that demo disc up until the night of the release; the reverie associated with Kamurocho still hasn't left. Brilliant series, and a wonderful brawler RPG hybrid. Kazuma remains as one of my favorite protagonists ever. And that demo disc is still in pristine condition!

Last one, I swear it! Playing Def Jam Fight For New York with my college roommate. It helped me get through that year, in some strange ways. He was older, and getting ready to graduate but unwilling to part with gaming. So many Subway matches, such an insane roster, so much brutality!

Low: My younger brother quit playing Adventure games in High school. The last game we played together was Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. It was really bittersweet. His coming of age didn't involve digitized cityscapes or platforming challenges. The dagger of time. He'll come to midnight releases now just for that nostalgia, and occasionally he'll watch Rockstar games he used to love. His love for sports has turned exclusively in picking up a controller for FIFA and NBA 2k; which I heartily enjoy as well.

I could say the many red ringed 360's. Maybe the death of my PS3 (and I lived to tell the tale!). But it was just getting older with videogames. My love for GAF is eternal!


- Fall of 1998, 2001, 2004
- Spring of 2005. Combined with the preceding fall, it was the best six months of game releases ever.
- Getting to play Rez and Shenmue II on Dreamcast when I was supposed to, despite Sega being a bag of dicks.
- Counter-Strike all nighters

- Paying $399 for a Saturn with paper route money.
- Pretty much everything about this hardware cycle other than the actual games. Faulty hardware, slow price drops, too much fucking DLC bullshit.
-Trying Mario 64 for the first time at a demo kiosk.
-Coming home with my launch night Gamecube and having Rogue Squadron 2 blow my mind.
-The sensation of hitting the ball for the first time in Wii Sports tennis. This was at about 1am, after waiting in line 26 hours to get a system at launch.
-Beating Star Wars Trilogy Arcade on one credit.
-Unlocking the AX Cup in F-Zero GX 7 years after I originally bought the game.
-Playing through the entirety of TMNT in my local arcade with 4 other random kids while a group of parents looked on. None of us knew each other, but when we had beaten the game we all turned to each other, high-fived and yelled "cowabunga!" like the end of the first movie. For real.
-Renting Super Mario RPG from a local shop where game rentals were only good for 1 day. I pulled a marathon session to complete it before I had to take it back.
-Bought an NES with some random games from a flea market a few years ago. One game was Jackal, which I had never played. Beating the game with a friend made me feel like a kid again.
-The entirety of my first Killer 7 playthrough.
-Playing After Burner Climax in a full motion arcade cabinet.
-Being knocked into the pit by the computer for the first time in the original Mortal Kombat arcade game.
-Using voice chat for the first time in Alien Front Online on Dreamcast.
-Playing 4-player Goldeneye and WCW vs nWo Revenge before WCW wrestling pay-per-views at a friend's house.

-My 300+ hour PSO save file being corrupted
-My DS, PSP, 360 and PS3 were stolen when my apartment was broken into in October 2010. Insurance replaced the hardware but not my save files.
-Realizing I will never have enough time to get good at any 2D fighting game.
-Moving away from all of my gaming friends to take a job offer in another state.
-Having to sell most of my Gamecube and Xbox games years ago because of money problems.
-Selling an old crappy Final Fight cabinet I had because I couldn't afford to fix it up.
-Getting so angry at PSO Episode 3 that I stopped playing altogether during the height of the game's popularity. Now I would give anything to be able to play it online again.
-Sega dropping out of the hardware business.
-The Sega/Sammy merger and the internal changes that resulted.
-Buying a modded Xbox just to play Metal Wolf Chaos, only to have the console break a short time later.

THIS is what this thread is all about. This is the best post in here by far (at least the one I can relate the most to).
Highs -
-Getting a Master System for Christmas one year. I didn't even know what video games were at the time. I was 5 and played Hang On/Safari Hunt game for hours on end until I got Rocky and Double Dragon.
-My brother and I selling most of our stuff in my grandmothers garage sale and on the way home stopping at the mall and picking up a Genesis with Sonic packed in. Still remember it like yesterday.
-Playing Street Fighter 2 for the first time with friends. First time playing a fighter and fell in love with it.
-Getting the N64 and Mario 64 and plugging it in for the first time. Watching my brother beat it during the Thanksgiving break.
-Staying up all night to watch the Sonic Adventure stream reveal in Japan.
-Getting the Dreamcast. Something I had been reading about literally for more than 2 years. It didn't let down at launch at all.
-Playing GTAIII for the first time ever. Really blew my mind.
-Playing Halo, Goldeneye, and GT3 with my dormates in college my freshman year.

Lows -
-Sega dropping out of the console business. Was in total shock when that happened.
-Not really playing games between 2005-2009 because I was really busy with finishing up school and my first job.
-My PS2 dying on my when I moved into my first apartment.


Neo Member
High last gen. My largest library is the PS2 and there are still jewels I am looking for. My PS3 library is pitifully small in comparison.

Low I will have to say this gen. I don't like dlc and loved the days of unlocking things which is almost gone. I don't like the practices of gaming companies this gen and I wouldn't be surprised if we are heading for a crash.

My excitement about the next generation of consoles and games is very low.
Highs would probably be when I first got into it; getting my Gameboy, Playstation. Those were magical moments, soppy as it sounds. It's an important childhood memory to me, and I played all the time. My parents worried about me not going outside, playing football (eugh),but I was having the time of my life.

Low like you, is probably when I went to University, as in this past year. Everytime I've played I've felt guilty for not doing something else, be that socialising or actually doing some work. But now? It's Summer, I have a huge backlog, and nothing to do. GAME ON.
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